Are there any scripts to monitor k8s‘ status? - kubernetes

If used on the production system, k8s related services might be down at sometime. Are there any scripts provided that can monitor and restart the services, or i need to develop my scripts and add them to crontab.

I'm guessing you mean things like the scheduler, apiserver etc. If so, they're already monitored by the kubelet running on that node. Kubelet itself is monitored by a babysitter (your init system- eg upstart, systemd etc). Depending on how your provisioned your cluster, the manifest files for those kube-daemons might be under /etc/kubernetes/manifest, those will have health checks.

Yes..How about dashboard (web ui) and kube-dns .. recently we deployed a new cluster and kube-dns was not working, didn't realize until user reported. Looking for a automated test/utility which can validated all the kubernetes required services running properly after new cluster deployment. Looked into prometheus which helps for continuous monitoring but may not help on new cluster setup validation.


Facing issues in setting up Cadence Workflow (Cadence server) in K8

I am facing issues in setting up cadence in Kubernetes environment, following are details
All Cadence components are running within single pod
It seems Ringpop configuration requires headless services, but headless doesnt works with Istio
Every things works fine if i just have one single Pod, but as soon as I create 2 pods they start fighting for tasklist and shards and thats what my problem is
Ringpop config: { name: RINGPOP_SEEDS, value: 'api-gtp-cadence.api-gtp-cadence.svc.cluster.local:7933,api-gtp-cadence.api-gtp-cadence.svc.cluster.local:7934,api-gtp-cadence.api-gtp-cadence.svc.cluster.local:7935,api-gtp-cadence.api-gtp-cadence.svc.cluster.local:7939'
Every things works fine if i just have one single Pod, but as soon as I create 2 pods they start fighting for tasklist and shard
Headless is required for Cadence in K8s.
This is because Cadence uses Ringpop to manage the membership of each node of the cluster. Ringpop uses IP:port of each node as identity and address to communicate. Headless is the only way(AFAIK) that will give each pod a PodIP. That's why only single pod cluster work without headless -- because at that case, there is only one member in the ringpop.

Good solutions to automate infrastructure deployment locally?

I have recently been reading more about infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) and had some questions. I see when we opt for a PaaS solution, it is generally very easy to create the infrastructure as the cloud providers handle that for us and we can even automate the deployment using an infrastructure as code solution like Terraform.
But if we use an IaaS solution or even a local on premise cluster, we lose a lot of the automation it seems that PaaS allows. So I was curious, are there any good tools out there for automating infrastructure deployment on a local cluster that is not in the cloud?
The best thing I could think of was to run a local Kubernetes cluster and then Dockerize each of the infrastructure components, but this seems difficult as each node in the cluster will need its own specific configuration files.
From my basic Googling, it seems like there is not a good solution to this.
I was not clear enough with my original intentions. I have two problems I am trying to solve.
How do I automate infrastructure deployment locally? For example, suppose I wanted to create a Hadoop HDFS cluster. I would need to configure one node to be the namenode with an accessible IP, and the other nodes to be datanodes that are aware of the namenode's IP. At the moment, I have to do this manually by logging into each node, checking it's IP, and then configuring each one. How would I automate this? If I were to use a Kubernetes approach, how do I specify that one of the running pods needs to be the namenode and the others are datanodes? How do I find the pods' IPs and have them be aware of the namenode IP?
The next problem I have is very similar to the first, but a slight modification. How would I deploy specific configuration files to each node. For instance in Kafka, the configuration file for one node, requires the IPs of the Zookeeper nodes, as well as the IP it should listen on. This may be different for every node in the cluster. Is there a good way to make these config files pod specific, so that I do not have to do bash text processing to insert the correct contents into each pod's config files?
You can use Terraform for all of your on-premise Infra. Automation, and Ansible for configuration management.
Let's say you have three HPE servers, Install K8s or VMware on them using Ansible, then you can treat them as three Avvaliabilty zones in one region, same as AWS. from this you can start deploying dockerize apps, or helm charts using Terraform.
Ansbile for installing and configuration K8s.
Terraform for provisioning K8s.
Helm for installing apps on K8s.
After this you gonna have a base automated on-premise Infra.

Kubernetes Cluster - How to automatically generate documentation/Architecture of services

We started using Kubernetes, a few time ago, and now we have deployed a fair amount of services. It's becoming more and more difficult to know exactly what is deployed. I suppose many people are facing the same issue, so is there already a solution to handle this issue?
I'm talking of a solution that when connected to kubernetes (via kubectl for example) can generate a kind of map off the cluster.
In order to display one or many resources you need to use kubectl get command.
To show details of a specific resource or group of resources you can use kubectl describe command.
Please check the links I provided for more details and examples.
You may also want to use Web UI (Dashboard)
Dashboard is a web-based Kubernetes user interface. You can use
Dashboard to deploy containerized applications to a Kubernetes
cluster, troubleshoot your containerized application, and manage the
cluster resources. You can use Dashboard to get an overview of
applications running on your cluster, as well as for creating or
modifying individual Kubernetes resources (such as Deployments, Jobs,
DaemonSets, etc). For example, you can scale a Deployment, initiate a
rolling update, restart a pod or deploy new applications using a
deploy wizard.
Let me know if that helped.

Specify scheduling order of a Kubernetes DaemonSet

I have Consul running in my cluster and each node runs a consul-agent as a DaemonSet. I also have other DaemonSets that interact with Consul and therefore require a consul-agent to be running in order to communicate with the Consul servers.
My problem is, if my DaemonSet is started before the consul-agent, the application will error as it cannot connect to Consul and subsequently get restarted.
I also notice the same problem with other DaemonSets, e.g Weave, as it requires kube-proxy and kube-dns. If Weave is started first, it will constantly restart until the kube services are ready.
I know I could add retry logic to my application, but I was wondering if it was possible to specify the order in which DaemonSets are scheduled?
Kubernetes itself does not provide a way to specific dependencies between pods / deployments / services (e.g. "start pod A only if service B is available" or "start pod A after pod B").
The currect approach (based on what I found while researching this) seems to be retry logic or an init container. To quote the docs:
They run to completion before any app Containers start, whereas app Containers run in parallel, so Init Containers provide an easy way to block or delay the startup of app Containers until some set of preconditions are met.
This means you can either add retry logic to your application (which I would recommend as it might help you in different situations such as a short service outage) our you can use an init container that polls a health endpoint via the Kubernetes service name until it gets a satisfying response.
retry logic is preferred over startup dependency ordering, since it handles both the initial bringup case and recovery from post-start outages

how to install kubernetes manually?

While getting familiar with kubernetes I do see tons of tools that should helps me to install kubernetes anywhere, but I don't understand exactly what it does inside, and as a result don't understand how to trouble shoot issues.
Can someone provide me a link with tutorial how to install kubernetes without any tools.
There are two good guides on setting up Kubernetes manually:
Kelsey Hightower's Kubernetes the hard way
Kubernetes guide on getting started from scratch
Kelsey's guide assumes you are using GCP or AWS as the infrstructure, while the Kubernetes guide is a bit more agnostic.
I wouldn't recommend running either of these in production unless you really know what you're doing. However, they are great for learning what is going on under the hood. Even if you just read the guides and don't use them to setup any infrastructure you should gain a better understanding of the pieces that make up a Kubernetes cluster. You can then use one of the helpful setup tools to create your cluster, but now you will understand what it is actually doing and can debug when things go wrong.
For simplicity, you can view k8s as three components
k8s master, which includes kube-apiserver, controller, scheduler
node, which contains kubelet
You can install etcd and k8s master together in one machine. The procedures are
Install etcd. Download etcd package and run it, which is quite
simple. Remember the port of etcd service, e.g. 2379,4001, or any you
Git clone the kubernetes project from github. Find the executable binary file, e.g. for k8s version 1.3, you can find kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler in src/ folder
Then run kube-apiserver, specify the etcd ip and port (e.g. --etcd_servers=
Run scheduler and controller, specifying the apiserver ip and port(e.g. --master= There is no oreder between scheduler and controller
Master is running so far. Make sure these processes run without errors. If etcd exits, apiserver would exit. If apiserver exits, scheduler and controller would exit.
On another machine(virtual preferred, network connected), run kubelet. Kubelet could also be found in previous folder(src/, specify apiserver ip and port(e.g. --api-servers= You may install docker or something else on node, which to prove that you could create a container.