Imagine a = 1:1000, b = sin(a) and we want to segment this data with segment_length = 100 and plot only each segment and shift the segment with segment_length/2 in for loop. I want to plot a figure in a for loop in which xtick and xticklabel update in each loop: 1st loop is 1-100, 2nd is 51-150, 3rd is 101-200 and so on. In the following code I just plot the interested data in each loop but xtick and xticklabel do not change.
a = 1:1000;
b = sin(a);
segment_length = 100;
shift = segment_length/2;
seg_no = 1000/shift;
start = 1;
en = segment_length;
for i = 1 : seg_no-1
seg = b(start : en)
start = shift + start
en = shift + en
note that you are not providing any information of the x-coordinates to Matlab. Thus, it must assume that your index always starts at 1. That is why they don't change.
Here is the solution
a = 1:1000;
b = sin(a);
segment_length = 100;
shift = segment_length/2;
seg_no = 1000/shift;
start = 1;
en = segment_length;
for i = 1 : seg_no-1
idx = start:en;
seg = b(idx);
start = shift + start;
en = shift + en;
drawnow % force matlab to draw/update the figure
pause(0.1) % / s | pause for 0.1 seconds
Note that I used the commands drawnow forcing Matlab to update the figure before proceeding. I also added pause() to define how long Matlab should wait to better see the updated figure.
I'm planning to plot a graph of velocity against time using matlab. The change of time is 0.05 and total time 15. When time change, the graph will change and save a figure of that. I had mat file which contained all the data for time and velocity.
E.g, t=0, v=0, plot and save, t=0.05, v=1, plot and save until t=15.
I tried to use v=v+1 (which acts like i++) but failed to read the value of v in 2nd row. Any other method to do so?
Thank You.
The code is
i = 001
dt = t(2,1) - t(1,1);
k = dt*(i-1);
filename1 = 'front_data';
matFileName = sprintf('%s.mat', filename1);
matData = load(matFileName);
t = matData.time;
fv = matData.front_velocity;
fig = figure%('visible', 'off');
s = t(1,1);
fv = fv(1,1);
lot (s,fv,'*')
pic_filename = sprintf('front_data%02d.jpeg', k);
istart = 002
iend = 301
for i = istart:iend
k = dt*(i-1);
t = t+dt
filename1 = 'front_data';
matFileName = sprintf('%s.mat', filename1);
matData = load(matFileName);
t = matData.time;
fv = matData.front_velocity;
v = fv(1,1);
v = v+1;
h = figure
axis([0 15 0 0.6])
pic_filename = sprintf('front_data%02d.jpeg', k);
And the example I refer is the []
I reduced your example to the essential parts.
istart = 2;
iend = 301;
%load data
% filename1 = 'front_data';
% matFileName = sprintf('%s.mat', filename1);
% matData = load(matFileName);
% t = matData.time;
% fv = matData.front_velocity;
%for demonstaration
for i = istart:iend
time = t(istart:counter);
values = fv(istart:counter);
%increase index
As you are loading always the same data in the loop you can do it once outside the loop, and for plotting you just update the length of your vector to be plotted. You could also just append the new value to the actual list.
so i have a matlab function below that returns a matrix of [x y time_elapsed] coordinates from 'start' to 'target', and 'target' is reached when it is at distance of acc_length to it. the time_elapsed is to help me get the speed profile.
Currently, this works fine with sampling roughly every 0.01s and there is a 2-second pause when starting the motion from 'start'.
My question is how can i do the same thing - having the user to wait 2s once 'start' position is reached, but instead of pausing the program, how can I still read the mouse coordinates(within the 2s period) while nothing useful happens for 2s?
P.S. i want to get these coordinate to calculate the precision of user to the start.
function arr = pmove(start, target, acc_length)
arr = [];
checkStart = 1;
checkEnd = 0;
while checkStart
pt = get(0,'PointerLocation');
pt = [pt(1) - 1920/2, pt(2) - 1080/2];
d = pdist( [start; pt] );
if ~checkEnd & d <= acc_length;
disp('Start moving to target after 2 seconds.')
pt = get(0, 'PointerLocation');
pt = [pt(1) - 1920/2, pt(2)-1080/2, 0];
arr = cat(1, arr, pt);
checkEnd = 1;
if checkEnd
d = pdist( [target; pt] );
t_elapsed = toc;
pt = [pt , t_elapsed];
arr = cat(1, arr, pt);
if d <= acc_length
checkStart = 0;
if ~isempty(arr)
hold on;
plot(arr(:,1), arr(:,2) );
axis equal;
You can replace the pause(2) line with:
for i=1:200
pt2 = get(0, 'PointerLocation');
% do your calculation
i'm using another while-true loop and checking the time_elapsed, if it is longer than 2.1s (tolerance of 0.1s for the user) i break out of the loop. During which, i get the pointer cordinates about every 0.01s and run my calculations.
while 1
pt2 = get(0,'PointerLocation');
% calculation
time_elaps = toc;
if time_elaps > 2.1 % tolerance of 0.1s
I have a function for a timer as follows
HH = 0; MM = 0; SS = 0;
timer = sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d',HH,MM,SS);
for p = 1:86400
SS = SS + 1;
if SS == 60
MM = MM + 1;
SS = 0;
if MM == 60
HH = HH + 1;
MM = 0;
How can i get this to display on a graph while constantly updating. Have not been able to get it to work using the plot() or set() function.
You might want to adjust the particulars of this example based on how you want the timer to look, and notice that I just put a pause(0.1) for each second of the clock, so you can watch it faster than real time as indicated in your example. You can also adjust the size/color of the clock with different arguments to the text() function.
f = figure;
HH = 0; MM = 0; SS = 0;
timer = sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d',HH,MM,SS);
text(0.5,0.5,timer); %% adjust location of clock in graph using the first two arguments: (x,y) coordinates
for p = 1:86400
SS = SS + 1;
pause(0.1); %% pause a fixed amount for each clock tick
if SS == 60
MM = MM + 1;
SS = 0;
if MM == 60
HH = HH + 1;
MM = 0;
timer = sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d',HH,MM,SS); %% construct time string after all adjustments to HH, MM, SS
clf; %% clear previous clock display
text(0.5,0.5,timer); %% re-plot time to figure
I have designed an application called CLegend, which allows to build a multicolumn legend, whose code is
function CLegend(hax,numcol,Ley)
%# Inputs
% hax : handle of the axes object to which belongs the legend
% numcol: number of columns for the legend
% Ley: text strings (labels) for the legend
set(hax,'Units','normalized','Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);
posAx = get(hax,'Position');
insAx = get(hax,'TightInset');
[legend_h,object_h] = legend(hax,Ley,'Units','characters','Location',...
posl = get(legend_h,'Position');
numlines = length(Ley);
if (numlines<numcol)
numcol = numlines;
numpercolumn = ceil(numlines/numcol);
if (mod(numlines,numpercolumn) == 0)
numcol = numlines/numpercolumn;
l = zeros(1,numlines);
a = zeros(1,numlines);
h = zeros(1,4);
for j=1:numlines
h = get(object_h(j),'Extent');
l(j) = h(3);
a(j) = h(4);
lmax = posl(3)*max(l);
hmax = posl(4)*max(a);
hLine = object_h(numlines+1);
xdata = get(hLine, 'xdata');
dx = xdata(2)-xdata(1);
di = 2;
sheight = hmax;
height = hmax*numpercolumn-sheight/2;
line_width = dx*posl(3);
spacer = xdata(1)*posl(3);
delta1 = spacer + line_width + spacer + lmax;
delta2 = line_width + spacer + lmax + spacer;
delta3 = lmax + spacer + line_width + spacer;
factx = 1/(posl(3)*numcol);
facty = 1/(hmax*numpercolumn);
width_l = numcol*delta1;
set(legend_h, 'Position', [posAx(1) + 0.5*(posAx(3)-width_l) posl(2) ...
width_l numpercolumn*hmax]);
col_ind = -1;
row_ind = -1;
j = 0;
for i=1:numlines,
if strcmpi(orient,'horizontal'),
if mod(i,numcol)==1,
row_ind = row_ind+1;
col_ind = mod(i,numcol)-1;
if col_ind == -1,
col_ind = numcol-1;
if numpercolumn==1 || mod(i,numpercolumn)==1,
col_ind = col_ind+1;
row_ind = mod(i,numpercolumn)-1;
if row_ind == -1,
row_ind = numpercolumn-1;
if (i==1)
linenum = i+numlines;
linenum = linenum+di;
labelnum = i;
set(object_h(linenum), 'ydata',facty*[height-row_ind*sheight ...
set(object_h(linenum), 'xdata', factx*[spacer + j*delta2 ...
spacer + j*delta2 + line_width]);
set(object_h(linenum+1), 'ydata',facty*(height-row_ind*sheight));
set(object_h(linenum+1), 'xdata', factx*(spacer+line_width/2));
set(object_h(labelnum), 'Position', [j*delta3+spacer*2+line_width ...
if (mod(i,numpercolumn)== 0)
j = j + 1;
opl = get(legend_h,'OuterPosition');
set(hax, 'Position',[posAx(1) posAx(2)+opl(4) posAx(3) posAx(4)-opl(4)]);
set(legend_h, 'OuterPosition',[opl(1) (posAx(2)-insAx(2))/2 opl(3) opl(4)]);
I have problems with it. I have tried it with a more complicated code but similar to this one that appears below.
function qq
fh = figure('Units','characters');
GrapWin = uipanel ('Parent',fh,'Units','characters','title','Graphic',...
'Position',[135 5 120 40]);
haxes = axes('Parent',GrapWin,'Units','normalized','Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8]);
PanVD = uipanel('Parent',fh,'Units','characters','Position',[55 5 30 10],...
'title','Dependent Variable');
VDlh = uicontrol('Parent',PanVD,'Style','listbox','Units',...
'normalized','Position',[0 0 1 1],'String',{'X','Y','Z'},'Value',1,...
T = 0:pi/100:2*pi;
X = sin(T);
title(haxes,'Sine Function');
CLegend(haxes,3,{'Var X'});
function VDLhCallback (src,evt)
value = get(VDlh,'Value');
switch value
case 1
title(haxes,'Sine Function');
CLegend(haxes,3,{'Var X'});
case 2
title(haxes,'Cosine Function');
Y = cos(T);
CLegend(haxes,3,{'Var Y'});
case 3
Z = tan(T);
title(haxes,'Tangent Function');
CLegend(haxes,3,{'Var Z'});
It happens something that I do not understand because the first time that CLegend is called the legend appears not centered (respect to axes) but the following callings through the listbox options it does is centered.
Other problem that occurs is that if I delete the command line
then, although the legend is centered, the axes appear with a reduced size.
I also have found that the first time Clegend is calles, the position of the axes (variable posAx) is different from the following callings (in which posAx is always the same).
I have thought that when the units were changed, the position of the object was not changed but this problem arises doubts inside my mind.
In the Figure Properties documentation, it is said of Unit
This property affects the CurrentPoint and Position properties. If you
change the value of Units, it is good practice to return it to its
default value after completing your computation so as not to affect
other functions that assume Units is the default value.
Can it explain your problems?
After a lot of proofs, I have found that my problem was the resizing of the figure. The first time CLegend was called the figure window had its original size. The following calls of CLegend happened with the figure windows maximized.