How to filter two categories on dashboard? Tableau - tableau-api

I have 3 sheets I'd like to filter on the dashboard: months, supervisor name, and supervisee name. What I would like to do is have the functionality to click on a month, and have everything filter. I'd also like to click on the supervisor and supervisee, and have it do the same thing.
The problem is, that my supervisees keep disappearing every time I select a supervisor. The data is set up as a hierarchy within tableau and is on a corresponding line in the original hard data. Any help or suggestions?


Azure Devops Dashboards - How to chart the trend of query results over time based on work item history?

I want to be able to generate a stacked bar chart based on the results of a query, for example the number of open bugs and open features. I would like to see the resulting number of open bugs vs features from that query over a time period, for example the last 30 days. Specifically the number of bugs vs features that were open on that particular day, regardless of their current status. Is there a way to do this using an existing out of the box widget? I believe it should be possible to figure out this information using the history. Alternatively, is it possible to simply store the totals from the query somewhere in devops and then chart it? Or would I need to write a script to export the query results via the api and then use something like the power bi widget to chart it?
Sure, you can set up a chart of the query about the bugs and features opened in the last 30 days.
To meet this demand, you can do like as the steps below:
Set up a query with the following filter clauses. Save this query to the Shared Queries folder.
Work Item Type In Bug,Feature
State = [Any]
Created Date >= #StartOfDay('-30d')
On the Charts tab of the new query, create a new chart for the query like as below.
After saving the chart, add this chart to a specified dashboard in the project.
After above steps, navigate to the specified dashboard in the project, you can see the chart on the dashboard.
According to your latest reply, you want to get the Bug and Feature that were open state in the last 30 days. For these work items, we can think they satisfy one of the following conditions:
The work items were closed in the last 30 days, no matter what date they were created.
The work items are still open state currently. They do not have the closed date yet.
So, set up the query like as below should be able to match these work items.
Work Item Type In Bug,Feature
And State = [Any]
And Closed Date >= #StartOfDay('-30d')
Or Closed Date =
Group the last two clauses.
Then create the chart for the query.
Maybe the stacked chart would go some way to answering your problem.
That produces charts with date as the x axis which, I think, is what you're looking for.

Tableau filter based on multiple parameters?

I have some data like this below
data image see link
I would like to make a dashboard that will show you all the related empires based on what you choose (those that existed at the same time AND those in one of it's regions of influence). For example if I choose Rome then it will only show Egypt, Greek and Gaul and not show Byzantine because it is from a later time and not show China because it is in a different region. See below
See expected result picture in link
The simple way to achieve this task is to "Self-Join"
I would self-join the data again with Inner join on Region and Era
then, to handle the duplicate rows I would create a calculation
[Empire_Data1] = [Empires_Data2]
and put as false in the filter shelf.
then if you drag both Empires field you will the output you are looking for,
Since this is like 20 rows of data, you can perform a self join without any challenge.
But you have a lot of rows as in hundreds of thousands or more then, you might want to prep your data before connecting to the tableau.

Get full date range of linked field in tableau

Gif of problem
I am currently working on a dashboard in tableau, which shows the count of New-User-Signups and Interactions side-by-side given different date windows. The first New-User-Signup happened before the first Interaction, and the last Interaction happened after the last User Signup.
In order to choose a date window, I linked the date fields in both data sources, and made a date filter, which I applied to all worksheets using related data sources.
However, depending on which "date" field I choose, (from the User Signup table or the Interaction table), the "All Dates" option of the date filter only goes from start to end of that data source's date range.
No matter what I try, I exclude some entries in either one graph or the other. How can I make the "All Dates" filter go from the minimum first date between both data sources, to the maximum last date between the two data sources?
I run into this issue a lot with the data that I use. The problem is that the filter will only be able to contain dates that are in the dataset it is created off of, even if you link the data sources. When I run into this issue, I use parameters instead.
You can find instructions here:

Showing comparison across groups in tooltip Tableau

I have a dashboard that lets users compare a company selected from a drop down menu (Company A) to another company chosen from another drop down menu (Company B). This then displays stacked bar charts (5 categories) by year. I want to build a tooltip so that when the user hovers over one of the 5 categories in either set of bar charts, it shows a comparison of that category between Company A and Company B. Is this possible, and if so, what is the best way to do this?
My previous answer showed a different approach for the problem without using too many workarounds. This answer will try to give exactly what has been asked.
First thing to understand is that you can't have the values for two different companies if you're filtering to show only one company. That means you'll need to circumvent this by filtering directly on the field.
Step 1: Create the new parameters that will be used as filters.
You want to create two parameters called "Company 1" and "Company 2" that will be used in each view to filter the company on the graphic.
Step 2: Create the new measures with the filter directly in the field.
Now you should create two new measures from your main measure, each one filtering one of the companies accordingly to the parameter, e.g. Sales Company 1 and Sales Company 2.
Step 3: Create a field with the variation and add it at the tooltip mark.
Simply enough, you want a calculated field with the difference between them:
SUM([Sales C1]) - SUM([Sales C2])
Step 4: Update the views and dashboard
Change the measure in each of the views for their following specific measure field, and remove the Company filter. And in the dashboard, substitute your usual filters to the parameter (which will be used to filter both views).
By assuming you have a dashboard with two views, you'll be filtering the [Company] in both of these views, making the value of another company not available to be shown at the tooltip.
If you're not using it yet, you could try a new approach and see the variance between companies by using the Color mark. By adding the [Company] as color, you could turn the Stack Marks off and add the second company in the filter to be able to visualize the difference.

How to use one filter on two separate fields at the same time

I am working on a Tableau visualisation of network data, showing trends in user behaviour.
I have a table with users (USERS) and a table with network messages (MESSAGES): Each message has a sender and a receiver from the list of users.
I have two worksheets, one showing trends of outgoing messages and one showing incoming messages. The two worksheets are placed in the same dashboard.
How can I create a filter dropdown containing all users from USERS that filters senders in one worksheet and receivers in the second worksheet?
I have tried to duplicate the MESSAGES data source and blend USERS with two different fields, but the performance is not acceptable. Any ideas are welcome.
Thanks in advance
Create a new parameter:
data type string
allowable values set to list
add from field - user field
Quick filter on user-sending
select condition tab, By formula
Repeat for user-receiving sheet.
Lastly, right-click user.parameter and select 'add to sheet' (or add it to you dashboard).
You can do so by selecting the 'use all' option rather than using a range or a list. This works very well for dates especially as it shows a calendar and then you can pick the date you want to see.