Create Union of Multiple Tables in Powershell - powershell

I'm trying to create a union of multiple tables in Powershell to output in a user-friendly format as a report, similar to a UNION query in SQL.
I have the following code:
$ft = #{auto=$true; Property=#("MachineName", "Status", "Name", "DisplayName")}
$hosts = #("svr001", "svr002")
$report = #()
ForEach ($h in $hosts) {
$results = Get-Service -CN $h -Name MyService
$report += $results | Format-Table #ft
# Other things occur here, which is why I'm creating $report for output later.
Write-Output $report
The output of this code is as follows:
MachineName Status Name DisplayName
----------- ------ ---- -----------
svr001 Running MyService MyServiceDisplayName
MachineName Status Name DisplayName
----------- ------ ---- -----------
svr002 Running MyService MyServiceDisplayName
Since you simply add arrays to do a union in Powershell (i.e.,
$union = #(0, 1, 2) + #(3, 4, 5)), my initial thought was that I should
get the following output:
MachineName Status Name DisplayName
----------- ------ ---- -----------
svr001 Running MyService MyServiceDisplayName
svr002 Running MyService MyServiceDisplayName
In retrospect, I think I understand why I do not get this output, but I'm
unclear how to create a union of the two tables from the first output example into a single table as in the second, and I haven't been able to locate anything in the docs or examples online that would send me in the right direction.

Move the Format-Table to the last command. Format-* cmdlets create special format-objects that you can't work with manually so theres no point in saving them. When you save the result of Format-* to an array, you're saving the "report" which is why you get two tables in the output (array consists of two reports).
Collect the data first, then use Format-Table when you want to display the results.
$ft = #{auto=$true; Property=#("MachineName", "Status", "Name", "DisplayName")}
$hosts = #("svr001", "svr002")
$report = #()
ForEach ($h in $hosts) {
$results = Get-Service -ComputerName $h -Name MyService
$report += $results
# Other things occur here, which is why I'm creating $report for output later.
#Write-Output is not necessary as it is default behaviour
$report | Format-Table #ft
Sample output (used wuauserv as servicename):
MachineName Status Name DisplayName
----------- ------ ---- -----------
localhost Stopped wuauserv Windows Update
frode-pc Stopped wuauserv Windows Update

The Get-Service Cmdlet also supports an array of strings for the -ComputerName parameter. This works for me:
Get-Service -CN $hosts -Name MyService | Format-Table #ft
Sample Output using wuauserv:
MachineName Status Name DisplayName
----------- ------ ---- -----------
Tim-SRV1 Running wuauserv Windows Update
Tim-SRV2 Stopped wuauserv Windows Update


Merge two PSCustomObjects into one- PowerShell

I need help in PowerShell to combine two outputs or two PSCustomObjects into One.
For example,
$services = Get-Service | Select Name, Starttype,Status
$processes = Get-Process | Select ID
I need the output with the table headers
Name, Starttype, Status, ID
I have already tried creating CSV and joining them but the problem is Process ID starts when the entire output ends for the services. I need them to a parallel.
Second I have tried to create PSCustomObjects but no luck.
Please help me with the PowerShell code.
Actual code that I'm trying to achieve.
**$exclusionItems = #()
$OasHighItems = #()
foreach($item in $items){
$exclusionItems += [PSCustomObject]#{
foreach($oas in $oashigh){
$oashighItems += [PSCustomObject]#{
$Array = #()
$Array = $exclusionItems,$oashighItems
$Array | Update-FirstObjectProperties | Export-Excel $ExcelParams -TableName Table -Show**
I'm assuming you want to join the two objects by their names, i.e. match the Process-Name with the Service-Name. For this you can loop over all processes & services, keep only those where service-name equals process-name, and use a calculated property to merge the result into one object:
$services = Get-Service;
Get-Process | ForEach-Object {$p = $_; $services |
Where-Object{$p.ProcessName -eq $_.Name} |
Select-Object Name,StartType,Status,#{n='ID';e={$p.ID}}}
The output on my machine is:
Name StartType Status ID
---- --------- ------ --
CcmExec Automatic Running 14856
CmRcService Automatic Running 5748
FusionInventory-Agent Automatic Running 5996
IBMPMSVC Automatic Running 3540
IntelAudioService Automatic Running 6104
... and so on ...

Concatenating non-unique values alongside a unique field in PowerShell

I have the following set of queries which retrieve a set of data, merge it down so I just get the unique values and add a number to each of them (so I can select that particular item later).
$allMoveRequests = Get-MoveRequest -DomainController server |
select Alias,Status,TargetDatabase,BatchName
$AllMoveBatches = #($allMoveRequests | Sort-Object -Property BatchName |
Select-Object BatchName,TargetDatabase -Unique) |
Select #{Name="Option";Expression={$optNum;$optNum++}},BatchName,TargetDatabase
$AllMoveBatches | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String|% {Write-Host $_}
This returns :
Option BatchName TargetDatabase
------ --------- --------------
1 Batch1 Database1
2 Batch2 Database2
etc. That works as it should, but what I'd like to add is the Status value from those batches, combined where there is more than one rather than creating duplicate entries. For instance, if I simply add Status into the second bit of code I end up with :
Option BatchName TargetDatabase Status
------ --------- -------------- ------
1 Batch1 Database1 Completed
2 Batch1 Database1 In Progress
3 Batch2 Database2 Completed
while what I'd ideally like would be :
Option BatchName TargetDatabase Status
------ --------- -------------- ------
1 Batch1 Database1 Completed,InProgress
2 Batch2 Database2 Completed
I've tried using an expression in the select statement to query all the relevant Status entries and apply -Unique to them, but that just returns all Status entries across all batches, not just those relevant to the current Batch line.
Is there a way to achieve this?
It's not pretty, and it might not be very performant with lots of data, but here's one way to do it...
First, lets create some sample data:
$data = #(
(new-object PSObject -Property ([ordered] #{
"BatchName" = "Batch1"
"TargetDatabase" = "Database1"
"Status" = "Completed"
(new-object PSObject -Property ([ordered] #{
"BatchName" = "Batch1"
"TargetDatabase" = "Database1"
"Status" = "In Progress"
(new-object PSObject -Property ([ordered] #{
"BatchName" = "Batch2"
"TargetDatabase" = "Database2"
"Status" = "Completed"
now, process it:
Set-Variable -Name "optNum" -Option AllScope -Value 1
$results = #( $data | group-object BatchName, TargetDatabase ) `
| select-object #{Name="Option";Expression={$optNum; $optNum++}},
#{Name="Status";Expression={$_.Group.Status -join ", "}} `
| sort-object -Property BatchName
and show the result:
PS> $results
Option BatchName TargetDatabase Status
------ --------- -------------- ------
1 Batch1 Database1 Completed, In Progress
2 Batch2 Database2 Completed
What it's doing is grouping to select the unique combinations of BatchName and DatabaseName and then to make the results it's selecting the BatchName and DatabaseName from the first item in each group, and concatenating all of the Status properties from the items in that group (you could also process the statuses in the Status Expression if you wanted to e.g. sort, filter or de-dupe them within each group).
Note that I've moved your original sort-object BatchName to the end of the pipeline. There's no point sorting, say 1000 objects only to throw half of them away - you might as well sort at the end.
And I could only get your "Option" counter to work by using Set-Variable to make it AllScope as the $optNum++ wasn't incrementing the variable properly when I used $optNum = 1 to initialise it.
mclayton's answer should be the accepted one, but here's a slightly more concise version that uses one of my favorite Powershell idioms: Foreach with a -Begin scriptblock {$i=1} that executes only once.
[pscustomobject]#{BatchName = 'Batch1';TargetDatabase='Database1';Status='Completed'},
[pscustomobject]#{BatchName = 'Batch1';TargetDatabase='Database1';Status='In Progress'},
[pscustomobject]#{BatchName = 'Batch2';TargetDatabase='Database2';Status='Completed'} |
Group BatchName, TargetDatabase |
%{$i=1}{ [pscustomobject]#{Option = $i++
BatchName = $_.Group[0].BatchName
TargetDatabase = $_.Group[0].TargetDatabase
Status = $_.Group.Status -join ','}

output not a trimmed value and causing the output error

I have written few powershell command to perform some auditing on HyperV Clusters. The command works fine, But can anyone help me to trim the output, so that I can collect what I need ?
$AuditDC = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName {Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\cluster\resources -recurse | get-itemproperty -name CreatingDC -erroraction 'silentlycontinue'}| ft CreatingDC,PSComputerName
#Show which hosts are not communicating to the storage with the ‘-s’ and where there are duplicated targets:
$AuditISCSI = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName { get-iscsisession } | FT PSComputerName, InitiatorPortalAddress, IsConnected -autosize
######Discover checkdsk errors - "Scan Needed". Execute using txt of one node from each cluster.
$AuditCHKDSK = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName { get-volume | Where-Object –FilterScript { $_.HealthStatus -eq "Scan Needed" }} | FT PSComputerName, FileSystem, HealthStatus -autosize
And the output for each is below
CreatingDC PSComputerName
---------- --------------
\\ slcoc037
PSComputerName InitiatorPortalAddress IsConnected
-------------- ---------------------- -----------
slcoc037 True
PSComputerName FileSystem HealthStatus
-------------- ---------- ------------
slcoc037 CSVFS 1
But I need the output for above in this format
Can anyone help me to trim these 3 commands ?
You probably already know that almost all powershell outputs are objects. Objects have properties. Displaying a particular property would use the syntax $Object.Propertyname. In your case, CreatingDC is a property of the $AuditDC Variable object. Applying that logic, all you need to do is, display it like this:

Powershell Array to export-csv shows System.Object[]

Having a simple issue that's only affecting export-csv output, out-gridview and results to the console are fine. Looking to capture the top 5 processes by "handles" on a set of servers.
Code is as follows:
$Servers = "Server1", "Server2", "Server3"
$OutArray = #()
ForEach ($Item in $Servers)
$Top5 = Get-Process -Computer $Item | Sort Handles -descending |Select -First 5
$OutArray += New-Object PSObject -property # {
Server = $Item
Top5 = $Top5
} #OutArray
} #ForEach
$OutArray | Export-csv Test.csv
The results of which come out looking fine via console as follows
Server Top5
------ ----
SERVER1 {#{ProcessName=svchost.exe; PercentCpuLoad=13.79}, #{ProcessName=services.exe; PercentCpuLoad=11.4}, #{ProcessName=WmiPrvSE.exe; PercentCpuLoad=10.03}, #{ProcessName=irfilcol.exe; PercentCpuLoad=9.79}...}
...However, in the csv they show as follows:
Server Top5
Server1 System.Object[]
Server2 System.Object[]
Server3 System.Object[]
I'm thinking it's because the $Top5 variable is an variable with multiple properties (5 each) for one server. How would do I correct the code so that export-csv shows the actual values?
any help appreciated!
I would like the csv results to look like the following that's shown in GRIDVIEW
Using the suggestion from BenH to review the post from Powershell legend Boe Prox, I now have the following working:
$Top5 = Get-Process -Computer $Item | Sort Handles -descending |Select -expand Handles | |Select -First 5
$new = [pscustomobject]#{ Top5 = (#($Top5) -join ',')
Just about got this working now:
i'd like to add more piece of formatting, where the Top5Processes have the actual CPU % used in (brackets) right now, I've got the following for output
Top2Proc Top2CPU
services.exe,BESClient.exe 32.76,16.6
However, it would be nicer output-wise, if i could combine the above two values into one, so it looks like this:
Services(32.76), BesClient.exe(16.6)
Any idea how that would be done?
Use Select-Object to turn your process objects into strings before piping them to Export-Csv:
$OutArray |Select-Object Server,#{Expression={$_.Top5.Name -join ';'}} |Export-Csv test.csv
If you want that table to appear in your csv file then you would need to format the string Top5 property as such. Using Out-String will do just that
Sends objects to the host as a series of strings.
So a simple change should get you what you want.
$Top5 = Get-Process -Computer $Item |
Sort Handles -descending |
Select -First 5 |
It will look a little ugly when not displayed with a mono-space font much like you see in Out-GridView. Also consider using .Trim() to remove the leading and trailing whitespace on your $top5.
There are other ways to tackle this. You could use the above in conjunction with Format-Table / Format-List depending what you want. In general if you want the output to be saved as it is displayed in host Out-String is something to test with.
I would have tried to add one row for each process with a the first column being the computer name. That way you would have better structured output that can be sorted or queried as needed.
ComputerName ProcessName Handles
------------ ----------- -------
Computer1 avp 54639
Computer1 OUTLOOK 7708
Computer1 RDTabs 6108
Computer1 svchost 3160
Computer1 chrome 2530
Keep in mind that you can use other methods to export this data while keeping the objects entact. Really depends the data recipeint but remeber there are other cmdlets like Export-CLIMXL and ConvertTo-JSON | Set-Content.

In Powershell, how to make an array with custom objects of different sizes/types?

im writing a simple function in order to list subfolders of a particular server share. My problem is that i want all informations in the same array of custom objects. Here is what i did:
function Get-tDollar {
$share = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $srv -Class Win32_Share -Filter "Name='share`$'" | Select __SERVER,#{n="nPath";e={"\\" + $_.__SERVER + ($_.Path -replace "C:")}}
$inc = 0
Get-ChildItem $share.nPath | % {
Add-Member -InputObject $share -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "folder_$inc" -Value $_.Name
And i use this function like that: #("srv1","srv2") | % { Get-TDollar -srv $_ }
All works fine when the number of subfolders is the same, but when its different, the array contains only the number of folders listed in the first share. For example, for my two first servers, i have this output:
__SERVER nPath folder_1
-------- ----- ------------
srv1 \\srv1\share scripts
srv2 \\srv2\share scripts
But, because srv2 has more folders than the first server, i want this output:
__SERVER nPath repertoire_1 repertoire_2
-------- ----- ------------ ------------
srv1 \\srv1\share scripts
srv2 \\srv2\share scripts config
I know i can first calculate which server has the higher number of folders and then place it in fisrt position, but it seems there are enough lines for something like that. Is there a more efficient/elegant way to do that?
You're getting bitten by the default formatting gremlin:
Get-tDollar |
foreach { $_ | format-table }