Move object to nearest empty space on a plane - unity3d

Check the following gif:
I want the cylinder to instantly change location to the nearest empty space on the plane as soon as I put a cube on the cylinder. The cubes and the cylinder have box colliders attached.
At the moment the cylinder just gets stuck when I put a cube on it, and I have to click in some direction to make it start "swimming" through the cubes.
Is there any easy solution or do I have to create some sort of grid with empty gameobjects that have a tag which tells me if there's an object on them or not?

This is a common problem in RTS-like video games, and I am solving it myself. This requires a breadth-first search algorithm, which means that you're checking the closest neighbors first. You're fortunate to only have to solve this problem in a gridded-environment.
Usually what programmers will do is create a queue and add each node (space) in the entire game to that queue until an empty space is found. It will start with e.g. the above, below, and adjacent spaces to the starting space, and then recursively move out, calling the same function inside of itself and using the queue to keep track of which spaces still need to be checked. It will also need to have a way to know whether a space has already been checked and avoid those spaces.
Another solution I'm conceiving of would be to generate a (conceptual) Archimedean spiral from the starting point and somehow check each space along that spiral. The tricky part would be generating the right spiral and checking it at just the right points in order to hit each space once.
Here's my quick-and-dirty solution for the Archimedean spiral approach in c++:
float x, z, max = 150.0f;
vector<pair<float, float>> spiral;
//Generate the spiral vector (run this code once and store the spiral).
for (float n = 0.0f; n < max; n += (max + 1.0f - n) * 0.0001f)
x = cos(n) * n * 0.05f;
z = sin(n) * n * 0.05f;
//Change 1.0f to 0.5f for half-sized spaces.
//fmod is float modulus (remainder).
x = x - fmod(x, 1.0f);
z = z - fmod(z, 1.0f);
pair<float, float> currentPoint = make_pair(x, z);
//Make sure this pair isn't at (0.0f, 0.0f) and that it's not already in the spiral.
if ((x != 0.0f || z != 0.0f) && find(spiral.begin(), spiral.end(), currentPoint) == spiral.end())
//Loop through the results (run this code per usage of the spiral).
for (unsigned int n = 0U; n < spiral.size(); ++n)
//Draw or test the spiral.
It generates a vector of unique points (float pairs) that can be iterated through in order, which will allow you to draw or test every space around the starting space in a nice, outward (breadth-first), gridded spiral. With 1.0f-sized spaces, it generates a circle of 174 test points, and with 0.5f-sized spaces, it generates a circle of 676 test points. You only have to generate this spiral once and then store it for usage numerous times throughout the rest of the program.
This spiral samples differently as it grows further and further out from the center (in the for loop: n += (max + 1.0f - n) * 0.0001f).
If you use the wrong numbers, you could very easily break this code or cause an infinite loop! Use at your own risk.
Though more memory intensive, it is probably much more time-efficient than the traditional queue-based solutions due to iterating through each space exactly once.
It is not a 100% accurate solution to the problem, however, because it is a gridded spiral; in some cases it may favor the diagonal over the lateral. This is probably negligible in most cases though.
I used this solution for a game I'm working on. More on that here. Here are some pictures (the orange lines in the first are drawn by me in Paint for illustration, and the second picture is just to demonstrate what the spiral looks like if expanded):


How to reposition a circle to be outside of circumference of two other circles?

This is a question for Unity people or Math geniuses.
I'm making a game where I have a circle object that I can move, but I don't want it to intersect or go into other (static) circles in the world (Physics system isn't good enough in Unity to simply use that, btw).
It's in 3D world, but the circles only ever move on 2 axis.
I was able to get this working perfectly if circle hits only 1 other circle, but not 2 or more.
FYI: All circles are the same size.
Here's my working formula for 1 circle to move it to the edge of the colliding circle if intersecting:
newPosition = PositionOfStaticCircleThatWasJustIntersected + ((positionCircleWasMovedTo - PositionOfStaticCircleThatWasJustIntersected).normalized * circleSize);
But I can't figure out a formula if the moving circle hits 2 (or more) static circles at the same time.
One of the things that confuse me the most is the direction issue depending on how all the circles are positioned and what direction the moving circle is coming from.
Here's an example image of what I'm trying to do.
Since we're operating in a 2D space, let's approach this with some geometry. Taking a close look at your desired outcome, a particular shape become apparent:
There's a triangle here! And since all circles are the same radius, we know even more: this is an isosceles triangle, where two sides are the same length. With that information in hand, the problem basically boils down to:
We know what d is, since it's the distance between the two circles being collided with. And we know what a is, since it's the radius of all the circles. With that information, we can figure out where to place the moved circle. We need to move it d/2 between the two circles (since the point will be equidistant between them), and h away from them.
Calculating the height h is straightforward, since this is a right-angle triangle. According to the Pythagorean theorem:
// a^2 + b^2 = c^2, or rewritten as:
// a = root(c^2 - b^2)
float h = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(2 * a, 2) - Mathf.Pow(d / 2, 2))
Now need to turn these scalar quantities into vectors within our game space. For the vector between the two circles, that's easy:
Vector3 betweenVector = circle2Position - circle1Position
But what about the height vector along the h direction? Well, since all movement is on 2D space, find a direction that your circles don't move along and use it to get the cross product (the perpendicular vector) with the betweenVector using Vector3.Cross(). For
example, if the circles only move laterally:
Vector3 heightVector = Vector3.Cross(betweenVector, Vector3.up)
Bringing this all together, you might have a method like:
Vector3 GetNewPosition(Vector3 movingCirclePosition, Vector3 circle1Position,
Vector3 circle2Position, float radius)
float halfDistance = Vector3.Distance(circle1Position, circle2Position) / 2;
float height = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(2 * radius, 2) - Mathf.Pow(halfDistance, 2));
Vector3 betweenVector = circle2Position - circle1Position;
Vector3 heightVector = Vector3.Cross(betweenVector, Vector3.up);
// Two possible positions, on either side of betweenVector
Vector3 candidatePosition1 = circle1Position
+ betweenVector.normalized * halfDistance
+ heightVector.normalized * height;
Vector3 candidatePosition2 = circle1Position
+ betweenVector.normalized * halfDistance
- heightVector.normalized * height;
// Absent any other information, the closer position will be assumed as correct
float distToCandidate1 = Vector3.Distance(movingCirclePosition, candidatePosition1);
float distToCandidate2 = Vector3.Distance(movingCirclePosition, candidatePosition2);
if (distToCandidate1 < distToCandidate2){
return candidatePosition1;
return candidatePosition2;

Make ring of vectors "flat" relative to world space

I am trying to simulate liquid conformity in a container. The container is a Unity cylinder and so is the liquid. I track current volume and max volume and use them to determine the coordinates of the center of where the surface should be. When the container is tilted, each vertex in the upper ring of the cylinder should maintain it's current local x and z values but have a new local y value that is the same height in the global space as the surface center.
In my closest attempt, the surface is flat relative to the world space but the liquid does not touch the walls of the container.
Vector3 v = verts[i];
Vector3 newV = new Vector3(v.x, globalSurfaceCenter.y, v.z);
verts[i] = transform.InverseTransformPoint(newV);
(I understand that inversing the point after using v.x and v.z changes them, but if I change them after the fact the surface is no longer flat...)
I have tried many different approaches and I always end up at this same point or a stranger one.
Also, I'm not looking for any fundamentally different approach to the problem. It's important that I alter the vertices of a cylinder.
Thank you, everyone, for your feedback. It helped me make progress with this problem but I've reached another roadblock. I made my code more presentable and took some screenshots of some results as well as a graph model to help you visualize what's happening and give variable names to refer to.
In the following images, colored cubes are instantiated and given the coordinates of some of the different vectors I am using to get my results.
F(red) A(green) B(blue)
H(green) E(blue)
Graphed Model
NOTE: when I refer to capital A and B, I'm referring to the Vector3's in my code.
The cylinders in the images have the following rotations (left to right):
(0,0,45) (45,45,0) (45,0,20)
As you can see from image 1, F is correct when only one dimension of rotation is applied. When two or more are applied, the surface is flat, but not oriented correctly.
If I adjust the rotation of the cylinder after generating these results, I can get the orientation of the surface to make sense, but the number are not what you might expect.
For example: cylinder 3 (on the right side), adjusted to have a surface flat to the world space, would need a rotation of about (42.2, 0, 27.8).
Not sure if that's helpful but it is something that increases my confusion.
My code: (refer to graph model for variable names)
Vector3 v = verts[iter];
Vector3 D = globalSurfaceCenter;
Vector3 E = transform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(v.x, surfaceHeight, v.z));
Vector3 H = new Vector3(gsc.x, E.y, gsc.z);
float a = Vector3.Distance(H, D);
float b = Vector3.Distance(H, E);
float i = (a / b) * a;
Vector3 A = H - D;
Vector3 B = H - E;
Vector3 F = ((A + B)) + ((A + B) * i);
Instantiate(greenPrefab, transform).transform.position = H;
Instantiate(bluePrefab, transform).transform.position = E;
//Instantiate(redPrefab, transform).transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(F);
//Instantiate(greenPrefab, transform).transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(A);
//Instantiate(bluePrefab, transform).transform.position = transform.TransformPoint(B);
Some of the variables in my code and in the graphed model may not be necessary in the end, but my hope is it gives you more to work with.
Bear in mind that I am less than proficient in geometry and math in general. Please use Laymans's terms. Thank you!
And thanks again for taking the time to help me.
As a first step, we can calculate the normal of the upper cylinder surface in the cylinder's local coordinate system. Given the world transform of your cylinder transform, this is simply:
localNormal = inverse(transform) * (0, 1, 0, 0)
Using this normal and the cylinder height h, we can define the plane of the upper cylinder in normal form as
dot(localNormal, (x, y, z) - (0, h / 2, 0)) = 0
I am assuming that your cylinder is centered around the origin.
Using this, we can calculate the y-coordinate for any x/z pair as
y = h / 2 - (localNormal.x * x + localNormal.z * z) / localNormal.y

Cheapest way to find Vector magnitude from a given point and angle

I am trying to determine a players depth position on a plane, which defines the walkable ground in a 2D brawler game. The problem is depictured in the following drawing:
C represents the players current position. I need to find the magnitude of vector V. Since I am not strong on linear algebra, the one thing I can think of is: determining the intersection point P of L1 and L2, and then take the magnitude from AP. However, I get the feeling there must be an easier way to find V, since I already know the angle the vector should have, given by vector from AB.
Any input would be appreciated, since I am looking forward to step up my linear algebra game.
Edit: As it is unclear thanks to my lack of drawing skills: the geometry depicted above is a parallelogram. The vector V I am looking for is parallel to the left and right side of the parallelogram. Depth does not mean, that I am looking for the vector perpendicular to the top side, but it refers to the fake depth of a purely 2D game. The parallelogram is therefore used as a means for creating the feeling of walking along a z axis.
The depth of your player (length of V) as measured from the top line in your drawing, is just the difference between A.y and C.y. This is seperate from the slant in the parralelogram, as we're just looking at depth.
float v;
Vector2 a = new Vector2(100, 100); //The point you're measuring from
Vector2 c = new Vector2(150, 150); //Your character position
v = c.y - a.y; // This is the length of V.
//In numbers: 50 = 150 - 100
Illustrated: image not to scale
This works for any coördinate in your plane.
Now if you'd want to get the length of AC is when you'd need to apply some pythagoras, which is a² + b² = c². In the example that would mean in code:
Vector2 a = new Vector2(100, 100);
Vector2 c = new Vector2(150, 150);
float ac1 = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(c.x - a.x, 2) + Mathf.Pow(c.y - a.y, 2));
Now that is quite a sore to have to type out every time, and looks quite scary. But Unity has you covered! There is a Vector method called Distance
float ac2 = Vector2.Distance(a, c);
Which both return 70.71068 which is the length of AC.
This works because for any point c in your area you can draw a right angled triangle from a to c.
Edit as per comment:
If you want your "depth" vector to be parallel with the sides of the paralellogram we can just create a triangle in the parallelogram of which we calculate the hypotenuse.
Since we want the new hypotenuse of our triangle to be parallel to the parallelogram we can use the same angle θ as point B has in your drawing (indicated by pink in mine), of which I understood you know the value.
We also know the length of the adjacent (indicated in blue) side of this new triangle, as that is the height we calculated earlier (c.y - a.y).
Using these two values we can use cosine to find the length of hypotenuse (indicated in red) of the triangle, which is equal to the vector V, in parallel with the parallelogram.
the formula for that is: hypotenuse = adjacent/cos(θ)
Now if we were to put some numbers in this, and for my example I took 55 for the angle θ. It would look like this
float v = 50/(cos(55));
image not to scale
Let's call the lower right vertex of the parallelogram D.
If the long sides of the parallelogram are horizontal, you can find magnitude of V vector by:
V.magnitude = (c.y - a.y) / sin(BAD)
Or if you prefer:
V.magnitude = AB.magnitude * (c.y - a.y)/(b.y - a.y)

How to make geometry follow a curve?

Is it possible to make some sprites/objects to copy itself and bend in a curve?
I made an image to show what i mean:
Here the curve, possibly a bezier path is green and the geometry is shown in black. I want the sprite or object (on the left) to copy itself and merge it's vertices with the last copy, while the last two vertices follow the curve.
If it is, how to do it? Is there any documentation on something like this? Have you done something like this? How?
EDIT: I don't want the sprite or object to move through the path, but kind of duplicate itself and merge itself with it's copies.
Yes, what you want to do can work, and your drawing shows how it works fairly well. The pseudocode would look something like this:
curveLength = <length of entire curve>;
tileLength = <length of 1 tile>;
currentLength = 0;
while (currentLength < curveLength)
currentTileLength = 0;
startPt = prevPt = calculateBezierAt(0.0);
for (t = delta; (t < 1) && (currentTileLength < tileLength); t += delta) // delta is up to you. I often use 1/100th
nextPt = calculateBezierAt(t);
distance = distanceBetween(prevPt, nextPt);
currentTileLength += distance;
currentLength += distance;
prevPt = nextPt;
endPt = prevPt;
// Calculate quad here
To calculate each quad, you need to generate perpendiculars at the start and end points. You then have 4 points for your quad.
Note that I've simplified things by assuming there's only a single bezier. Normally, you'll have many of them connected together, so it will be a little trickier to iterate over them than I've said above, but it shouldn't be too hard.
Also note that if you have either very tight corners or if the curve loops back on itself you may get bad-looking results. Presumably you'll avoid that if your generating the curves yourself, though.
Take a look at SCNShape, which generates a SceneKit geometry from a Bézier curve.

Find area of circle on a grid using euclidean distance?

I would like to have a function where I can input a radius value and have said function spit out the area for that size circle. The catch is I want it to do so for integer based coordinates only.
I was told elsewhere to look at Gauss's circle problem, which looks to be exactly what I'm interested in, but I don't really understand the math behind it (assuming it is actually accurate in calculating what I'm wanting).
As a side note, I currently use a modified circle drawing algorithm which does indeed produce the results I desire, but it just seems so incredibly inefficient (both the algorithm and the way in which I'm using it to get the area).
So, possible answers for this to me would be actual code or pseudocode for such a function if such a thing exists or something like a thorough explanation of Gauss's circle problem and why it is/isn't what I'm looking for.
The results I would hope the function would produce:
Input: Output
0: 1
1: 5
2: 13
3: 29
4: 49
5: 81
6: 113
7: 149
8: 197
9: 253
I too had to solve this problem recently and my initial approach was that of Numeron's - iterate on x axis from the center outwards and count the points within the upper right quarter, then quadruple them.
I then improved the algorithm around 3.4 times.
What I do now is just calculating how many points there are within an inscribed square inside that circle, and what's between that square and the edge of the circle (actually in the opposite order).
This way I actually count one-eighth of the points between the edge of the circle, the x axis and the right edge of the square.
Here's the code:
public static int gaussCircleProblem(int radius) {
int allPoints=0; //holds the sum of points
double y=0; //will hold the precise y coordinate of a point on the circle edge for a given x coordinate.
long inscribedSquare=(long) Math.sqrt(radius*radius/2); //the length of the side of an inscribed square in the upper right quarter of the circle
int x=(int)inscribedSquare; //will hold x coordinate - starts on the edge of the inscribed square
allPoints+=(long) y; //returns floor of y, which is initially 0
x++; //because we need to start behind the inscribed square and move outwards from there
y=Math.sqrt(radius*radius-x*x); // Pythagorean equation - returns how many points there are vertically between the X axis and the edge of the circle for given x
allPoints*=8; //because we were counting points in the right half of the upper right corner of that circle, so we had just one-eightth
allPoints+=(4*inscribedSquare*inscribedSquare); //how many points there are in the inscribed square
allPoints+=(4*radius+1); //the loop and the inscribed square calculations did not touch the points on the axis and in the center
return allPoints;
Here's a picture to illustrate that:
Round down the length of the side of an inscribed square (pink) in the upper right quarter of the circle.
Go to next x coordinate behind the inscribed square and start counting orange points until you reach the edge.
Multiply the orange points by eight. This will give you the yellow
Square the pink points. This will give you the dark-blue ones. Then
multiply by four, this will get you the green ones.
Add the points on the axis and the one in the center. This gives you
the light-blue ones and the red one.
This is an old question but I was recently working on the same thing. What you are trying to do is as you said, Gauss's circle problem, which is sort of described here
While I too have difficulty understaning the serious maths behind it all, what it more or less pans out to when not using wierd alien symbols is this:
1 + 4 * sum(i=0, r^2/4, r^2/(4*i+1) - r^2/(4*i+3))
which in java at least is:
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= (radius*radius)/4; i++)
sum += (radius*radius)/(4*i+1) - (radius*radius)/(4*i+3);
sum = sum * 4 + 1;
I have no idea why or how this works and to be honest Im a bit bummed I have to use a loop to get this out rather than a single line, as it means the performance is O(r^2/4) rather than O(1).
Since the math wizards can't seem to do better than a loop, I decided to see whether I could get it down to O(r + 1) performance, which I did. So don't use the above, use the below. O(r^2/4) is terrible and will be slower even despite mine using square roots.
int sum = 0;
for(int x = 0; x <= radius; x++)
sum += Math.sqrt(radius * radius - x * x);
sum = sum * 4 + 1;
What this code does is loop from centre out to the edge along an orthogonal line, and at each point adding the distance from line to edge in a perpendicualr direction. At the end it will have the number of points in a quater, so it quadruples the result and adds one because there is also central point. I feel like the wolfram equation does something similar, since it also multiplies by 4 and adds one, but IDK why it loops r^2/4.
Honestly these aren't great solution, but it seems to be the best there is. If you are calling a function which does this regularly then as new radii come up save the results in a look-up table rather than doing a full calc each time.
Its not a part of your question, but it may be relevant to someone maybe so I'll add it in anyway. I was personally working on finding all the points within a circle with cells defined by:
(centreX - cellX)^2 + (centreY - cellY)^2 <= radius^2 + radius
Which puts the whole thing out of whack because the extra +radius makes this not exactly the pythagorean theorem. That extra bit makes the circles look a whole lot more visually appealing on a grid though, as they don't have those little pimples on the orthogonal edges. It turns out that, yes my shape is still a circle, but its using sqrt(r^2+r) as radius instead of r, which apparently works but dont ask me how. Anyway that means that for me, my code is slightly different and looks more like this:
int sum = 0;
int compactR = ((radius * radius) + radius) //Small performance boost I suppose
for(int j = 0; j <= compactR / 4; j++)
sum += compactR / (4 * j + 1) - compactR / (4 * j + 3);
sum = sum * 4 + 1;
