Firebase query ordering not working properly - swift

Basically I have played with Firebase for the past week, and I recently stumbled upon the 'queryOrderedByChild()' that as far as I know - allows you to sort data in firebase. However, I seem to not get the proper results. My Firebase data looks like this:
"names" : {
"-KHVUwXdVPHmrO_O5kil" : {
"id" : "0",
"name" : "Jeff"
"-KHVV7lCeac0cZNMi9fq" : {
"id" : "3",
"name" : "Stig"
"-KHVVCjXgl0XxasVOHF1" : {
"id" : "13",
"name" : "Ali"
"-KHVVJtyUO-yJZiompJO" : {
"id" : "7",
"name" : "Hannah"
"-KHVVR8tMSO1Oh7R8tR1" : {
"id" : "2",
"name" : "Amanda"
, and my code looks like this:
.observeEventType(.ChildAdded) { (snapshot:FDataSnapshot!) in
if let myID = snapshot.value["id"] as? String {
The output is still in a random order, displaying: 0, 2,7,1,8,4 - Isn't this supposed to be numeric? What am I doing wrong? How can I sort it so it get's numeric either ascending or descending?

You say that you're ordering by a number, but the value of your id property is stored as a string.
Since you're storing them as a string, they will be returned in lexicographical order.
If you want them to be in numerical order, you should store them as numbers
"-KHVUwXdVPHmrO_O5kil" : {
"id" : 0,
"name" : "Jeff"
Alternatively, you could store the ids as zero-padded strings:
"names" : {
"-KHVUwXdVPHmrO_O5kil" : {
"id" : "0000",
"name" : "Jeff"
"-KHVV7lCeac0cZNMi9fq" : {
"id" : "0003",
"name" : "Stig"
"-KHVVCjXgl0XxasVOHF1" : {
"id" : "0013",
"name" : "Ali"
"-KHVVJtyUO-yJZiompJO" : {
"id" : "0007",
"name" : "Hannah"
"-KHVVR8tMSO1Oh7R8tR1" : {
"id" : "0002",
"name" : "Amanda"
Since the strings are all the same length, they will be sorted in the correct order. But you'll have to decide on the length of the string/maximum id value in the latter solution, so it seems worse.

If you using order by child you going to order your id you no going to touch it's value.
Then maybe you have to try something like
(FIRDatabaseQuery *) queryOrderedByValue
queryOrderedByValue: is used to generate a reference to a view of the data that's been sorted by child value.


mongodb lookup giving empty array

BED_MAST this is my one collection bed_mast contains WARD_ID and want to perform join to my other collection with is WARD_MAST given below.
"_id" : ObjectId("5e53c95a26b0e5ad0fb46376"),
"Bed_id" : "bd-10",
"WARD_ID" : "4",
"OCCUPIED" : "0",
"BED_TYPE" : "single AC"
"_id" : ObjectId("5e53c95a26b0e5ad0fb46377"),
"Bed_id" : "bd-11",
"WARD_ID" : "1",
"OCCUPIED" : "0",
"BED_TYPE" : "single Non AC"
WARD_MAST this is my WARD_MAST having ward_id. but while I am putting lookup I am not getting any data.
"_id" : ObjectId("5e53c95b26b0e5ad0fb46544"),
"patient_id" : null,
"ward_id" : 1,
"total_beds" : 55,
"ward_name" : "Ward 1"
"_id" : ObjectId("5e53c95d26b0e5ad0fb46545"),
"patient_id" : null,
"ward_id" : 2,
"total_beds" : 63,
"ward_name" : "Ward 2"
MY query is
output: I have confirmed the data by running this query to MySQL there it is working fine
"_id" : ObjectId("5e53c95b26b0e5ad0fb46388"),
"Bed_id" : "bd-28",
"WARD_ID" : "6",
"OCCUPIED" : "0",
"lookup_value" : [ ]
SAMPLE VALUES DATA IS GIVEN ALL DATA IS NOT POSSIBLE TO GIVE. I know it was asked 1000 times but not able to resolve this question. tried to solve with lookup. but it showing blank space. Is anything I am missing.
The problem is BED_MAST collection's WARD_ID has string values and WARD_MAST collection's ward_id has Number values.

Getting data range from firebase with swift

I would like to ask that question. The question is how to get specific data range from firebase ?
I have table on firebase like this:
"users" : {
"Jz3IpatRWiWoDbiYM62q6qbHB503" : {
"email" : "",
"lastName" : "Ozdemir",
"name" : "Kaan"
"PmeYYFiac0c55fU2sFpnTP308mC3" : {
"email" : "",
"lastName" : "Hart",
"name" : "Kevin"
"r0bMqSGCWihFi2EF4u6ckSzLP8v1" : {
"email" : "",
"lastName" : "Alvarez",
"name" : "Marcus"
"A3tmSSGCWihFi2EF4u6ckSzLP8c1" : {
"email" : "",
"lastName" : "Swift",
"name" : "Taylor"
"3SUTsiGCWihFi2EF4u6ckSzLP8v2" : {
"email" : "",
"lastName" : "Fellon",
"name" : "Jimmy"
"lgSit3GCWihFi2EF4u6ckSzLP8u3" : {
"email" : "",
"lastName" : "Teller",
"name" : "Jax"
For example, I would like to get users values between 2 and 4 [2 - 4](Marcus Alvarez - Taylor Swift - Jimmy Fellon).
Is there any way to do that server side ? I don't wanna get all data and pick values that I want. Anyone knows?
Change your JSON DB structure to include an index in every node :
"users" : {
"autoID1" : {
"email" :.....,
"lastName" : ......,
"name" :.......,
"index" : //e.g.. 1,2,3,4......
"noOfUsers" : 223,
If you are appending this users node via app, you have too keep track of the no of users in Database node users and keep updating the noOfUsers whenever a new user is added. And to set the next ones index number , just retrieve that node value i.e 223 and sees it and then increment the noOfUsers......
To retrieve between 2-4 .. Now you can use :
Database.database().reference().child("users").queryOrdered(byChild: "index").queryStarting(atValue: "2").queryEnding(atValue: "4").observe....

MongoDb - Query for specific subdocument

I have a set of mongodb documents with the following structure:
"_id" : NUUID("58fbb893-dfe9-4f08-a761-5629d889647d"),
"Identifiers" : {
"IdentificationLevel" : 2,
"Identifier" : "extranet\\"
"Personal" : {
"FirstName" : "Test",
"Surname" : "Test"
"Tags" : {
"Entries" : {
"ContactLists" : {
"Values" : {
"0" : {
"Value" : "{292D8695-4936-4865-A413-800960626E6D}",
"DateTime" : ISODate("2015-04-30T09:14:45.549Z")
How can I make a query with the mongo shell which finds all documents with a specific "Value" (e.g.{292D8695-4936-4865-A413-800960626E6D} in the Tag.Entries.ContactLists.Values path?
The structure is unfortunately locked by Sitecore, so it is not an options to use another structure.
As your sample collection structure show Values is object, it contains only one Value. Also you must check for Value as it contains extra paranthesis. If you want to get Value from given structure try following query :
"Tags.Entries.ContactLists.Values.0.Value": "{292D8695-4936-4865-A413-800960626E6D}"

Error in mongodb query to get movie based on id

> db.movmodels.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("55320b0e0e9e0d9d0540593c"),
"username" : "punk",
"favMovies" : [
"alternate_ids" : {
"imdb" : "0137523"
"abridged_cast" : [
"characters" : [
"id" : "162652627",
"name" : "Brad Pitt"
"characters" : [
"id" : "162660884",
"name" : "Edward Norton"
"characters" : [
"id" : "162676383",
"name" : "Meat Loaf"
"characters" : [
"Angel Face"
"id" : "162653925",
"name" : "Jared Leto"
"characters" : [
"id" : "770706064",
"name" : "Zach Grenier"
"synopsis" : "",
"ratings" : {
"audience_score" : 96,
"audience_rating" : "Upright",
"critics_score" : 80,
"critics_rating" : "Certified Fresh"
"release_dates" : {
"dvd" : "2000-06-06",
"theater" : "1999-10-15"
"critics_consensus" : "",
"runtime" : 139,
"mpaa_rating" : "R",
"year" : 1999,
"title" : "Fight Club",
**"id" : "13153"**
"__v" : 0
This is my data in mongodb.
As I am new to mongodb I wanted to know query to get movie with a particular id.
The query that I tried is. I need to get the movie based on id so that I can remove it from my database
but this gives me error.
2015-04-18T05:41:26.221-0400 E QUERY Error: error: {
"$err" : "Can't canonicalize query: BadValue ported projection option: favMovies: { id: 13153.0 }",
"code" : 17287
at Error (<anonymous>)
at (src/mongo/shell/query.js:259:15)
at DBCollection.findOne (src/mongo/shell/collection.js:188:22)
at (shell):1:14 at src/mongo/shell/query.js:259
There are several problems with your query:
The second parameter to find() is a projection, not part of the query. What you want is to supply one document for the query that has two properties: {"username" : "punk", favMovies : { ... } }
However, you also don't want to compare the entire sub-document favMovies, but you only want to match on one of its properties, the id, which requires to 'reach into the object' using the dot operator: {username:"punk", "" : 13153}.
However, that will probably not work yet, because 13153 is not the same as "13153", the latter being a string while the former is a number in JSON.
db.movmodels.findOne({username:"punk", "" : "13153"})
Keep in mind, however, that this will find the entire document for the user named "punk". I'm not sure what exactly your data structure should look like, but it appears you'll have to $pull the movie from the user. In general, I'd say you're embedding too much data into the user, but that's hard to tell without knowing the exact use case.
Here you go:
If you just wanted to get first user who has this fav movie:
db.movmodels.findOne({"": 13153});
And, if you want to know if that user has that movie as favorite.
db.movmodels.findOne({"": 13153, username:"punk"});
Second argument in the findOne is used to only return particular field.
You can use also $elemMatch projection operator (not to be confused with the $elemMatch query operator)
If you want to find a movie that has another movie (with id 13153) in 'favMovies' array, then write the query as below:
And if you want to find a movie with _id 55320b0e0e9e0d9d0540593cwrite the following query:

How to update particular array element in MongoDB

I am newbie in MongoDB. I have stored data inside mongoDB in below format
"_id" : ObjectId("51d5725c7be2c20819ac8a22"),
"chrom" : "chr22",
"pos" : 17060409,
"information" : [
"name" : "Category",
"value" : "3"
"name" : "INDEL",
"value" : "INDEL"
"name" : "DP",
"value" : "31"
"name" : "FORMAT",
"value" : "GT:PL:GQ"
"name" : "PV4",
"value" : "1,0.21,0.00096,1"
"sampleID" : "Job1373964150558382243283"
I want to update the value to 11 which has the name as Category.
I have tried below query:
db.VariantEntries.update({$and:[ { "pos" : 117199533} , { "sampleID" : "Job1373964150558382243283"},{"":"Category"}]},{$set:{'information.value':'11'}})
but Mongo replies
can't append to array using string field name [value]
How one can form a query which will update the particular value?
You can use the $ positional operator to identify the first array element to match the query in the update like this:
"pos": 17060409,
"sampleID": "Job1373964150558382243283",
In MongoDB you can't adress array values this way. So you should change your schema design to:
"information" : {
'category' : 3,
Then you can adress the single fields in your query:
{"pos" : 117199533} ,
{"sampleID" : "Job1373964150558382243283"},