Hyphen as blend_char doesn't seem to work - sphinx

MariaDB> select id,name from t where type='B' and name='Foo-Bar';
| item_source_id | name |
| 2000245 | Foo-Bar |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
index base_index { # Don't use this directly; it's for inheritance only.
blend_chars = +, &, U+23, U+22, U+27, -, /
blend_mode = trim_none, trim_head, trim_tail, trim_both
source b_source : base_source {
sql_query = select id,name from t where type='B'
sql_field_string = name
index b_index_lemma : base_index {
source = b_source
path = /path/b_index_lemma
morphology = lemmatize_en_all
SphinxQL> select * from b_index_lemma where match('Foo-Bar');
Empty set (0.00 sec)
Other Sphinx queries have results, so the problem isn't e.g. that the index is empty. Yet the hyphenated form does not, and I'd like it to. Am I misusing blend_chars-cum-blend_mode?


What is the seq_name column in the ag_label table?

I'm working on a new feature that involves labels for Apache AGE and I'm looking for tools with which I can work with.
In psql interface, when you input the command SELECT * FROM ag_catalog.ag_label; the following output is shown:
name | graph | id | kind | relation | seq_name
_ag_label_vertex | 495486 | 1 | v | test._ag_label_vertex | _ag_label_vertex_id_seq
_ag_label_edge | 495486 | 2 | e | test._ag_label_edge | _ag_label_edge_id_seq
vtx_label | 495486 | 3 | v | test.vtx_label | vtx_label_id_seq
elabel | 495486 | 4 | e | test.elabel | elabel_id_seq
I came across this and wasn't able to figure out what kind of data I can retrieve from it, what is it used for or how can it help me.
Can you explain the seq_name column?
Seq_name refers to sequences. Sequences are single-row tables that can be thought of as 'number generators' that start at some minimum integer value and then increment as they are 'consumed'.
A sequence that is associated with a column can be used to assign values to it. For example, 'mytable_seq_id' associated with column 'id' in a particular table 'mytable' might start at 1. Then as you add more entries to mytable, the 'id' column begins to increment to 2,3 and so on.
Postgres docs on creating sequences:
As for AGE, here's a comment taken directly out of the 'graph_commands.c' source file. It describes how sequences are used to generate labels ids.
static Oid create_schema_for_graph(const Name graph_name)
char *graph_name_str = NameStr(*graph_name);
CreateSchemaStmt *schema_stmt;
CreateSeqStmt *seq_stmt;
TypeName *integer;
DefElem *data_type;
DefElem *maxvalue;
DefElem *cycle;
Oid nsp_id;
* This is the same with running the following SQL statement.
* CREATE SCHEMA `graph_name`
* AS integer
* The sequence will be used to assign a unique id to a label in the graph.
* schemaname doesn't have to be graph_name but the same name is used so
* that users can find the backed schema for a graph only by its name.
* ProcessUtilityContext of this command is PROCESS_UTILITY_SUBCOMMAND
* so the event trigger will not be fired.
Note that sequences are used in other functions in the AGE internals as well, and the above function is just one example.

How to update JSONB column with value coming from another table column in PostgreSQL

I have a source table, which lists like below:
Id | part_no | category
1 | 01270-4 | Landscape
2 | 01102-3 | Sports
Then, I have target table with jsonb column (combinations) , which list like below;
Id | part_no | combinations
7 | 01270-4 | {"subject":""}
8 | 01102-3 | {"subject":""}
My problem is - how I can update the target table with jsonb column (combinations) with the values coming from source table using the part_no column?
Output like:
Id | part_no | combinations
7 | 01270-4 | {"subject":"Landscape"}
8 | 01102-3 | {"subject":"Sports"}
I tried below but giving error:
UPDATE public.target t
SET combinations = jsonb_set(combinations,'{subject}','s.category',false)
FROM public.source s
WHERE s.part_no = t.part_no;
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type json
LINE 2: SET combinations = jsonb_set(combinations,'{subject}', 's.categor...
DETAIL: Token "s" is invalid.
CONTEXT: JSON data, line 1: s...
SQL state: 22P02
Character: 77
You should use to_jsonb function to convert s.category to JSON
UPDATE public.target t
SET combinations = jsonb_set(combinations,'{subject}',to_jsonb(s.category),false)
FROM public.source s
WHERE s.part_no = t.part_no
Or you can use sample structure for join and update two JSON field:
UPDATE public.target t
SET combinations = combinations || jsonb_build_object('subject', s.category)
FROM public.source s
WHERE s.part_no = t.part_no

problems with full-text search in postgres

I have the next table, and data:
/* script for people table, with field tsvector and gin */
CREATE TABLE public.people (
name VARCHAR(30),
lastname VARCHAR(30),
complete TSVECTOR
WITH (oids = false);
CREATE INDEX idx_complete ON public.people
USING gin (complete);
/* data for people table */
INSERT INTO public.people ("id", "name", "lastname", "complete")
(1, 'MICHAEL', 'BRYANT BRYANT', '''bryant'':2,3 ''michael'':1'),
(2, 'HENRY STEVEN', 'BUSH TIESSEN', '''bush'':3 ''henri'':1 ''steven'':2 ''tiessen'':4'),
(3, 'WILLINGTON STEVEN', 'STEPHENS FLINN', '''flinn'':4 ''stephen'':3 ''steven'':2 ''willington'':1'),
(4, 'BRET', 'MARTINEZ AROCH', '''aroch'':3 ''bret'':1 ''martinez'':2'),
(5, 'TERENCE BERT', 'CAVALIERE ENRON', '''bert'':2 ''cavalier'':3 ''terenc'':1');
I need retrieve the names and lastnames, according the tsvector field. Actually I have the query:
SELECT * FROM people WHERE complete ## to_tsquery('WILLINGTON & FLINN');
And the result is right (the third record). BUT if I try with
SELECT * FROM people WHERE complete ## to_tsquery('STEVEN & FLINN');
/* the same record! */
I don't have results. Why? What can I do?
You should use the same language to search your table as the values in your field 'complete' where inserted.
Check the result of that query compared english and german:
select * ,
to_tsvector('english', concat_ws(' ', name, lastname )) as english,
to_tsvector('german', concat_ws(' ', name, lastname )) as german
from public.people
so that should work for you :
SELECT * FROM people WHERE complete ## to_tsquery('english','STEVEN & FLINN');
You are probably using a text search configuration where either STEVEN or FLINN are modified by stemming.
I can reproduce this here:
test=> SHOW default_text_search_config;
(1 row)
test=> SELECT complete FROM public.people WHERE id = 3;
'flinn':4 'stephen':3 'steven':2 'willington':1
(1 row)
test=> SELECT * FROM ts_debug('STEVEN & FLINN');
alias | description | token | dictionaries | dictionary | lexemes
asciiword | Word, all ASCII | STEVEN | {german_stem} | german_stem | {stev}
blank | Space symbols | | {} | |
blank | Space symbols | & | {} | |
asciiword | Word, all ASCII | FLINN | {german_stem} | german_stem | {flinn}
(4 rows)
test=> SELECT * FROM public.people
WHERE complete ## to_tsquery('STEVEN & FLINN');
id | name | lastname | complete
(0 rows)
So you see, the German Snowball dictionary stems STEVEN to stev.
Since complete contains the unstemmed version steven, no match is found.
You should use the same text search configuration when you populate complete and in the query.

Postgres json select not ignoring quotes

I have the following table and setup
create table test (
id serial primary key,
name text not null,
meta json
insert into test (name, meta) values ('demo1', '{"name" : "Hello"}')
However, when I run this query, this is the result
select * from test;
id | name | meta
1 | demo1 | {"name" : "Hello"}
(1 row)
select * from test where meta->'name' = 'Hello';
ERROR: operator does not exist: json = unknown
LINE 1: select * from test where meta->'name' = 'Hello';
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
select * from test where cast(meta->'name' as text) = 'Hello';
id | name | meta
(0 rows)
and this works
select * from test where cast(meta->'name' as text) = '"Hello"';
id | name | meta
1 | demo1 | {"name" : "Hello"}
(1 row)
Can anyone tell me what the relevance of this quote is and why it's not doing a simple string search/comparison? Alternatively, does this have something to do with the casting?
That's because the -> gets a field not a value, so you need to add the cast to say to postgresql which data type you are after.
So to run your query like you want you need to use the ->> which gets the json element as text see it here on the docs JSON Functions and Operators
So your query should looks like:
select *
from test
where meta->>'name' = 'Hello';
See it working here: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/bf866/8

JPA perform part of an query if a value is not null

in Java the following is a common idiom:
if( null != obj && obj.getSomeNumber() > 0 ) { ... }
This will perform the length check only, if null != obj is true.
However, in a JPA NamedQuery this does not work:
name = "query"
query = "SELECT o FROM SomeObjectList o WHERE o.someObject is not null AND o.someObject.someNumber > 0")
(This is what I've expected, as this would also not work in SQL.)
o.someObject is either 'null' or an foreign key to a table where SomeObjects are stored. (Each column of the table corresponds to an attribute of SomeObject.)
------------------------- ----------------------------
| Table: SomeObjectList | | Table: SomeObject |
------------------------- ----------------------------
| id | someObject | | id | number | name |
------------------------- ----------------------------
| 1 | 4 | | 3 | -4 | foo |
------------------------- ----------------------------
| 2 | null | | 4 | 2 | bar |
------------------------- ----------------------------
So I'd like to create a NamedQuery which will return all Objects from SomeObjectList which either have no object (someObject == null) or where SomeObject.number > 0.
Currently, I obtain all objects and check myself if someObject is set.
But is there a way to get an similar behavior in JPA or does I have to perform the checks on the returned objects?
edit: Added graphics and clarified the problem. (Thanks to James.)
You need to use an outer join for this.
Note your query is wrong, you want seem to want an OR not an AND, otherwise just remove the null check.
SELECT o FROM SomeObjectList o left join o.someObject so WHERE o.someObject is null OR so.someNumber > 0
Not sure I understand?
You don't even need the "not null", just the length > 0 will not return true for null?
Also your code is wrong, length is a function, not a navigation.
It should be,
SELECT o FROM SomeObject o WHERE LENGTH(o.arry) > 0
Or is arry a collection relationship? In this case you would need to use SIZE, and the join will also filter absent relationships.