I want to be able to exclude certain vertices from an OrientDB traverse query.
For example,
traverse * from (select from Location where ID = '1234')
will traverse all vertex classes at a starting point. I need a way to add exclusions for specific classes.
I know this could be possible if I didn't use the * operator and instead specify all of the classes I do want. However, it would not be suitable because there will be classes my program isn't even aware of. The data is ever changing but the classes to exclude will always be present.
I don't know if I understand correctly.
I have this structure.
I want to traverse starting from the node A1 excluding node of class B and the related branch.
I use this query
traverse * from #12:0 while #class<>"B"
Hope it helps.
I use this query
select * from (traverse * from #12:0 while #class<>"B") where #class<>"E" or (#class="E" and in.#class<>"B")
select * from (traverse * from #12:0 while #class<>"B") where #this instanceof 'V' or (#this instanceof 'E' and in.#class<>"B")
You can do it by using the difference() function:
select expand($c)
let $a=traverse * from (select from Location where ID = '1234')
$b=select from <class to exclude>
not sure about the synthax, but it should work
Bye, Ivan
I'm trying to create a new node with label C and relationships from a-->c and b-->c, but if and only if the whole pattern a-->c,b-->c does exist.
a and b already exist (merged before the rest of the query).
The below query is a portion of the query I want to write to accomplish this.
However, it creates a random empty node devoid of properties and labels and attaches the relationship to that node instead. This shouldn't be possible and is certainty not what I want. How do I stop that from happening?
merge (a: A {id: 1})
merge (b: B {id:1})
with *
call {with a, b
match (a)-[:is_required]->(dummy:C), (a)-[:is_required]->(b)
with count(*) as cnt
where cnt = 0
merge (temp: Temporary {id: 12948125})
merge (a)-[:is_required]->(temp)
return temp
return *
I think there are a couple of problems here:
There are restrictions on how you can use variables introduced with WITH in a sub-query. This article helps to explain them https://neo4j.com/developer/kb/conditional-cypher-execution/
I think you may be expecting the WHERE to introduce conditional flow like IF does in other languages. WHERE is a filter (maybe FILTER would have been a better choice of keyword than WHERE). In this case you are filtering out 'cnt's where they are 0, but then never reference cnt again, so the merge (temp: Temporary {id: 12948125}) and merge (a)-[:is_required]->(temp) always get executed. The trouble is, due to the above restrictions on using variables inside sub-queries, the (a) node you are trying to reference doesn't exist, it's not the one in the outer query. Neo4j then just creates an empty node, with no properties or labels and links it to the :Temporary node - this is completely valid and why you are getting empty nodes.
This query should result in what you intend:
merge (a: A {id: 1})
merge (b: B {id:1})
with *
// Check if a is connected to b or :C (can't use a again otherwise we'd overwrite it)
optional match(x:A {id: 1}) where exists((a)-[:is_required]->(:C)) or exists((a)-[:is_required]->(b))
with *, count(x) as cnt
// use a case to 'fool' foreach into creating the extra :Temporary node required if a is not related to b or :C
foreach ( i in case when cnt = 0 then [1] else [] end |
merge (temp: Temporary {id: 12948125})
merge (a)-[:is_required]->(temp)
with *
// Fetch the :Temporary node if it was created
optional match (a)-[:is_required]->(t:Temporary)
return *
There are apoc procedures you could use to perform conditional query execution (they are mentioned in the linked article). You could also play around with looking for a path from (a) and check its length, rather than introduce a new MATCH and the variable x then checking for the existance of related nodes.
If anyone is having the same problem, the answer is that the Neo4j browser is display nonexistent nodes. The query executes fineā¦
New to Esper and EPL in general, i have two use cases which are basically the opposites of oneanother. First I need to catch all unique events in a timewindow, using firstunique(*parameters*).win:time(*time*).
Now what I need to do is the exact opposite, basically catch all events that arrive in that window and that are NOT thrown by that statement, basically all the duplicates.
How can I achieve this ? Thanks !
You could use a subquery and "not exists". For example:
select * from Event e1 where not exists (select * from Event#firstunique(*parameters*)#time(*time*) e2 where e1.parameters = e2.parameters)
I've actually found a solution, it involves using unique id's for incoming events on top of comparing their parameters.
The query looks something like this :
select * from Event a where exists (select * from Event.std:firstUnique(*parameters*).win:time(*time*) b where a.eventId <> b.eventId)
This solves the problem I had where the exists method would return every event (duplicates and unique events) because the window in the subquery would be filled first.
So you can easily get all connections to a vertex that are of a particular class by querying
select from Foo where both() in (#42:1)
This will get all the vertices of class Foo that are connected to vertex #42:1 with either outbound or inbound links.
However what would be the query if I wanted to get all the vertices that are connected to #42:1 that are not instances of class Foo?
Does OrientDB natively support this functionality or would I have to do something like an intersection?
why not using
... your select query
WHERE #class <> 'Foo'
Another way could be represented by using Matching Expression
{E, where:(#class <> 'Foo')}-your_relation->{class:Foo}
I've got a bit of a semantic question about Orient SQL queries.
Take for example this very simple graph:
v(#12:1 User) --> e(#13:1 FriendOf) --> v(#12:2 User)
In other words, a given User with an rid of #12:1 is friends with another user with an rid of #12:2.
To get the friends of user #12:1, one might express this in Orient SQL like so:
SELECT EXPAND(both("FriendOf")) FROM #12:1
This query would return a result list comprised of the User with rid #12:2.
Now lets say I want to filter that result list by an additional criteria, like say a numeric value ("age"):
SELECT EXPAND(both("FriendOf")) FROM #12:1 WHERE age >= 10
The above query would filter the CURRENT vertex (#12:1), NOT the result set. Which makes sense, but is there a way to apply the filter to the EXPAND(both("FriendOf")) result rather than the current vertex? I know I can do this with gremlin like so:
SELECT EXPAND(gremlin('current.both("FriendOf").has("age",T.gte,10)')) FROM #12:1
But the above does not seem to make use of indexes (at least not when I ask it to explain). For very large data sets, this is problematic.
So is there a proper way to apply a WHERE statement to the resulting data set?
Thanks !
... is there a way to apply the filter to the EXPAND(both("FriendOf")) result rather than the current vertex?
The simple answer is to embed your basic "SELECT EXPAND ..." within another SELECT, i.e.
SELECT FROM (SELECT EXPAND(both("FriendOf")) FROM #12:1) WHERE age >= 10
By the way, on my Mac, the above took .005s compared to over 2s for the Gremlin version. There must be a moral there somewhere :-)
I have a UDF in my database which basically tries to get a station (e.g. bus/train) based on some input data (geographic/name/type). Inside this function i try to check if there are any rows matching the given values:
geographic.stations AS s
s.name <-> pname < 0.8
s.type ~ stype;
The firsttry variable now contains the value 1. If i use the following (slightly extended) SELECT statement i get no results:
s.id, s.name, s.type, s.the_geom,
)::double precision AS sml,
st_distance(s.the_geom,plocation) As dist from geographic.stations AS s
WHERE ST_DWithin(s.the_geom,plocation,0.0017) and s.name <-> pname < 0.8
AND s.type ~ stype
ORDER BY dist asc,sml desc LIMIT 1;
the parameters are as follows:
stype = '^railway'
pname = 'Amsterdam Science Park'
plocation = ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(4.9492530 52.3531670)')
the tuple i need to be returned is:
id name type geom (displayed as ST_AsText)
909658;"Amsterdam Sciencepark";"railway_station";"POINT(4.9482893 52.352904)"
The same UDF returns quite well for a lot of other stations, but this is one (of more) which just won't work. Any suggestions?
P.S. The use of the <-> operator is coming from the pg_trgm module.
Some ideas on how to troubleshoot this:
Break your troubleshooting into steps. Start with the simplest query possible. No aggregates, just joins and no filters. Then add filters. Then add order by, then add aggregates. Look at exactly where the change occurs.
Try reindexing the database.
One possibility that occurs to me based on this is that it could be a corrupted index used in the second query but not the first. I have seen corrupted indexes in the past and usually they throw errors but at least in theory they should be able to create a problem like this.
If this is correct, your query will suddenly return rows if you remove the ORDER BY clause.
If you have a corrupted index, then you need to pay close attention to hardware. Is the RAM ECC? Is the processor overheating? How are you disks doing?
A second possibility is that there is a typo on a join condition of filter statement. Normally this is something I would suspect first but it is easy enough to weed out index problems to start there. If removing the ORDER BY doesn't change things, then chances are it is a typo. If you can't find a typo, then try reindexing.