Get class fields by name - scala

For example my case class is
case class Test(id: String, myValues: List[Item])
case class Item(id: Long, order: Long)
and I get string value like
val checkValue: String = "id"
I want sort Tests by items and I want it to look like
val test= Test("0", List(Item(0, 14), Item(1, 34))
val sortedItems =*checkValue*).sorted
Its about get field of class like someInstanceOfClass.checkValue

Scala is not an interpreted language, therefore you can't just use strings as variable names. The easiest way to solve your problem is to map the string value to the variable:
scala> def get(item: Items, str: String) = str match {
| case "id" =>
| case "order" => item.order
| }
get: (item: Items, str: String)Long
scala>, checkValue)).sorted
res0: List[Long] = List(0, 1)
scala>, "order")).sorted
res1: List[Long] = List(14, 34)
Of course there are more ways to solve the problem. You could use Reflection to read the name of the variable at runtime. In case you already know at compile time the name of the variable you want to read, you could also use macros to generate the code that is doing what you want. But these are both very specialized solutions, I would go with the runtime matching as shown above.

You may wish to rethink how you're going about this. What good does the string "id" actually do you? If you just need the capability to pull out a particular bit of data, why not use a function?
val f: Item => Long =
Do you not want to have to type the function type over and over again? That's fine too; you can use a method to request the compiler's help filling in the type arguments:
def pick[A](x: Item => A) = x
val f = pick(
Now you can use f anywhere you would have used "id". (You can even name it id instead of f if that will help, or something that reminds you that it's actually a function that gets an id, not an id itself, like idF or getId.)


Read a tuple from a file in Scala

my Task is to read registrations from a file given like:
and insert them into a list(Tuple of (String, Int, Int).
So far I wrote this:
The problem is that I don‘t understand why I can't try to cast value2 and value3 to Int even tho they should be Strings because they come from an Array of Strings. Could someone tell me, what my mistake is, I am relatively new to Scala
What is the point of using Scala if you are going to write Java code?
This is how you would properly read a file as a List of case classes.
import scala.util.Using
// Use proper names for the fields.
final case class Registration(field1: String, field2: Int, field3: Int)
// You may change the error handling logic.
def readRegistrationsFromFile(fileName: String): List[Registration] =
Using(Source.fromFile(fileName)) { source =>
source.getLines().map(line => line.split(',').toList).flatMap {
case field1Raw :: field2Raw :: field3Raw :: Nil =>
for {
field2 <- field2Raw.toIntOption
field3 <- field3Raw.toIntOption
} yield Registration(field1 = field1Raw.trim, field2, field3)
case _ =>
}.getOrElse(default = List.empty)
(feel free to ask any question you may have about this code)
In Scala, in order to convert a String to an Int you need explicit casting.
This can be achieved like this if you are sure the string can be parsed into a integer:
val values = values(1).toInt
If you cannot trust the input (and you probably should not), you can use .toIntOption which will give you a Option[Int] defined if the value was converted successfully or undefined if the string did not represent an integer.
The previous answers are correct. I would add a few more points.
saveContent is declared as a val. This is means it cannot be changed (assigned another value). You can use the Scala REPL (command-line) tool to check:
scala> val saveContent = Nil
val v: collection.immutable.Nil.type = List()
scala> saveContent = 3
error: reassignment to val
Instead, you could use a var, although it would be more idiomatic to have an overall pattern like the one provided by Luis Miguel's answer - with pattern-matching and a for-comprehension.
You can use the Scala REPL to check the types of the variables, too. Splitting a String will always lead to more Strings, not Ints, etc.
> val values = "a,2,3".split(",")
val values: Array[String] = Array(a, 2, 3)
> values(2)
val res3: String = 3
This is why a cast like Gael's is necessary.
Array-type access is done with parentheses and not square brackets, in Scala. See above, and for more details.

Dealing with optional field with lihaoyi ujson

I want to use ujson of the upickle library to extract an optional string from a json document. In some documents the json field exists, in others not.
When acessing the field and the field does not exist I get a NoSuchElementException:
val json =
results in: java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: attributename
What is the idiomatic way to deal with optional json attributes in ujson?
If you want to return default value in case of any exception you can use Try with getOrElse:
val result = Try(json("attributename").str).getOrElse("defaultValue")
The result will be value of attributename key or defaultValue string if there is no such key.
I think the idiomatic way is to have a case class instead of going against the JSON AST manually.
In your case class you could then have an Option[String] field.
case class MyModel( attributeName: Option[String] )
implicit val rw: ReadWriter[MyModel] = macroRW
But from the looks of it, you could do
to get an Option[String] back.
Don't forget, a json is an object.
So we can check it like this:
val json =
if (json.obj.get("attributename").nonEmpty) {
And btw, you can get the keySet like this:
According to liahoy
the canonical way is to add None defaults
for example,
import upickle.default._
case class User(name: String, age: Option[Int] = None)
implicit val userRW: ReadWriter[User] = macroRW
read[User]("""{ "name": "Picard" }""")
res0: User = User(Picard,None)
I am not sure, but, I was looking the GitHub repo here
It seems at line 62 and from line 87 till line 99, it just call x.obj(i).
It doesn't perform any check, and just call it. This lead to a java.util.NoSuchElementException because trying to access without a check. I didn't see around any version to get the Option, or to even perform a check if this value exists.
I would suggest to go via a Try/Success/Failure idiom on scala
val tryAttr = Try{json("attributename").str}
tryAttr match {
case Success(_) => doYourThing
case Failure(t: NoSuchElementException) => DoSomethingElse

Using fold on Option without having x => x

val personsOpt:Option[List[Person]] = ???
I prefer:
persons = personsOpt.fold(List[Person]()){person => person}
To this:
persons = personsOpt.getOrElse(List[Person]())
For type safety reasons. For example this does not compile:
persons = personsOpt.fold(Nil){person => person}
Is there a simple way to get the type safety but not have {person => person}?
EDIT: Two things now concretely understood:
There is nothing un-type-safe about getOrElse. For instance this does not compile: personsOpt.getOrElse("")
Nil is List() and if its type can't be inferred the compiler will ask you to be explicit. So there can be no type issues with using Nil
I couldn't find the link just now, but I did (incorrectly) read that getOrElse was somehow less type safe than using fold with an Option.
There is the function identity which is defined in Predef:
persons = personsOpt.fold(List[Person]())(identity)
I find this however a lot less readable than using getOrElse, and using this does not make your code more type-safe than using getOrElse. Note that passing Nil to getOrElse will make it return the correct type:
scala> case class Person(name: String)
scala> val personsOpt:Option[List[Person]] = None
personsOpt: Option[List[Person]] = None
scala> val persons = personsOpt.getOrElse(Nil)
persons: List[Person] = List()
Note that persons is a List[Person].

Scala syntax to access property of an option inline and chain "OrElse"?

Sometimes I want to return the value that is a property of an object wrapped in option, but I can't do that easily with getValue.orElse(otherValue).
For instance, I am mapping properties inline and I want to use a pattern like""). But the preceding doesn't compile. How can I access that property and still maintain an option-like syntax?
You can use map() to achieve this. It becomes obvious once you start to think about Option[T] like a container of type T that can hold 0 or 1 element:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
val optionalPerson = Some(Person("John", 29))
val name = optionalPerson map {} getOrElse "?"
Furthermore if you have a nested structure of Options:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int, parent: Option[Person])
you can extract nested Option with flatMap:
val optionalPerson = Some(Person("John", 29, Some(Person("Mary", 55, None))))
val parentName = optionalPerson flatMap {_.parent} map {} getOrElse "Unknown parent name" //Mary
Or you can use filter() to turn Some() into None when value wrapped in Some does not satisfy some criteria:
val nameIfAdult = optionalPerson filter {_.age >= 18} map {}
Use map() to maintain the option-like pattern.
For instance you need to get the name property of a field object. But if field is actually None, you can return a blank string. Like this:"")
And using it in the bigger picture:
implicit def castDraftModel(drafts:List[Tuple2[models.ReportInstance,Option[models.Report]]]) ={
(field) =>
field._1.referenceName("") ) ))

Does Scala have record update syntax for making modified clones of immutable data structures?

In Mercury I can use:
A = B^some_field := SomeValue
to bind A to a copy of B, except that some_field is SomeValue instead of whatever it was in B. I believe the Haskell equivalent is something like:
a = b { some_field = some_value }
Does Scala have something like this for "modifying" immutable values. The alternative seems to be to have a constructor that directly sets every field in the instance, which isn't always ideal (if there are invarients the constructor should be maintaining). Plus it would be really clunky and much more fragile if I had to explicitly pass every other value in the instance I want to have a modified copy of.
I couldn't find anything about this by googling, or in a brief survey of the language reference manual or "Scala By Example" (which I have read start-to-finish, but haven't absorbed all of yet, so it may well be in there).
I can see that this feature could have some weird interactions with Java-style access protection and subclasses though...
If you define your class as a case class, a convenient copy method is generated, and calling it you can specify with named parameters new values for certain fields.
scala> case class Sample(str: String, int: Int)
defined class Sample
scala> val s = Sample("text", 42)
s: Sample = Sample(text,42)
scala> val s2 = s.copy(str = "newText")
s2: Sample = Sample(newText,42)
It even works with polymorphic case classes:
scala> case class Sample[T](t: T, int: Int)
defined class Sample
scala> val s = Sample("text", 42)
s: Sample[java.lang.String] = Sample(text,42)
scala> val s2 = s.copy(t = List(1,2,3), 42)
s2: Sample[List[Int]] = Sample(List(1, 2, 3),42)
Note that s2 has a different type than s.
You can use case classes for this, but you don't have to. Case classes are nothing magical - the modifier case just saves you a lot of typing.
The copy method is realized by the use of named and default parameters. The names are the same as the fields and the defaults are the current values of the fields. Here's an example:
class ClassWithCopy(val field1:String, val field2:Int) {
def copy(field1:String = this.field1, field2:Int = this.field2) = {
new ClassWithCopy(field1,field2);
You can use this just like the copy method on case classes. Named and default parameters are a very useful feature, and not only for copy methods.
If the object you're planning on modifying is a case class then you can use the autogenerated copy method:
scala> val user = User(2, "Sen")
user: User = User(2,Sen)
scala> val corrected = user.copy(name = "Sean")
corrected: User = User(2,Sean)