I have Class Name Contacts and it has following properties.
name, type string
phone, type embeddedMap , link type string..
I want insert data using a query..
Please assit me to do this.
Thank You.
create vertex Contacts set name="pippo",phone={"home":"55555555","mobile":"8888888"},link="http://qwertyuiop"
I want to show a variable value (record count of a table) on an Access form. I tried with a textbox by defining its control source with the following and many other internal functions but all returned only errors. Anyone can help? Thanks
select count(*) from TableName
I would also suggest the DCount domain aggregate function as suggested by Andre, but to offer an alternative, if TableName is the Record Source for your form, you can also use:
To count all records in the Record Source, or:
To count all non-null values of a particular field in the Record Source.
You need = and domain functions.
=DCount("*", "TableName")
should work as control source.
I am using mongodb and odata.
I want to select name field alone for particular user id. (i.e) select name from userdata where userid=1;
/*my collection schema - userdata*/
I tried http://localhost:27017/userdata?$format=json&$filter=userid eq '1'&$select=name
Instead of getting name file alone I got whole object/document that matches userid=1. What I am doing wrong here?
I spoted the problem after the comment from #jps.
The issue is not with query, the problem is with data model which I am using is mismatching with my database schema (i.e) I missed out name field in model, so it is returning whole collection.
Now model is fixed, so the service is responding back with names for given userid.
I have two different classes: Record and Location. Record has a location property that links to Location class.
I want to create a record with a new location in one statement pretty much like this:
insert into record content {location:{name:"EDR"}}
I was hoping this would create new location with name EDR and link it to location property of record but it throws this exception.
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OValidationException: The field 'record.location' has been declared as LINK but the value is not a record or a record-id
Can anyone help me please?
You can use
insert into record set location = (insert into location(name) values ("EDR"))
you could also try this:
insert into Record set location = (insert into Location content {name:'EDR'})
Hope it helps
Seems the inner object is taken as MAP instead of document. However try to force the fact the inner object is a document and not a MAP (In OrientDB you can have both):
insert into record content {"#type":"d", "location":{"#type":"d", "name":"EDR"}}
I want to dynamically access SQLite result set. Since webworks/javascript doesnt support "PRAGMA table_info(table_name); I am saving all newly created tables information in a single two column table called schema. schema has two columns, table_name and column_name.
So I created a function to access table data dynamically. I use the item=results.rows.item(i) and than access row data with item.column.
column is a variable that is assigned the value from schema, representing the column_name. When I alert(column) I get the correct column_name, but when I used item.column my results are "undefined".
any advice on how to resolve this matter.
If I understand you correctly, column is a variable that holds the value of a column name, and you want to access that column from the results item. If that's the case, then this might help:
//Assuming "var column" has already been defined,
//and given the value of the column name to be accessed in the results item.//
var item = results.rows.item(i);
var columnValue = item[column];
I struggled with this too, and this is what I found/use. You put in brackets the variable containing the column name, and that's how you access it.
EDIT: This is obviously Javascript stuff, and what I used for accessing SQLite in PhoneGap. Hopefully it helps.
I am trying to find where Contact type ( Google/Phone) is stored and how to access it. I thought I could access the class in the android.provider.contacts.contact.commonDatakinds package. However i could not find any information on the data field. Any help on contactscontact data field documentation and Contact Type would be greatly appreciated
Maybe you can query to RawContacts's content_uri with Rawcontacts.ACCOUNT_NAME and RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE to get it.