Sharing link on facebook showing video, but link not clickable and no description - facebook

I'm sharing a url which has meta tag for 'video' to show a youtube video when shared. Everything works fine and the video plays on fb, but not able to follow link and no description. If i click video title, video starts playing.
This is what i see. Clicking anywhere will play video.
Expecting something like the following(as youtube do) So clocking on play will play video and clicking link will take users to my page.

Got It. I just tried comparing meta tags line by line with youtube. The point is, Don't use Meta property og:video.
Use only og:video:url && og:video:secure_url


Facebook OG:Video Meta Tag does not actually allow video to be played

I have according to the Facebook debugger correctly implemented the meta tag OG:video. When someone share's the page the video is posted onto their timeline. However when someone wants to play the video the screen goes white and just out of view it days 'download content'.
I cannot find any documentation on the cause or solution of this. The video is an MP4 roughly 30 seconds in length.

youtube video on facebook

When I share a link to any Youtube video the video is not loaded to the chronicle and only the link appears in the post as shown in the first link hereafter. In comparison links to vimeo video work well as shown in the second link hereafter. Could you tell why this happens with the links to Youtube video?
Refresh your page, or restart the browser. Sometimes it deosn't show the preview.

Sharing Youtube Video to Facebook using Share Button no thumbnail

i am facing a problem while sharing a youtube video from my website using facebook share button,
the website contains Article, pictures and Videos imported from Youtube, all meta tags are well formatted and provided. but only with youtube when i try to share a video thumbnail is not shown !!! in the other side the description and the title all is shown and right.
i tried to check what facebook is recognizing from my website through ( and the thumbnail is there !!!!
i also tried to take the video url directly from youtube and paste it to facebook and the thumbnail is shown, only when i click the share button from my website to share a youtube video the thumbnail disappear.
please help and thanks in advance.

Video thumbnail does not have a Play button on Facebook shared links

The video links shared via my website on Facebook appear as only images in the shared link; Facebook doesn't seem to recognize the content as video.
I've debugged the URL via Facebook debugger, and every thing appears fine:
The thumbnail that appears under the link does not have a play button on it. As you can see in the debug details, the appropriate og tags are already present on the page.
For video playing Facebook is not considering og:video tag, instead of that it is looking for og:video:secure_url tag
You seem to be missing an og:video tag pointing to the video source.
See also Shared Facebook video is not displayed inline in wall posts for HTTPS users - you also need to include the HTTPS source if you want users browsing Facebook over HTTPS to see the inline video.
It is very easy. You can add play button on an image like Facebook play button by using adobe Photoshop. Watch this video you will understand how to add it on the image.

Embedding open graph video doesn't use video player

I've been in, around, and through a good chunk of the internets looking for an answer to this:
I'm trying to embed a video in Facebook using the og:video tag, but despite the fact that the facebook linter keeps showing 'status: Video embedding on Facebook enabled', when it shows up in my feed, clicking on it always opens a new window instead of showing it in the video player. It does show a little play icon, but it acts like a link rather than a video.
I've tried it with an swf url that works when i hit it, i've tried it with an mp4 video, I've tried https, http, etc. My og tags are pretty much exactly like this example I see at (theres a good tutorial at
Do I need to associate it with an app (have tried that and just using my user id in fb:admins), and if so, what kind of settings do I need to set to make it show up in a video player? Do I need to set up a canvas url?
I'm using flowplayer.
Thanks for any help.
Edit: it seemed to spontaneously start working after trying for 8 hrs. Does facebook do some kind of testing/caching of the target before it allows the embed?
yes, I'm not sure on how often..but to update facebook's cache of a specific URL, run it through the debugger (formerly URL linter) #
Might also be SSL related. If you have secure browsing enabled on FB it will launch your video in a new window. The link of the video you are embedding with og:video is using "http" and not "https".