Does WebStorm 2016.1.2 supports Ant plugin? - plugins

I use new version of WebStorm. How I can enable Ant plugin?

Ant plugin is not compatible with WebStorm as it requires some Java-specific features that are not available in WebStorm. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.


What is Buildship and is there a Gradle plugin for NetBeans?

Could someone explain this feature named "Buildship" in the Eclipse IDE marketplace? Is this feature available for the Netbeans IDE?
It is a plugin for Eclipse to provide integration with Gradle. It lets you perform Gradle related procedures from within the IDE.
E.g. You can easier import or start new projects configured with Gradle, the Gradle preferences menu allows you to choose which Gradle version will be used (the one installed in your OS or the project's wrapper), tasks view etc. There are some extra menus/buttons for easier access too. For a more thorough description, you can refer to the plugin's page in Eclipse marketplace or the plugin's Github page (it is open-source, as is Eclipse, as is Gradle itself).
It is included in the latest Eclipse versions, at least in the "for Java" and "for Enterprise Java" flavors of the IDE.
To avoid any possible confusion, there is:
The Buildship plugin for integrating Gradle to the Eclipse IDE, adding extra functionality to the IDE itself.
There is also the "eclipse" plugin, used in the build.gradle file of a project. This is a Gradle plugin that enables you to manipulate the files Eclipse uses to build your projects (.classpath, JDT settings etc) from within the buildscript using the Gradle DSL. You can use this plugin even if you are working in another IDE (so that the correct Eclipse files are created and another collaborating developer using Eclipse can correctly build your project).
These are two different plugins for different purposes.
I don't think "Buildship" itself is available for NetBeans since "Buildship" is the name for the Eclipse-specific plugin developed under the Eclipse github page.
For Netbeans exists this plugin for Gradle integration. (If you select Netbeans in, it redirects you to the Netbeans plugin website. The plugin version there seems very old but when you open the github page you will see it is actively developed with the latest release in 12/2018).
However I haven't used Netbeans with Gradle and I can not provide any reliable info on how tight the integration is or if there are any other solutions.

IDE for jenkins plugin developement

i am going to create or develop a new jenkins plugin. is WebStorm IDE supports to develop jenkins plugin ?
No. WebStorm is not suitable for developing Jenkins plugins - it supports neither java nor maven. Please try Intellij IDEA (
I would recommend using NetBeans. For the very same reasons which the website has stated.

Customizing Eclipse application launcher when launching a plugin

We are writing an Eclipse plugin that will work in a ClearCase environment i.e., our plugin will work along with the ClearCase SCM plugin for eclipse(available from IBM).
When developing the plugin, our eclipse(RCP & RAP) don't need ClearCase plugin. However, when we launch the plugin thru "Eclipse Application Launcher", the new eclipse does need the ClearCase plugin.
Is it possible to configure the "Eclipse Application Launcher" to include ClearCase plugin(or any different plugin that's not in the base eclipse) when it fires up another eclipse instance?
I could not find a way to do this from the documentation.
I think Target platform is what you are looking for.
You can use a pure Eclipse release(such as Juno) as development tool, then use another collection of compile and runtime plug-ins via specifying a target platform.

Is it possible to manually build Flash Builder using plain Eclipse

As in the question. Is there a way to achieve the functionality of Flash Builder starting from plain Eclipse via installing appropriate plugins & stuff?
I'm trying to use cutting edge Eclipse version for Adobe Air development.
You can use FDT Plugin with Eclipse.

Eclipse RCP, translate the dependency plugins

When I am developing an Eclipse RCP application, what is the easiest way to translate those strings in the plugins required by my application into Chinese? As I know, these plugins already have a Chinese version at Babel project. How can I use the existing Babel translations?
Install Babel from its update site. Then restart eclipse, it will use the language corresponding to your system locale, or launch eclipse with -nl <locale> option