Create Range with inclusive end value when stepping - scala

Is there any way to create a range which includes the end value when using a step which doesn't align?
For instance the following yields:
scala> Range.inclusive(0, 35, 10)
res3: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive = Range(0, 10, 20, 30)
But I would also like the end value (35) included like so:
scala> Range.inclusive(0, 35, 10)
res3: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive = Range(0, 10, 20, 30, 35)

As mentioned, not a standard semantics. A workaround,
for (i <- 0 to 35 by 10) yield if (35 % 10 != 0 && 35 - i < 10) 35 else i
where you must replace the boundary and step values as needed.

No, not with the current definition/ implementation. It would be strange behaviour to have the step the same for all intermediate elements but different from the last.

The above solution does not work because it omits the value "30". Here is a unfold-style solution that produces a list rather than a sequence.
def unfoldRange(i: Int, j: Int, s: Int): List[Int] = {
if (i >= j) List(j)
else i :: unfoldRange(i+s,j,s)

I think you can tackle this by extending Range with the Pimp my Library pattern as well.
object Extensions {
implicit def RichRange(value: Range) = new {
def withEnd: IndexedSeq[Int] = {
if (value.last != value.end) value :+ value.end
else value
although you get an IndexedSeq[Int] rather than a range. Use it like:
import Extensions._
0 to 5 by 2 withEnd // produces 0, 2, 4, 5


How to create an Iterable of semi-homogenous Integers that sum to a max in Scala?

In scala; given a maximum sum value and a maximum element value, how can an Iterable of elements be created such that the elements add up to the maximum sum? The Iterable should have the smallest size possible.
As an example, given
val maxSum = 47
val maxElementValue = 10
How can the following Iterable be created:
Iterable(10, 10, 10, 10, 7) //sum to 47
Other examples:
val maxSum = 9
val maxElementValue = 10
val maxSum = 11
val maxElementValue = 5
Iterable(5, 5, 1)
Thank you in advance for your consideration and response.
If you are in 2.13 you can use unfold
def elementGenerator(maxSum: Int, maxElementValue: Int): List[Int] =
Iterator.unfold(maxSum) { remainingSum =>
if (remainingSum == 0)
else if (remainingSum <= maxElementValue)
Some(remainingSum -> 0)
Some(maxElementValue -> (remainingSum - maxElementValue))
You may also consider just returning the Iterator or using a LazyList if you do not need to keep all the elements right now but just know how to generate them.
How about
((maxSum % maxElementValue) :: List.fill(maxSum / maxElementValue)(maxElementValue)).filterNot(_ == 0)
You can use .unfold for this:
// Use `Iterator.unfold` if you want an Iterator instead of a List
List.unfold(maxSum) { remaining =>
if (remaining <= 0) None
else {
val nextElement = math.min(maxElementValue, remaining)
Some(nextElement -> (remaining - nextElement))
List(10, 10, 10, 10, 7)
See it on scastie.
A recursive function can do the trick
def elementGenerator(maxSum: Int, maxElementValue: Int, currentElements: Seq[Int] = Seq.empty[Int]) : Seq[Int] =
if(maxSum == 0 || maxValue <= 0)
else if(maxSum < maxElementValue)
currentElements :+ maxSum
elementGenerator(maxSum - maxElementValue, maxElementValue, currentElements :+ maxElementValue)
Presented mostly as a "well, it works but you really don't want to do it this way" alternative :)

Scala: Problem with foldLeft with negative numbers in list

I am writing a Scala function that returns the sum of even elements in a list, minus sum of odd elements in a list. I cannot use mutables, recursion or for/while loops for my solution. The code below passes 2/3 tests, but I can't seem to figure out why it can't compute the last test correctly.
def sumOfEvenMinusOdd(l: List[Int]) : Int = {
if (l.length == 0) return 0
val evens = l.filter(_%2==0)
val odds = l.filter(_%2==1)
val evenSum = evens.foldLeft(0)(_+_)
val oddSum = odds.foldLeft(0)(_+_)
val i1 = sumOfEvenMinusOdd(List(1,3,5,4,5,2,1,0)) //answer: -9
val i2 = sumOfEvenMinusOdd(List(2,4,5,6,7,8,10)) //answer: 18
val i3 = sumOfEvenMinusOdd(List(109, 19, 12, 1, -5, -120, -15, 30,-33,-13, 12, 19, 3, 18, 1, -1)) //answer -133
My code is outputting this:
defined function sumOfEvenMinusOdd
i1: Int = -9
i2: Int = 18
i3: Int = -200
I am extremely confused why these negative numbers are tripping up the rest of my code. I saw a post explaining the order of operations with foldLeft foldRight, but even changing to foldRight still yields i3: Int = -200. Is there a detail I'm missing? Any guidance / help would be greatly appreciated.
The problem isn't foldLeft or foldRight, the problem is the way you filter out odd values:
val odds = l.filter(_ % 2 == 1)
Should be:
val odds = l.filter(_ % 2 != 0)
The predicate _ % 2 == 1 will only yield true for positive elements. For example, the expression -15 % 2 is equal to -1, and not 1.
As as side note, we can also make this a bit more efficient:
def sumOfEvenMinusOdd(l: List[Int]): Int = {
val (evenSum, oddSum) = l.foldLeft((0, 0)) {
case ((even, odd), element) =>
if (element % 2 == 0) (even + element, odd) else (even, odd + element)
evenSum - oddSum
Or even better by accumulating the difference only:
def sumOfEvenMinusOdd(l: List[Int]): Int = {
l.foldLeft(0) {
case (diff, element) =>
diff + element * (if (element % 2 == 0) 1 else -1)
The problem is on the filter condition that you apply on list to find odd numbers.
the odd condition that you doesn't work for negative odd number because mod 2 return -1 for this kind of number.
number % 2 == 0 if number is even
number % 2 != 0 if number is odd
so if you change the filter conditions all works as expected.
Another suggestion:
Why you want use foldleft function for a simple sum operation when you can use directly the sum functions?
test("Test sum Of even minus odd") {
def sumOfEvenMinusOdd(l: List[Int]) : Int = {
val evensSum = l.filter(_%2 == 0).sum
val oddsSum = l.filter(_%2 != 0).sum
assert(sumOfEvenMinusOdd(List.empty[Int]) == 0)
assert(sumOfEvenMinusOdd(List(1,3,5,4,5,2,1,0)) == -9) //answer: -9
assert(sumOfEvenMinusOdd(List(2,4,5,6,7,8,10)) == 18) //answer: 18
assert(sumOfEvenMinusOdd(List(109, 19, 12, 1, -5, -120, -15, 30,-33,-13, 12, 19, 3, 18, 1, -1)) == -133)
With this solution your function is more clear and you can remove the if on the funciton

Best way to handle while loop style program in Scala

I have a simple program written in C++. It generates random numbers, and stop when the sum of those numbers equal or greater than 100. The code looks like:
vector<int> container;
while(container.sum() <100)
int new_number = rand()%10 + 1 ;// generate a number in range 1 to 10
container.push_back(new_number); // add new number to the container
What is the best way to handle the task in Scala? (without using while loop?)
It seems that FoldLeft or FoldRight function doesn't have ability to break at a condition?
Create an infinite Stream of random numbers (requires very little CPU and memory), take only what you need, then turn the result Stream into the desired collection type.
val randoms = Stream.continually(util.Random.nextInt(10)+1)
val container = randoms.take(randoms.scan(0)(_+_).indexWhere(_>=100)).toVector
Added bonus is that the sums are calculated as you go, i.e. added to the previous sum, not summing from the beginning each time.
Here's one approach to handle a while loop using a tail-recursive function as follows:
def addToContainer(container: Vector[Int], max: Int): Vector[Int] = {
val newContainer = container ++ Vector(scala.util.Random.nextInt(10) + 1)
if (newContainer.sum >= max) container
else addToContainer(newContainer, max)
addToContainer(Vector[Int](), 100)
// res1: Vector[Int] = Vector(9, 9, 5, 9, 3, 5, 2, 5, 10, 7, 6, 4, 5, 5, 9, 3)
// res2: Int = 96
Here's one way to do it:
val randomNumberGenerator = new scala.util.Random
def sumUntil(list: List[Int]): List[Int] = list match {
case exceeds if list.filter(_ > 0).sum > 100 => list
case _ => sumUntil(list :+ (randomNumberGenerator.nextInt(10) + 1))
To explain the solution:
Create an instance of scala.util.Random which will help us generate random numbers
sumUntil will pattern match; if the sum of the list exceeds 100, return it.
In the event that the sum does not exceed 100, call sumUntil again, but with another random number generated between 10 and 1 (inclusive). Keep in mind that the _ means, "I don't care about the value, or even the type." _ is anything else but the case where the sum of all the integers in our list is greater than 100.
If you're new to Scala, I understand that it may be a bit rough on the eyes to read. Below is a refined version:
val randomNumberGenerator = new scala.util.Random
def sumUntil(list: List[Int]): List[Int] = list match {
case exceeds if sumList(list) > 100 => list
case _ => sumUntil(appendRandomNumberToList(list))
private def sumList(list: List[Int]): Int = {
list.filter(_ > 0).sum
private def appendRandomNumberToList(list: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
list :+ randomNumberGenerator.nextInt(10) + 1
If your loop just scans through the collection, use fold or reduce.
If it needs some custom terminate condition, recursion is favored.

How to capture inner matched value in indexWhere vector expression?

Using a Vector[Vector[Int]] reference v, and the expression to find a given number num:
val posX = v.indexWhere(_.indexOf(num) > -1)
Is there any way to capture the value of _.indexOf(num) to use after the expression (i.e. the posY value)? The following signals an error 'Illegal start of simple expression':
val posX = v.indexWhere((val posY = _.indexOf(num)) > -1)
If we do not mind using a variable then we can capture indexOf() value of inner Vector (_ in the below code) in a var and use it later to build the y position:
val posX = v.indexWhere(_.indexOf(num) > -1)
val posY = v(posX).indexOf(num)
There are lots of nice functional ways to do this. The following is probably one of the more concise:
val v = Vector(Vector(1, 2, 3), Vector(4, 5, 6), Vector(7, 8, 9))
val num = 4
val Some((posY, posX)) = indexOf num).zipWithIndex.find(_._1 > -1)
// posY: Int = 0
// posX: Int = 1
Note that there's a lot of extra work going on here, though—we're creating a couple of intermediate collections, parts of which we don't need, etc. If you're calling this thing a lot or on very large collections, you unfortunately may need to take a more imperative approach. In that case I'd suggest bundling up all the unpleasantness:
def locationOf(v: Vector[Vector[Int]])(num: Int): Option[(Int, Int)] = {
var i, j = 0
var found = false
while (i < v.size && !found) {
j = 0
while (j < v(i).size && !found)
if (v(i)(j) == num) found = true else j += 1
if (!found) i += 1
if (!found) None else Some(i, j)
Not as elegant, but this method is probably going to be a lot faster and more memory efficient. It's small enough that it isn't likely to contain any of the bugs that this kind of programming is so prone to, and it's referentially transparent—all the mutation is local.
From my armchair,
scala> val v = Vector(Vector(1, 2, 3), Vector(4, 5, 6), Vector(7, 8, 9))
scala> v.zipWithIndex collectFirst {
| case (e, i) if (e indexOf num) >= 0 =>
| (i, e indexOf num)
| }
res7: Option[(Int, Int)] = Some((1,0))
I haven't done the armchair math, but that's one intermediate collection compared to Travis's. But see Travis's comment that the result inner index is computed twice here, and the whole point was not to do that.
Here is a solution that will only evaluate up until it finds the required element. I personally find it more readable and you can reuse it across programs. You can obviously make this more general if need be.
val v = Vector(Vector(1, 2, 3), Vector(4, 5, 6))
def findElem(i: Int, vs: Vector[Vector[Int]]): (Int, Int) =
(for {
row <- vs.indices.toStream
col <- vs(row).indices.toStream
if vs(row)(col) == i
} yield (row, col)).head
findElem(5, v) // (1, 1)
You could remove the .toStream methods if you want all positions. Using the .toStream just means that you will only evaluate up until the first occurrence.

Scala finding more elegant way

I am new to Scala and functional programming.
I was solving problem where you have to read number, and then that number of integers. After that you should calculate sum of all digits in all the integers.
Here is my code
def sumDigits(line: String) =
line.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.toInt - '0'.toInt)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val numberOfLines = Console.readInt
val lines = for (i <- 1 to numberOfLines) yield Console.readLine
println(lines.foldLeft(0)( _ + sumDigits(_)))
Is there more elegant or efficient way?
sumDigits() can be implemented easier with sum:
def sumDigits(line: String) =
Second foldLeft() can also be replaced with sum:
Which brings us to the final version (notice there is no main, instead with extend App):
object Main extends App {
def sumDigits(line: String) =
val lines = for (_ <- 1 to Console.readInt) yield Console.readLine
Or if you really want to squeeze as much as possible in one line, inline sumDigits (not recommended):
I like compact code, so I might (if I was really going for brevity)
object Reads extends App {
import Console._
println( Seq.fill(readInt){ - '0').sum}.sum )
which sets the number of lines inline and does the processing as you go. No error checking, though. You could throw in a .filter(_.isDigit) right after the readLine to at least discard non-digits. You might also def p[A](a: A) = { println(a); a } and wrap the reads in p so you can see what had been typed (by default on some platforms at least there's no echo to screen).
One-liner Answer:
To start with, you have to do some kind of parsing on line to break apart the existing decimal integers sub-strings:
val numbers = "5 1 4 9 16 25"
val ints = numbers.split("\\s+")
Then you want to pull off the first one as the count and keep the rest to decode and sum:
val count :: numbers = ints
Then use the built-in sum method:
val sum = numbers.sum
Altogether in the REPL:
scala> val numbers = "5 1 4 9 16 25"
numbers: String = 5 1 4 9 16 25
scala> val ints = numbers.split("\\s+")
ints: List[Int] = List(5, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25)
scala> val count :: numbers = ints
count: Int = 5
numbers: List[Int] = List(1, 4, 9, 16, 25)
scala> val sum = numbers.sum
sum: Int = 55
If you want to do something with the leading number count, you could verify that it's correct:
scala> assert(count == numbers.length)
Which produces no output, since the assertion passes.