As of PSCustomObject remove extra values - powershell

I have command:
Get-VM | Where-Object {$_.NetworkAdapters.NetworkName -eq 'VLAN180'} | Select-Object Name, {$_.Guest.IPAddress}
return the following data: {, fe80::dd2a:a7d4:7de0:e64d, fe80::fd66:1962:4009:501a,}
I need the ip value - 192.168.180.*, but the problem is that $_.Guest.IPAddress it PSCustomObject and I do not understand how to use it.

$_.Guest.IPAddress is an array of objects, possibly PSObjects, possibly IPAddress objects, but the point is that there are several IPs in there and you have to select the ones you want. You also have a one to many relationship (Name to IP) so you have to decide how you want that; I'll assume that you're assuming there will only be one IP that matches the criteria:
Maybe something like:
Get-VM |
Where-Object {
$_.NetworkAdapters.NetworkName -eq 'VLAN180'
} |
Select-Object Name, {$_.Guest.IPAddress.Where({$_.ToString() -like '192.168.180.*'})}


PowerShell pipe ExpandProperty to another Select-Object

I want to get the aliases for all email recipients in my O365 tenant.
If I were doing this one traditional Exchange, the easiest is to Get-Recipient and pull out the SMTPAddress property using Exchange Manangement Console. (Note the Select piped into another Select; works like a champ.)
Get-Recipient | Select Name,SamAccountName -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses | Select Name,SamAccountName,SmtpAddress
The issue is when I try to do the same thing in EXO, the "EmailAddresses" property is output as a flat string and so when I try to pipe it to a 2nd select, the only Property is the Length, not the actual value of the string.
The following kind of works, but I feel like there has to be a better way?
Get-EXORecipient | Select Name -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses | % {Write-Output "$($_.Name),$($_)"}
What -ExpandProperty EmailAddresses expands to are strings, as you state.
The additional properties that these strings are decorated with if you also pass (positionally implied) -Property arguments, such as Name in your example, are present, but will typically not surface unless you explicitly access them on the now-decorated output strings.
If you want output objects that contain each email address as a property, more work is needed.
Get-EXORecipient | ForEach-Object {
foreach ($emailAddress in $_.EmailAddresses) {
[pscustomobject] #{
EmailAddress = $emailAddress
Name = $_.Name
# ... add further properties of interest here

Filter Records on Multiple Values

I have to get a list of AD users where the Manager field contains one of the following names on my FilterValues list.
I see that someone recommended to use the Where-Object, however when I run the script nothing gets returned. I have tried many approaches but I can't seem to find where I am going wrong. Any advise will be greatly appreciated, TIA.
$FilterValues = $('Williams', 'Smith', 'Johnson')
Get-ADUser -Filter "extensionAttribute10 -like '1.0'" -Properties *
| Where-Object {$_.Manager -contains $FilterValues}
| Format-Table Name, Manager
*** If I run the script without the Where-Object portion I get values back.
The -contains is for testing values in an array, unlike the string .Contains() method. In this case, I'd suggest using the regex -match operator like this:
# an array of manager names
$FilterValues = 'Williams', 'Smith', 'Johnson'
# create a regular expression of the manager names by combining them with the regex OR symbol '|'
# the [regex]::Escape() is there to make sure characters that have special meaning in regex are escaped.
$regexManagers = ($FilterValues | ForEach-Object { [regex]::Escape($_) }) -join '|'
Get-ADUser -Filter "extensionAttribute10 -like '1.0'" -Properties Name, Manager |
Where-Object {$_.Manager -match $regexManagers } |
P.S. It is always a bad idea to search for ALL properties with -Properties * when you only want two properties returned.

How Can I Get DNS Records from a List?

I'm trying to get a list of DNS records on certain subnets. I can get the command to work for 1 or several subnets (by using -like and -or), but I will have 10+ subnets to get records for.
I tried adding a variable and tried to use this with foreach but it just returns an error unexpected token in statement.
I feel like I may have this wrong on where this foreach statement is, but I'm not sure.
This is a little above my head with nesting.
This is what I am able to get to work:
Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName zone.local -RRType A |
foreach ($subnet in $subnets) {
where-object {$_.Recorddata.ipv4address -like $subnet}} |
where-object {$_.Recorddata.ipv4address -like "10.1.*.*" -or $_.Recorddata.ipv4address -like "192.168.*.*"} |
Select-Object HostName, RecordType ,#{Name='IPv4Address';Expression={$_.RecordData.IPv4Address}
What I tried:
$subnets = get-content .\zonedata.txt
get-dnsserverresourcerecord -zonename "zone.local" -RRType A |
foreach ($subnet in $subnets) {
where-object {$_.REcorddata.ipv4address -like $subnet}} |
Select-Object HostName, RecordType ,#{Name='IPv4Address';Expression={$_.RecordData.IPv4Address}
on the code that I am able to get to work, it returns all records within that zone, which is great, but like I said, I'm going to need this for 10+ different zones and I don't want to have to change the script for every zone and have different files for each zone.

How to strip out everything but numbers in a variable?

I'm trying to automate setting an IP address through PowerShell and I need to find out what my interfaceindex number is.
What I have worked out is this:
$x = ( Get-NetAdapter |
Select-Object -Property InterfceName,InterfaceIndex |
Select-Object -First 1 |
Select-Object -Property Interfaceindex ) | Out-String
This will output:
Now the problem, when I try to grab only the number using:
$x.Trim.( '[^0-9]' )
it still leave the "InterfaceIndex" and the underscores. This causes the next part of my script to error because I just need the number.
Any suggestions?
This will get your job done:
( Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object -Property InterfceName,InterfaceIndex | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -Property Interfaceindex).Interfaceindex
Actually you do not need two times to select the property: do like this:
( Get-NetAdapter |Select-Object -First 1| Select-Object -Property InterfceName,InterfaceIndex).Interfaceindex
Answering your immediate question: you can remove everything that isn't a number from a variable by, well, removing everything that isn't a number (or rather digit):
$x = $x -replace '\D'
However, a better aproach would be to simply not add what you want removed in the first place:
$x = Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object -First 1 -Expand InterfaceIndex
PowerShell cmdlets usually produce objects as output, so instead of mangling these objects into string form and cutting away excess material you normally just expand the value of the particular property you're interested in.
(Get-NetAdapter | select -f 1).Interfaceindex
No point in selecting properties as they are there by default. If you want to keep object do:
(Get-NetAdapter | select -f 1 -ov 'variablename').Interfaceindex
where f = first, ov = outvariable
You don't need Out-String as cast to string is implicit when you output to screen. and if you try to work with this data further down powershell is clever enough to cast it from int to string and vice versa when needed.

Troubles with substring, trim, trimend

I'm trying to take an array of email addresses (in the form of which is generated from:
$users = get-MSOLUser -All | where {$_.isLicensed -eq "TRUE" -and $_.Licenses.AccountSKUID -eq "my_license"} | select userprincipalname
And get just the username from each. I start with and want to end up with username. I have tried various ways using substring, Trim, TrimEnd, etc and can't get any of them working.
$username = $users | %{$_.substring(0,$users.length - 12)}
$users | %{$_.trimend("")}
$users | %{$_.trimend(12)}
All of the above give errors including the two below.
Method invocation failed because [Selected.Microsoft.Online.Administration.User] does not
contain a method named substring.
Method invocation failed because [Selected.Microsoft.Online.Administration.User] does not
contain a method named trimend.
What am I doing wrong with the syntax, or is there something else, like a module I haven't imported, or how my syntax is trying to work with an array?
This will return you a list of all usernames (without domain) that fulfills your conditions:
$users = Get-MSOLUser -All |
Where-Object {$_.isLicensed -eq "TRUE" -and $_.Licenses.AccountSKUID -eq "my_license"} |
ForEach-Object { $_.userprincipalname -replace '#.*' }
Well, you need to work with the property, not with the object, so you would probably want to do something like:
select -expandproperty userprincipalname
but that would create an array of userprincipalnames, so no other attributes.
When you run get-MSOLUser you get back an object, with a bunch of properties. When you do select -expandproperty you are getting back only certain property, but not an object itself. You are getting back a system.string object. And that object has all those methods you are trying to invoke.