vuforia unity reticle as a pointer - unity3d

In my vuforia unity project I have copied reticle from AR-VR sample and attached with AR camera as in my project. it works perfectly and serve as a reticle. I wanted to write pointer enter event when the reticle crosses 3d object which is produced upon image detection. I have attached physics ray cast with camera.
The reticle is not working as a pointer.
is there anything I missed?


How to get Vuforia and MRTK MultiScene System works?

I'm working on AR Project with the HoloLens 2. I need to recognize a QRcode to build my Buttons in the real world at the right positions. So what I'm doing I used MRTK 2.2 and I applied the MRTK configuration. I work with the Multi Scene System so that I have MainScene Manager where all children are not destroyable.
The camera is under the MainSceneManger and I attached to it Vuforia Behavior and DefaultIntialization error Handler and the Image target is under other Scene. The camera could not detect the Image which is in the Fact my QRcode, but when I put the ImageTarget under the MainSceneManager where the Main camera is it works fine. How could I get this work when the Image Target and Main camera are not under the Same Scene.
Ps: In the attached picture I Loaded the Haupseite Scene intentionally so that you can see where the ImageTarget placed.

Physics Raycasting In Untiy

I've set up a Physics Raycast Event System for the Google Cardboard in Unity, which works if I use a cube or any of the pre-set 3D objects. When I import my own object from 3DS Max, however, the Raycast doesn't seem to detect the object. I've checked, my object does have a collider on it, and the layer is set at default. I'm using the GVR API, and the GVR Reticle Pointer.
The problem is that the Collider is not even aligned on that imported Object. The center value of the Collider should be 0,0,0 so reset that. After that, click the "Edit Collider" button, go to the Scene View and modify the Collider until it matches the shape/size of your imported 3D model.
See the image I am talking about below for more info:

crosshair pointer enter on vuforia unity project

I have successfully enabled 3d object detection through vuforia in Unity. I have attached a crosshair (reticle) at the centre of the screen in screenspace overlay. when the user moves his phone over the 3d object which is produced upon object detection, I want a label to appear when crosshair crosses different parts of the 3d object. I tried many methods including, collision, cursor and reticle. It is not working.
Is there any easy way to implement this so that I can use event trigger pointer enter to make few things happening on the game.
I successfully solved my problem. The solution is using worldspace crosshair.
Most of the crosshairs available in the assets are cemeraspace. therefore using a worldspace corsshair solved my problem. It may be useful to someone in future.

Sphere not rendering in Unity for Google Cardboard

I was following this blog post on how to implement 360 degree video in Unity. At the end, I used ffmpeg to split the video into individual frames as recommended. I also set the first frame as the texture for each material on each sphere. The end result looks like this
bad sphere
The big problem though is that once I build and run it on my phone or just play the scene itself, the sphere simply fails to render. Could this be caused by the texture being the first frame? Or am I making some other sort of error? Many thanks.
Movies in Unity are usually rendered as textures on objects. On mobile the issue becomes that the device only wants to display video in a video player, so the Unity class MovieTexture is not supported.
I am having success circumventing this, and successfully rendering 360-video on the inside of a sphere using a Unity plug-in from the Unity Asset Store called, Easy Movie Texture.
For working on a Mac, here's what I did:
Download the Easy Movie Texture plug-in from the Unity Asset Store
Open the Demo Sphere demo scene from Assets/EasyMovieTexture/Scene
Create a new (empty) Prefab to your project, and drag the Sphere GameObject from the Demo Sphere scene onto the Prefab.
Reopen your Cardboard scene and drag the new videosphere prefab into your hierarchy.
Open your source 360-video in Quicktime
File -> Export -> 720p
Change file extension from '.mov' to '.mp4'
Drag your new mp4 file into your projects Assets/Streaming Assets directory. Note: don't import through the menu system, as this will force Unity to convert to OGG.
On the "Media Player Ctrl" script component of your videosphere GameObject, locate the "Str_File_Name" field and provide the FULL filename of your newly exported video file. Make sure to include the extension as part of the string, "mymovie.mp4".
Pretty sure that's everything. Hope it helps other folks stuck on this problem.
Final note, the video will only render on the device. In the editor you will only see a white texture on the sphere. You have to publish to the device in order to see your awesome 360-video.

Unity 3D with Vuforia AR: Adding a Gameobject to ARCamera View

I am using Unity3D with extension of Vuforia. I am working on Cylindrical targets. When ARCamera detects the image and starts the augmentation, I want to show my GameObject (.fbx file, imported into the Meshes folder and created a Prefab out of it) on the screen.
I am working in Unity C#.
I attached a script to the GameObject and initialized it DefaultTrackableEventHandler Script. When I run it in Unity and the camera starts, I don't see my object in the Game View. Whereas in Screen View, I see that bottle (Prefab) rotating.
make sure the camera, or the focal point has your object in sight, when i tried vuforia, rotate your card slowly 360° to see if you can see the object, also your object could be far above what you expect, I would recommend very long expanded cubes in the 3 axis, to get the reference in the augmented world, then move from there