How to override an HTML file in a custom module - magento2

I am developing a custom module for a payment method in magento 2. Currently I am using cc-form.html from the vendor directory and the module is working fine. see below path.
Is there any way to override the HTML file?

Yes, there is. You can look in pub static to see how path to static asset constructed.
How it works
Every asset is accessible from the page by itenter code heres "RequireJS ID". It similar to real path, but varied.
For example file
It's real path is /app/code/Magento/Theme/view/adminhtml/web/favicon.ico.
It's RequireJS ID is Magento_Theme/favicon.ico. This means that file could be accessible via require("text!Magento_Theme/favicon.ico") or similar command.
You can find that RequireJS ID consist with module name and useful part of path (after folder web).
How can I replace a file
So you have file
On the page it loaded with src as
So its RequireJS ID is
Side note: Inside UI components stuff it equals to Magento_Payment/payment/cc-form. Words "template" and ".html" are added automatically.
And now you can replace this file for application via RequireJS config
var config = {
"map": {
"*": {
This code snippet you place in requirejs-config.js file in your module. That is all.


How to exclude UnityEditor reference from asmdef?

How to exclude UnityEditor reference from asmdef?
Why I need it:
I have an asmdef file. For example, it is MyAssembly/MyAssembly.asmdef. The MyAssembly contains a lot of features and each feature staff is placed in its own folder. And some of these features has a code that is needed only in editor, and it refers to UnityEditor namespace. Such editor code is placed into an Editor folder.
But as you know, Editor folder name means nothing in terms of asmdef usage. So I add AssemblyDefenitionReference in each folder and refer it to the MyAssemblyEditor.asmdef assembly definition. So the paths looks like this:
MyAssembly/Editor/MyAssemblyEditor.asmdef - this folder contains no code. It's needed just to place asmdef, because it's not allowed to place two asmdefs in a single folder.
MyAssembly/SomeFeature/Editor/*feature editor staff*
MyAssembly/SomeFeature/Editor/Editor.asmref - refers to MyAssemblyEditor.asmdef
MyAssembly/SomeFeature/*feature staff*
All this works good. But the problem is that, when some developer adds a new feature, he can forget to add a reference to the MyAssemblyEditor.asmdef in the editor folder. And there are no any errors will be shown in this case. This mistake will be revealed only when the build will be cooked. But I'd like that using of UnityEditor in MyAssembly will be instantly marked as an error.
Feel free to suggest other solution for this problem.
This thread got me thinking I can use CsprojPostprocessor to remove all references to UnityEditor from my csproj file. I wrote such class:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEditor;
// ReSharper disable once CheckNamespace
public class CsprojPostprocessor : AssetPostprocessor
public static string OnGeneratedCSProject(string path, string content)
if (!path.EndsWith("Editor.csproj") && !path.EndsWith("Tests.csproj"))
var newContent =
Regex.Replace(content, "<Reference Include=\"UnityEditor(.|\n)*?</Reference>", "");
return newContent;
return content;
It also can be done with an xml parser or something.
The only thing, that confuse me is that this mechanism is badly documented and doesn't look like something simple users should use. So I use it at my own risk, but looks like there is no guarantee it will be strongly supported in future.

SAP custom translations for standard SAPUI5 application

I am currently implementing an extension to a standard application from SAP Marketing.
The extension contains new texts that need to be translated into different languages. In my previous extensions I could use the translation key of the standard application for my extension as well. The first line in the file in this case was always structured as follows:
However, in the standard app that I'm currently editing, it looks like this:
# This is the resource bundle for Campaigns
# __ldi.translation.uuid = 8e965d5e-c905-4b60-ac2a-205abb14046
In transaction se63, the translation key (is it even a translation key?) is not found - either with hyphens or without. Furthermore, in the standard app, the translations are kept in a single file for each language (e.g., That's why I'm not sure if there's even a translation key for this standard app.
I don't want to create a new translation key for my extension and use this one. Once I did this, all the translations of the standard app had to be maintained for the new translation key as well.
Is anyone familiar with this type of translation? How can I maintain the translations for my extension?
Best Regards,
I found some solution to my problem:
I generated a new translation key by running program /UI5/TEXT_FILE_GEN_TRANS_KEY in transaction se38
I created a new folder i18n and added a file to it. Then I added the translation key and default translations to the file just like for a regular file.
In the next step, I added the following code to the sap.ui5 property of the extension's manifest.json file to initiate the custom translation file:
"models": {
"i18nCustom": {
"type": "sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel",
"settings": {
"bundleName": "<Your Component>.i18n.i18nCustom"
Please note that you have to use something like {i18nCustom>property} in your view now instead of using i18n model.
To enhance the standard translation file with the custom one, I added the following code to the BaseController. You could also add the code only in the controller whose view is using the custom translations.
onBeforeRendering: function() {
var i18n = this.getModel("i18n"); // Get the standard i18n file
var sBundleURL = this.getModel("i18nCustom").getResourceBundle().oUrlInfo.url;
i18n.enhance({bundleUrl:sBundleURL}); // Merge the custom i18n file with the standard one
Hope this helps if someone has the same problem.

How do I write a Webpack plugin to generate index.js files on demand?

In general, I want to know how to do code-generation/fabrication in a Webpack plugin on demand. I want to generate contents for files that do not exist when they are "required."
Specifically, I want a plugin that, when I require a directory, automatically requires all files in that directory (recursively).
For example, suppose we have the directory structure:
And main.js has:
var foo = require("./foo");
// ...
I want webpack to automatically generate foo/index.js:
module.exports = {
bar: require("./bar"),
baz: require("./baz")
I've read most of the webpack docs. has an example of generating assets. However, I can't find an example of how to generate an asset on demand. It seems this should be a Resolver, but resolvers seem to only output file paths, not file contents.
Actually for your use case:
Specifically, I want a plugin that, when I require a directory, automatically requires all files in that directory (recursively).
you don't need a plugin. See How to load all files in a subdirectories using webpack without require statements
Doing code-generation/fabrication on demand can be done in JavaScript quite easily, why would you restrict your code generation specifically to only applied, when "required" by WebPack?
As NodeJS itself will look for an index.js, if you require a directory, you can quite easily generate arbitrary exports:
//index.js generating dynamic exports
var time = new Date();
var dynamicExport = {
staticFn : function() {
console.log('Time is:', time);
//dynamically create a function as a property in dynamicExport
//here you could add some file processing logic that is requiring stuff on demand and export it accordingly
dynamicExport['dyn' + time.getDay()] = function() {
console.log('Take this Java!');
module.exports = dynamicExport;

Playframework were to put files that get rendered in views

I am using the playframework to render Asciidoc text from a file inside my view.
Since that content is used in my view, I want to be able to put it in the app/views so it gets packaged when deploying with activator dist.
Right now the files get lost after running activator dist. Because the content gets rendered by my view I don't want to put in in public/ or in app/assets.
My view looks versy simple:
#(html: String)(implicit flash: Flash, lang: Lang)
And my controller sends the String content to the view:
def about = Action { implicit request =>
Where should I put this file? and how to I access it other than with the path from the root?
You can put "internal" documents in the conf folder, it's the equivalent to resources in standard sbt projects.
To access it, you'd use Play.resourceAsStream(). Note that this gives you an because your file will be part of the JAR created by activator dist.
Play.resourceAsStream("adoc/about.adoc") map { adocStream =>
} getOrElse (InternalServerError)

Smarty seems to ignore addTemplateDir

I'm working in a Zend Framework based application (Shopware).
I add a template dir in my controller like this:
class Shopware_Controllers_Backend_Pricify extends Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ExtJs
public function init()
$this->View()->addTemplateDir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../Views/backend/");
But somehow, smarty always looks in the (not existing) part of the controller action:
Unable to load template snippet 'backend/mycontroller/model/main.js' in 'snippet:string:{include file="backend/pricify/model/main.js"} in Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 128
The Controller works over loading via ext js, but I do not see that this is a problem. When I var_dump template directories, the correct dir is included. I debugged the code far into smarty, but never found the part, where the directories are checked.
I'm aware, that this may be a problem within the software stack, but since I do not know where to search, I ask here. If I need to post additional data, please tell me.
I found, that the problem was that shopware extends CamelCase to camel_case folders.