Errors in Android Studio - eclipse

In Eclipse, when I edit a class, all other classes are automatically checked for errors. For instance, when I comment out a function in class A I see all classes that refer to the function marked red in the project explorer.
In Android Studio when I do the same, no class is checked for errors. The project explorer shows no errors. It is only until I open a class that the errors become visible for this specific class.
How can I have the same behaviour in Android Studio as in Eclipse?

Include this in your


Visual studio code notification asking if I want to exclude Java project settings files or not

I suddenly got this notification when open a flutter project in vs code:
Do you want to exclude the Visual Studio Code Java project settings files (.classpath, .project. .settings, .factorypath) from the file explorer? (options: Exclude Globally, Exclude in Workspace, Never)
I chose Never for the time being, but I was wondering what it even implies?
This is a prompt that comes from the Java extension from VS Code:
I guess it's asking whether you want those java-related project files to show up in the VS Code explorer side bar, or be hidden (if you choose to exclude, it will write exclusions into your VS Code settings so they are hidden).

How can I fix "build failed, do you want to continue"? In Visual Studio Code

I got an error when trying to debug Java code in Visual Studio Code.
The error is below
build failed, do you want to continue?
I have tried clearing the workspace, but it doesn't work. How can I fix this issue?
The problem was solved.
I resolved this issue by clearing the workspace cache in Visual Studio Code. Here is a link to the relevant page: Visual Studio Code Clean Workspace Directory. I had renamed a number of folders, class names and packages.
Apparently the Red Hat Developer plugin managed to get out of sync. The .classpath file was out of sync with the POM file. Wiping out the workspace cache caused the plugin to recreate project data from the Maven specification. The problem was solved. I am not sure, but if anyone from the Red Hat project reads this, it looks to me like a bug, or deficiency. In any event it can be worked around.
Original answer:
I think Liu Bei was not clear enough. I am experiencing the same issue. I have a project that builds perfectly in Maven and when I launch the debugger in Visual Studio Code this notification appears in the lower right-hand corner of the Visual Studio Code window.
Obviously the "Debugger for Java" extension thinks there is a build problem. However there are no errors reported in the PROBLEMS, OUTPUT, DEBUG CONSOLE or TERMINAL tabs.
The project builds, and packages in Maven just fine and it can be debugged in attach mode which is tedious at best.
There is something going on in Visual Studio Code that's not being reported anywhere that I can find. I suspect the RedHat Visual Studio Code plugin for Java is in the mix, but I need help figuring out how to work around the issue.
I have to say that we are spending way too much time resolving issues with tools and dependencies and not enough time on the app. The project we are working on is intended for open source distribution. The Spring Framework seems ideal for our purposes, but the tooling, not so much. We are not very far into the project and I am already receiving pressure to switch to ASP.NET Core.
I really need a little help...
This didn't work for me, but I found out what did.
First of all, looking at the Java Dependencies plugin gave me a hint that something was out of sync. The name of my application (artifact) did not match the name in the Java Dependencies tree view.
This was fixed by clearing the Visual Studio Code workspaceStorage folder completely!
This folder was in my case located in (Windows 10):
If you can't find it at this location, simply search for the folder workspaceStorage.
Next press Ctrl + Shift + P (in my case) to open the Visual Studio Code action prompt. Then choose the command:
Java: Open Java Language Server Log File
This will open a log file which is normally not displayed when building your Java code, and will tell you exactly what went wrong with the build.
In my case it was a conflict as I had two files, one in main and one in test. Maven handles this fine, but apparently the Visual Studio Code Java builder does not.
Obviously these are bugs in the plugins which I will report to the GitHub contributors, but for now we will have to live with a little manual work.
Still I hope this helps all of you frustrated Visual Studio Code Java developers out there.
It worked for me to change the user setting in file setting.json to "java.debug.settings.forceBuildBeforeLaunch": false in Visual Studio Code, which will disable the check before run/debug.
Build failed error in Visual Studio Code
This error occurs because in your workspace folder the other source code has some errors in it.
So create a new folder and make it as a workspace folder and then write your codes in that folder and run it.
I had that error also and it worked for me, so check for yours.
Using OS X, I managed to overcome this problem. You can either access it from your Terminal or simply use a
shortcut (Command + Shift + C).
Select Base System and Library. Look for the Java folder and click on the Java Virtual Machines folder.
Check if is there the actual version of JDK (most up to date). I've noticed that I had two JDK folders one probably inherited from a previously installation and the most up-to-date Java 15. I dragged 'jdk-14' to the waste bin. Enter password, close finder and restart Visual Studio Code.
It works fine now!
For me, the problem was that I created a folder within a folder for arranging my Java program files with the reference to data structures. In the log file, it was showing that the .java file in the inner folder was not on its project's build path.
Just after deleting that folder and completely deleting all the files in the workspace folder manually in the location C:\Users<myuser>\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\workspaceStorage, this problem was solved!
I fixed this problem by doing the following steps:
Step 1: Opening Visual Studio Code settings (bottom left)
Step 2: Searching "Java debug" and selecting Java Debugger under Extensions
Step 3: Find Force Build Before Launch and uncheck it
And you're done!
First of all, check carefully the errors on Visual Studio Code log and try to not get biased by the community common errors. To do this, press Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Visual Studio Code action prompt. Then choose the command:
Java: Open Java Language Server Log File
By doing this you can find the exact exception that is happening. In my case, I had two exceptions:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/annotation/processing/AbstractProcessor
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.demo.myapplication
So, I was biased to think that error was related to the Java version or stuff like that, but it was related to a Lombok extension installed in Visual Studio Code.
In the end, I found this thread and tested this solution and it worked like a charm.
Here is the solution explained by him:
Finally I got it working. The issue is with the additional argument -Xbootclasspath added by the Lombok extension to the I figured it out by integrating the Lombok with eclipse and opened the eclipse.ini file for the changes.
I uninstalled the vscode-lombok extension;
I downloaded the lombok.jar (version 1.18.6) file from;
In Visual Studio Code, in settings.json, for key, I added the argument
A last necessary step (missed by the GitHub guy) is to reinstall the Lombok extension.
I had the same problem.
I just downloaded this provided for Visual Studio Code,
Extension Pack for Java.
Click on the link, download and open it. It will automatically configure Visual Studio Code for Java.

Different Android Studio import workflows

It seems something changed recently for Android Studio imports. I now get two different dialogs that perform different workflows within Android Studio.
Sometimes I get this dialog:
And other times I get this dialog:
This second dialog seems to appear when I import Android code even if it didn't come from Eclipse originally. I know the code in question didn't come from Eclipse because I have imported older projects that I created using IntelliJ IDEA.
Does anyone know what Android Studio looks for when importing projects to bring up one dialog or the other?
Thanx in advance.
At the present time it looks for the presence of an AndroidManifest.xml at the root directory of the project, and also the existence of either the .classpath and .project files (which are Eclipse project files) or the res and src directories.
This will likely change in future versions.

Java class file not generated for new activity in Android Studio

I'm just starting out with Android development and in general I keep hitting brick walls that seem to have more to do with the IDEs then the anything else. I started out with Eclipse but it kept corrupting my projects and other weird errors. Now I'm trying Android Studio which seems more stable but again a brick wall:
After following the android tutorial to the letter to create the hello world app I tried to add a new activity. The xml file was created fine but the java class file did not show up under src like it did in eclipse. What gives? This is demoralizing me. I long for the days of writing C code for microcontrollers using just an editor and cmd line.
Goto File -> Settings -> Compiler
check use external build then
rebuild project
Update your Eclipse ADT plugin, then export project and the import in Android Studio.
And follow the below link

How to compile greenDao example without eclipse?

How to compile GreenDao examples and DaoExampleGenerator without eclipse?
You can use Android Studio to do it.
Gradle is integrated and download dependent libraries.
Just be aware on the paths in Android studio (uses the main project path containing all modules (one module in android studio is a project in Eclipse).
It worked for me.
dropdown on the run button click on Edit Configuration, then, click + button and add new Application and on config : Check on below image then click apply and ok.
Next what you need to do is on dropdown, choose your daogenerator then run the application it will compile the dao class
then it should looks like above and click run. It should works!
Good luck!!