"ERROR: 'Premature end of file.' " happens when generating snippets using Spring Restdocs - spring-restdocs

I am using Spring Restdocs for documentation. Here's my code:
RestDocumentationResultHandler document = document("{class-name}/{method-name}",
String authHead = TestUtils.performLogin(mockMvc, "user", "pass");
.adoc files are successfully generated and af there's an error that I am struggling to solve it.
[Fatal Error] :1:1: Premature end of file.
ERROR: 'Premature end of file.'
I think the problem comes from
Since i commented it out, the error disappears. But JSON response is NOT formated as i expected. I really appreciate your help. Thanks in advance.


Proper format for log4j2.xml RollingFile configuration

I am getting the following exception in my glassfish 4 application that uses log4j2:
SEVERE: ERROR StatusLogger Invalid URL C:/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/log4j2.xml java.net.MalformedURLException: Unknown protocol: c
I have the following section in my log4j2.xml:
<RollingFile name="RollingFile" fileName="C:/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/ucsvc.log"
I understand that if it's looking for a URL, then "C:/glassfish4/..." is not the correct format.
However, the rolling file part actually works: I see a log file and the rolled log files where I expect them.
If I change to a URL (e.g. file:///C/glassfish4/...) that doesn't work at all.
So should I ignore the exception? (everything seems to be working ok). Or can someone explain the correct format for this section of the configuration?
I have not yet fully determined why it is that the config file works for me as well as the OP, but, I can confirm that changing the path reference to a file:// url solves the problem (ie: gets rid of the error/warning/irritant).
In my IntelliJ Run/Debug configurations, for VM options, I have:
I can confirm that '\' are translated to '/' so, no worries there.
Okay, the whole thing works because they (the apache guys) try really hard to load the configuration and they do, in fact, load from the file as specified via the c:\... notation. They just throw up a rather misleading exception before continuing to try.
In ConfigurationFactory::getConfiguration:
**source = getInputFromURI(FileUtils.getCorrectedFilePathUri(config));**
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Ignore the error and try as a String.
if (source == null) {
final ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
**source = getInputFromString(config, loader);**
The first bolded line tries to load from a URL and fails, throwing the exception. The code then continues, pops into getInputFromString:
try {
final URL url = new URL(config);
return new ConfigurationSource(url.openStream(), FileUtils.fileFromURI(url.toURI()));
} catch (final Exception ex) {
final ConfigurationSource source = getInputFromResource(config, loader);
if (source == null) {
try {
**final File file = new File(config);
return new ConfigurationSource(new FileInputStream(file), file);**
Where it tries to load the config again, fails and falls into the catch, tries again, fails and finally succeeds on the bolded lines (dealing with a File).
Okay, the code lines I wanted in emphasize with bold are actually just wrapped in **; guess the site doesn't permit nested tags? Anyway, y'all get the meaning.
It's all a bit of a mess to read, but that's why it works even though you get that nasty-looking (and wholly misleading) exception.
Thanks Jon, i was searching all over.. this helped!
This is on Intellij 13, Tomcat 7.0.56
The problem is not the contents of your log4j2.xml file.
The problem is that log4j2 cannot locate your log4j2.xml config file. If you look carefully at the error, the URL that is reported as invalid is C:/glassfish4/glassfish/domains/domain1/config/log4j2.xml: the config file.
I'm not sure why this is. Are you specifying the location of the config file via the system property -Dlog4j.configurationFile=path/to/log4j2.xml?
Still, if the application and logging works then perhaps there is no problem. Strange though. You can get more details about the log4j configuration by configuring <Configuration status="trace"> at the top of your log4j2.xml file. This will print log4j initialization details to the console.

Soap Issue - SoapFault exception: [Client] looks like we got no XML document

Ive looked at similar errors and i think its most likely due to a BOM character but to be honest most of the other coding is in a different context and i just dont understand it, im not that familiar with soap and just use it to pull the data then format it in php.
My code is simple:
$activityClient = xpmClient::getModuleInstance('activity', $remoteSessionId, 'xxx.5pmweb.com');
$filter = new stdClass();
$count = 300;
$offset = 0;
$activityList = $activityClient->getList($filter, $offset, $count);
Now the server error shows:
> PHP Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [Client] looks like we got no XML document in xxx/caching.php:59\nStack trace:\n
\#0 xxx/caching.php(59): SoapClient->__call('getList', Array)\n
\#1 xxx/caching.php(59): xpmClient->getList(Object(stdClass), 0, '371')\n
\#2 /xxx/reports.php(296): include('/xxx/...')\n
\#3 {main}\n thrown in /xxx/caching.php on line 59
Line 296 on report.php is an include for the caching.php file, line 59 of that file is
$activityList = $activityClient->getList($filter, $offset, $count);
This worked for months without issue so im not sure what changed today. Any ideas how to strip the BOM and still get my data into $activityList as an object so i can access the information?
The preg replace doesnt work, i guess thats because once i call $activityList the server gives a fatal error and doesnt process anything after that so im trying to fix it AFTER its broke rather than before.
How would i go about doing __getLastResponse()
Ive read the manual but dont understand how to structure it, im pretty sure i need a try catch for the reasons i said preg replace didnt work but i tried a few variations and its doing nothing, im pretty sure the structure is wrong, any pointers or ideas?
I don't know why would BOM cause this but if you want to strip bom here you go
function strip_bom( $str ) {
return preg_replace( '/^(\x00\x00\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE\x00\x00|\xFE\xFF|\xFF\xFE|\xEF\xBB\xBF)/', "", $str );
The Soap server you are using is broken. Have you checked manually trying to call it?

Is there anyone on planet earth who know SocialAuth - SocialAuth throws java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException with no message

I am using SocialAuth libraries to authenticate against Facebook in my jsf application. I am getting java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException exception with no message from org.brickred.socialauth.SocialAuthManager
The probable statement causing this is:
String providerUrl = manager.getAuthenticationUrl(Common.FACEBOOK_AS_ID, Common.SOCIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT_URL);
Any clue guys. Any helps will be greatly appreciated.
I just encountered the same issue today trying to authenticate via Facebook with socialauth-4.0.
The solution is really simple, just make sure that the three jars (openid4java.jar, json-20080701.jar, commons-logging-1.1.jar) that are inside the folder dependencies (inside the zip archive of socialauth) are available at runtime.
In my case I had to put them in the lib folder of my tomcat installation.
This exception is throw if the method called threw an exception.
Just unwrap the cause within the InvocationTargetException and you'll get to the original one.
String providerUrl = manager.getAuthenticationUrl(Common.FACEBOOK_AS_ID, Common.SOCIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT_URL);
}catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
System.out.println("oops! "+ ex.getCause()) ;
This will tell you the actual problem, so you can resolve that issue.

Entity Framework issue when creating unit tests

I am specifically getting the following error:
"The specified named connection is either not found in the configuration, not intended to be used with the EntityClient provider, or not valid."
public void salesOrderFillListTest()
SalesOrderController_Accessor target = new SalesOrderController_Accessor();
string orderNumber = "1954120";
SalesOrderData result;
result = target.FillingOrder(orderNumber);
Assert.AreEqual(null, result.ErrorMessage);
Assert.AreEqual(32, result.LineItems.Count);
Assert.AreEqual("WRA-24-NFL-CLEV", result.LineItems[7].ItemNumber);
Assert.AreEqual(2, result.LineItems[7].OrderQuantity);
Assert.AreEqual(1, result.LineItems[7].FillingFilledQty);
Assert.AreEqual(1, result.LineItems[7].FillingRemainQty);
The error is coming up on the line:
result = target.FillingOrder(orderNumber);
I'm a junior developer and haven't had much experience with the many possible causes for this error. My App.config page contains the appropriate connection strings. Any ideas where to look for this one?
I was able to successfully run tests found in another test project in the same solution. After looking more carefully I found that there were a few differences between the two connection strings in each project. The data in the failing test project had become antiquated. I updated the connection string and error resolved.

Zend_Pdf - load utf-8 pdf document

I'm currently trying to load a PDF document using the Zend_Pdf::load($filename) method and I'm getting
Error occured while 'xxx.pdf' file reading.
So I see in Zend_Pdf_Parser::_construct there is this block
while ($byteCount > 0 && !feof($pdfFile)) {
$nextBlock = fread($pdfFile, $byteCount);
if ($nextBlock === false) {
require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception( "Error occured while '$source' file reading." );
$data .= $nextBlock;
$byteCount -= strlen($nextBlock);
if ($byteCount != 0) {
require_once 'Zend/Pdf/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception( "Error occured while '$source' file reading." );
After debugging, I can tell that strlen($nextBlock) is not returning the right value (based on $nextBlock = fread($pdfFile, $byteCount); )
If I use mb_strlen($nextBlock,'8bit') instead this block passes right. Now I'm getting another error
Pdf file syntax error. 'startxref' keyword expected
So now I look into Zend_Pdf_StringParser:readLexeme() and I can see that again there is a problem with singlebyte vs. multibyte string functions (strlen etc.)
So does anybody have a clue what's going on with Zend_Pdf, if this is general bug or I'm just missing something?
I never used Zend_PDF because it has very few potential. I advise you to integrate into your project TCPDF! ;)
I experienced the same error and it turned out to be a bug in Zend Guard. Apparently my version of the PHP encoder turns the ASCII NP form feed character (\f) inside string literals into the backslash (\) and the f characters (\\f).
The obfuscated version of
print bin2hex("\f");
instead of the expected
This behavior causes Zend_Pdf_StringParser to parse 'startxre' instead of 'startxref' in readLexeme, causing the error you described.
If you are using a different version of the encoder or no encoder at all, then this may not be the cause of the problem (try reproducing it on a different PHP version).