OrientDB select record count from all graph classes - orientdb

Any way to get record count for each graph class (V, E and their subclasses)?
I tried to build query in SQL format for current case:
SELECT #class, count(*) FROM V GROUP BY #class
SELECT #class, count(*) FROM E GROUP BY #class
But using count() + GROUP BY is extrimply slow combination.
While console command list classes works fast and return values for count of records in each class (field RECORDS), how to extract this counts via SQL query (or via OrientJS API)?

The main idea is find a way to:
Get list of all classes if database
Get count of records that stored in each class
Technical details
In OrientDB functions you have access to orient variable that have .getDatabase() method. And this method return JAVA ODatabaseDocumentTx class instance. This class provides the method .countClass(className) that returns the number of the records of the class className (method documentation) and it works realy fast.
Create function in OrientDB Studio with name "getClassCounts", language "javascript", idempotent: true:
var db = orient.getDatabase();
var classesRawInfo = db.getMetadata().getImmutableSchemaSnapshot().getClasses().toArray();
var classesList = {};
var i = classesRawInfo.length;
while(--i) {
var className = classesRawInfo[i].name;
classesList[className] = db.countClass(className);
return classesList;
via SQL: SELECT getClassCounts()

I think it's not possible, also because it wouldn't so fast as in the console


NHibernate error system.object[] when retrieving multiple entities in one query

I have a HQL query like this:
string QueryString = select client, transporter
from BaseClient as client, BaseTrans as transporter
where client.tr = transporter.Id and transporter.badge = 1
order by transporter.date;
But when I use this hql I receive the following error :
The value "System.Object[]" is not of type "xxx" and cannot be used in this generic collection.
Parameter name: value
Just like Example but, when I omit the Transporter entity in my select it works.
Like :
string QueryString = select client
from BaseClient as client, BaseTrans as transporter
where client.tr = transporter.Id and transporter.badge = 1
order by transporter.date;
But I need transporter in my select, because I use order by.
By the way, I have 2 hbm Client.hbm.xml and Transporter.hbm.xml. Each hbm have their own Class and Table.
i call it with :
IQuery requete = this.CreateQuery(QueryString);
IList<Client> executions = requete.List<Client>();
it hang on this line, when hibernate try to convert to the list
This happens because your result-set will likely be a multi-dimensional array where the first column represents a Client and the 2nd column contains a Transporter.
What happens if you change your code like this:
IQuery requete = this.CreateQuery(QueryString);
var result = requete.List();
var clients = result[0] as IEnumerable<Client>;
(I have no NHibernate installed on this system so I cannot just test something out quickly without creating and setting up a new project. :)

How to insert a vertex with link type property with the orientjs query builder?

I am trying to insert a vertex with orientjs(previously oriento) query builder. My class has a link type property pointing to another class.
I know I can get it to work with a raw query string but I would love to use the query builder.
Here is what I've tried so far :
.set({"prop":"value", "linkProperty":"33:1289287"})
.set({"prop":"value", "linkProperty":"#33:1289287"})
I get the following error :
Error on saving record in cluster #13
Am I setting properties in the right way ?
Could the error be related to somtehing else ?
I have sucessfully ran an insert query in the cluster #13 with a raw query string in the studio...
According to the official documentation it seems that the problem might be at the end of your statement
.set({"prop":"value", "linkProperty":"33:1289287"}).one()
.then(function (data) {
// callback
Check if your code works adding one() to the pipe line
EDITED: I found this method in orientjs.
db.create('VERTEX', 'V')
key: 'value',
foo: 'bar'
.then(function (vertex) {
console.log('created vertex', vertex);
When using Tinkerpop API they recommend using createVertex instead of insert, because createVertex is intended for graphs and insert for Documents... Could you try with the create() method instead?
I am using SQL and it worked.
sql = "INSERT INTO Station set linked = (select from LinkedClass where LinkedProb = 'value'), prop = 'value'"
OrientVertex vertex = new OrientVertex();
vertex = graph.command(new OCommandSQL(sql)).execute();
I don't think that's possible unless you've added a proper field with the right type 'Link' in your schema. (which I rarely do).
Now instead of having the right 'link' type inserted you can do the opposite, store is as a String, and leverage the query functions to use it correctly:
db.insert().into('table').set({prop: '#15:14'}).one();
And it will be converted as String (which is a bit sad) but then you can use that in your queries:
SELECT eval(prop) FROM table;
And it will be 'eval'-ed to a Node RecordID that you can directly use and call functions like expand() on.
For example:
SELECT name FROM (SELECT expand(eval(prop)) FROM table);
Will eval the node stored in the insert(), grab the node, expand it and collect its name property.

Count in jpa without getting result [duplicate]

I like the idea of Named Queries in JPA for static queries I'm going to do, but I often want to get the count result for the query as well as a result list from some subset of the query. I'd rather not write two nearly identical NamedQueries. Ideally, what I'd like to have is something like:
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccounts", query = "SELECT a FROM Account")
Query q = em.createNamedQuery("getAccounts");
List r = q.setFirstResult(s).setMaxResults(m).getResultList();
int count = q.getCount();
So let's say m is 10, s is 0 and there are 400 rows in Account. I would expect r to have a list of 10 items in it, but I'd want to know there are 400 rows total. I could write a second #NamedQuery:
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccountCount", query = "SELECT COUNT(a) FROM Account")
but it seems a DRY violation to do that if I'm always just going to want the count. In this simple case it is easy to keep the two in sync, but if the query changes, it seems less than ideal that I have to update both #NamedQueries to keep the values in line.
A common use case here would be fetching some subset of the items, but needing some way of indicating total count ("Displaying 1-10 of 400").
So the solution I ended up using was to create two #NamedQuerys, one for the result set and one for the count, but capturing the base query in a static string to maintain DRY and ensure that both queries remain consistent. So for the above, I'd have something like:
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccounts", query = "SELECT a" + accountQuery)
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccounts.count", query = "SELECT COUNT(a)" + accountQuery)
static final String accountQuery = " FROM Account";
Query q = em.createNamedQuery("getAccounts");
List r = q.setFirstResult(s).setMaxResults(m).getResultList();
int count = ((Long)em.createNamedQuery("getAccounts.count").getSingleResult()).intValue();
Obviously, with this example, the query body is trivial and this is overkill. But with much more complex queries, you end up with a single definition of the query body and can ensure you have the two queries in sync. You also get the advantage that the queries are precompiled and at least with Eclipselink, you get validation at startup time instead of when you call the query.
By doing consistent naming between the two queries, it is possible to wrap the body of the code to run both sets just by basing the base name of the query.
Using setFirstResult/setMaxResults do not return a subset of a result set, the query hasn't even been run when you call these methods, they affect the generated SELECT query that will be executed when calling getResultList. If you want to get the total records count, you'll have to SELECT COUNT your entities in a separate query (typically before to paginate).
For a complete example, check out Pagination of Data Sets in a Sample Application using JSF, Catalog Facade Stateless Session, and Java Persistence APIs.
oh well you can use introspection to get named queries annotations like:
String getNamedQueryCode(Class<? extends Object> clazz, String namedQueryKey) {
NamedQueries namedQueriesAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(NamedQueries.class);
NamedQuery[] namedQueryAnnotations = namedQueriesAnnotation.value();
String code = null;
for (NamedQuery namedQuery : namedQueryAnnotations) {
if (namedQuery.name().equals(namedQueryKey)) {
code = namedQuery.query();
if (code == null) {
if (clazz.getSuperclass().getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class) != null) {
code = getNamedQueryCode(clazz.getSuperclass(), namedQueryKey);
//if not found
return code;

Used 'new' operator in LINQ to SQL query, but same instance is referenced in every result

Can anyone explain the behavior I am seeing in the minimal code example below? It seems that for a given field or property, the same two instances of the Entry class are being reused in each iteration of the LINQ to SQL query, even though I use the new operator. The same problem does not show up for LINQ to objects queries. I created a C# console application project using .NET Framework 4 and connecting to a SQL Server 2005 Enterprise database.
public class Set
public Entry Field;
public Entry Property { get; set; }
public class Entry
public int ID;
public string Name { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var dc = new DataClasses1DataContext(); // just create a simple dbml with some table from some database
var resultQuery = (
from x in dc.SomeTable
select new Set()
Field = new Entry(),
Property = new Entry()
var sets = resultQuery.ToArray();
var source = Enumerable.Range(0, 10);
var sourceQuery = (
from x in source
select new Set()
Field = new Entry(),
Property = new Entry()
var sets2 = sourceQuery.ToArray();
static void Test(Set[] sets)
var f = sets[0].Field;
Console.WriteLine(sets.All(x => object.Equals(x.Field, f)));
var p = sets[0].Property;
Console.WriteLine(sets.All(x => object.Equals(x.Property, p)));
Console.WriteLine(object.Equals(f, p));
The output of Test() for the LINQ to SQL query is
which indicates that for all of the Set objects produced, all the Field members point to the same single Entry instance and all the Property members point to the same single Entry instance. I.e., the same instance is reused for a respective member in every iteration of the query.
The output of Test() for the LINQ to objects query is
which indicates that a new distinct instance is created in each iteration of the query.
Is the LINQ to SQL behavior expected or a bug? Does anyone know if this happens with the Entity Framework?
I don't know if this is a bug or if and why this is expected in LINQ to SQL. I can only answer your last question if that also happens with Entity Framework.
The answer is: No.
With EF you have to use object initializer syntax though when you instantiate the Entry objects. Using the default constructor leads to an exception:
var resultQuery = (
from x in dc.SomeTable
select new Set
Field = new Entry { Name = "X" },
Property = new Entry { Name = "X" }
It doesn't matter how you initialize. Using the code above (and with 4 rows in a small test table) I get this output with your test program:
It looks that there is a big difference between LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework regarding object materialization during projections.
(I've tested with EF 4.1/DbContext.)
If I take the modified query in my code snippet above also for your LINQ to SQL query and watch the generated SQL I get the following:
FROM [dbo].[SomeTable] AS [t0]
Whereas the same with LINQ to Entites creates this query:
1 AS [C1],
N'X' AS [C2],
N'X' AS [C3]
FROM [dbo].[SomeTable] AS [Extent1]
My interpretation is that LINQ to SQL parses the projection code and queries only columns for property values which depend on the "row variable" x. All other properties are filled on the client when the objects get materialized. If an object does not depend on a column value at all, LINQ to SQL creates a single constant object and reuses it in the whole result collection.
In constrast to this Entity Framework also sends constant values (independent of x) to the database server. The values get send back to the client and EF treats those values as if they were column values and updates the properties of the objects in the projection.
This leads also to the big difference that something like this...
Random random = new Random();
var resultQuery = (
from x in dc.SomeTable
select new Set
Field = new Entry { ID = random.Next() },
Property = new Entry { Name = "X" }
...works in LINQ to SQL because apparently the random function value (which is independent of x) is evaluated on the client and then assigned to the property. But EF wants to translate the right side of the property assignment into SQL and send it as SQL fragment to the database server - which fails and leads to the infamous "...cannot translate into store expression..." exception.
Edit 2
BTW: The last code snippet above still creates only a single Field instance in the whole collection: random.Next() is only evaluated once (and also the constructor of Entry is only called once for the Field object). This now is indeed confusing because writing such code one would expect that you want to have a random value for each row returned from the database. It's not the case.

Entity Framework, How to include related entities in this example

I have a table AccountSecurity which is a many-to-many table that relates Account entities and Securities. When I write the query below it returns all Securities that satisfy the where clause. However each Security instance in the list no longer has the reference to the AccountSecurity it came from. So when I do list[0].AccountSecurity it is empty. Is there anyway to include that information? I know I can rewrite the query to return AccountSecurities instead and use .Include("Security") on that, but I wonder if it can be done another way.
var list = (from acctSec in base.context.AccountSecurities
where acctSec.AccountId == accountId
select acctSec.Security).ToList();
Of course if I do two queries the graph gets populated properly, there has to be a way to do this in one shot.
var securities = (from acctSec in base.context.AccountSecurities
where acctSec.AccountId == accountId
select acctSec.Security).ToList();
//this query populates the AccountSecurities references within Security instances returned by query above
var xref = (from acctSec in base.context.AccountSecurities
where acctSec.AccountId == accountId
select acctSec).ToList();
var list = (from sec in base.context.Securities
where sec.AccountSecurities.Any(as => as.AccountId == accountId)
select sec).ToList();
Try this:
var list = (from acctSec in base.context.AccountSecurities.Include("Security")
where acctSec.AccountId == accountId
select acctSec).ToList();
Then simply use the Security property as needed, and since it's read at the same time AccountSecurities is (single SQL with join), it will be very efficient.