I'm in stack to understand how Scala for works.
I think codes below could be written with for though I don't have any idea how.
Could someone explain me how I can do that?
def foo: Future[Option[Int]] = ???
def bar: Future[Throwable Xor Option[Int]] = ???
def baz: Future[Option[Boolean]] = ???
foo.flatMap {
case Some(x) =>
case None =>
bar.flatMap {
case Xor.Right(Some(x)) =>
baz.map {
case true => 1
case false => 0
case Xor.Right(None) =>
case Xor.Left(_) =>
With all the branching inside the flatMap functions, it won't be possible to write this as a for comprehension.
It is possible to replace pattern matching with a fold method, but this may be a matter of personal preference.
Option("suish") match {
case Some(name) => s"hello $name"
case None => "hello world"
// is analogous to
Option("suish").fold("hello world")(name => s"hello $name")
I rewrote your pattern matching using the fold methods of OptionT (tutorial), XorT and Option, but I'm not sure if this is more readable than your nested pattern matches.
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import cats.implicits._
import cats.data.{Xor, XorT, OptionT}
def foo: Future[Option[Int]] = none[Int].pure[Future]
def bar: Future[Throwable Xor Option[Int]] = 2.some.right.pure[Future]
def baz: Future[Option[Boolean]] = true.some.pure[Future]
OptionT(foo).getOrElseF {
// foo : case None
// bar : case Xor.Left
_ => -1.pure[Future],
barO => barO.fold(
// bar : case Xor.Right(None)
// bar : case Xor.Right(Some(x))
_ => baz.map(_.fold(0 /* ? */)(b => if (b) 1 else 0)))
// Future[Int]
It is not possible to pattern match in for-comprehensions. See Allow pattern matching on type in for comprehensions.
Perhaps you can use Monad Transformers. I do want to implement your code in that manner, but I don't have time for that now. Maybe the hint can help you.
/Edit This is not completely correct as pointed out by the comment of Sergey. You can pattern match in for-comprehensions as long as all matches are of the same type. See this image taken from the second lesson of the first week of Functional Program Design in Scala Coursera Course where all patterns inherit from JSON:
With this code println will be executed only for specified exception. I'm wondering if it's possible to negate that line to make it executed for all other exceptions that are not specified. I know it's possible using 2 cases, but I want to know if it can be done with one case.
val myHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
case e # (_: MappingException | _: ParseException | _: SomeOtherException) =>
println("Got it")
AFAIk you can not do this with a single match, but you can create your own custom Extractor in case you need to replicate this behaviour in multiple places.
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
final class Not[A : ClassTag] {
def unapply(any: Any): Boolean = any match {
case _: A => false
case _ => true
object Not {
def apply[A : ClassTag]: Not[A] = new Not
which you can use like this:
final val NotAnInt = Not[Int]
10 match {
case NotAnInt() => false
case _ => true
// res: Boolean = true
"10" match {
case NotAnInt() => true
case _ => false
// res: Boolean = true
However, keep in mind this will have all the limitation of any type check, like not being able to differentiate between a List[Int] from a List[String] due erasure; and being considered a bad practice.
I would suggest looking into a typeclass approach, for example, I believe Shapeless provides a negation one.
You can see the code running here.
Well you've already identified what is probably the more readable way to do it.
val myHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
case e # (_: MappingException | _: ParseException | _: SomeOtherException) =>
throw e
case _ =>
println("Got it")
This is probably how I'd write this in actual production code. It's sensible and it's clear at a glance.
But you asked for one case, so let's give that a go. Since we want to check against several types, we'll need to be able to represent them as a list. There are countless Scala libraries that make this prettier, but for our purposes we'll just roll our own.
trait TList {
def isMember(x: Any): Boolean
object Nil extends TList {
def isMember(x: Any) = false
case class Cons[H : ClassTag](val tail: TList) extends TList {
def isMember(x: Any) = {
x match {
case _: H => true
case _ => tail.isMember(x)
So we can represent classical Lisp-style singly-linked lists and check whether an arbitrary Any value has a type anywhere in the list. Now let's negate it and write an unapply method.
case class NotMember(val types: TList) {
def unapply(elem: Any): Boolean =
Then our handler looks like
val test = NotMember(
val myHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
case test() =>
println("Got it")
Again, if you really want to go down this road, you'll want to grab a library to make the type-level stuff manageable. But it's definitely possible. The only question is whether it's worth it for your use case.
How can rewrite the following to make it more 'Scala way' or use just one match?
case class Foo(bar: Any)
val fooOpt = Some(Foo("bar as String"))
def isValid(p: Any) = p match {
case _ # (_: String | _: Int) => true
case _ => false
//Is it possible to check for the type of bar directly in this if statement?
fooOpt match {
case Some(f) if isValid(f.bar) => doSomething
case _ => doSomethingElse
One alternative would be using the isInstanceOf.
fooOpt match {
case Some(f) if f.bar.isInstanceOf[String] => doSomething
case Some(f) if f.bar.isInstanceOf[Int] => doSomething //could also rewrite to use just one case
case _ => doSomethingElse
Is there other way?
This can all be done in one big pattern match:
fooOpt match {
case Some(Foo(_: Int | _: String)) => doSomething
case _ => doSomethingElse
If you want to get the Int or String out, just split that case:
fooOpt match {
case Some(Foo(i: Int)) => doSomething
case Some(Foo(s: String)) => doSomething
case _ => doSomethingElse
Is there other way?
Although the solution with one big patten match works(and can be used if you really can't change bar to anything more specific than Any), it is not a proper 'Scala way' of dealing with this situations in general if you have control over Foo.
A better way would be to make Foo generic:
case class Foo[T](bar: T)
And have either a generic doSomething, if it can work with any particular T:
def doSomething[T](foo: Foo[T]): SomeType = ???
or to have different versions of it for different possible T's you have, if it should react on them differently:
def doSomethingWithString(foo: Foo[String]): SomeType = ???
def doSomethingWithInt(foo: Foo[Int]): SomeType = ???
Then you can use it just like this:
val fooOpt = Some(Foo("bar as String"))
or like this:
val fooOptString = Some(Foo("bar as String"))
val fooOptInt = Some(Foo(1))
So, in this case compiler checks types for you, answering to:
Is it possible to check for the type of bar directly?
And in many situations you can avoid using pattern match at all, using methods like map, orElse, etc. with proper typing. This might be an answer for this:
could also rewrite to use just one case
I wrote some events in FSM, and discovered something I can not explain when pattern matching. I thought the following was completely legal, that is that I can send this actor either a message which is a vector[A] or vector[B].
when(State) {
case Event(content: Vector[A], _) => {
println("matched A")
case Event(content: Vector[B], _) => {
println("matched B")
if I send the actor a vector[B] message it leads to
java.lang.ClassCastException: B cannot be cast to A
So basically it tries to match the first event eventhough the next would match.
I tried to make an even simpler pattern match example;
object Pattern extends App {
val n = Vector(1,2,3)
val s = Vector("S", "S", "S")
n match{
case e:Vector[String] => println("matched string")
case v:Vector[Int] => println("matched int")
This is actually not legal;
Error:(8, 12) pattern type is incompatible with expected type;
found : Vector[String]
required: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int]
case e:Vector[String] => println("matched string")
However, I am allowed to run my code if I do the following cast;
object Pattern extends App {
val n = Vector(1,2,3).asInstanceOf[Vector[Any]]
val s = Vector("S", "S", "S")
n match{
case e:Vector[String] => println(n(0).getClass)
case v:Vector[Int] => println("matched int")
The thing I find strange then is that I apparently say that Any could match a String, but the print is java.lang.Integer. So should I think of it as I have an vector[Int] that I say is a Vector[Any], since Vector[Any] could be a Vector[String] it matches that pattern, and again since it really is a vector[Int] I mask as Vector[Any] the print is fine too.
Could someone explain these pattern matching observations?
and how should I set up the messages so my state can handle both messages of Vector[A] and Vector[B]?
Due to type erasure of jvm type information is lost at runtime this kind of pattern matching (pattern matching with higher kinded types) is not supported directly.
Here are the ways to get around this problem
Instead I recommend you to wrap the vector in another container.
sealed trait Vectors
case class VectorString(vs: Vector[String]) extends Vectors
case class VectorInt(vi: Vector[Int]) extends Vectors
def doStuff(v: Vectors) = v match {
case VectorString(vs) => //be sure that vs is Vector[String]
case VectorInt(vi) =>
Ways to pattern match generic types in Scala
Using TypeTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def handle[A: TypeTag](a: A): Unit =
typeOf[A] match {
case t if t =:= typeOf[List[String]] =>
// list is a string list
val r = a.asInstanceOf[List[String]].map(_.length).sum
println("strings: " + r)
case t if t =:= typeOf[List[Int]] =>
// list is an int list
val r = a.asInstanceOf[List[Int]].sum
println("ints: " + r)
case _ => // ignore rest
val ints: List[Int] = Nil
handle(List("hello", "world")) // output: "strings: 10"
handle(List(1, 2, 3)) // output: "ints: 6"
handle(ints) // output: "ints: 0" it works!
I have a function that as a parameter takes an object and if it is of the correct type I need to access the last element in an Option[List[Int]]. I have a working solution but it seems clumsy. In the case that there are not any items in obj.listOfThings I will need to have i have the value 0. Is there a better way to achieve this?
val i = foo match {
case obj: Bar =>
obj.listOfInts match {
case Some(ints) =>
case _ =>
case _ =>
Technically it could return an Option[Int]. I'm still pretty new to Scala and would like to learn better approaches to this sort of problems.
In your case initially it seems that what Ende Neu suggested is the right way to go:
val i = foo match {
case obj: Bar =>
obj.listOfInts.map(_.last /* This throws an exception when the list is empty*/).getOrElse(0)
case _ =>
But if you look into it you'll see that you have a bug in your code, in the case that that obj.listOfInts is Some(Nil), because in that case you get a NoSuchElementException for trying to call last on an empty List.
Try this code with foo = Bar(Some(Nil)) and see for yourself.
When you use Option[List] think very carefully if this is what you want.
Usually after some thinking you will scrap the Option and just stay with a List because the Option serves no purpose.
I worked with many developers who misuse Option[List] because of not understanding the similarities between Nil and None and usually the 'None' case ends up playing the same role as Some(Nil)
So you end up having to do this:
optionalList match {
case None => // do something
case Some(list) =>
list match {
case Nil => // do the same thing
case head::tail => // do other stuff
As you can see the None case and the Some(Nil) case are basically the same.
To fix your bug you should do:
case class Bar(listOfInts: Option[List[Int]])
val i = foo match {
case Bar(Some(list)) if list != Nil => list.last
case _ => 0
You probably want to use flatMap and lastOption here:
In case listOfInts is None, or it is Some(Nil), this will return None. Otherwise it will return the last element. If you want to return 0 instead of None, just use getOrElse:
If you wanted to use a match, you could do:
obj.listOfInts match {
case Some(list#(hd::tl)) => list.last
case _ => 0
Here, the hd::tl guarantees that list is not empty. Another option is use a conditional match:
obj.listOfInts match {
case Some(list) if list.nonEmpty => list.last
case _ => 0
Or to match the None and Some(Nil) cases first:
obj.listOfInts match {
case None | Some(Nil) => 0
case Some(list) => list.last
As suggested in the comments, I think the best way to go is:
val i = foo match {
case obj: Bar => obj.listOfInts.map(_.last).getOrElse(0)
case _ => 0
More concise way including the instanceof:
scala> case class B(is: Option[List[Int]])
defined class B
scala> def f(x: Any) = Option(x) collect { case b: B => b.is flatMap (_.lastOption) } flatten
f: (x: Any)Option[Int]
scala> f(B(Option(5 to 7 toList)))
res0: Option[Int] = Some(7)
scala> import PartialFunction.{ condOpt => when }
import PartialFunction.{condOpt=>when}
scala> def g(x: Any) = when(x) { case b: B => b.is flatMap (_.lastOption) } flatten
g: (x: Any)Option[Int]
scala> g(B(Option(5 to 7 toList)))
res1: Option[Int] = Some(7)
It's probably worth asking why you lost static type info, that you need to pattern match.
So I got something like this:
abstract class Term
case class App(f:Term,x:Term) extends Term
case class Var(s:String) extends Term
case class Amb(a:Term, b:Term) extends Term //ambiguity
And a Term may look like this:
So what I need is all variations that are indicated by the Amb class.
This is used to represent a ambiguous parse forest and I want to type check each possible variation and select the right one.
In this example I would need:
Whats the best way to create these variations in scala?
Efficiency would be nice, but is not really requirement.
If possible I like to refrain from using reflection.
Scala provides pattern matching solve these kinds of problems. A solution would look like:
def matcher(term: Term): List[Term] = {
term match {
case Amb(a, b) => matcher(a) ++ matcher(b)
case App(a, b) => for { va <- matcher(a); vb <- matcher(b) } yield App(va, vb)
case v: Var => List(v)
You can do this pretty cleanly with a recursive function that traverses the tree and expands ambiguities:
sealed trait Term
case class App(f: Term, x: Term) extends Term
case class Var(s: String) extends Term
case class Amb(a: Term, b: Term) extends Term
def det(term: Term): Stream[Term] = term match {
case v: Var => Stream(v)
case App(f, x) => det(f).flatMap(detf => det(x).map(App(detf, _)))
case Amb(a, b) => det(a) ++ det(b)
Note that I'm using a sealed trait instead of an abstract class in order to take advantage of the compiler's ability to check exhaustivity.
It works as expected:
scala> val app = App(Var("f"), Amb(Var("x"), Amb(Var("y"), Var("z"))))
app: App = App(Var(f),Amb(Var(x),Amb(Var(y),Var(z))))
scala> det(app) foreach println
If you can change the Term API, you could more or less equivalently add a def det: Stream[Term] method there.
Since my abstract syntax is fairly large (and I have multiple) and I tried my luck with Kiama.
So here is the version Travis Brown and Mark posted with Kiama.
Its not pretty, but I hope it works. Comments are welcome.
def disambiguateRule: Strategy = rule {
case Amb(a: Term, b: Term) =>
rewrite(disambiguateRule)(a).asInstanceOf[List[_]] ++
case x =>
val ch = getChildren(x)
if(ch.isEmpty) {
else {
val chdis = ch.map({ rewrite(disambiguateRule)(_) }) // get all disambiguate children
//create all combinations of the disambiguated children
val p = combinations(chdis.asInstanceOf[List[List[AnyRef]]])
//use dup from Kiama to recreate the term with every combination
val xs = for { newchildren <- p } yield dup(x.asInstanceOf[Product], newchildren.toArray)
def combinations(ll: List[List[AnyRef]]): List[List[AnyRef]] = ll match {
case Nil => Nil
case x :: Nil => x.map { List(_) }
case x :: xs => combinations(xs).flatMap({ ys => x.map({ xx => xx :: ys }) })
def getChildren(x: Any): List[Any] = {
val l = new ListBuffer[Any]()
all(queryf {
case a => l += a