SugarCRM package navigation issue - sugarcrm

I have created a package in sugar I have installed it on sugar It is working fine over there.
But when I install it in sugar the package's navigation is pointing to some different URL's.
In Sugar 7.5 menu is pointing to a URL like:
In sugar 7.7 menu is is pointing to a URL like:
When in sugar 7.7, I manually type URL like that of sugar 7.5 it works fine.
I want the navigation to point at the same location on both versions.
Any help will be appreciated.


Can not resolve Symbol "ForSqliteHasDefaultValueSql"

I want to define a Timestamp in my EF Core Project with SQLite and wanted to use this function:
I know that this function seems to be in the classic EF and maybe it is not available anymore but 3 days ago I found the right package and the extension method that I was searching. Unfortunatelly I had another problem with the code and reverted everything and now I do not find the right package anymore. It was during a hackathon during the last hours, so i really do not remember how I got it to work :/
Does anybody know which nuget package has this method? The only thing that I am referencing is Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite. I allready tried the .Core and the classic EF dependencies and some random third party sqlite/ef packages, but I still can not compile this extension method :(
As you can see from the link, this method applies to EF Core versions 1.0 and 1.1.
Starting from v2.0, most of the provider specific ForAbcXyz methods have been replaced with the generic Xyz methods.
So the method you are looking for is HasDefaultValueSql. If you support multiple databases, use it inside a block enclosed with
if (Database.IsSqlite())
// ...

EiffelStudio: no autocomplete for local entities

I have tried to use EiffelStudio for a small Eiffel project and I have realized that its autocompletion feature (press the . and then a feature list will appear) does not work for local entities the type of which come from the Eiffel library.
For example:
a local set : ARRAYED_SET[STRING] wont be autocompleted when writing "set.".
when using the construct if attached item(some_key) as localitems, "localitems." won't be autocompleted
I use Eiffel Studio 14.05 (x86/64) on Linux Mint. I downloaded ES from the official site. How can I tweak the software to autocomplete local entities, too?
I've just tried auto-completion with EiffelStudio 14.05 and it works for both local entities and object test locals (I used a precompiled library in a project created from scratch). It definitely does not work if a project or a particular class was not compiled. If this is not the case, it makes sense either to provide some more details about the situation that causes the issue or to submit a bug report at their support site with the description.
EDIT: The issue seems to be present in EiffelStudio 14.05 when editing generic classes.

how should i add JavaFX API documentation to eclipse?

I have installed JDK 8 (1.8) and i am using eclipse .The problem is that the tooltip does not work for JavaFX methods and classes(it works well for other methods and classes) .When i hover over a built-in method or class i get this message :
And also when i go to the documentation files by holding ctrl key and clicking on a method or class identifier it shows this :
so how should i fix this?
also there was a similar question asked here but the answers were not helpful to me so i asked this question.
You should use e(fx)clipse who fixes this for you automatically else you'll have to fix your "Installed JREs" (in your preference) and point the source location of jfxrt.jar to the sources inside your JDK

How to add an action in a UML 2 activitydiagram in eclipse?

I have recently started using eclipse and want to use it for UML diagrams. (Before I have been using Dia). My problem is that I simply can't find out how to add an action in an activitydiagram? There are several kinds of actions, but none of them is named simply "Action". Did I miss something? I am using UML2 Extender SDK and UML2 Tools SDK. I am grateful for every hint in the right direction.
There should actually be an Action menu where you can choose the "Opaque Action" which is the most generic. Depentently on your needs there are also other actions (i.e. AcceptEventAction, SendSignalAction, CallBehaviourAction, etc.)

NetBeans 7 dependency graph (unused class/method)

Is there a way to create a dependency graph for classes and/or methods of Java SE projects within NetBeans 7? I have a very large project and I'd like to clean up unused classes or methods (and a dependency graph would also be useful).
The "center" of the graph would be the main() entry point of main classes I invoke, and adjacencies would be method calls (including some Swing framework methods to classes which override the Java Swing framework).
That's weird, when I right click on a project in NetBeans 7.0.1 I can choose "Show dependency graph" and it shows me a dependency graph, complete with conflicts and everything!
if you want method dependency (calll hirearchy) viewer, it is descripted:
in plugin manager add update center:
now you can install
Graphical Class View
Version: 1.4 Source: Latest Development Build
Plugin Description
Provides a diagram of Java classes showing interdependencies between fields and methods in that class. Useful for quickly figuring out what are the important methods and fields in an unfamiliar Java class.
you can invoke right click to method -> graphical view,
is it ? Jirka