#AspectJ pointcut for execute methods of a package that contains keyword service - aspectj

I'm trying to intercept all classes that contains a specific word in their package name... something as below:
#Pointcut("execution(* *..service..*.*(..))")
I have all the classes in the packages to intercept:
com.domain.model.user.service.save(User user);
com.domain.model.user.service.impl.save(XPTO xpto);
com.domain.model.foo.service.HelloWorld.getMessage(Foo foo);
In short, i would like to intercept all the methods in the classes that belong to the
package *service*
I am trying to get this working from past many days.

Try this. Perhaps you have to exclude your aspect classes to avoid endless loops. This example catch all methods with com..login..* in package
#SuppressAjWarnings({ "adviceDidNotMatch" })
public class AllMethodsAspect {
private static Map<String, Long> beforeTimestamps = new HashMap<>();
+ " && (!execution(* org..* (..)) && !within(org..*) && !call(* org..* (..)) )"
+ " && (!execution(* java..* (..)) && !within(java..*) && !call(* java..* (..)) )"
+ " && (!execution(* javax..* (..)) && !within(javax..*) && !call(* javax..* (..)) )"
+ " && (!execution(* sun..* (..)) && !within(sun..*) && !call(* sun..* (..)) )"
+ " && execution(* com..login..*(..))")
public void methodCall() {
public void before(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
#AfterReturning(pointcut = "methodCall()", returning = "returnObject")
public void after(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object returnObject) {
afterMethodCall(joinPoint, returnObject);
#AfterThrowing(pointcut = "methodCall()", throwing = "throwable")
public void throwing(JoinPoint joinPoint, Throwable throwable) {
afterThrowingMethodCall(joinPoint, throwable);
void beforeMethodCall(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
try {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
beforeTimestamps.put(joinPoint.toString() + " - " + Thread.currentThread().getName(), Long.valueOf(start));
LOG.info(".before " + joinPoint);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(".before Exception " + e);
void afterMethodCall(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object returnObject) {
afterMethodCall(joinPoint, returnObject, 0);
void afterMethodCall(JoinPoint joinPoint, Object returnObject, int depth) {
try {
long start = beforeTimestamps.get(joinPoint.toString() + " - " + Thread.currentThread().getName()).longValue();
beforeTimestamps.remove(joinPoint.toString() + " - " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
Signature signature = joinPoint.getSignature();
if (signature instanceof MethodSignature) {
Class<?> returnType = ((MethodSignature) signature).getReturnType();
LOG.info(".after " + joinPoint + " " + duration + "ms" + (void.class == returnType ? "" : " [" + returnObject + "]"));
} else if (signature instanceof ConstructorSignature) {
LOG.info(".after " + joinPoint + " " + duration + "ms Constructor");
} else if (signature instanceof FieldSignature) {
LOG.info(".after " + joinPoint + " " + duration + "ms Field");
} else {
LOG.info(".after " + joinPoint + " " + duration + "ms unknown");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(".after Exception " + e);
void afterThrowingMethodCall(JoinPoint joinPoint, Throwable throwable) {
try {
Long startAsLong = beforeTimestamps.get(joinPoint.toString() + " - " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
long start = startAsLong == null ? 0 : startAsLong.longValue();
beforeTimestamps.remove(joinPoint.toString() + " - " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
LOG.info(".fail " + joinPoint.toString() + " " + duration + " ms - " + throwable.getMessage());
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
LOG.info(".fail NullPointerException " + "unknown - " + throwable.getMessage());
static final class LOG {
static void info(String loggingData) {
System.err.println(new Date() + " " + loggingData);
static void error(String loggingData) {
System.err.println(new Date() + " " + loggingData);

I think you can capture what you need with a pointcut like this:
before(): execution(* *(..)) &&
(within(*..service..*.*) || within(service..*.*) || within(*..service.*)) {}
The three within clauses capture the three alternatives:
within(*..service..*.*): 'service' is somewhere in the package name but not at the start or end
within(service..*.*): 'service' is at the start of the package name (maybe this can't happen in your scenario)
within(*..service.*)): 'service' is at the end of the package name
If you need to capture serviceFoo variants you could add further wildcards around service (I think): within(*..*service*.*)

You should use a pointcut expression like this:
restrict to at least your base package (typically this is not an issue)
match 'service' keyword in your package name at any level
for example, this will match those classes :


android display arraylist items in dialog

I am having an arraylist fetching name and status of a person. Arraylist is storing the status and name. Its displaying one name at a time. How can I be able to display multiple names at once in alert dialog?
private ArrayList getunfiledRogspDoctorList() {
SqlDataStore sd = new SqlDataStore(this);
String gspQuery = " SELECT * FROM "+ TABLE_DOCTOR + " WHERE " + Queryclass.DOCTOR_ROGSP_STATUS + " == " + 0 + " AND " + Queryclass.DOCTOR_DATE_ID + " = '" + selectionID + "'";
Cursor gspCu = sd.getData(gspQuery);
do {
rogspname = gspCu.getString(gspCu.getColumnIndex(Queryclass.DOCTOR_CONTACTNAME));
unfiledrogspDoctorList.add(gspCu.getString(gspCu.getColumnIndex(Queryclass.DOCTOR_ROGSP_STATUS)) + rogspname);
}while (gspCu.moveToNext());
System.out.println("unfiledrogspDoctorList "+unfiledrogspDoctorList);
return unfiledrogspDoctorList;
From the code, you are having an ArrayList of your target display String in unfiledrogspDoctorList:
// Suggest to also define the type of your returning ArrayList
private ArrayList<String> getunfiledRogspDoctorList() {
// Define a local ArrayList
ArrayList<String> unfiledrogspDoctorList = new ArrayList<>();
SqlDataStore sd = new SqlDataStore(this);
String gspQuery = " SELECT * FROM "+ TABLE_DOCTOR + " WHERE " + Queryclass.DOCTOR_ROGSP_STATUS + " == " + 0 + " AND " + Queryclass.DOCTOR_DATE_ID + " = '" + selectionID + "'";
Cursor gspCu = sd.getData(gspQuery);
do {
rogspname = gspCu.getString(gspCu.getColumnIndex(Queryclass.DOCTOR_CONTACTNAME));
unfiledrogspDoctorList.add(gspCu.getString(gspCu.getColumnIndex(Queryclass.DOCTOR_ROGSP_STATUS)) + rogspname);
}while (gspCu.moveToNext());
System.out.println("unfiledrogspDoctorList "+unfiledrogspDoctorList);
return unfiledrogspDoctorList;
You can consider to convert your ArrayList of String into just a String.
private String concat(ArrayList<String> unfiledrogspDoctorList) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String item : unfiledrogspDoctorList) {
sb.append(","); // Or change into other separate you would like to display
sb.setLength(Math.max(0, sb.length() - 1)); // Remove the appending character
return sb.toString();
Then you can make use of an AlertDialog to display that concatenated String.
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
// Do anything upon pressing OK button
AlertDialog alert = builder.create();
You could use :-
SELECT group_concat(name) FROM ....
or to place each on a line you could change the default comma separator to a line feed using
SELECT group_concat(name,'\n') FROM ....
.... representing the rest of the SQL in the question
See https://www.sqlite.org/lang_aggfunc.html#group_concat
note that the GROUP as no GROUP BY clause is provided is a single group (and therefore output row) made up of ALL extracted rows.

apache beam: accessing metrics during pipeline processing

Using the WordCount.java example to test metrics. The PrintMetricsFn function (see below) prints the metrics correctly once the pipeline is finished, but fails when called while the pipeline is processing. DirectRunner and FlinkRunner both throw exceptions (null input), while SparkRunner prints only the header line (similar to "* Metric Values *").
private static void PrintMetricsFn(final MetricsFilter inputFilter) {
final MetricResults metrics = result.metrics();
final MetricQueryResults returns = metrics.queryMetrics(inputFilter);
final Iterable<MetricResult<Long>> counters = returns.getCounters();
System.out.println("*** Metric Values ***");
for(final MetricResult<Long> s: counters){
System.out.println(s.getName().getNamespace() + ":" +
s.getName().getName() + ":" + s.getStep() + ": count=" +
s.getAttempted()) ;
final Iterable<MetricResult<DistributionResult>> dist = returns.getDistributions();
for (final MetricResult<DistributionResult> d: dist) {
System.out.println(d.getName().getNamespace() + ":" +
d.getName().getName() + ":" + d.getStep() + ": sum=" +
d.getAttempted().getSum() + ", count=" +
d.getAttempted().getCount() + ", min=" +
d.getAttempted().getMin() + ", max=" +
d.getAttempted().getMax() + ", mean=" +
final Iterable<MetricResult<GaugeResult>> gauge = returns.getGauges();
for (final MetricResult<GaugeResult> g: gauge) {
System.out.println(g.getName().getNamespace() + ":" +
g.getName().getName() + ":" + g.getStep() + ": gauge=" +
Here are the declarations for the external variables:
private static PipelineResult result;
private static MetricQueryResults returns;
private static MetricsFilter mFilter;
And here's where the mFilter and result variables are set:
mFilter = MetricsFilter.builder()
.addNameFilter(MetricNameFilter.named("ExtractWordsFn", "emptyLines"))
.addNameFilter(MetricNameFilter.named("ExtractWordsFn", "lineLenDistro"))
.addNameFilter(MetricNameFilter.named("ExtractWordsFn", "maxLineLen"))
result = p.run();
Finally, here's the function that calls PrintMetricsFN without success:
public void processElement(#Element final String element, final OutputReceiver<String> receiver) {
lineLen = element.length();
if (element.trim().isEmpty()) {
if (lineLen > localMax) {
localMax = lineLen;
if((lineCnt++ % 10) == 0) {
// Split the line into words.
final String[] words = element.split(ExampleUtils.TOKENIZER_PATTERN, -1);
// Output each word encountered into the output PCollection.
for (final String word : words) {
if (!word.isEmpty()) {
And for completeness, here's the error I get from DirectRunner:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.apache.beam.examples.WordCount.PrintMetricsFn(WordCount.java:158)
at org.apache.beam.examples.WordCount.access$1(WordCount.java:157)
at org.apache.beam.examples.WordCount$ExtractWordsFn.processElement(WordCount.java:132)

GWT upload error FileNotFoundException

I'm uploading the files on the server like this: I create folder on the server and then I put all my uploading files in this folder
public String executeAction(HttpServletRequest request,
List<FileItem> sessionFiles) throws UploadActionException {
String response = "";
int cont = 0;
userNumber = request.getParameter("userNumber");
File f = new File(ConfAppServer.getRealContextPath() + "/edoc/"
+ userNumber);
for (FileItem item : sessionFiles) {
if (false == item.isFormField()) {
try {
String extension = item.getName().substring(
item.getName().length() - 3);
File file = null;
file = new File(ConfAppServer.getRealContextPath()
+ "/edoc/"
+ userNumber
+ System.getProperty("file.separator")
+ item.getName().substring(0,
item.getName().length() - 4) + "."
+ extension);
receivedFiles.put(item.getFieldName(), file);
response += "<file-" + cont + "-field>"
+ item.getFieldName() + "</file-" + cont
+ "-field>\n";
response += "<file-" + cont + "-name>" + item.getName()
+ "</file-" + cont + "-name>\n";
response += "<file-" + cont + "-size>" + item.getSize()
+ "</file-" + cont + "-size>\n";
response += "<file-" + cont + "-type>"
+ item.getContentType() + "</file-" + cont
+ "type>\n";
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UploadActionException(e);
return "<response>\n" + response + "</response>\n";
It works ver well on my colleague computer, but on my computer I get an error
There is an error in file name. Help me please fix my problem. Thanks.
As you can see the file name is not displaying correcly. So the problem is the encoding of the Request/Response. You need to add a filter servlet. Here is a tutorial.

Nokia Forms not showing text

I only wish Nokia documentation was more helpful. Its search on developer documentation totally sucks.
public class UpdateJourney extends Form implements CommandListener, Runnable {
private LocationProvider myLocation;
private Criteria myCriteria;
private Location myCurrentLocation;
private HomeScreen helloScreen;
private Command exitCommand;
private Thread getLocationThread = new Thread(this);;
public UpdateJourney(HomeScreen helloScreen) {
this.helloScreen = helloScreen;
public void run() {
myCriteria = new Criteria();
try {
myLocation = LocationProvider.getInstance(myCriteria);
myCurrentLocation = myLocation.getLocation(60);
} catch (LocationException e) {
.println("Error : Unable to initialize location provider");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println("Error: Waited enough for location to return");
System.out.println("Location returned Lat:"
+ myCurrentLocation.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude()
+ " Lng:"
+ myCurrentLocation.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude());
String helloText = new String("Location returned Lat:"
+ myCurrentLocation.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude()
+ " Lng:"
+ myCurrentLocation.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude());
exitCommand = new Command("Location returned Lat:"
+ myCurrentLocation.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude()
+ " Lng:"
+ myCurrentLocation.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude(),
Command.EXIT, 1);
do you mean not showing from this command?:
System.out.println("Location returned Lat:"
+ myCurrentLocation.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLatitude()
+ " Lng:"
+ myCurrentLocation.getQualifiedCoordinates().getLongitude());
It's not showing to phone screen. Instead it will show on console (IDE / debugging).
to showing text on Form.. you need to use somethings like:
form.addComponent(new Label("hi...");
hope it helps.

Override ESAPI OWASP methods java

I am trying to override an existing method in ESAPI OWASP library, by using ESAPI.override(). Somehow it does not work, do you know why?
Here my code:
public class AntiSamyDOMScannerExpansion extends AbstractAntiSamyScanner {
public CleanResults scan(String html, String inputEncoding, String outputEncoding) throws ScanException {
ESAPI.override(new DefaultSecurityConfiguration());
ESAPI.override() is used only to override the configuration. In order to expand other kind of methods, in my case AntiSamy.scan, it is needed to extend every class in the call structure.
This is because of a inflexible implementation. For instance we find in HTMLValidationRule.java:
private String invokeAntiSamy( String context, String input ) throws ValidationException {
// CHECKME should this allow empty Strings? " " us IsBlank instead?
if ( StringUtilities.isEmpty(input) ) {
if (allowNull) {
return null;
throw new ValidationException( context + " is required", "AntiSamy validation error: context=" + context + ", input=" + input, context );
String canonical = super.getValid( context, input );
try {
AntiSamy as = new AntiSamy();
CleanResults test = as.scan(canonical, antiSamyPolicy);
List<String> errors = test.getErrorMessages();
if ( !errors.isEmpty() ) {
LOGGER.info( Logger.SECURITY_FAILURE, "Cleaned up invalid HTML input: " + errors );
return test.getCleanHTML().trim();
} catch (ScanException e) {
throw new ValidationException( context + ": Invalid HTML input", "Invalid HTML input: context=" + context + " error=" + e.getMessage(), e, context );
} catch (PolicyException e) {
throw new ValidationException( context + ": Invalid HTML input", "Invalid HTML input does not follow rules in antisamy-esapi.xml: context=" + context + " error=" + e.getMessage(), e, context );
Due to AntiSamy as = new AntiSamy(); we can not make it usable in a custom implementation.