Apply partially instantiated lemma - coq

Let us assume that we want to prove the following (totally contrived) lemma.
Lemma lem : (forall n0 : nat, 0 <= n0 -> 0 <= S n0) -> forall n, le 0 n.
We want to apply nat_ind to prove it. Here is a possible proof:
intros H n. apply nat_ind. constructor. exact H.
But why not directly using H in the apply tactic, using something like apply (nat_ind _ _ H) or eapply (nat_ind _ _ H) ? But the first one fails, and the second one hides the remaining goal in an existential variable.
Is it possible in apply or its derivatives to skip hypotheses in order to specify the other arguments while keeping them as classic goals in the remainder of the proof ?

If you do
intros. refine (nat_ind _ _ H _).
then you only have
0 <= 0
left. Is that useful in your case?

Another approach (more universal than in my other answer) would be using the apply ... with ... construct, like this:
intros H n.
apply nat_ind with (2 := H).
Here, 2 is referring to the inductive step parameter of nat_ind (see the Coq v8.5 reference manual, 8.1.3):
In a bindings list of the form (ref_1 := term_1) ... (ref_n := term_n), ref is either an ident or a num. ... If ref_i is some number n, this number denotes the n-th non dependent premise of the term, as determined by the type of term.

This partial proof
intros H n.
apply nat_ind, H.
will give you 0 <= 0 as the only subgoal left.
This approach uses the apply tactic, but does not answer the question in its generality, since it will work only if you want to instantiate the last parameter (which is the case for the example in the question).
Here is quote from the Coq reference manual:
apply term_1 , ... , term_n
This is a shortcut for apply term_1 ; [ .. | ... ; [ .. | apply term_n ]... ], i.e. for the successive applications of term_(i+1) on the last subgoal generated by apply term_i, starting from the application of term_1.
Also, since it's just syntactic sugar, the solution may be considered cheating (and, I guess, abuse of the original intent of the Coq tactics developers) in the context of the question.


What is difference between `destruct` and `case_eq` tactics in Coq?

I understood destruct as it breaks an inductive definition into its constructors. I recently saw case_eq and I couldn't understand what it does differently?
1 subgoals
n : nat
k : nat
m : M.t nat
H : match M.find (elt:=nat) n m with
| Some _ => true
| None => false
end = true
cc n (M.add k k m) = true
In the above context, if I do destruct M.find n m it breaks H into true and false whereas case_eq (M.find n m) leaves H intact and adds separate proposition M.find (elt:=nat) n m = Some v, which I can rewrite to get same effect as destruct.
Can someone please explain me the difference between the two tactics and when which one should be used?
The first basic tactic in the family of destruct and case_eq is called case. This tactic modifies only the conclusion. When you type case A and A has a type T which is inductive, the system replaces A in the goal's conclusion by instances of all the constructors of type T, adding universal quantifications for the arguments of these constructors, if needed. This creates as many goals as there are constructors in type T. The formula A disappears from the goal and if there is any information about A in an hypothesis, the link between this information and all the new constructors that replace it in the conclusion gets lost. In spite of this, case is an important primitive tactic.
Loosing the link between information in the hypotheses and instances of A in the conclusion is a big problem in practice, so developers came up with two solutions: case_eq and destruct.
Personnally, when writing the Coq'Art book, I proposed that we write a simple tactic on top of case that keeps a link between A and the various constructor instances in the form of an equality. This is the tactic now called case_eq. It does the same thing as case but adds an extra implication in the goal, where the premise of the implication is an equality of the form A = ... and where ... is an instance of each constructor.
At about the same time, the tactic destruct was proposed. Instead of limiting the effect of replacement in the goal's conclusion, destruct replaces all instances of A appearing in the hypotheses with instances of constructors of type T. In a sense, this is cleaner because it avoids relying on the extra concept of equality, but it is still incomplete because the expression A may be a compound expression f B, and if B appears in the hypothesis but not f B the link between A and B will still be lost.
Definition my_pred (n : nat) := match n with 0 => 0 | S p => p end.
Lemma example n : n <= 1 -> my_pred n <= 0.
case_eq (my_pred n).
Gives the two goals
n <= 1 -> my_pred n = 0 -> 0 <= 0
forall p, my_pred n = S p -> n <= 1 -> S p <= 0
the extra equality is very useful here.
In this question I suggested that the developer use case_eq (a == b) when (a == b) has type bool because this type is inductive and not very informative (constructors have no argument). But when (a == b) has type {a = b}+{a <> b} (which is the case for the string_dec function) the constructors have arguments that are proofs of interesting properties and the extra universal quantification for the arguments of the constructors are enough to give the relevant information, in this case a = b in a first goal and a <> b in a second goal.

'else' in definitions - Coq

First of all I'm new to proof theory and coq, so I'd appreciate answers to be easy to understand.
I'm trying to build up definitions to eventually define prime numbers; I'm currently trying to define divisibility, and in my definition I've written the true cases.
Every nat is divisible with 1.
Every nat is divisible with itself.
And my inductive case (applyable when '(i > j)' ):
Every nat 'i' is divisible by 'j' if '(i - j)' is divisible by 'j'.
Now in some of my subsequent lemmas I need that everything not fulfilling this is false.
How would I go about encoding this in my definition?
I'm thinking something alike, when none of the above is applicable --> false.
- In a sense an else statement for definitions.
In constructive logic, which Coq is built upon, a proposition is only considered "true" when we have direct evidence, i.e. proof. So, one doesn't need such "else" part, because anything that cannot be constructed is in a sense false. If none of the cases for your "is divisible by" relation are applicable, you'll be able to prove your statement by contradiction, i.e. derive False.
For example, if we have this definition of divisibility:
(* we assume 0 divides 0 *)
Inductive divides (m : nat) : nat -> Prop :=
| div_zero: divides m 0
| div_add: forall n, divides m n -> divides m (m + n).
Notation "( x | y )" := (divides x y) (at level 0).
Then we can prove the fact that 3 does not divide 5, using inversion, which handles the impossible cases:
Fact three_does_not_divide_five:
~(3 | 5).
intro H. inversion H. inversion H2.
Note: we can check that our divides relation captures the notion of divisibility by introducing an alternative ("obvious") definition:
Definition divides' x y := exists z, y = z*x.
Notation "( x |' y )" := (divides' x y) (at level 0).
and proving their equivalence:
Theorem divides_iff_divides' (m n : nat) :
(m | n) <-> (m |' n).
Admitted. (* it's not hard *)
A different approach is to define divisibility from with division and remainder:
Define a divn : nat -> nat -> nat * nat operation that divides two numbers and returns the remainder.
Then, divisibility is expressed as "remainder is equal to 0". You'll need to work out some details, such as what happens with 0.
Then, a falsified divisibility hypothesis amounts to a false equality which can be usually solved by congruence. You can manipulate the equality with the standard theory for the remainder.
This is the approach used in the math-comp library, see

what's the correct usage for Coq "local application of tactics"?

I'm reading Coq reference manual (8.5p1) about
Local application of tactics
Different tactics can be applied to the different goals using the
following form:
[ > expr1 | ::: | exprn ]
The expressions expri are evaluated to vi, for i = 0; ...; n and all
have to be tactics. The vi is applied to the i-th goal, for = 1; ...;
n. It fails if the number of focused goals is not exactly n.
So I did a little test with two goals trying to apply two trivial idtac tactics to each, as follows:
Goal forall P Q: Prop, P \/ Q -> Q \/ P.
intros. destruct H. [ > idtac | idtac ].
However, I got an error telling me that only one tactic is expected:
Error: Incorrect number of goals (expected 1 tactic).
I'm confused. Can some one explain what I did wrong, and what's the correct usage?
The key part here is
It fails if the number of focused goals is not exactly n.
You need 2 focused goals.
The number of focused goals can be checked like this:
Ltac print_numgoals := let n := numgoals in idtac "# of goals:" n.
Goal forall P Q: Prop, P \/ Q -> Q \/ P.
intros. destruct H.
print_numgoals. (* prints 1 *)
There is a number of ways of getting several focused goals:
(1) Using sequencing: destruct H; [> idtac | idtac].
(2) Or slightly shorter: destruct H; [> idtac ..].
(3) Using the all selector (see the manual, §8.1):
destruct H. all: [ > id_tac | id_tac ].
In this last case, destruct H. all: print_numgoals. prints 2.
In conclusion, the following should be mentioned -- it seems that local application of tactics in that exact form ([ > ...]) is not very useful, because it is never used in the standard library (and several other libraries) and there are no mentions of it in the manual, except for the section devoted to this feature. Its version of the form expr; [ expr_1 | ... | expr_n] seems to be the most useful.

What's the difference between logical (Leibniz) equality and local definition in Coq?

I am having trouble understanding the difference between an equality and a local definition. For example, when reading the documentation about the set tactic:
remember term as ident
This behaves as set ( ident := term ) in * and
using a logical (Leibniz’s) equality instead of a local definition
set (ca := c + a) in *. e.g. generates ca := c + a : Z in the context, while
remember (c + a ) as ca. generates Heqca : ca = c + a in the context.
In case 2. I can make use of the generated hypothesis like rewrite Heqca., while in case 1., I cannot use rewrite ca.
What's the purpose of case 1. and how is it different from case 2. in terms of practical usage?
Also, if the difference between the two is fundamental, why is remember described as a variant of set in the documentation (8.5p1)?
You could think of set a := b + b in H as rewriting H to be:
(fun a => H[b+b/a]) (b+b)
let a := b + b in
That is, it replaces all matched patterns b+b by a fresh variable a, which is then instantiated to the value of the pattern. In this regard, both H and the rewrited hypotheses remain equal by "conversion".
Indeed, remember is in a sense a variant of set, however its implications are very different. In this case, remember will introduce a new proof of equality eq_refl: b + b = b + b, then it will abstract away the left part. This is convenient for having enough freedom in pattern matching etc... This is remember in terms of more atomic tactics:
Lemma U b c : b + b = c + c.
assert (b + b = b + b). reflexivity.
revert H.
generalize (b+b) at 1 3.
intros n H.
In addition to #ejgallego's answer.
Yes, you cannot rewrite a (local) definition, but you can unfold it:
set (ca := c + a) in *.
unfold ca.
As for the differences in their practical use -- they are quite different. For example, see this answer by #eponier. It relies on the remember tactic so that induction works as we'd like to. But, if we replace remember with set it fails:
Inductive good : nat -> Prop :=
| g1 : good 1
| g3 : forall n, good n -> good (n * 3)
| g5 : forall n, good n -> good (n + 5).
Require Import Omega.
The variant with remember works:
Goal ~ good 0.
remember 0 as n.
intro contra. induction contra; try omega.
apply IHcontra; omega.
and the variant with set doesn't (because we didn't introduce any free variables to work with):
Goal ~ good 0.
set (n := 0). intro contra.
induction contra; try omega.
Fail apply IHcontra; omega.

Using `apply with` without giving names of parameters in Coq?

In using the Coq apply ... with tactic, the examples I have seen all involve explicitly giving the names of variables to instantiate. For example, given a theorem about the transitivity of equality.
Theorem trans_eq : forall (X:Type) (n m o : X),
n = m -> m = o -> n = o.
To apply it:
Example test: forall n m: nat,
n = 1 -> 1 = m -> n = m.
intros n m.
apply trans_eq with (m := 1). Qed.
Note that in the last line apply trans_eq with (m := 1)., I have to remember that the name of the variable to instantiate is m, rather than o or n or some other names y.
To me, whether m n o or x y z are used in the original statement of the theorem shouldn't matter, because they are like dummy variables or formal parameters of a function. And sometimes I can't remember the specific names I used or somebody else put down in a different file when defining the theorem.
Is there a way by which I can refer to the variables e.g. by their position and use something like:
apply trans_eq with (#1 := 1)
in the above example?
By the way, I tried: apply trans_eq with (1 := 1). and got Error: No such binder.
You can specialize the lemma with the right arguments. The _ is used for all arguments that we don't want to specialize (because they can be inferred). The # is required to specialize implicit arguments.
Example test: forall n m: nat,
n = 1 -> 1 = m -> n = m.
intros n m.
apply (#trans_eq _ _ 1).
You can omit the binder names after with, so in your case do apply trans_eq with 1.
Example test: forall n m: nat,
n = 1 -> 1 = m -> n = m.
intros n m.
apply trans_eq with 1; auto.
I've changed your original example a little to conclude the proof.
Why this works
To understand why this works, check the manual under Bindings:
Tactics that take a term as an argument may also accept bindings to
instantiate some parameters of the term by name or position. The
general form of a term with bindings is termtac with bindings where
bindings can take two different forms:
bindings::= (ident | ​natural := term)+
| one_term+
What is shown in this example is the form one_term, which is described as follows:
in the case of apply, or of constructor and its variants, only instances for the dependent products that are not bound in the conclusion of termtac are required.
Which is why only one term needs to be supplied.