Could not check the data in array of array - protractor

I need to check that my app has the data that i give in my array
i have a html like this
<ion-card class="card1">
<ion-card class="card2" *ngfor="prod of orderlist>
In my e2e
it('should have the same data in list array'),() => {
var quantity = element(by.css('.card2');
//my array
var list = [{ name : 'yoke',
product :[{check :'no' },
{check :'no' }]
what i need is that my app has a field with a value "no", I need to check it weather that data is present in my card, in the same way i have a big sized array
while testing this in protractor it says that "Cannot find name 'product'. (2304)"


How to search based on Rest API data?

I've created Rest API, connected to Ionic app successfully and displayed data.
<ion-content padding>
<ion-card *ngFor="let item of allProducts">
.subscribe(productList=> this.allProducts=productList);
API has example data like below, product titles like below:
My question is:
In search bar, if I give abc and then enter, it should display that particular product.
How can I do this? I tried <ion-searchbar> but it is not working.
Could any one tell me how to do this? Or is there any tutorial for my case?
<ion-searchbar (ionInput)="getItems($event)"></ion-searchbar>
getItems(event) {
let search =;
if (search && search.trim() != '') {
this.productProvider.getProduct(search).subscribe((products) => {
}, (err) => {
You can use ionInput event to send search based api request

Angular 4 Create Dynamic formArray inside array using reactive forms

Here, we are creating dynamically form array's inside array.
Below is the sample structure of expected result given below.
"optionsRadios": null,
"Package_Title": null,
"HotelData": [
"Htitle": "",
"HDescription": "",
"hotelStar": "",
"RoomData": [
"Hotel_Room_Type": ""
"Hotel_Room_Type": ""
I want to create HotelData Dynamically, within that HotelData array i want to create RoomData array fields also dynamically.
I created HotelData fields by the following codes:
export class AddPackageComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnInit() {
this.invoiceForm ={
Package_Title: [],
HotelData: this._formBuild.array([this.addRows()])
addRows() {
Htitle: [''],
HDescription: [''],
hotelStar: ['']
addHotel() {
const control: FormArray = this.invoiceForm.get(`HotelData`) as FormArray;
You are on the right track, we just need to add some more code...
addRows need the form array RoomData, and here we also initially push an empty form group of room. If you don't want that, modify it.
addRows() {
let group ={
RoomData: this._formBuild.array([])
// push formgroup to array initially
return group;
addRoom looks like this:
addRoom(hotel:any) {
let group ={
Hotel_Room_Type: ['']
addRoom is also the method we are calling from template when we want to add a new room to a hotel. Remember to pass the current hotel as parameter from template.
As for adding a new hotel, your addHotel stays the way you have it now.
Then over to your template, the relevant part should look something like this:
<div formArrayName="HotelData">
<div *ngFor="let hotel of invoiceForm.get('HotelData').controls; let i = index" [formGroupName]="i" >
<!-- form controls here -->
<button (click)="addRoom(hotel.get('RoomData'))">Add Room</button>
<div formArrayName="RoomData">
<div *ngFor="let room of hotel.get('RoomData').controls; let j = index" [formGroupName]="j">
<!-- form controls here -->
Finally, here's a Demo:

Ionic Master Detail view with Firebase auto-generated child key returning JSON $value null

I am new to Ionic and Firebase. While fetching data for details view I am getting undefined value for $scope.program.
However, I have fetched the complete programs list in Master view. Clicking the list item from master view returns index (0, 1, 2, etc) of the list in console log but not the child key (which I was expecting)
During my research, I found out this question quite relevant to my problem, by Wes Haq. But while implementing the same, it has no change in the result. Please help.
From the above question by Wes Haq, I couldn't find the state provider details. I may be missing something there. Thanks in advance to all.
.controller('myServicesCtrl', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$ionicActionSheet', 'AgencyProgService',
function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $ionicActionSheet, AgencyProgService) {
//Only items relative to the logged/signed in Agency shall be pushed to the scope.items
$scope.programs = AgencyProgService.getPrograms();
.controller('serviceDetailCtrl', ['$scope', '$stateParams', 'AgencyProgService',
function ($scope, $stateParams, AgencyProgService) {
AgencyProgService.getProgram($stateParams.index).then(function (program) {
$scope.program = program;
console.log("serviceDetailCtrl: scope.program is: " + $scope.program);
.service('AgencyProgService', ['$q', '$firebaseArray', '$firebaseObject', 'AgencyDataService', function ($q, $firebaseArray, $firebaseObject, AgencyDataService) {
var ref = firebase.database().ref().child('programs/'); // this is a valid ref with
var agencyIDfromPrograms = AgencyDataService.getAgencyUID();
var refFilter = ref.orderByChild("agencyID").equalTo(agencyIDfromPrograms);
return {
getPrograms: function () {
return $firebaseArray(refFilter);
getProgram: function (programId) {
console.log("getProgram: ID is: " + programId + "And refFilter to use is: " + ref);
var deferred = $q.defer();
var programRef = ref.child(programId); // here programId should be the autogenerated child key from fire DB "programs"
var program = $firebaseObject(programRef);
return deferred.promise;
<ion-list id="myServices-list9">
<ion-item id="myServices-list-item11"
ng-repeat="item in programs" ui- sref="serviceDetail({index: $index})">
<div class="item-thumbnail-left">
<i class="icon"></i>
<h2>{{item.progName}} </h2>
<p>{{item.servType}} for: {{item.servHours}}</p>
<p>From: {{item.servStartDate}}</p>
<div class="list card">
<div class="item item-avatar">
<img src="{{item.user.picture.thumbnail}} " />
<h2>{{program.$id}} {{program.progName}}</h2>
<p>{{item.servContact}} {{item.servStartDate}}</p>
<pre> {{program | json}} </pre>
From serviceDetail view, no data from program is visible, as you can see from the screen shot below. List card for serviceDetail. on clicking 2nd item on myServices, it shows this detail screen with $id as 1. Expected is the child key for programs:
Firebase data structure screenshot for child programs is as below,
Appreciate your suggestions.

Couldn't manipulate Images.find() in CollectionFS for MeteorJS app

My app is sort of like TelescopeJS, but a lot simpler. I'm trying to echo the particular image that has been added in the post-adding form which takes an input of the name of the post, picture, categories and description. It has 2 collections, one for Articles and the other for Images (NOT a mongo collection, it's an FS collection.) The articles collection stores the name,description and category name and the other one stores image. **My Problem is: ** in the FS collection doc, the loop
{{#each images}}
<img src="{{this.url}}" alt="" class="thumbnail" />
Where images: returns Images.find({}) and my articles code is :
{{#each articles}}
<li style="margin-right: 1%;">{{>article}}</li>
Where articles: returns Articles.find({})
MY articles template HAS the images loop and this causes ALL THE IMAGES in the collection to be shown in one post. I just want specific images to be shown for the specific post.
These are the events:
'change .img': function(event, template) {
FS.Utility.eachFile(event, function(file) {
Images.insert(file, function (err, fileObj) {
//Inserted new doc with ID fileObj._id, and kicked off the data upload using HTTP
'click .save':function(evt,tmpl){
var description = tmpl.find('.description').value;
var name = tmpl.find('.name').value;
var date=new Date();
var cat = tmpl.find('.selectCat').value;
time:date.toLocaleDateString()+' at '+date.toLocaleTimeString(),
<template name="article">
{{#each images}}
<img src="{{this.url}}" alt="" class="thumbnail" />
Here goes the {{name_of_post}}
Here {{the_category}}
Here {{the_description}}
So what happens is, all the images that I've uploaded so far shows in one post and all the posts' picture looks the same. Help please!
You should know that fsFile support Metadata so maybe you don't need the Articles Collection
So we can make a new eventHandler.
'click .save':function(evt,tmpl){
var description = tmpl.find('.description').value,
file = $('#uploadImagePost').get(0).files[0], //here we store the current file on the <input type="file">
name = tmpl.find('.name').value,
date=new Date(),
cat = tmpl.find('.selectCat').value,
fsFile = new FS.File(file); // we create an FS.File instance based on our file
fsFile.metadata = { //this is how we add Metadata aka Text to our files
time:date.toLocaleDateString()+' at '+date.toLocaleTimeString(),
console.log(result) // here you should see the new fsFile instance
This is how our new event will look, now our .save button insert everything on the same collection.
This is how we can access to the FS.File instances fields using the keyword 'metadata.fieldName'.
For example.{
// var category = Session.get('currentCategory') you can pass whatever data
// you want here from a select on the html or whatever.
//lets say our var its equal to 'Music'
return Images.find({'metadata.category':category});
Now we use that helper on the html like any normal collection
<template name="example">
{{#each showCategory}}
Hi my category is {{metadata.category}} <!-- we access the metadata fields like any normal field on other collection just remember to use the 'metadata'keyword -->
This is my image <img src="{{this.url}}" >

Confused as to how the template render action is called

I am trying to make the songs in a playlist appear on screen each time a user enters a song of choice. I have the following action to insert the song that they chose into the database:{
'keypress #query' : function (evt,template) {
// template data, if any, is available in 'this'
if (evt.which === 13){
var url = template.find('#query').value;
$('#playlist_container').animate({scrollTop: $('#playlist_container')[0].scrollHeight});
Template.list.search_get(url,0); //insert records into the database
Template.list.search_get inserts the record into the database:'update_record',Template.list.my_playlist_id, song, function(err,message){});
on the server side, I am pushing records into my database with the following format:
update_record: function(sessID, songObj){
Links.update({sess: sessID}, {$push: {songs: {song_title: songObj["title"], videoId: songObj["video_id"], thumbnail: songObj["thumbnail"], index: songObj["index"]}}});
basically all my records have the format of:
songs: [{song_title:,
An array of song objects inside the songs field of the record. What I am trying to do is each time a user hits the search button, make that new song appear in the list. I am not sure how many times the render function gets called or how template renders a database object in hmtl. Currently i have the following html template for my list:
<template name="list">
<div id="playlist_container">
<ul id="playlist">
{{#each my_playlist.songs}}
{{> track}}
I believe my_playlist should call the following action on the client:
Template.list.my_playlist = function(){
console.log("myplaylist is called");
return Links.findOne({sess: Template.list.my_playlist_id});
It should return an object which contains an array of song object, for which i iterate through in #each my_playlist.songs, which should render each of the following track template:
<template name="track">
<li id="{{index}}" class="list_element">
<div class="destroy"> </div>
<div class="element_style">{{song_title}}</div>
However, upon successful insertion of record, i am not seeing the new song title appear. Any suggestions on how I might approach this?
This code is the problem.
Template.list.my_playlist = function(){
return Links.findOne({sess: Template.list.my_playlist_id});
Template.list.my_playlist_id never updates, and thus, the new template never renders.
Try this approach.
if (Meteor.isServer) {
update_record: function(sessID, songObj){
// update Links
return Links.findOne({sess: sessID});
} else {'update_record',Template.list.my_playlist_id, song, function(err, song){
Session.set('playlist', song);
Template.list.my_playlist = function(){
return Session.get('playlist');