How to force API Gateway to not decode parameters or CloudSearch to expects decoded slash? - aws-api-gateway

I am currently integrating Amazon CloudSearch with a front end application.
Due a known CORS issue, I am forced to use API Gateway too.
The issue occurs that, the front end CloudSearch library send the url with encode parameters. Those parameters are received by API Gateway, decoded and forwared to CloudSearch.
Is there a way to configure CloudSearch to accept a decoded slash? Is there a way to make API Gateway to not decode the parameter during forward?

I'm unable to determine the exact issue you are having without a specific example. I'm assuming that you're passing a query string parameter into API Gateway and then passing this parameter onto CloudSearch as another query string parameter.
Here is the expected behavior: When you pass a query string parameter in to API Gateway, it will first url decode the parameter value. This will decode any characters which were percent encoded, regardless of whether or not the original character needed to be percent encoded in order to conform to the URL RFC. If the parameter is being passed as a query string parameter to an integration endpoint, then API Gateway will URL encode the parameter value by percent encoding only the characters which are not valid characters to appear in a query string value.
Based on this behavior, it's not clear how a decoded slash is being passed to CloudFront. If you can provide a specific example, I can investigate further.


Requests fail authorization when query string contains certain characters

I'm making requests to Twitter, using the OAuth1.0 signing process to set the Authorization header. They explain it step-by-step here, which I've followed. It all works, most of the time.
Authorization fails whenever special characters are sent without percent encoding in the query component of the request. For example, ?status=hello%20world! fails, but ?status=hello%20world%21 succeeds. But the change from ! to the percent encoded form %21 is only made in the URL, after the signature is generated.
So I'm confused as to why this fails, because AFAIK that's a legally encoded query string. Only the raw strings ("status", "hello world!") are used for signature generation, and I'd assume the server would remove any percent encoding from the query params and generate its own signature for comparison.
When it comes to building the URL, I let URLComponents do the work, so I don't add percent encoding manually, ex.
var urlComps = URLComponents()
urlComps.scheme = "https" = host
urlComps.path = path
urlComps.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(key: "status", value: "hello world!")]
urlComps.percentEncodedQuery // "status=hello%20world!"
I wanted to see how Postman handled the same request. I selected OAuth1.0 as the Auth type and plugged in the same credentials. The request succeeded. I checked the Postman console and saw ?status=hello%20world%21; it was percent encoding the !. I updated Postman, because a nice little prompt asked me to. Then I tried the same request; now it was getting an authorization failure, and I saw ?status=hello%20world! in the console; the ! was no longer being percent encoded.
I'm wondering who is at fault here. Perhaps Postman and I are making the same mistake. Perhaps it's with Twitter. Or perhaps there's some proxy along the way that idk, double encodes my !.
The OAuth1.0 spec says this, which I believe is in the context of both client (taking a request that's ready to go and signing it before it's sent), and server (for generating another signature to compare against the one received):
The parameters from the following sources are collected into a
single list of name/value pairs:
The query component of the HTTP request URI as defined by
[RFC3986], Section 3.4. The query component is parsed into a list
of name/value pairs by treating it as an
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" string, separating the names
and values and decoding them as defined by
[W3C.REC-html40-19980424], Section 17.13.4.
That last reference, here, outlines the encoding for application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and says that space characters should be replaced with +, non-alphanumeric characters should be percent encoded, name separated from value by =, and pairs separated by &.
So, the OAuth1.0 spec says that the query string of the URL needs to be decoded as defined by application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Does that mean that our query string needs to be encoded this way too?
It seems to me, if a request is to be signed using OAuth1.0, the query component of the URL that gets sent must be encoded in a way that is different to what it would normally be encoded in? That's a pretty significant detail if you ask me. And I haven't seen it explicitly mentioned, even in Twitter's documentation. And evidently the folks at Postman overlooked it too? Unless I'm not supposed to be using URLComponents to build a URL, but that's what it's for, no? Have I understood this correctly?
Note: ?status=hello+world%21 succeeds; it tweets "hello world!"
I ran into a similar issue.
put the status in post body, not query string.
private encode(str: string) {
// encodeURIComponent() escapes all characters except: A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ . ! ~ * " ( )
// RFC 3986 section 2.3 Unreserved Characters (January 2005): A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ . ~
return encodeURIComponent(str)
.replace(/[!'()*]/g, c => "%" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase());

Spring cloud gateway uri decoding failing

I wrote a gateway application using Spring cloud Greenwich binaries. I'm seeing issues when special characters are present in URL. The request fails with below exception in Spring gateway when request URI contains special characters.
When I hit above url, Spring fails with below exception. I'm not able to figure out why it's an invalid sequence and how things like these can be handled.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid encoded sequence "%^&#%$^&%&*%+)!$#$%&^_new"
at org.springframework.util.StringUtils.uriDecode( ~[spring-core-5.1.4.RELEASE.jar:5.1.4.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.http.server.DefaultPathContainer.parsePathSegment( ~[spring-web-5.1.4.RELEASE.jar:5.1.4.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.http.server.DefaultPathContainer.createFromUrlPath( ~[spring-web-5.1.4.RELEASE.jar:5.1.4.RELEASE]
at org.springframework.http.server.PathContainer.parsePath( ~[spring-web-5.1.4.RELEASE.jar:5.1.4.RELEASE]
at$apply$2( ~[spring-cloud-gateway-core-2.1.0.RC3.jar:2.1.0.RC3]
at$toAsyncPredicate$1( ~[spring-cloud-gateway-core-2.1.0.RC3.jar:2.1.0.RC3]
at$and$1( ~[spring-cloud-gateway-core-2.1.0.RC3.jar:2.1.0.RC3]
at$null$2( ~[spring-cloud-gateway-core-2.1.0.RC3.jar:2.1.0.RC3]
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoFilterWhen$MonoFilterWhenMain.onNext( [reactor-core-3.2.5.RELEASE.jar:3.2.5.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.Operators$ScalarSubscription.request( [reactor-core-3.2.5.RELEASE.jar:3.2.5.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoFilterWhen$MonoFilterWhenMain.onSubscribe( [reactor-core-3.2.5.RELEASE.jar:3.2.5.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoJust.subscribe( [reactor-core-3.2.5.RELEASE.jar:3.2.5.RELEASE]
at reactor.core.publisher.MonoFilterWhen.subscribe( [reactor-core-3.2.5.RELEASE.jar:3.2.5.RELEASE]
I answered the other question already and don't feel like retyping. The spirit of the answer is the exact same.
Write a unit test exercising this method off of the Spring cloud utils. This is what's breaking. You can try passing in more or less of the string you're concerned about to find where the breakage is. Use a binary search to figure out what's broken. Make sure you don't split the string in the middle of an encoded character or else you'll give yourself a false positive. When it says you have an invalid sequence I would expect you have something like %99 where 99 is does not map to any valid character (I'm just making one up)
As an aside
Where is this encoded string coming from? Did someone at your company create their own solution to encode this string to begin with? Are you accepting user data? It's VERY POSSIBLE that whomever is responsible for producing this string encoded it incorrectly by homerolling their own encoder.
When I look at this I see a path that is already encoded. For example, you've taken your ampersand & character and replaced it with %26
Have you tried inputting a path that is NOT already encoded?
For example[7].predicates[0]=Path=/test/{testId}/test1/test_&^&%^ < I only partially decoded it by hand using this chart.

How to handle error responses in a REST endpoint that accepts different Accept header values.

I'm trying to add a new content type to a REST endpoint. Currently it only returns json but I now need to be able to return also a CSV file.
As far as I know, the best way to do this is by using the Accept header with value text/csv and then add a converter that is able to react to this and convert the returned body to the proper CSV representation.
I've been able to do this but then I have a problem handling exceptions. Up until know, all the errors returned are in json. The frontend expects any 500 status code to contain a specific body with the error. But now, by adding the option to return either application/json or text/csv to my endpoint, in case of an error, the converter to be used to transform the body is going to be either the jackson converter or my custom one depending on the Accept header passed. Moreover, my frontend is going to need to read the content-type returned and parse the value based on the type of representation returned.
Is this the normal approach to handle this situation?
A faster workaround would be to forget about the Accept header and include a url parameter indicating the format expected. Doing it this way, I'd be able to change the content-type of the response and the parsing of the data directly in the controller as the GET request won't include any Accept header and it will be able to accept anything. There are some parts of the code already doing this where the only expected response format is CSV so I'm going to have a difficult time defending the use of the Accept header unless there is a better way of handling this.
my frontend is going to need to read the content-type returned and parse the value based on the type of representation returned.
Is this the normal approach to handle this situation?
For example, RFC 7807 describes a common format for describing problems. So the server would send an application/problem+json or an application/problem+xml representation of the issue in the response, along with the usual meta data in the headers.
Consumers that understand application/problem+json can parse the data with in, and forward a useful description of the problem to the user/logs whatever. Consumers that don't understand that representation are limited to acting on the information in the headers.
A faster workaround would be to forget about the Accept header and include a url parameter indicating the format expected.
That's also fine -- more precisely, you can have a different resource responsible for the each of the different media-types that you support.
It may be useful to review section 3.4 of RFC 7231, which describes the semantics of content negotiation.

How do I prevent mule from encoding the query-param?

In a HTTP request, I am adding a token as a query-param.
It seems that mule is encoding the value.
- If I add the parameter, mule will encode it in the way it is wrong.
- If I add already encoded parameter, mule will double encode it and therefore won't be usable anymore.
So the question is: Is there a way or a workaround to prevent mule from encoding the URL query-param?
Example of the parameter: {AES}ZEoksxIg484magPtWwNUUQ==;iT0kI2HsqGkh%2Bdc2baW2B4dNR2vouKkWQsDTdbMP8us=
My colleague found a workaround for this, so I'm sharing it here.
Apparently, you can set a variable before the HTTP request and add the manually encoded value. Let's call it ourTokenVariable In my example above that would be %7BAES%7DZEoksxIg484magPtWwNUUQ%3D%3D%3BiT0kI2HsqGkh%252Bdc2baW2B4dNR2vouKkWQsDTdbMP8us%3D
After that, you can use this newly created variable directly in the url path. For example: /example/someapi?someToken=[#flowvars.ourTokenVariable]
This way you don't need to use uri-param or query-param anymore (where mule is double encoding the value). The value will be taken 'as is'.

How to use URI as a REST resource?

I am building a RESTful API for retrieving and storing comments in threads.
A comment thread is identified by an arbitrary URI -- usually this is the URL of the web page where the comment thread is related to. This design is very similar to what Disqus uses with their system.
This way, on every web page, querying the related comment thread doesn't require storing any additional data at the client -- all that is needed is the canonical URL to the page in question.
My current implementation attempts to make an URI work as a resource by encoding the URI as a string as follows:
However, before dispatching it to my application, the request URI always gets decoded by my server to
This isn't working because the decoded resource name now has path delimiters and a query string in it causing routing in my API to get confused (my routing configuration assumes the request path contains /comments/ followed by a string).
I could double-encode them or using some other encoding scheme than URI encode, but then that would add complexity to the clients, which I'm trying to avoid.
I have two specific questions:
Is my URI design something I should continue working with or is there a better (best?) practice for doing what I'm trying to do?
I'm serving API requests with a Go process implemented using Martini 'microframework'. Is there something Go or Martini specific that I should do to make the URI-encoded resource names to stay encoded?
Perhaps a way to hint to the routing subsystem that the resource name is not just a string but a URL-encoded string?
I don't know about your url scheme for your application, but single % encoded values are valid in a url in place of the chars they represent, and should be decoded by the server, what you are seeing is what I would expect. If you need to pass url reserved characters as a value and not have them decoded as part of the url, you will need to double % encode them. It's a fairly common practice, the complexity added to the client & server will not be that much, and a short comment will do rightly.
In short, If you need to pass url chars, double % encode them, it's fine.