Org-mode: overwriting globals #+PROPERTIES: in block headers? - org-mode

It is often the case that I want to have :results silent for all the code blocks in an Org-mode document. Do simplify my block headers, I define this in my Org-mode document:
#+PROPERTY: header-args :results silent
That works properly: all the codeblocks uses the :results silent option in the blocks' header.
However, if I specify :results output in one of the code block, it will still be silent. I would have expected that it would overwrite the global setting, but it doesn't seem so.
Am I right by saying that or is there something I am missing to get this behavior?
Here is an example of what I would like to do:
#+PROPERTY: header-args :results silent
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure
;; this one is silent
(def foo "bar)
#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :results output
;; this one is being outputted
(def foo "bar)

This seems to be a bug, present even in the most up-to-date version of org-mode. I've reported it on the org-mode mailing list.
EDIT: Charles Berry pointed out on the ML that this is not a bug. The opposite of "silent" is "replace", so the second source block should read:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results output replace
;; this one is being outputted
(princ "foo")
and the :results section in the manual
Note that you get to pick one value for every section (collection, type, format, handling) - if you don't pick a value for a section, a default value is picked. In the above, there was no explicit value for "handling", so the default value from the property still controlled.


What can cause org-auto-tangle to result nil for all noweb code block evaluations

I'm using literate programming for some configuration files and would like to have some parts from elisp code block evaluations. I tried evaluating named code blocks with :noweb tangle but they always results nil and I do not see any errors in the *Messages*. Here's a simplified hello world example and the results I got.
Org file
#+title: Hello
#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle hello.txt :cache no :exports none
#+auto_tangle: t
#+name: hello-world-output
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no :eval no-export :results output
(print "Hello world")
#+name: hello-world-value
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no :eval no-export :results value
"Hello world"
#+begin_src text :noweb tangle
<<hello-world-output>> -> <<hello-world-output()>>
<<hello-world-value>> -> <<hello-world-value()>>
Tangled results
(print "Hello world") -> nil
"Hello world" -> nil
I also checked that org-link-elisp-confirm-function and org-confirm-babel-evaluate both have nil value, so they should not be preventing evaluation.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I used org-auto-tangle. Issue doesn't occur when calling org-bable-tangle directly.
I had the same issue and below solved it for me.
According to the code of org-auto-tangle the code will not be evaluated by default. In order to have the code auto evaluated you need to add your org file to the org-auto-tangle-babel-safelist. I've posted the definition of the variable and a link to the README with an example of how to set the variable.
(defvar org-auto-tangle-babel-safelist '()
"List of full path of files for which code blocks need to be evaluated.
By default, code blocks are not evaluated during the auto-tangle to avoid
possible code execution from unstrusted source. To enable code blocks evaluation
for a specific file, add its full path to this list.")

emacs org-babel results unexpected output

I'm using emacs 25.2.1 with spacemacs and scimax and trying to create a jupyter-like notebook. After some experimenting, I'm confused by the output I get from the :results output tag from the final src block:
#+name: OOP
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results silent :session OOP
(pyvenv-activate "~/Desktop/py2_venv")
#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session OOP :results silent
class Dog():
def __init__(self, breed, name, spots):
self.breed = breed = name
#expect boolean true/false
self.spots = spots
#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session OOP :results output
my_dog = Dog(breed='lab', name='Sammy', spots='False')
# Out[23]:
# output
<class '__main__.Dog'>
# text/plain
: 'False'**
It's my understanding that all output should be displayed with the output option in session mode. Additionally I shouldn't need to use print(). I'm confused why is missing from output, but my_dog.spots is not. Any ideas what I'm missing?
:results output gives back the stdin, which will be the print output.
If you use :results value or :results value raw you will receive the last evaluation and not the side effect :
#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session OOP :results value
my_dog = Dog(breed='lab', name='Sammy', spots='False')
In order to get both evaluations you will need to type a bit more python.
Have a look at :
also the following answer in Emacs SE:

org-mode macros inside code blocks and using babel

Inspired by this great post, I'm trying to use the combination of org-mode and babel for issuing queries to elasticsearch. For example, counting the number of entries in an index:
curl -XGET 'http://my.uri.example:8080/index/_count'
The above code can be evaluated using C-c C-c when the point is in the block.1
On the other hand, one can define macros in the org document. My question is: is it possible to define a macro
#+MACRO: live-db http://my.uri.example:8080
and rewrite the code block as follow:
curl -XGET '{{{live-db}}}/index/_count'
Out of the box, for me, it didn't work... It seems like babel is not expanding the macro before the evaluation of the block. Ideas?
Now, once I learned that I can use es-mode, I won't to fine tune my question. Consider the following two requests:
#+BEGIN_SRC es :url http://mu.uri.stage:8080
GET /users/_search?pretty
"query": {
#+BEGIN_SRC es :url
GET /users/_search?pretty
"query": {
They merely differ in the URL. I would like to define two macros:
#+MACRO staging http://my.uri.stage:8080
#+MACRO live
and then use the macros as the variables of the blocks. Is it possible?
1 Make sure you enable the evaluation of sh. Add something like:
'((sh . t)))
to your .emacs.
macro expansion is not natively supported when executing code blocks, but the Noweb reference syntax which is supported is much more powerful.
However, I doubt that it will work using es-mode, since it passes the url in a header argument and not a variable.
This is a simple example for a sh code block:
#+name: staging
: http://my.uri.stage:8080
#+name: live
#+name: test
#+begin_src sh :var url=staging
echo $url
#+call: test(live)
#+call: test(staging)
: http://my.uri.stage:8080

Org-mode fails to export when passing arguments to code blocks that exports results

When passing arguments to code block that exports results Org-mode fails to export with the error "Wrong type argument: listp". How can I fix this?
Here is an example. When it is exported it gives the error 'Wrong type argument: listp, "bar"'.
#+TITLE: Example
#+SOURCE: example-one
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results
(setq foo "bar")
#+SOURCE: example-two
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results :var x=example-one
(setq foo (concat x x))
I am running Org-mode 7.6 in Emacs 23.3.1.
This issue might simply be with the older copy of Org that you're running. Tested it today with a recent git pull and get the results below. As pmr suggested, you might have better luck asking on the mailing list ( ) since there might be someone there who would know what caused this issue and what might have been changed to resolve it in later versions.
The features and examples discussed in the manual are based on the current release version (7.8.03 in this case) so they will not always be compatible with older versions. Does the info-node in your version indicate that it should work?
These 2 commands will show you the associated info-nodes for that section of the Org Manual
; The node itself
(Info-goto-node "(org) var")
; Parent node, in case the first node isn't present
(Info-goto-node "(org) Working With Source Code")
Test Results
* Test variable passing
Headlines are created to split the code blocks apart. When trying to eval on export I'm getting a syntax read error which was reported here:
** Ex 1
#+name: example-one
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results
(setq foo "bar")
** Ex 2
#+name: example-two
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :exports results :var x=example-one
(setq foo (concat x x))
Headlines are created to split the code blocks apart. When trying to eval on export I'm getting a syntax read error which was reported here: \href{}{}
\section{Ex 1}
\section{Ex 2}
in your .emacs file - make sure you have the following line:
(setq org-babel-load-languages
(quote ((emacs-lisp . t))))

Literate Programming using org-babel

I am on a literate program using org-babel. My source is structured like so,
-utility fns
-game structure
- detailed explanations
This is the normal structure of the code, what I would like to do is move explanations of the utility fns to the end so it does not show up first in the generated pdf file. Now this can be done with noweb extension, but the problem is when you have lots of little functions for each one I have to add a src_block with a unique name scroll down the file and add a reference to that in the file which is really annoying. Is there a way to name all the src_blocks in a section? say all code in this section goes into block A.
You can give multiple chunks the same name. For example, I generate my .emacs file with org-tangle, and at the top of the org file, I have a master template that looks something like this:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle "/path/to/.emacs" :comments both :noweb tangle
Underneath that, I have my outline with source blocks like so:
* extensions
** yasnippet
#+name: early-includes
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'yasnippet)
#+name: settings
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(yas/load/directory "/path/to/my/snippets")
Note: for older versions of org-mode, you may need to use #+srcname: instead of #+name:
You can also create a property called noweb-ref, which applies the same name to all source blocks in a sub-tree.