GWT SuperDevMode overwrites production code when using launcherdir - gwt

I'm trying to use the new SuperDevMode with -launcherdir parameter and currently I point launcherdir to the same folder as where production code is deployed.
The effect is that the .nocache.js file gets overridden by SuperDevMode's nocache.js file and it's impossible to run the app in production-mode(hosted mode) without doing another full recompile.
Is there any way to switch back and forth between SuperDevMode and production mode?
Thank you!

This is indeed how SDM works; the solution is to use distinct output folders for production and dev modes, but this all depends on your build tools, etc.
For instance you could assemble your web app in a distinct folder so you can run it with DevMode.
Or you can use a separate server (or even possibly a reverse proxy) that you configure to load the CodeServer-generated nocache.js in priority over the production one from your assembled webapp. This is what I do in Maven with the Tomcat or Jetty plugins for instance.


Is there any way of configuring Oracle ATG to load java class changes dynamically?

I am interested in setting up a development environment for ATG in which changes on class will take effect immediately after the build is done, without restarting server and building again the ear file.
I have searched in the product documentation but the only thing I saw you can configure to load dynamically would be the configuration files section.
Is there any other way of configuring the environment for better productivity?
Use JRebel. That will do dynamic re-loading for java classes, property files and other deployable assets. Great for productivity.
If your purpose is to debug and most of time is getting wasted packing and unpacking the ear, you can always use remote debugging with JBoss and Eclipse, but for major changes like adding a method wont be working in that case. One solution to this is use Java DCEVM which will dynamically update code in the JVM. Its a simple jdk just point your Java_home to this jdk and in debug mode you can add code to you class see changes. Use the below link for more information about DCEVM

Java EE EAR debugging with source tree

I've recently been assigned to work on a Java project. I don't have a lot of experience with this kind of development, so I'm kind of struggling.
The typical development process for this project is:
Make changes in source code
Run ant build script to create EAR
Deploy EAR to development server (Weblogic 12.1.2)
Run application and see if the changes you've made fix the issue you're working on.
So, I am taking it as my personal goal to make it possible to do local development, so debugging will actually work and such.
After spending time googling and playing around, I'm able to get at least part of the way, but am having trouble towards the end of the process.
I've tried some different methods to try to get things working.
First, I checked out the source code via Eclipse, so it shows up as a Project and is correctly linked to subversion. I can bring the build.xml file into the Ant view and build the target I'm interested in. This gives me a EAR file (and a WAR file). But when I try to debug the project, via the right-click on the project and selecting Debug As... I get three options: Java Applet, Java Application, JUnit Test.
If I choose Java Applet, I then get a Select Java Applet popup. After choosing what I think is the right applet I get Errors exist in required project(s), Proceed with launch? If I proceed, I get an Applet Viewer and a bajillion errors and nothing else. If I don't proceed, then the Error log fills up with a bajillion other errors.
If I choose Java Application I get a list of a bunch of different entries, none of which is what I'm trying to debug.
So, after trying all that, I decided to see if I could just import the generated EAR file and debug that way. So, I went through the Import wizard, found the EAR file that I build via Ant. After selecting that and proceeding through the dialog, I get two projects in my Project Explorer: the application (we'll call it AppX) and the AppX_WEB project.
Now, if I select the AppX project and choose Debug As, I get Debug On Server, which is promising. The Console tells me that the server is listening on, and the built-in browser actually starts bringing up the page. So I'm feeling pretty good about all that.
The problem is, though, I don't know how to attach that EAR file to the source tree that I've got already so I can actually step through the code.
And going deeper, how do I set it up so that I can develop in my source tree and have them automatically propagated into the EAR file and redeployed?
Or, even better, can I get this working without having to build the EAR file and deploy it? Meaning, can I just run straight from the source tree?
Anyway, any help you can give will be much appreciated.
You can start your server in debug mode then attach eclipse to the running instance and debug it.
For this enable debug port in jvm configurations on your server and launch remote application debugging in eclipse.

Getting Eclipse to automatically reload the JSP pages in my Java web application

I was given a template of a Struts project to work on, and I noticed that when I run the web project on integrated Tomcat in Eclipse and make changes to the .jsp viewpages, they don't automatically reload after a few seconds - which does happen in other projects I made myself.
So I figured this was a configuration issue and I did some research, I had a look at my Tomcat server settings:
(x) Automatically publish when resources change (1 second interval)
But because my own projects reload and I use the same server for them, I figured it must be an application specific issue.
So I looked at context.xml to see if there was anything to change here
Which I can only assume tells the server to indeed reload the application on changes.
So I really can't figure it out. It seems to me like everything is in order here. What am I missing?
From Apache Tomcat documentation about the Context attributes:
Set to true if you want Catalina to monitor classes in
/WEB-INF/classes/ and /WEB-INF/lib for changes, and automatically
reload the web application if a change is detected. This feature is
very useful during application development, but it requires
significant runtime overhead and is not recommended for use on
deployed production applications. That's why the default setting for
this attribute is false. You can use the Manager web application,
however, to trigger reloads of deployed applications on demand.
Also maybe this will be interesting for you: Using Tomcat Reload Features To Speed Up Development
I ran into the same problem, with a Java/Spring project that I imported via its Maven .pom files into Eclipse.
I found that I had to run the project with "Debug" instead of "Run" - only then, changes to my .jsp files were noticed, so that a reload of the web page would show the changes almost instantly.

Eclipse OEPE compile needs server restart

I have a Java GWT-Spring-JPA project that I am developing in Eclipse with the OEPE plugin. When my server(Weblogic is running), if I compile the code, and reload my webpage without restarting the server, I get a strange error message, and I have to restart Weblogic for it work.
At one particular point in the code, I get a ClassCast exception to the effect Cannot cast class A to class A !!
Sometimes I get an error during the compile to the effect - Error compiling because file could not be deleted. Anyone seen this?
These errors are really slowing me down! Does anyone have any solutions please?
Any input much appreciated.
You should use development mode as you are already and do a exploded deployment from your app diring development in the default auto-deploy directory in your weblogic domain, in the link below you will find general guidance on it.
If you are using Ant you may use the wldeploy ant task for that:
Well with this environment configured you wont need to restart when you have a static or a page updated it will do it automatically and if you need to force a general classloading update you could have a REDEPLOY file in your split directory(META-INF if using .ear or WEB-INF if using .war) that whenever you do a touch(change it) on it, weblogic will restart your app context WITHOUT restarting the server, updating the class loader for your app and possibly solving your problem.

Hot deploy on JBoss - how do I make JBoss "see" the change?

I am developing a Java EE application that I deploy over and over again on a local JBoss installation during development. I want to speed up the build by hot deploying my application straight into [JBOSS]/server/default/deploy/myApp
It seems to work - but there also seems to be a somewhat arbitrary delay between the hard deploy and when JBoss starts using the new classes. I am not very familiar with JBoss, but I assume it caches classes, and that this is what causes the problem.
Am I correct, and if so, how do I make JBoss flush it's cache?
I had the same problem in my bundle: (Eclipse IDE + JBoss server adapter) + JBoss AS 7.0.1 (community project).
My solution is very simple - you should go to JBoss administrative panel (by default localhost:9990), there in profile settings open Core - Deployment Scanners. Turn on Autodeploy-Exploded (set to true), and by your wishes you can set scanner time (by default 5000 ms) to appropriate for your (I set to 2000, for more fast incremental publish in Eclipse when I make changes to projects). That's it. Now JBoss makes HOT deploy not only for HTML (JSF, XHTML and so on) files, but also takes care of POJO classes (beans and so on) files.
Unfortunately, it's not that easy. There are more complicated things behind the scenes in JBoss (most of them ClassLoader related) that will prevent you from HOT-DEPLOYING your application.
For example, you are not going to be able to HOT-DEPLOY if some of your classes signatures change.
So far, using MyEclipse IDE (a paid distribution of Eclipse) is the only thing I found that does hot deploying quite successfully. Not 100% accuracy though. But certainly better than JBoss Tools, Netbeans or any other Eclipse based solution.
I've been looking for free tools to accomplish what you've just described by asking people in StackOverflow if you want to take a look.
You should try JRebel, which does the hot deploy stuff pretty well. A bit expensive, but worth the money. They have a trial version.
Just my two cents:
Cold deployment is the way of deploying an application when you stop it (or stop the whole server), then you install the new version, and finally restart the application (or start the whole server). It's suitable for official production deployments, but it would be horrible slow to do this during development. Forget about rapid development if you are doing this.
Auto deployment is the ability the server has to re-scan periodically for a new EAR/WAR and deploy it automagically behind the scenes for you, or for the IDE (Eclipse) to deploy automagically the whole application when you make changes to the source code. JBoss does this, but JBoss's marketing department call this misleadingly "hot deployment". An auto deployment is not as slow compared to a cold deployment, but is really slow compared to a hot deployment.
Hot deployment is the ability to deploy behind the scenes "as you type". No need to redeploy the whole application when you make changes. Hot deployment ONLY deploys the changes. You change a Java source code, and voila! it's running already. You never noticed it was deploying it. JBoss cannot do this, unless you buy for JRebel (or similar) but this is too much $$ for me (I'm cheap).
Now my "sales pitch" :D
What about using Tomcat during development? Comes with hot deployment all day long... for free. I do that all the time during development and then I deploy on WebSphere, JBoss, or Weblogic. Don't get me wrong, these three are great for production, but are really AWFUL for rapid-development on your local machine. Development productivity goes down the drain if you use these three all day long.
In my experience, I stopped using WebSphere, JBoss, and Weblogic for rapid development. I still have them installed in my local environment, though, but only for the occasional test I may need to run. I don't pay for JRebel all the while I get awesome development speed. Did I mention Tomcat is fully compatible with JBoss?
Tomcat is free and not only has auto-deployment, but also REAL hot deployment (Java code, JSP, JSF, XHTML) as you type in Eclipse (Yes, you read well). MYKong has a page ( with details on how to set it up.
Did you like my sales pitch?
Hot deployment is stable only for changes on static parts of the application (jsf, xhtml, etc.).
Here is a working solution, according to JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final:
Build your project.Navigate to [JBOSS_HOME]/standalone/tmp/vfs.Open the most recently modified folder named "deployment[some_alphanumeric_values]", i.e. "deployment344b1c870c8edbd".Navigate to the specific view that you want to edit (usually, this is included into the packaged .war folder) and open it with a text editor (i.e. Notepad++).Make the changes you want and save the file.Refresh the respective page on your browser. The changes should be visible now.
When finished, don't forget to copy these changes to your actual development environment, rebuild and redeploy.
This worked for me in Eclipse Mars with WildFly 11. Double-click on WildFly server under Servers to open the configuration page. In the Overview tab -> Publishing, choose "Automatically publish when resources change" and set the interval to 1. Next, Overview tab -> Application Reload Behavior, uncheck the use default pattern and set the pattern to \.jar$|\.class$. In the Deployment tab, uncheck Deploy project as compressed archives. Hope this helps.
I have had the same problem, but think I've got it under control now.
Are you using eclipse or command line or ??
When I use the command line, I think I did "seam clean" or "seam undeploy" or maybe even "seam restart" followed by "seam explode". I probably tried all of these at one time or another never bothering to look up what each one does.
The idea is to remove the deployed war file from TWO places
1. $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy
2. $PROJECT_HOME/exploded_archives
I'm pretty sure "seam undeploy" removes the 1st and "seam clean" removes the 2nd.
When I use eclipse (I use the free one), I first turn off "Project/Build Automatically"
Then when I am ready to deploy I do either Project/Build Project or Project/Build All depending on what I've changed. When I change xhtml, Build Project is sufficient. When I change java source Build All works. It's possible these do the same things and the difference is in my imagination, but some combination of this stuff will work for you.
You have to watch the output though. Occasionally the app does not get cleaned or undeployed. This would result in not seeing your change. Sometimes I shut down the server first and then rebuild/clean/deploy the project.
Hope this helps.
Found the solution on this link:
What to do:
configure exploded war artifact to have extension .war
deploy exploded artifact to WildFly or Jboss
configure IntelliJ to Update Resources on Update Action
When I modify a page (web), I update and when I refresh web browser: is all there with my mod.
I did configured Jboss for autoscanning (not sure it did helped)
I am using JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final. Adding following code snippet in my web.xml helped me to change jsp files on the fly :
Hope this helps.!!
Actually my problem was that the command line mvn utility wouldn't see the changes for some reason. I turned on the Auto-deploy in the Deployment Scanner and there was still no difference. HOWEVER... I was twiddling around with the Eclipse environment and because I had added a JBoss server for it's Servers window I discovered I had the ability to "Add or Remove..." modules in my workspace. Once the project was added whenever I made a change to code the code change was detected by the Deployment Scanner and JBoss went thru the cycle of updating code!!! Works like a charm.
Here are the steps necessary to set this up;
First if you haven't done so add your JBoss Server to your Eclipse using File->New->Other->Server then go thru the motions of adding your JBoss AS 7 server. Being sure to locate the directory that you are using.
Once added, look down near the bottom of Eclipse to the "Servers" tab. You should see your JBoss server. Highlight it and look for "Add or Remove...". From there you should see your project.
Once added, make a small change to your code and watch JBoss go to town hot deploying for you.
I've been developing a project with Eclipse and Wildfly and the exploded EAR file was getting big due to deploying of all the 3rd party libraries I needed in the application. I was pointing the deployment to my Maven repository which I guess was recopying the jars each time. So redeploying the application when ever I changed Java code in the service layer was turning into a nightmare.
Then having turned to Hotswap agent this helped a lot as far as seeing changes to EJB code without redeploying the application.
However I have recently upgraded to Wildfly 10, Java 8 and JBoss Developer Studio 10 and during that process I took the time to move all my 3rd party application jars e.g. primefaces into Wildfly modules and I removed my Maven repo from my deployment config. Now redeploying the entire application which is a pretty big one via Eclipse takes just a few seconds and it is much much faster than before. I don't even feel the need to install Hotswap and don't want to risk it anyway right now.
So if you are building under Eclipse with Wildfly then keep you application clear of 3rd party libs using Wildfly Modules and you'll be much better off.
Solution for Netbeans 8.02 and 8.1 IDE and JBOSS EAP 6.4:
From the services tab of Netbeans, add JBOSS server to your "servers" node.
If you are using MAVEN, netbeans compiles files and maven copies files to ./target directory. You need to create a symbolic link from .\target to JBOSS_HOME\standalone\deployments. Under windows, an example command would be
cd %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\deployments
mklink /d MyWebApplication.war %PROJECTS_HOME%\MyWebApplication\target\MyWebApplication-1.0.0
The above creates a symbolic link from %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\deployments\MyWebApplication.war to \target\MyWebApplication-1.0.0 which is where maven transfers all files after compilation, or after a jsp, html or any other file changes.
Last think to do is to create a CentralManagement.war.dodeploy file in %JBOSS_HOME%\standalone\deployments. This file will tell JBOSS to deploy the war "file" as a web application
Start the server in debug mode and It will track changes inside methods. Other changes It will ask to restart the module.
Deploy the app as exploded (project.war folder), add in your web.xml:
Update the web.xml time every-time you deploy (append blank line):
set PRJ_HOME=C:\Temp2\MyProject\src\main\webapp
set PRJ_CLSS_HOME=%PRJ_HOME%\WEB-INF\classes\com\myProject
set JBOSS_HOME= C:\Java\jboss-4.2.3.GA-jdk6\server\default\deploy\MyProject.war
set JBOSS_CLSS_HOME= %JBOSS_HOME%\WEB-INF\classes\com\myProject
copy %PRJ_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\ProfileAction.class %JBOSS_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\ProfileAction.class
copy %PRJ_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\AjaxAction.class %JBOSS_CLSS_HOME%\frontend\actions\profile\AjaxAction.class
In case you are working with the Eclipse IDE there is a free plugin Manik-Hotdeploy.
This plugin allows you to connect your eclipse workspace with your wildfly deployment folder. After a maven build your artifact (e.g. war or ear) will be automatically pushed into the deployment folder of your server. Also web content files (e.g. .xhtml .jsf ...) will be hot deployed.
The plugin runs for wildfly, glassfish and payara.
Read the section JBoss/Wildfly Support for more details.
In jboss-5.2.0-eap\server\default\deploy\hdscanner-jboss-beans.xml
<property name="scanPeriod">2000</property>
And, in your web.xml:
Use Ant script and make target deploy.
The deploy target should:
Stop JBoss
Copy the ear or war to the deploy directory
Start JBoss
==> No caching + also no out of memory issues after subsequent deploys during testing.