Do I need to close connection in Talend? - amazon-redshift

I've started to play with Talend DI. I wrote a simple job to create a db connection then run a simple query then write the output to a csv. Do I need to close the connection when the job is completed?
The database is redshift.
Thanks in advance

Talend advises that you should always close your database connection. Depending on your setup, a commit component might be used if you insert data which could automatically close the connection.
But you seem to simply read data. In this case I would try out the following:
Run the job a few times if possible
Execute the statement select * from stv_sessions; and have a look how many connections are open. If they are not closed automatically, you should close them. If the database / Talend automatically closes them when reading, you might reconsider.


How to process and insert millions of MongoDB records into Postgres using Talend Open Studio

I need to process millions of records coming from MongoDb and put a ETL pipeline to insert that data into a PostgreSQL database. However, in all the methods I've tried, I keep getting the out memory heap space exception. Here's what I've already tried -
Tried connecting to MongoDB using tMongoDBInput and put a tMap to process the records and output them using a connection to PostgreSQL. tMap could not handle it.
Tried to load the data into a JSON file and then read from the file to PostgreSQL. Data got loaded into JSON file but from there on got the same memory exception.
Tried increasing the RAM for the job in the settings and tried the above two methods again, still no change.
I specifically wanted to know if there's any way to stream this data or process it in batches to counter the memory issue.
Also, I know that there are some components dealing with BulkDataLoad. Could anyone please confirm whether it would be helpful here since I want to process the records before inserting and if yes, point me to the right kind of documentation to get that set up.
Thanks in advance!
As you already tried all the possibilities the only way that I can see to do this requirement is breaking done the job into multiple sub-jobs or going with incremental load based on key columns or date columns, Considering this as a one-time activity for now.
Please let me know if it helps.

Postgresql: How to access data of a transaction with another connection

I use Postgresql for my database engine and some operations use transactions to be sure that everything goes fine.
Sometimes I need to test some specific datas at "that poin" of my application but these operations often make al lot changes in the database and it's not easy to reproduce "all the changes made inside the transaction" with another connection (like using a PgAdmin query tool) outside the transaction to test the single aspect that i need.
One way to test the specific data, is to load the data into a variable, and then debug-it, but i was searching for a more "wide solution".
So that's the question: Is there a way to access the data of a specific connection (which is in transaction) with another connection/query_tool?
In postgresql (actually) there's no way to do it, full stop.

Real time Change Data Capture in Talend

I am trying to setup Real time change data capture between two different MySQL databases using Talend Studio. I was able to successfully create a job that uses Publish/Subscribe model that picks up only the changed data from source and populates in the target database.
I could not find the documentation to setup CDC in real time i.e. as soon as a new row is inserted in the source database it will be picked up by the job and populated in target database. The Talend job will be running continuously to look for possible changes in the source.
My question: is scheduling the Talend job using some scheduler for desired interval the only option in this case?
Thanks in advance.
You could also use triggers for Create, Update, Delete on the database and use those triggers to start a process pushing the data somewhere or starting a process.

How to copy a database to sap hana from postgresql with talend?

well my problem is, how could i copy a database with talend from postgresql to sap hana without needing to write a job for every table ?
The reason for this is, because it could take some long time to prepare all those jobs, while taking in consideration, having at least 200 tables, which at least have 30 columns.
I tried tTransferDatabase plugin, but i can't success to transfer it to sap hana, it gives me an error that it can't copy schema (while it successfully worked copying it to other database in postgresql), and i am sure that the schemas names are right.
here is the error:
Exception in component tTransferDatabase_1
at org.apache.ddlutils.PlatformFactory.createNewPlatformInstance(
at org.apache.ddlutils.PlatformFactory.createNewPlatformInstance(
at com.devjpcb.transferdatabase.TransferDatabase.getPlatformDestine(
at com.devjpcb.transferdatabase.TransferDatabase.copySchemaToDatabase(
at local_project.aaasa_0_1.aaasa.tTransferDatabase_1Process(
at local_project.aaasa_0_1.aaasa.runJobInTOS(
at local_project.aaasa_0_1.aaasa.main(
Is there maybe a chance to do sth like .. for each table in connection, table guess schema, copy columns from table to other side of tmap, run ?
Any advice would be helpful ;), Thank you !
With some work, you could use the example job created by rbaldwin on Talend Exchange; note that it starts with files, not a database. But you could easily create a job that loops through all your database tables and does an extract to file, to then use as the starting point.
Another option is Bekwam's solution

PostgreSQL blocking on too many inserts

I am working on a research platform that reads relevant Twitter feeds via the Twitter API and stores them in a PostgreSQL database for future analysis. Middleware is Perl, and the server is an HP ML310 with 8GB RAM running Debian linux.
The problem is that the twitter feed can be quite large (many entries per second), and I can't afford to wait for the insert before returning to wait for the next tweet. So what I've done is to use a fork() so each tweet gets a new process to insert into the database and the listener and return quickly to grab the next tweet. However, because each of these processes effectively opens a new connection to the PostgreSQL backend, the system never catches up with its twitter feed.
I am open to using a connection pooling suggestion and/or to upgrading hardware if necessary to make this work, but would appreciate any advice. Is this likely RAM bound, or is there configuration or software approaches I can try to make the system sufficiently speedy?
If you open and close a new connection for each insert, that is going to hurt big time. You should use a connection pooler instead. Creating a new database connection is not a lightweight thing to do.
Doing a a fork() for each insert is probably not such a good idea either. Can't you create one process that simply takes care of the inserts and listens on a socket, or scans a directory or something like that and another process signalling the insert process (a classical producer/consumer pattern). Or use some kind of message queue (I don't know Perl, so I can't say what kind of tools are available there).
When doing bulk inserts do them in a single transaction, sending the commit at the end. Do not commit each insert. Another option is to write the rows into a text file and then use COPY to insert them into the database (it doesn't get faster than that).
You can also tune the PostgreSQL server a bit. If you can afford to lose some transactions in case of a system crash, you might want to turn synchronous_commit off.
If you can rebuild the table from scratch anytime (e.g. by re-inserting the tweets), you might also want to make that table an "unlogged" table. It is faster than a regular table in writing, but if Postgres is not shown down cleanly, you lose all the data in the table.
Use COPY command.
One script reads Tweeter and appends strings to the CSV file on disk.
Other scripts looking for CSV file on disk, renamed this file file and started COPY command from this file.