Powershell workflow function issue - powershell

I´m trying to reuse code on my SMA runbooks but everything I try to put inside a function doesn´t seem to work as expected.
For example, If I do this it works and returns the username of the credential:
workflow RB_Test
$credent = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "CRED_TESTE"
$var = $credent.Username
"result = ${var}"
But if I turn into this it doesn't work anymore (returns null):
workflow RB_Test
function FN_Test
$credent = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name "CRED_TESTE"
$var = $credent.Username
"result = ${var}"
I've tried different things but without success. The debug/verbose screen don't return anything different. That also doesn't work:
Inlinescript {
. FN_Test
My goal would be to put several functions into a separate module and then import it on my runbooks for reusability but this really seems not to work.
This is a runbook (powershell workflow) created in the Service Management Automation (SMA).
I've read that there are some restrictions with Powershell workflow compared to pure Powershell but I am not sure if I am hitting one of them:

Here's what I've had to do to get functions to work:
workflow FunctionTest {
function log {
Write-Output $Message
Write-Output "Filename: $Filename"
Write-Output "using:Filename: $using:Filename"
Write-Output "workflow:Filename: $workflow:Filename"
Write-Output "----"
## Under what conditions is 'global' used? Can't be used in a workflow...Hey Scripting Guy!
workflow DoSomething {
log "Starting DoSomething"
$Filename = "LogFile_2017.csv"
log "Starting workflow"
## Variables need to be passed into workflow from parent-workflow
DoSomething -Filename $Filename
log "End workflow"
I found you need to define your functions before using them. The tricky part was discovering that you have to pass your variables into the child-workflow.
The scope of the variables takes some getting used to.


Powershell - How to script a session refresh in powershell?

I have one ps1 script that drives the operations I want to perform.
I am using modules with class definitions in the modules that use Command pattern.
All is well and good first time I open a powershell session console and run the script.
If I change a class in any way and re-run in the same console, the console does not seem to be picking up the changed script. I have to close the powershell console and run the script fresh in order for my changes work. Otherwise I just get the script behaving the same way it does before I made the change. Clearly there is some caching going on.
I am wondering if MS has finally resolved this issue. I have read many older posts with complaints about this.
I have tried the following and none of them appears to work:
Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
Remove-Module *;
I have even tried all of them together. Still not helping.
Is there something else can can be done to ensure the latest code in any supporting modules gets loaded? Having to close the whole console and reload is a serious productivity issue.
Example of what I am doing:6
using module .\Logger.psm1
using module .\AzurePlatformParmsDefault.psm1
using module .\AzurePlatform.psm1
[Logger] $Logger = [Logger]::Create()
[AzurePlatformParms] $AzurePlatformParms = [AzurePlatformParmsDefault]::Create( $Logger )
[AzurePlatform] $AzurePlatform = [AzurePlatform]::Create( $Logger, $AzurePlatformParms )
[bool] $Result = $AzurePlatform.Execute()
The conventional wisdom is that there isn't a way to do this natively, and creating a new runspace or process is the solution.
You can reset variables to default values and import environment variables from the user/machine scope (on windows); before clearing any jobs, events, event subscribers etc. This isn't a true session refresh though, and classes/custom types will persist.
To speed up your workflow, you may want to use a function in your $profile that can automate creating a new session, and loading in what's needed. This approach can save enough time that it is trivial to recycle an interactive session. I will include the one I use in my profile as an example. It's fairly comprehensive, but I suggest tailoring one that is suitable for your specific needs.
function Start-NewSession {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'NoChange')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Elevate')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NoChange')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Elevate')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'NoChange')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Elevate')]
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DeElevate')]
$PSAppPath = (Get-Process -Id $PID).Path
$SPParams = #{
Filepath = $PSAppPath
WorkingDirectory = $PWD
ArgumentList = ''
if ($Elevate.IsPresent) {
$SPParams['Verb'] = 'RunAs'
elseif ($DeElevate.IsPresent) {
$SPParams['FilePath'] = Join-Path $env:windir 'explorer.exe'
$SPParams['ArgumentList'] = $PSAppPath
if ($NoProfile.IsPresent) {
$SPParams['ArgumentList'] += ' -NoProfile'
if ($AddCommands.IsPresent) {
$ExtraCmds = Read-Host -Prompt 'Post-startup commands'
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($ExtraCmds)) {
$SPParams['ArgumentList'] +=
' -NoExit -Command "' + $ExtraCmds.Replace('"', '\"') + '"'
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SPParams['ArgumentList'])) {
Start-Process #SPParams
if (-not $NoClose.IsPresent) { exit }
This permits typing sans to generate a new session and close the old one.

Writing tests for PowerShell functions

I have the following function (the function is an auxiliary function of an another function and it works correctly):
function Get-UserManager {
param (
[pscredential] $credential,
try {
$reply = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $full_uri -Credentia $cred
} catch {
Write-Verbose "Couldn't connect to the End Point"
Write-Debug "$($_.Exception)"
return $userListObject
$reply.elements | ForEach-Object {
return $_
I am required to write a PowerShell test for the following function (The test must include all possible outputs, because I need the code coverage to be 100%).
Can someone please help me how do I write a PowerShell test that can check all the possible outputs of this function?
The test should be like this:
$moduleRoot = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\.."
$moduleName = Split-Path $moduleRoot -Leaf
$cred = Get-Credential
Describe "Demonstarting Code Coverage of: $moduleName" {
It "Calls Function: get-UserManager" {
{Get-UserManager -credential $cred -searchType ID -searchString
'12345' -delimiter} | Should Be $userListObject
I assume you're using Pester, which is a Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) framework. That is, it is designed to help you verify the behaviour of your code.
Ideally, you'd design the tests first according to the specification, then write the code, but as you already have the code, you'll need to think about possible ways it could be used and how you expect it to behave in each case. For example, looking at your code, what do you expect to happen if $searchString is empty or invalid credentials are passed? How can you test this actually happens?
Incidentally, code coverage is related to the execution paths in your code and just because you have 100% coverage, doesn't mean you have completely tested the code. For example, consider this basic function:
function Get-Product {
Param (
return $Param1 * $Param2
A single test that calls, say, Get-Product -Param1 12 -Param2 3 will have 100% code coverage as it tests all possible paths in the code, but it doesn't tell me how my code handles, for example, $Param1 being a string (e.g. "12") or one parameter is negative, etc, so I haven't really tested it thoroughly.
Your code is currently non-functional, I assume because you reduced it to share on StackOverflow but have left some key elements out. For example $full_uri and $userListObject aren't populated but are used in the function and you have an extra comma in your param block.
That being said, you probably want to take the approach of using Mocking to simulate parts of your script so you can force different behaviour to occur and visit every path in order to get 100% code coverage. For example you need a test where the API returns an exception and enters your Catch block. That might look like this:
Describe "Demonstarting Code Coverage of: $moduleName" {
Context 'Unable to connect to the endpoint' {
Mock Invoke-RestMethod { Throw 'Endpoint unavailable' }
Mock Write-Verbose
Mock Write-Debug
It 'Should enter the catch block when the endpoint returns an error' {
Get-UserManager -Verbose -Debug
Assert-MockCalled Write-Verbose -Times 1 -Exactly
Assert-MockCalled Write-Debug -Times 1 -Exactly
If you're completely new to Pester, Mocking can be a tricky topic to get your head around at first. I recommend doing some learning on Pester first. I did a talk on Getting Started with Pester at PSDay last year that you might find informative.

Testing for mandatory parameters with Pester

I'm trying to figure out how to have Pester test for parameters that are missing:
$here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$sut = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -replace '\.Tests\.', '.'
Describe 'Mandatory paramters' {
it 'ComputerName' {
$Params = #{
#ComputerName = 'MyPc'
ScriptName = 'Test'
. "$here\$sut" #Params
} | Should throw
Param (
Function Find-Waldo {
Param (
'Do something'
Every time I try to assert the result or simply run the test, it will prompt me for the ComputerName parameter instead of failing the test.
Am I missing something super obvious here? Is there a way to test for the presence of mandatory parameters?
Per the comments from Mathias, you can't really test for whether a Mandatory parameter is missing because PowerShell prompts for it rather than throwing an error. Per the comment he linked to from the Pester team you could use Get-Command to test for the Mandatory parameter setting in the script (assuming it is the only parameter attribute set for that variable)
((Get-Command "$here\$sut").Parameters['ComputerName'].Attributes.Mandatory | Should Be $true
An alternative option would be to not use Mandatory parameters in this instance, and instead have a script block that does a Throw as the default value of the parameter:
Param (
[String]$ComputerName = $(Throw '-ComputerName is required'),
If the script is always used as part of an automated process (instead of via user execution) this might be preferred as it allows you to control/capture its behavior and avoids it getting stuck during execution. You can then test the script as you had originally proposed:
Describe 'Mandatory paramters' {
it 'ComputerName' {
$Params = #{
#ComputerName = 'MyPc'
ScriptName = 'Test'
. "$here\$sut" #Params
} | Should throw '-ComputerName is required'
Although the accepted answer indicates that this isn't possible, it actually is possible. Here is the solution that I developed to solve for this problem.
It 'Should fail when no priority is specified, for a valid process name' {
$ScriptBlock = {
Import-Module -Name $args[0]
Set-ProcessPriority -Name System
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $HOME/git/ProcessPriority/src/ProcessPriority | Wait-Job | Receive-Job
} | Should -Throw
What you'll notice from the above example is:
🚀 The code being tested has been wrapped in a PowerShell ScriptBlock
🚀 We invoke a PowerShell background job, containing the test code
🚀 We wait for the background job to complete, and then receive the results
🚀 If you run the Get-Job command, you'll notice that there is a job in the Blocked status
The exception that's thrown by the background job is similar to the following:
The Wait-Job cmdlet cannot finish working, because one or more jobs are blocked waiting for user interaction. Process interactive job output by using the Receive-Job cmdlet, and then try again.
You'll notice that I hard-coded the filesystem path to the module. I am not sure how to pass this as an argument into the "outer" ScriptBlock that Pester is invoking for us. Perhaps someone has a suggestion on how to accomplish that final piece of the puzzle.
What's uniquely interesting about PowerShell background jobs is that you can actually resume a job in the Blocked status, and it will prompt you for input, even though it threw the earlier exception.

Debugging PowerShell

I'm not certain what is wrong with this scriptlet.
I'm trying to break out functionality into several other functions (I have a programming background not a scripting one per se) and to me LOGICALLY the following should execute starting at the "main" function Test-SgnedMpsPackage, accepting the various optional parameters (the script is not yet complete) then when the function Check-Path is called, that is run, then work would resume in the original calling function.
Am I missing something here?
On a side note, how does one return a value to the calling function? a simple return?
function CheckPath($path)
if ( test-path -Path $path )
{ Write-Host "{0} confirmed to exist." -f $path }
{ Write-Host "{0} DOES NOT exis.\nPlease check and run the script again" -f $path }
exit { exit }
function Test-SignedMpsPackage
[string] $PkgSource,
[string] $SigSource,
[string] $Destination
#Check that both files exist
Write-Host "Check for file existence..."
#retrieve signatures from file
Unlike C, C++ or C# there is no "main" entry point function. Any script at the top level - outside of a function - executes. You have defined two functions above but you haven't called either one. You need to do something like this:
function Test-SignedMpsPackage
Test-SignedMpsPackage params
Also as mentioned by #Bill_Stewart, you call your defined functions just like you call PowerShell commands - arguments are space separated and you don't use parens except to evaluate an expression inside the parens.
As for returning a value from a function, any output (Output stream) not captured by assigning to a variable or being redirected to a file is automatically part of the function's output. So I would modify your CheckPath function to this:
function CheckPath($path)
if (Test-Path -Path $path) {
Write-Verbose "{0} confirmed to exist." -f $path
else {
Write-Verbose "{0} DOES NOT exist.\nPlease check and run the script again" -f $path
You can use Write-Host as you had before but sometimes, perhaps in a script, you don't want to see the extra output. That is where Write-Verbose comes in handy. Set $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' to see the verbose output.

PowerShell DSC - how to pass configuration parameters to ScriptResources?

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get a PowerShell Desired State Configuration script working to configure an in-house application. The root of the problem is that I can't seem to pass my configuration data down into a ScriptResource (at least not with the way I'm trying to do it).
My script is supposed to create a config folder for our in-house application, and then write some settings into a file:
configuration MyApp {
param (
[string[]] $ComputerName = $env:ComputerName
node $ComputerName {
File ConfigurationFolder {
Type = "Directory"
DestinationPath = $Node.ConfigFolder
Ensure = "Present"
Script ConfigurationFile {
SetScript = {
write-verbose "running ConfigurationFile.SetScript";
write-verbose "folder = $($Node.ConfigFolder)";
write-verbose "filename = $($Node.ConfigFile)";
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText($Node.ConfigFile, "enabled=" + $Node.Enabled);
TestScript = {
write-verbose "running ConfigurationFile.TestScript";
write-verbose "folder = $($Node.ConfigFolder)";
write-verbose "filename = $($Node.ConfigFile)";
return (Test-Path $Node.ConfigFile);
GetScript = { #{Configured = (Test-Path $Node.ConfigFile)} }
DependsOn = "[File]ConfigurationFolder"
For reference, my configuration data looks like this:
$config = #{
AllNodes = #(
NodeName = "*"
ConfigFolder = "C:\myapp\config"
ConfigFile = "C:\myapp\config\config.txt"
NodeName = "ServerA"
Enabled = "true"
NodeName = "ServerB"
Enabled = "false"
And I'm applying DSC with the following:
$mof = MyApp -ConfigurationData $config;
Start-DscConfiguration MyApp –Wait –Verbose;
When I apply this configuration it happily creates the folder, but fails to do anything with the config file. Looking at the output below, it's obvious that it's because the $Node variable is null inside the scope of ConfigurationFile / TestScript, but I've got no idea how to reference it from within that block.
LCM: [ Start Resource ] [[Script]ConfigurationFile]
LCM: [ Start Test ] [[Script]ConfigurationFile]
[[Script]ConfigurationFile] running ConfigurationFile.TestScript
[[Script]ConfigurationFile] node is null = True
[[Script]ConfigurationFile] folder =
[[Script]ConfigurationFile] filename =
LCM: [ End Test ] [[Script]ConfigurationFile] in 0.4850 seconds.
I've burnt off an entire day searching online for this specific problem, but all the examples of variables, parameters and configuration data all use File and Registry resources or other non-script resources, which I've already got working in the "ConfigurationFolder" block in my script. The thing I'm stuck on is how to reference the configuration data from within a Script resource like my "ConfigurationFile".
I've drawn a complete blank so any help would be greatly appreciated. If all else fails I may have to create a separate "configuration" script per server and hard-code the values, which I really don't want to do if at all possible.
Change this: $Node.ConfigFolder to $using:Node.ConfigFolder.
If you have a variable called $Foo and you want it to be passed to a script DSC resource, then use $using:Foo
Based on David's answer, I've written a utility function which converts my script block to a string and then performs a very naive search and replace to expand out references to the configuration data as follows.
function Format-DscScriptBlock()
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $node,
[System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock] $scriptBlock
$result = $scriptBlock.ToString();
foreach( $key in $node.Keys )
$result = $result.Replace("`$Node.$key", $node[$key]);
return $result;
My SetScript then becomes:
SetScript = Format-DscScriptBlock -Node $Node -ScriptBlock {
write-verbose "running ConfigurationFile.SetScript";
write-verbose "folder = $Node.ConfigFolder";
write-verbose "filename = $Node.ConfigFile)";
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$Node.ConfigFile", "enabled=" + $Node.Enabled);
You have to be mindful of quotes and escapes in your configuration data because Format-DscScriptBlock only performs literal substitution, but this was good enough for my purposes.
A quite elegant way to solve this problem is to work with the regular {0} placeholders. By applying the -f operator the placeholders can be replaced with their actual values.
The only downside with this method is that you cannot use the curly braces { } for anything other than placeholders (i.e. say a hashtable or a for-loop), because the -f operator requires the braces to contain an integer.
Your code then looks like this:
SetScript = ({
Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\AppPools\{0}" "managedRuntimeVersion" "v4.0"
Set-ItemProperty "IIS:\AppPools\{0}" "managedPipelineMode" 1 # 0 = Integrated, 1 = Classic
} -f #($ApplicationPoolName))
Also, a good way to find out if you're doing it right is by simply viewing the generated .mof file with a text editor; if you look at the generated TestScript / GetScript / SetScript members, you'll see that the code fragment really is a string. The $placeholder values should already have been replaced there.
ConfigurationData only exists at the time the MOF files are compiled, not at runtime when the DSC engine applies your scripts. The SetScript, GetScript, and TestScript attributes of the Script resource are actually strings, not script blocks.
It's possible to generate those script strings (with all of the required data from your ConfigurationData already expanded), but you have to be careful to use escapes, subexpressions and quotation marks correctly.
I posted a brief example of this over on the original TechNet thread at http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/2eb97d67-f1fb-4857-8840-de9c4cb9cae0/dsc-configuration-data-for-script-resources?forum=winserverpowershell