I have set up Jenkins and Github such that whenever I push a commit to an existing pull request, it automatically adds a comment and triggers a Jenkins build. Prior to today, Jenkins amended that comment with the status of the build and the functional tests executed. (So I know that part works.)
Today, I updated Jenkins and Jenkins ceases to notify Github of the build status. When I check the Jenkins configuration, the post-build section says:
Set build status on Github commit [deprecated]
This notifier will set GH commit status. This step is DEPRECATED and will be migrated to new step in one of the next major plugin releases. Please refer to new universal step.
Are they saying they removed functionality and I need to either downgrade or wait for them to restore it when they get around to releasing an update?
Alternatively, if they want me to start using this new "universal step", where can I find the documentation on setting that up?
I looked at Show current state of Jenkins build on GitHub repo but it appears the answers to that question are now obsolete (answered six months ago).
I am currently using Jenkins version 2.3, Github plugin 1.19.1 and Github API plugin 1.75.
I think you may have been bitten by this issue: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Plugins+affected+by+fix+for+SECURITY-170
It says
If using the standard ${sha1} branch spec, builds will fail with "Couldn't find any revision to build".
Pull requests remain in the "pending" state as the plugin fails to update the PR with the build outcome
It sounds like this can be fixed by using a whitelist of terms. In my case, this was handled by another engineer, so I can't provide firsthand details.
The idea is that I want to block pull requests on GitHub if a build fails on Jenkins so that potential bad code doesn't get merged
I had originally found a plugin called Pipeline GitHub Notify Step: https://www.jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/pipeline-githubnotify-step/ that uses
but then I found out from this link https://plugins.jenkins.io/pipeline-githubnotify-step/ that we should use the github-checks-plugin instead of the Pipeline GitHub Notify. I don't know if its because its depreciated or they just added similar features to the github-checks-plugin but I decided to just install the GitHub Checks Plugin. Afterwards I opened a PR on GitHub with code I knew would fail the build then ran a test build on Jenkins with the impression that GitHub would block my PR due to the bad build but it didn't I went under settings->branch and enabled Require status checks to pass before merging but it didn't block my PR because of the failed build. In fact it still doesn't even notice the failed build. Maybe I'm missing another plugin or perhaps there was something I forgot to enable.
I'm using a build policy on one of my Azure DevOps git branches.
Is there any way of requiring a manually triggered branch build policy be run again if the source branch is updated?
My branch policy is set to Manual trigger. We use Manual instead of Automatic to reduce the number of builds (we use self hosted build server) running on our CI server as we typically open PR's early to provide feedback and facilitate conversation around code.
If the trigger was set to automatic, then any time source branch is updated a new build is queued. This isn't case with Manual. I had situation where build policy passed but then a further commit was made to branch and the reviewer approved. But the build was not manually triggered again and the last commit & push introduced a bug. I'd like the build validation policy to either reset or fail every time the source branch is updated similar to how code reviewer votes are reset after a push.
Is this possible?
I do not think this is currently possible, it has been raised on the Developer community as a feature request / issue, so I would encourage you to up-vote this here.
A solution for our scenario (too many builds were being queued, because Code Reviews come back with changes) was to use Pull Request drafts.
Sprint 143 - Draft Pull Request
When creating a PR, you can click Create as Draft in the drop down beside the Create button.
I've found many sites that describe how to trigger a build on a Jenkins machine whenever new code is pushed to a Github repository. One thing that keeps showing up repeatedly is to check the "Build when a change is pushed to GitHub" item under the Build Triggers section..
Unfortunately, no matter what I do I can't seem to get that item to show up as an option for me under Build Triggers.
I've even removed and re-installed Jenkins from scratch. When I install it, I just tell it to install all of the most common plugins. I've verified in the Jenkins configuration that the GitHub plugin is there.
What am I missing to trigger a build on a GitHub repo update?
According to https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/GitHub+Plugin#GitHubPlugin-PluginInformation this was changed from
Build when a change is pushed to GitHub
GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling
So it is sufficient to have GitHub Plugin installed.
We are migrating from old XAML build definition to new TFS 2015 build. In old we have gated-check in that is working fine. In new one we have such option on "Triggers" tab. However I want use commit ID that trigger build.
The variable $(Build.SourceVersion) is responsible for this, but for gated-check in it is not being set.
It looks right, because commit was not accepted by TFS yet.
The question is how to grab this commit ID either during gated-check in or following CI ?
Should I create just another build for gated check-in that just compile our solution and only if succeeded will trigger CI ?
There is no way to get the changeset id that hasn't checked in during gated check-in. Please check the screenshot below, checking in gated changes is in the very last step in the build process, which can't be controlled. After the build completes, the variable $(Build.SourceVersion) will update automatically. So we are not able to get the changeset id that hasn't checked in until the build completes.
You would need to use TFS REST API to get the build that has completed, then fetch the "sourceVersion":
GET http://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}/_apis/build/builds/{buildId}?api-version={version}
So far, I end up with not clean workaround, but it were accepted by our management.
I created two build definitions: one for gated-check in, one for CI.
Once someone checked in something gated check-in fires. If it completed successfully, CI build would be triggered. Please note corresponding checkbox on UI:
This is not so clean solution, but it works for me.
Currently, my team is using TeamCity to automatically build pull requests from GitHub.
We have a configuration to build all the pull requests. In the version control settings of the config, our branch specification is
In the "Build Triggers" configuration setting, we have only one trigger with the following trigger rule:
+:root=Pull Requests on our Repository:\***/*\*
"Pull Requests on our Repository" is our VCS root name.
The issues:
When someone views a pull request on GitHub website without doing anything else, a build would be triggered in the TeamCity build agent. This is quite annoying, because from time to time, we have multiple build agents building the same pull requests (when multiple people view it).
When someone comments on a pull request, a build would also be triggered.
From my perspective, the only time I want TeamCity to start a build is when new commits are pushed to the pull requests.
Is there a way to do it?
Github's refs/pull/*/merge branches are updated every time mergeability of the branch is recalculated, i.e. on every commit to destination (most likely master) branch. They are also updated when pull request is closed and then reopened. Github's support says these branches are not intended for end users use. The only workaround at the moment is to run builds on refs/pull/*/head branches automatically and on refs/pull/*/merge branches manually.
Do you have TeamCity configured as per this blog post? I then activate the TeamCity service hook in GitHub which takes care of triggering a build in TeamCity whenever there is a push. This seems to do the right thing for me. Or am I missing something?
I know this is old but I wanted to post what we've found as alternatives:
Stop using VCS roots altogether as a mechanism for triggering pull requests. Instead, configure a GitHub webhook to notify a web app of yours whenever there is an update to a PR and only then trigger a build via the TeamCity REST API.
In your build config, add a step that checks what changed in the PR. If nothing changed (i.e. no new commits were added), or if the PR is closed, cancel the build. The problem with this is that the build queue will still be populated with builds that will then be cancelled. Also, you'd have to store somewhere the last commit that was built in order to do the check.
According to their TeamCity's issue tracker, the issue of the TeamCity.GitHub plugin causing an infinite loop of builds was fixed in v9.0