ConsoleWidget.paging option in qtconsole - jupyter

What does ConsoleWidget.paging option do in Jupyter Qtconsole configuration? The documentation doesn't explain very well what this config option is for.

In the qtconsole, text can be displayed in a pager (for instance the help when you type object?). The paging option tells the qtconsole how to display this pager.
If you choose inline, it will be displayed like in a usual terminal. If you choose vsplit, the console will be splitted vertically and the text will be displayed in the lower half, ...


Is there a way to set an vertical ruler in VSCode for Jupyter Notebooks?

I look for a way to set a vertical ruler in the Jupyter extension of VSCode similar to editor.rulers in the text editor.
Thanks for any tip.
The latest VSCode notebook supports ruler (see below).
It uses the same ruler setting in editor.rulers. In fact, the code cell appears no different from a regular text editor. For instance all the keybindings defined in text editor also works in a code cell, which was not the case in the previous version.

How to expand VSCode's Interactive Terminal's text font

I've been working on a bunch of different projects in VSCode and just to clear up some space on my desktop I decided to quit all VSCode applications. Upon reopening it, the Interactive Terminal's text too small to read. I know you can just launch terminal and execute the same command but out of convince's sake I want to be able to increase the size of it again. Example of my issue
You can change the terminal display settings with this configuration in your settings.json.
I saw your photo, and it looks like there is some minor problem. Just reload your window - Command + R on macOS, or select Developer: Reload Window after opening the command palette. That should work.

Command mode in Jupyterlab

Does jupyterlab ditch the Jupyter notebook editing and execution norms? I can not do the simplest action- that is to toggle into/out of the command mode using escape. Instead the notebook remains in edit mode on the current cell.
Generally I am also at a loss on how to navigate among the various tabs and to/from the Editor pane using keyboard only. An IDE must have strong support for keyboarding or it is the wrong one for me. Hopefully these shortcuts exist but I was unable to find them yet.

How to wrap line in PyDev's interactive console?

Each time I want to view a long output line, I have to drag the horizontal scroll bar. Is it possible to set word wrapping in PyDev's interactive console (not editor)?
Unfortunately no, it's not currently possible to enable word wrapping in the PyDev interactive console.
You may report this as a feature request in (but even better would be providing a pull request for that -- see:
It is now possible as of PyDev 6.2. By default it is not enabled. To see the icon that you have to click to enable visit this. For the possibility that the link disappears, go to the console tab and you will want to look for an icon which has a yellow "left-turn" arrow and click that.

zsh auto-complete overflows emacs term-mode buffer

I'm running zsh inside multi-term.el (which, as I understand it, is almost identical to term-mode with some additional commands) in character mode.
Edit: emacs 24.5.1 in a terminal (-nw), zsh 5.0.2, for my full config
When I hit TAB to invoke zsh's auto-complete, if the prompt is at the bottom of the screen the auto-complete options are hidden. This only happens on specific auto-completions: for example, pressing TAB after cd does not show the list of possible files/directories, but auto-completing names of executable files (e.g. typing b and hitting TAB) will show all the possible executables.
The currently selected auto-complete value is shown beside the prompt in all cases.
I assume this is something to do with it not scrolling down to show the output, but I can't find any more information.
I had the same problem, and after fiddling with the Customize group for term, it seems that setting the variable term-scroll-show-maximum-output to a non-nil value solves this problem (at least for ansi-term).