Aurelia - Accessing ViewModel functions/binding from within Generated DOM elements - dom

I have a section of my view (html) that is generated programmatically by a viewmodel/class. This uses the Aurelia DOM (Aurelia Docs - pal :: Dom) functionality to generate and add the raw HTML elements to the view.
However, I am unable to get events within the generated html to call back to the viewmodel. An example:
let deleteButton = this.dom.createElement("button");
deleteButton.setAttribute("onclick", "cancelCreditNote(`${ row.creditNoteId }`)");
A click on the generated button won't call back to the viewmodel, which does have a cancelCreditNote function. Various other things like deleteButton.setAttribute("click.delegate", "cancelCreditNote('${ row.creditNoteId }')"); do not work either.
Does anyone know how to access a viewmodel class from essentiall 'raw' html in aurelia?
Unfortunately in this instance I cannot use the standard aurelia templating to generate the HTML.

The DOM property on PAL is just an abstraction for the browser's DOM object, create element is likely just calling document.createElement which doesn't afford any Aurelia binding to the created element.
You could try using aurelia.enhance(context, element) which takes an existing DOM element and runs it through the templating engine.
With this method you can also pass a binding context to apply to the element.

In my HTML I use this:
<div id="collapsesidebar" click.delegate="toggleSidebar()">
In my view-model I have this method:
You could also do this from your view-model with JQuery like this:
attached() {
$('main').on('click', ()=> alert('hi'));
The last option is ONLY available áfter the attached() method is triggered: before that the binding needs to do its job and only after that the elements are located inside of the dom.
In other words: this will not work:
$('main').on('click', ()=> alert('hi'));
because the constructor and the activate method both get fired before the attached method.


Updating Angular 6 Form value in case corresponding dom native element value is modified by external library

I am experimenting cobrowsing with Angular 6 Forms.In co-browsing an opensource library togetherJS updates the DOM value of corresponding element for remote party.I have updated togetherJS related code in index.html(two line one in head and another in body) I have observed using ControlValueAccessor Form type DOM value of corresponding element is getting updated but FormControl value is not getting updated in view.
My question is how changes done by an external library on DOM elements can be reflected into angular 6 form control's element value in view.
One can get the code from below link:
How to reproduce:
1.Download code from above link.
2.Install dependencies using "npm install"
3.Run "ng serve -o" in browser "http://localhost:4200/controlvalueaccessor"
5.Click on "Start TogetherJs"
6.Copy the popped link in another browser window.
7.Update the "Name" field
We can see DOM field value is also getting updated on remote side but after pressing "Submit" button we can see FormControl value remains unaltered on remote side but changed on other side.
I tried using manually detecting changes using application.tick,markforcheck() and detectchanges() apis but no luck.Is there a way, where we can listen to some event on DOM element change and subscribe to it and also update the Formcontrol parameter values in such case.
The answer to this question lies in angular(6) property that it works on shadow DOM and only listen to the changes happening within angular zone , when the third party library like TogetherJS updates DOM corresponding changes doesn't effect angular components as they are not subscribe to actual DOM native element.
In order to resolve this issue we did following :
Register one call back in Form class constructer to capture DOM “change” events triggered from Co-Browsing library i.e. happening outside angular zone as mentioned below:
Code Snippet
constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder,private elementRef: ElementRef,private _renderer: Renderer,private cdr:ChangeDetectorRef,private app:ApplicationRef,private zone:NgZone) {
zone.runOutsideAngular(() =>{
window.document.addEventListener('change', this.change.bind(this));
Define the eventHandler to perform below actions :
Run in Angular context using
Use ElementRef to get the component’s template selector.
Run queryselector on input elements and compare with event’s outerHTML to check which element has changed in component.
Set the Formcontrol’s value for matching element.
PS: Here customerForm is ControlValueAccesor FormGroup type of instance. In your case it can be your form. We can generalize form( In case reactive) key traversal as mentioned in another SO post
Angular 2: Iterate over reactive form controls
Code Snippet:
console.log("DOM value changed" ,event);
console.log("component value", this.elementRef.nativeElement); => { console.log('Do change detection here');
if(this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelectorAll('input')[0].outerHTML ===
console.log('Inside value updation');
setTimeout(() =>{
This will set the respective values of elements(obviously via traversing loop) changed in component and validation should not fail as it’s happening in current context.
The core idea of above details is how to capture change events happening outside angular zone and updating angular application accordingly.
PS : I shall update the full code in github for other's perusal.

Cannot programmatically add content to simple HTML DIV Element in XML view

I have a simple XML view (fragment) like this:
<html:div id="holder"></html:div>
I want to add content programmatically like this:
var holder = this.byId("holder");
var label = new sap.m.Label({
text: "Label"
Effect is nothing, no error, no added content.
Why does it not work?
This is because content is not an aggregation (an easy mistake to make, since content usually is an aggregation).
sap.ui.core.HTML's content metadata object is a property of type string. From the jsdoc:
HTML content to be displayed, defined as a string.
You will need to use a different container for your label, such as sap.ui.layout.VerticalLayout, or you could just use raw HTML to stick in your holder object, rather than that sap.m.Label type.
Here is a jsbin that takes the XML view part of this question out of the equation.
Note: See #hirse's comment below for an important distinction when using html:div in XML views
The HTML element and the UI5 Controls are not directly compatible. UI5 Controls are JavaScript objects that have a render function. The render function creates a html fragment on demand. That html fragment ist then inserted into the page.
I have never tried it, but a solution could be to use the placeAt() method of your label:
If you are using an XML View, the holder id will be prefixed. Then you should use something like this:
You can get DOM element of UI5 control by using getDomRef of sap.ui.core.Element class.
Then add your content to this DOM element by using placeAt()
Here is working example.

Durandal - dispose of viewmodel after completion of registration process

Just wondering if anyone knows a good/simple approach using Durandal to disposing of or re-initializing a viewmodel once it becomes invalid?
I have a registration form that I could 're-initialize' manually after a user has completed the form and registered successfully, but I'd prefer to just dispose of it so that Durandal creates a new registraion view/view model when that particular route is accessed again.
If your viewmodel module returns a function rather than an object, it will create a new one each time rather than reusing the 'singleton' object. See the Module Values section of Creating a Module.
Updated link for the Durandal Module constructor function information: Module Values
You can split the difference:
var cache;
var ctor = function () {
if (cache) return cache;
// init logic
cache = this;
Just replace the if(cache) check with whatever "do I need a new thing or not" logic you like.
If you're using routing, simply redirect the user to an instance-based module (one that returns a constructor function). The user will most likely click or touch a button that signifies that he is done with the registration form. That would be the redirect action.
If you're using composition, you would still create an instance-based module. Then, you would use dynamic composition to swap it in once the user signified he was done with the registration form.
Dynamic composition is where the view and/or model attributes on a Durandal composition are, themselves, observables, referencing something like the following in the viewModel:
this.currentView = ko.observable('');
this.currentModel = ko.observable('');
Then, in your HTML:
<div data-bind="compose: {view: currentView(), model: currentModel())"></div>
When the user clicks "Done", or something to that effect, functions on your viewModel might look something like:
ctor.prototype.done = function () {
ctor.prototype.setCurrentView = function (view) {
ctor.prototype.setCurrentModel = function (model) {
Either one of the approaches above will create the registrationForm only when it's needed.
With Durandal 2.0, you can use the deactivate callback within the composition lifecycle. Here is some documentation

How to reference dynamically added element after DOM loaded without a need to act on any events?

I know there is .on and .live (deprecated) available from JQuery, but those assume you want to attach event handlers to one ore more events of the dynamically added element which I don't. I just need to reference it so I can access some of the attributes of it.
And to be more specific, there are multiple dynamic elements like this all with class="cluster" set and each with a different value for the: title attribute, top attribute, and left attribute.
None of these jquery options work:
var allClusters = $('.cluster');
var allClusters2 = $('#map').children('.cluster');
var allClusters3 = $('#map').find('.cluster');
Again, I don't want to attach any event handlers so .on doesn't seem like the right solution even if I were to hijack it, add a bogus event, a doNothing handler, and then just reference my attributes.
There's got to be a better solution. Any ideas?
I mis-stated the title as I meant to say that the elements were dynamically added to the DOM, but not through JQuery. Title updated.
I figured it out. The elements weren't showing up because the DOM hadn't been updated yet.
I'm working with Google Maps and MarkerClustererPlus to give some more context, and when I add the map markers using markerclustererplus, they weren't available in the javascript code following the add.
Adding a google maps event listener to my google map fixed the problem:
google.maps.event.addListener(myMarkerClusterer, 'clusteringend', function () {
// access newly added DOM elements here
Once I add that listener, all the above JQuery selectors and/or methods work just fine:
var allClusters = $('.cluster');
var allClusters3 = $('#map').find('.cluster');
Although this one didn't, but that's because it only finds direct decendants of parent:
var allClusters2 = $('#map').children('.cluster');
Do what you need to do in the ajax callback:
$.ajax(...).done(function (html) {
//append here
allClusters = $('.cluster');
If you want them to be separate, you can always bind handlers after the fact, or use $.when:
jqxhr = $.ajax(...).done(function (html) { /* append html */ });
jqxhr.done(function () { allClusters = $('.cluster') });
$.when(jqxhr).done(function () { /* you get it */ });
If these are being appended without ajax changes, then just move the cluster-finding code to wherever the DOM changes take place.
If that's not an option, then I guess you would just have to check on an interval.

scope of 'this' inside mootools class

I'm trying to define a click handler in a Mootools class. My handler presumes opening a block of links, each of which should be 'equipped' with its own click handler, which should trigger a link specific action. What I mean is let's suppose I have the following HTML code:
<div id="wrapper">
open options
<div class="optionsBlock" style="display:none">
Then I'm trying to define a class like this in Mootools:
var myHandler = new Class({
Implements : [Events],
initialize : function(element){
this.element =;
this.elements = this.element.getChildren('a');
this.elements.addEvents('click', function(ev){
//'this' as a reference to the current element in the array, which is being clicked, correct?
this.getSibling('div.optionsBlock').setStyle('display', 'block');
var parentLink = this;
this.getSibling('div.optionsBlock').getChildren('a').addEvent('click', function(e){
//should append the text of currently clicked link into the parent link
new myHandler('wrapper');
This is just an illustration of how I can imagine the code should be like (and I'm sure this code is not good at all), but I really need some help regarding the following:
Since adding new events constatly changes the scope of 'this', how should I keep a reference both to the class instance and the element being clicked?
How should I modify the class in order not to have the entire code inside the initialize method? I tried to create separate methods for every event handler, but as a result I got confused with the scope of 'this', with binding and trying to get all of this together really annoys me, but I want to get a grip of this knowledge.
How to keep track of the scope of 'this' when adding nested event handlers inside a class? I honestly googled and searched for an answer but for no avail.
scope, take your pick - asked many many times - search here for [mootools]scope this:
Mootools class variable scope
mootools variable scope
Mootools - Bind to class instance and access event object
to recap:
use a saved reference var self = this; then reference self.prop or use the fn.bind pattern
add more methods. follow single responsibility principle. eg, in your class, create attachEvents: function() {} and have initialize call that.
by using the saved reference pattern. you can fix it upriver by delegating events as opposed to creating new event callbacks on parent clicks.