I wanna know for example if a circle is already on map ?
let circle = L.circle([lat, lng], quake.size);
doesn't work, always returns false even if we already have this circle on map
always returns false even if we already have this circle on map
No, it doesn't.
I'm working on determining which node is tapped in an SKScene. I have a line that is created from a CGMutablePath and added to an SKShapeNode. However, when trying to accurately select this line, it is included in the array returned from nodesAtPoint whenever i tap anywhere within it's accumulated rectangle frame. See the image for more detail. I'm able to tap anywhere within those blue or red squares and still get the line from nodesAtPoint. I'm trying to figure out a way to only return the node from nodesAtPoint if the actual path was tapped (or maybe a threshold of +- 20 points to help). What method am i looking for?
Here is some relevant code that i've tried based on some articles i've found.
let tempActualTouchedNodes = self.nodes(at: positionInScene)
for n in tempActualTouchedNodes {
if let tempLine = n as? LineNode {
if tempLine.contains(touch.location(in: tempLine)){
However, "yes" is never printed.
I currently have two SKSpriteNodes on top of each other like so (The white part is one and the brown round circle part is the other one):
The white part is positioned 1/3 the way down on top of the round brown sprite node. In the picture, the brown round part has a SKPhysicsBody applied to it already as seen by the light blue outline around it. When I add a SKPhysicsBody around the top ovalish white part it pushes it up and not in the position I wanted it.
How can I have a SKPhysics body coving both bodies of sprites but not have the physics bodies push on one another which makes the white part move upwards? I would like the white part to stay in the position it was in the first image.
Thanks for anyone help!
Here's the code I used for the SKPhysicsBody's:
// create, position, scale & add the round body
roundBody = SKSpriteNode( imageNamed: "roundBody" )
roundBody.position = CGPoint( x: 207, y: 70 )
roundBody.zPosition = 1
roundBody.xScale = 0.3
roundBody.yScale = 0.3
// add sprite node to view
self.addChild( roundBody )
// create, position, scale & add the head
theHead!.position = CGPoint( x: 207, y: roundBody.frame.maxY / 1.15 )
theHead!.zPosition = 2
theHead!.xScale = 0.3
theHead!.yScale = 0.3
// setting up a SKPhysicsBody for the round body
roundBody.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody( circleOfRadius: roundBody.size.width / 4 )
roundBody.physicsBody!.dynamic = true
roundBody.physicsBody!.affectedByGravity = true
roundBody.physicsBody!.allowsRotation = false
roundBody.physicsBody!.pinned = false
// setting up a SKPhysicsBody for the head
theHead!.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: theHead!.size.width / 2 )
theHead!.physicsBody!.dynamic = true
theHead!.physicsBody!.affectedByGravity = false
theHead!.physicsBody!.allowsRotation = false
theHead!.physicsBody!.pinned = false
I was able to figure out that if you use SKPhysicsJointPin it does the exact thing I needed! (Which was to basically pin a sprite head on it's body and share a physics body)
let joinTogether = SKPhysicsJointPin.jointWithBodyA(
anchor: GPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(roundBody.frame),
Hope this helps someone in the future!
If you never want it to move, set it's .dynamic property to false. Then other objects may or may not bounce/collide with it (depending upon their collisionBitMask) but it won't move in response to those collisions.
Your own answer is correct and a better solution but just to explain further.
The reason of the bodies colliding is that by default a physics body's collision bit mask is set to all categories which means it will collide with everything. In your code you are not calling
roundBody.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = ...
which is why its using the default values.
To change that you could give your body and head a different collisionBitMask.
Im sure you will deal with this sooner or later when you handle collisions
Also as a tip it's a better idea to not force unwrap the physics bodies unless you have too, even though you know they exist. So you should replace your ! with ? whenever possible.
I am not sure what the exact technical term for this question would be so please pardon the noobish question.
I have a leaflet map like this:
var map = L.map("dvMapContainer",
}).setView([39.782388193, -86.14135265], 14);
I am adding a marker to this map like this:
var vehicleMarker = new L.Marker([39.782388193, -86.14135265], { id: 'vehicle', icon: cssIcon });
Every few seconds, I update the position of the vehicleMarker and center the map
map.setView(newLatLng, 18);
This works fine however the effect is not very visually pleasing as the map is constantly moving. I would like to move only the marker until it gets close to the edge of the map and then recenter the map. Is that possible ? Any hints/solutions will be much appreciated.
Each time you check (every few seconds), you can compare your marker location with the map bounds:
var bounds = map.getBounds();
if(vehicleMarker.getLatLng().lng > bounds.getEast()-.001 || vehicleMarker.getLatLng().lng < bounds.getWest()+.001 || vehicleMarker.getLatLng().lat > bounds.getNorth()-.001 || vehicleMarker.getLatLng().lat < bounds.getSouth()+.001)
//change bounds
If your next marker location is close to your current bounds, then change your map's current bounds.
You can change the .001 depending on how far zoomed out you are.
More info on bounds here: http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#latlngbounds
I have a few locations in parse which I'm query-ing. It shows all annotations but it only zoom the last one. How can I find max and min latitudes and longitudes and make them fit ?
There is plenty of these on stackoverflow but they're almost all in objective-c.
The examples in Objective-C are still essentially valid since the underlying SDK/API is still the same -- just being called using a different language (and there's always the documentation).
To show all annotations, there are essentially two ways to do it:
Use the convenient showAnnotations method. You pass it an array of annotations and it will automatically calculate a reasonable region to display. You call it after adding all the annotations (after your for loop). In fact, showAnnotations will even add the annotations itself if they aren't already on the map. To show all annotations that are already on the map, just pass it the map's own annotations array. Example:
self.mapView.showAnnotations(self.mapView.annotations, animated: true)
If you are not happy with the default region calculated by showAnnotations, you can calculate one yourself. Instead of calculating minimum/maximum latitudes and longitudes, etc, I prefer to use the built-in MKMapRectUnion function to create an MKMapRect that fits all annotations and then call setVisibleMapRect(mapRect,edgePadding,animated) which lets one conveniently define padding in screen points around the fitted map rect. This technique was originally found in a very early map view sample app from Apple. Example:
var allAnnMapRect = MKMapRectNull
for object in objects! {
//existing code that creates annotation...
//existing code that calls addAnnotation...
let thisAnnMapPoint = MKMapPointForCoordinate(annotation.coordinate)
let thisAnnMapRect = MKMapRectMake(thisAnnMapPoint.x, thisAnnMapPoint.y, 1, 1)
allAnnMapRect = MKMapRectUnion(allAnnMapRect, thisAnnMapRect)
//Set inset (blank space around all annotations) as needed...
//These numbers are in screen CGPoints...
let edgeInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(20, 20, 20, 20)
self.mapView.setVisibleMapRect(allAnnMapRect, edgePadding: edgeInset, animated: true)
I'm trying to know if a circle "cross" another circle in postgreSQL (i.e: 2 circles meeting on 2 points). I'm trying intersection, but does not work :
select circle '((0,0),2)' ?# circle '((1,1),2)';
Result :
Error in query: ERROR: operator does not exist: circle ?# circle
Don't know why... What should I do ?
The ?# operator does not work with circle, but you can use the && operator (From the docs: Overlaps? One point in common makes this true).
You can use the && operator also with circle, without casting to polygon:
select circle '((0,0),2)' && circle '((0,4),2)'; -- true
select circle '((0,0),2)' && circle '((0,4),2.0001)'; -- true,
select circle '((0,0),2)' && circle '((0,4),1.99999)'; -- false
See also http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/functions-geometry.html
Ok, I've found:
select polygon(circle '((0,0),2)') && polygon(circle '((1,1),2)');
I "only" have to cast the two circles into 12-point polygon, then use the && (overlaps) operator.