Display dynamic information in PowerView Report Title - powerview

I've a little problem,
I've to display the refreshing date in the report title to be "My report title refreshed : Curent date for exemple" I think that the title is a statical object but our client needs this information.
Thanks for your help.

I was having the same problem. This is what I did.
Add a new sheet
In A1 add a Header (I called mine Title)
In A2 Add a formula that will display the title you want (I used this since I needed a dynamic title for the month ="This is for Month " & text(today(), "MMM")
Add this table to the data model
Add the Title field to the slide
I changed mine to a card and move to the title area.
Hope this gives you some thoughts on solving your issue

I have a problem with PowerView in Excel 2016. I have some data where the current week is important to some cells' formulas. I wanted to display my data in a better way so I used powerview, the thing is that Excel itself doesnt allow for table headers with formulas, so I took them out and made them static.
I added the formulas outside the headers so the rest of my data can still pull info from them.
The thing is, using 'Week1'...'Week5' can be confusing for my users since they work with weeks a lot, so they might think my report is from January/February of this year.
A workaround is adding labels with the correct weeks outside the charts, but I was wondering if there is a way to tie them to the cells where the week is updated so they can be updated in powerview, mainly vba through a macro.


Multiple copies of a record based on formula

Good afternoon,
I am very new to Crystal Reports, so am not sure where to look for this information and would appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction or tell me if what I am asking for is impossible.
One of our departments uses a field called RecordChanges to note changes made to a record. The field is text and the department stores information there about the date a change is made and the type of change, separated by commas (i know this is terribly inefficient, but it's what I have to work with). I have a Crystal Report that parses this text field and picks up the latest date and latest change made to the record. I would like to modify this report to include ALL the changes made to the record, so if the field RecordChanges of the data source has 3 dates, I would like this record to appear in my Crystal Report 3 times, once for each change that was made. How to parse the field I can figure out but where I'm stuck is how do I make the number of times a record appears equal to the number of dates found which is my {#DateFound} field?
There is a lack of details, but as far as I understood the problem and assuming that you did state in the comment that "there wouldn't ever be more than 5 changes to an order", here is a first try to tackle the situation.
I will assume that you already have a formula that "parses this text field and picks up the latest date and latest change made to the record". And that you know how to adjust this formula to pick up each of the record changes. I will name this formula as {#Parser1}.
Based on {#Parser1}, create other 4 formulas: {#Parser2}, {#Parser3}, {#Parser4}, {#Parser5}. As you probably presume, each formula must be changed to parser the Nth occurrence of the record change.
Create 5 details sections.
Put each formula in each detail section.
Suppress the detail section wich formula is null or empty.
That's it.
The limitation is that you can have at most 5 record changes.
This is an awkward solution, but it is necessary (as far as I know) since Crystal Reports works based on your data rows. It iterates over the rows, but cannot "generate" more rows by itself. If you can manipulate the data source, you can create other solutions.
You still need to do the magic trick to pickup the Nth change from the text.

Invalid Date error when entering record on Sharepoint list Datasheet view

I have a list on Sharepoint 2013. I've often use the Edit this list link to make bulk changes to the list in datasheet view with no problem. Last week I had a bunch of new records I needed to add so decided bulk copy and paste from Excel would be best. However, I get the error "Invalid date/time value. A date/time field contains invalid data. Please check the value and try again." The field is Date/Time with Date only display. The format I copied in was mm/dd/yyyy, which is how it's displayed (I realize there's a difference between formatting and display). In the past I've used this format to update dates with no problem. I've tried manually changing the date to other formats like yyyy/mm/dd (or with dashes -), and using the date picker and nothing works. I can add a new item using the form and no problem with the date. It's only happening in datasheet view.
I have 70+ records to add and would rather not have to open a new form for each one (I'm only adding info to 7 of the fields, and I first only pasted a couple records to make sure there were no issues). Are there any recent known issues about date fields in datasheet view? It's a pretty straightforward thing, no calculations are being used, I'm not trying to connect to another service, or use outlying dates (dates are all 2017) so I'm perplexed why this is an issue now and not before. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
Found the issue. I had another date field I was not using in that view that for some reason the default value had been set to Calculated field with a value of 1/1/1111. No idea how that got there but I removed that and set the default value to None and now the problem is gone. I found it by creating a new view with every date field in the list and systematically copying a date into each field (in bulk edit) and trying to save after each one until it saved. Then I checked the settings for the field that I was able to save with.

Can I set conditions for how values display?

I'm not sure if this is the best way to ask the question, but I can't think of a better one. I am new to Crystal Reports and have been basically left to figure it out on my own with just some resource books and YouTube.
My issue is this: I am building a report for a school that displays the next year's course selections. The report is pulling the values from an online form the students fill out and displays results on the report with two names, let's call them "report.name" and "report.value". "report.name" is an arbitrary value that the HTML of the form uses. I am wondering if it's possible to give Crystal a set of conditions so that I can format the way it displays to be a little cleaner.
CurrentMathClass Geometry
NextYearsMathClass Algebra 2
ElectiveChoice1-Grade10 Spanish 1
Right now the report is showing it like this because those are the values it is seeing. I would like it to be like this:
Current Math Class Geometry
Next Year's Math Class Algebra 2
Elective Choice 1 Spanish 1
Is there a way to give CR a set of conditions that tells it to print something different when it sees specific values, without removing the 'Name' field from the report?
Sorry if this questions is all over the place, I'm having a tough time organizing my thoughts. I appreciate any and all help.
Look to the right of Crystal. You'll see "Formula Fields".
Create a new formula. Call it #namechange or something.
If {report.name} = "CurrentMathClass" Then "Current Math Class".
Drag that formula object onto the report.

To add data table with Crystal charts

i am using Crystal 2008 and Would like to add data table just underneath attached to a Chart. This can be done very easily in Excel. Don't know how to do it in Crystal
please advise....much appreciated
The way your question is worded I'm not clear if you mean under as in "behind" or "below". It would help if you include a mockup drawing of what you're trying to accomplish.
If you mean "behind", the feature you're looking for is Section Underlay. This video gives a small demo of the feature to put a watermark image behind the report, but you can do the same thing with a chart, crosstab, or other object. The "World Sales Report" sample report has another example of this feature to put a table beside the chart.
If you mean "below", you can either just add sections and put your data fields there, or if that's not the type of table you're looking for, you may want to use a Crosstab object.

Crystal reports 2008 report writing

I'm trying to write my first report!!!
and have number of question I cant seem to find the answer to can anyone help me please!
i drag a DB field on the the report which is a string format and need to divide the value by 1024 and display the result. I know i need to use tonumber({fieldname}] but don't know where or how to add this and then do the division. how do I do it?
on the report I have a group in its header I have the items that display across the report. in the detail I have the fields of a table that relate to above line. all good so far! How do add another Group or section that would allow another collection of data relating to the same first line!
as I see it I need to add another group with another detail section but I can't do this!
Hope this make some sort of sense!
Answer 1:
That operation should be done in a formula -- the formula editor will provide views to functionality you can access in that context.
Answer 2:
The Group Editor is what you need to use. You can access it from one of the menus at the top, or by right clicking the row header for the appropriate section IIRC.