Could not find file ${libs.jsf20.classpath} to copy - netbeans

I'm trying to build a web app in Netbeans. In project properties, I have four libraries - JSF2.2, MySQL JDBC Driver, PrimeFaces 5.0 and Java EE Web 7 API Library (all of them embedded in NetBeans, nothing was additionally downloaded). When I was creating the project, I selected JSF2.2 framework and Primefaces.
When I try to build (or clean and build) my project, I get the following error:
Warning: Could not find file E:\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\ConferenceManager\${libs.jsf20.classpath} to copy.
Any ideas?

I removed the "default" library and included separate .jar fil that I had downloaded. That solved the problem with JSF, but then the same problem happened with MySQL connector (and I solved it the same way).


javax.servlet.jsp.JspException cannot be resolved to a type

I have a Spring 4 MVC Maven project in Eclipse Mars
I have this error javax.servlet.jsp.JspException cannot be resolved to a type in the JSP, even in my Project Facets -> Runtimes I have checked Apache Tomcat v7.0065
The error is in Edit time and I can find that type on the project's Java Build Path as M2_REPO/../javax.servlet-api-3.0.1.jar
You may be looking at the wrong JAR file for JspException.
I am developing a Spring 4 app in Eclipse with a Maven project, but using an external Tomcat 8 server. I was receiving the same error message in a JSP in the editor until I created and added a User Library in Eclipse that contained 'jsp-api.jar', which is actually a link in my Ubuntu file system to a file named 'tomcat8-jsp-api.jar'.
Once I added this new user library to my build path and then did a 'Build Project' in Eclipse, the red markers went away. You may need to refresh the project after building. Hopefully this at least points you in the right direction.
I think you missed to add jsp-api.jar in your Spring 4 Project

JAR file not found during build in Netbeans

hello i am trying to run java jsp/servlet application using netbeans but i am getting error message it say
C:\Users\isslam\Desktop\jsp2_allfiles\servlet_jsp\netbeans\book_apps\musicStore\nbproject\build-impl.xml:1009 Warning: Could not find file C:\Users\isslam\Desktop\jsp2_allfiles\Program Files\NetBeans 6.0 M9\enterprise4\modules\ext\standard.jar to copy.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
I downloaded the standard.jar but i am not sure if it is the right one and i added it to the Libraries and still giving me the same error. the path he is giving me is not real path i can not find it in fact it is kind of wrong
I know this question is almost a year old, but I had the same problem and fixed it so I thought I'd chime in.
It looks like you're using Murach's Java Servlets and JSP exercise files, which is what I'm using too. Well, those are kind of old and include some old libraries.
To resolve the issue, open your project in Netbeans. Right click on it and select properties. Select libraries. You should see a JSTL library that is outdated. Remove it from the project. Now add the updated JSTL library by clicking Add Library and selecting the new JSTL library.

Java EE, GWT, NoClassDefException

I have an app, built on GWT (google web toolkit) and JPA (eclipselink 2.3). it's not using GAE (app engine).
when I finished application, I ran 'google->gwt compile' menu in eclipse and then uploaded /war content to the tomcat directory...
application is running, but when I try to do one specific action in gui, I get an error message and Tomcat log contains this exception: (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError)
during development of the application, I encountered this kind of exception several times, it was always caused by absence of library .jar file in the war/WEB-INF/lib/... anytime it has occurred, I stored .jar to the folder and it worked... but not this time...
this class is located in gwt-dev.jar (yes, it is there - have searched the archive) and it didn't help me to store archive to the lib/ folder...
it is also included in classpath, and compiler had no problem... compilation finished without errors (so compiler can see the class).
do you have any idea, how to make tomcat to see the class?
gwt-dev.jar shouldn't be in WEB-INF/lib/, it is the GWT compiler, and shouldn't be needed or used at runtime. At the same time, that HashSet (, part of dev mode) shouldn't be used outside the compiler - use java.util.HashSet instead.
Change the HashSet import in from to java.util.HashSet. You shouldn't need gwt-dev.jar to run your application.

jaxWS issue on Netbeans 6.5 and Glassfish V2

i am not able to build Web Service Client, it is showing an error msg :You are running on JDK6 which comes with JAX-WS 2.1 API, but this tool requires JAX-WS 2.2 API. Use the endorsed standards override mechanism (, or set xendorsed="true" on .
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
can any one help me out to solve this ...
Thanks in Advance :)
Are you running on Unix? Is the wsimport in your path in the glassfish directory or the Java install directory? I seem to remember getting this and changing my path so I got the wsimport from glassfish.
I don't know main cause but i think sometimes IDE causes that. Deleting WS reference and adding ws client again works for me sometimes.
Just click on netbeans generated error link (by clicking on it, netbeans will open jaxws-build.xml & goes to wsimport tag definition line) & add attribute xendorsed="true" somewhere in "wsimport" tag.
Or you can download & add JAX-WS 2.2 API jar file in your project classpath.
Check the JDK configuration being ran by the IDE,
When using Netbeans,
Step 1:
Find the Netbeans.conf file (C:\Program
Step 2:
Change "netbeans_jdkhome" to point to the newer JDK (i.e.
netbeans_jdkhome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80")
Note: Try similar steps for other IDEs

Where to put the User Library for Eclipse-Dali-Hibernate integration?

I am struggling with the configuration of the Eclipse Dali plugin and Hibernate. The version I'm using is as recommended:
Eclipse 3.6.1 (Helios SR1) IDE for Java EE Developers (including Dali 2.3)
JBoss Tools 3.2 (for the Hibernate Tools plugin)
When configuring the Java Persistence properties for my project, I created a user library named "Hibernate JPA" and included the following JARs:
As long as the hibernate-distribution-3.6.1.Final folder is outside of my project directory, everything works fine. However, if I put the Hibernate folder into the project directory, I get an error saying "Required class org.hibernate.SessionFactory does not exist in selected libraries":
The error text is wrong, the required class is definitely included in hibernate3.jar, and everything works as expected when I move the JARs outside of my project directory.
I have two questions about that:
I do not understand why the User Library behaves differently depending on whether the JARs are placed inside or outside of my project directory. Could anybody explain what's happening here?
I would like to have my project in SVN, including all the required libraries. Is there any way to configure Dali to accept User Libraries within the project directory?
Thank you very much.
I was having the same problem cos I forgot to add hibernate-jpa-2.0-api-1.0.0.Final.jar.
The only difference is that I'm using 3.5.1-Final cos 3.6.x seems not stable at the moment.
Actually, I'd prefer EclipseLink: everything works fine as a charm. I've wasted many hours with environment configuration :( Last time I've used Hibernate was years ago and looks like troubles to configure still are the same :(