Azure NotificationHub - General questions - azure-mobile-services

It looks like tags are strings like "userID_123", "tag2", "sports" etc. Is this true, or are they really key/value pairs because in the Azure dashboard I see a Tags button which gives me the ability to create Key/Value Pairs
Also, is there a web to send the pushes out using a web api? Previously I did this using Parse, and was able to leverage their REST api to send from within a ColdFusion application using the tags. How can I accomplish this using Azure?

The tags that you see in Portal are entity tags not the device level tags. Azure Notification Hub currently supports only boolean tags like "sports", "userid_123" at the device level. They are not key value pairs.
Yes, Notification Hub does support REST API for sending push notifications. Here is MSDN documentation link:


Dynamically create skills for Actions on Google via an exposed API?

Is there an API exposed for Actions on Google, similar to what Dialogflow offers with their API? The only API-like flow I have found through my research is this webhook flow API, but that only deals with conversation requests, prompts, and responses, which I have already handled.
Ideally I'd like to be able to dynamically create "agents" and their conversation flows without having to use the AoG console, similar to what Amazon offers with Alexa SMAPI.
There's not a full API to do everything that you want end-to-end. Some parts, like Dialogflow and fulfillment, can be automated, but it will still require some manual work in the Actions Console.
I had a conversation with another developer on this subject once. As a workaround, which is admittedly hacky, they decided to use the Puppeteer library to programmatically control a browser instance to fill in fields and click buttons.
That may not necessarily work when the console changes, and isn't a good substitute for an API, but it may work for you.
Yes you can do it using Google Dialogflow REST API
Here are APIs for the agent :
There are many more APIs available for different operations.

How to access report data in a "App + Web" google analytics property using The Google Analytics Reporting API v4?

I have a Web+App google analytics property, and I need to access report data using The Google Analytics Reporting API v4. In the docs, the field viewId is required to build a ReportRequest object. But, in the new google analytics Web+App feature, you cannot create a view from the property.
For GA4 Properties, you need to use the Google Analytics Data API v1. See the devsite:
App + Web Properties were recently renamed to GA4 Properties. See the blog post:
The Google Analytics Reporting API v4 ( accepts numeric view identifiers in report requests. GA4 Properties do not have views, and there is not a way to create views in those properties.
Unfortunately Reporting API v4 doesn't support App+Web properties for the exact reason you stated - the API only understands view ID's and not property ID's.
Looking at the documentation, it's noted there that it doesn't support your setup, however, they do have a tester program that allows you to test and provide feedback when it comes to new reporting features for properties like the one you use.

Using Azure Resource Group Tags in a Azure Logic Apps Workflow

I have a question about the Resource Group Tags in Azure, is it possible to fetch the tag name/values and use them in an logic app workflow?
As in for example use the tag names/values in the body of a mail-action to send to a recipient?
Is it possible to use the Graph API for example to get these tags into the logic app workflow?
This is how i tried to call the endpoint to get the tags.
This doesn't work because after a while the token will expire.
then i tried doing it this way:
This doesn't work either because for some reason when i register the LA in my AD i and later on input the relevant information it just denies my access.
BTW the information displayed in those pictures is only for demonstration purposes.
Azure AD Graph API doesn't provide the feature to return Resource Groups Tags information .
You can use the Resource Management API :
It will return tags attached to the resource group. Please refer to this document .

Get info from Azure Application Inisights through API

Is it possible to download information from the Azure Application Insights through REST API? I would like to make a simple page that would be a kind of mediator, which asks AI (Application Insights) about the data that was sent by my application.
I found something like this:
but I would also have access to the collected bugs.
Is it possible?
An API is planned, but Continuous export is the way to go just at present. You can hose the data into a blob and process it all you like there. Or even better, shift it to a db or dashboard.
We're currently developing the API, so please let us know in MS UserVoice what you'd like:

REST API for Windows Azure Mobile Services

One of the things I enjoy about Parse is the REST API which allows me to send push notifications to "channels" from an external website. I am curious if this, or something similar is available with Windows Azure Mobile Services.
From what I can see, the best way to achieve this result is to create a table which stores push notifications on the Azure Mobile Services. Override the onInsert node.js script to send a push when a record is inserted. The insert is coming through the existing REST API which does allow me to interact with the tablet itself.
What I would like is the ability to provide, for example, my iOS Device Token to the API along with various application access credentials to a REST endpoint and use Mobile Services to send the notification on my behalf, while keeping the information on those clients in my own database hosted in SQL Azure or another location.
Thanks for any insight.
Today this is posible by creating a "virtual" table in Mobile Services which you only use for the scripting layer. Instead of performing request.execute(), you'd just put in the code that calls push.APNS(or whichever platform you're pushing to) to push out to your client. You can use the mssql module to execute a stored procedure or custom sql on the connected database (which could then talk to a different SQL Database if you are storing the data separate from the DB connected to Mobile Services). As far as getting data to the service, just send over any data you need just like if you were going to insert the data into the table (so they will be fields on the ITEM parameter in the insert scripts) or use the optional PARAMETERS parameter when making a call against your MSTABLE object (and they'll be available on the REQUEST.PARAMETERS object in your scripts).
The API feature now can be used instead of the virtual tables. More detailed info in this question:
How to use the Azure Mobile Service API feature