How to access global variable in zend framework controller - zend-framework

I have Global Variable in .phtml file and i want to access that variable into the controller file of zend framework.

You can`t cause phtml files genelaly processed AFTER controllers methods.

You have to pass variable through AJAX or URL and access variable by using get or post method in controller


Typo3 6.2 Module: How to add an action to an existing module

I need your help!
A Typo3 6.2 module should be extended with a button to delete all user data inserted. By default it is only possible to delete data one-by-one.
no changes in the core data of the original module allowed
I tried the following:
1. Extending the controller with XClasses & adding a new method cleanupAction
Problems with that:
cleanupAction is not allowed
Action would have to be added to ext_tables.php of the original module. But this is not allowed.
2. An own backend module:
Problem with that:
An entry in main nav in backend is generated, which is not desired and not needed.
Do you have any ideas how to tackle the problem? I only want to have an action, which can be called in the backend, without having a main-nav entry.
Thanks for your help!
Set up your own extension, containing a controller, some typoscript setup and a template.
The typoscript is used to change the template of the original backend module to your own version of the template:
module.tx_originalextension.view.templateRootPath = EXT:my_new_extension/Resources/Private/Templates/
Copy all templates from the original extension to your new extension. Add the new "delete all" button where you need it and link it with your new extension controller -> deleteAllAction. Of course, you need to implement the deleteAllAction in your controller.
In your controller, inject the original repository from the original extension, and use it to delete the data.
Remember to check the links in the copied templates. They need to point to the original extension, so add "extensionName" to any f:link.action calls expect the new "deleteAll" link.

Migrate custom Facebook util library to Yii framework

I have a facebook app developed in plain PHP, I'm migrating the app to YII framework.
The thing is that I use a class call "utilsFacebook" where I have the object facebook(of the fb sdk) and all the methods that I need to get data from facebook, getUserId, getUserFriendList, etc.
I don't know how to handle all the operations that I do in utilsFacebook with Yii.
Create a controller with the functions of utilsFacebook is the correct think to do?
Every time that I instance the controller would create a new Facebook object, Should I store that object in a SESSION to get a better performance or is a bad idea?
Q. Create a controller with the functions of utilsFacebook is the correct think to do?
Having done a facebook app using yii as the framework, i would recommend you to make this library either a component, or an extension.
But definitely don't put these functions in the controller directly. Whenever a controller needs them call the functions using your custom facebook util class.
Components can be put in the folder: projectrootfolder/protected/components
Extensions can be put in the folder: projectrootfolder/protected/extensions
If you don't believe that either of these make semantic sense, you can always create a new folder within protected, say utils and put the class there. However i think extensions is the best way to go.
Q. Should I store that object in a SESSION to get a better performance or is a bad idea?
I don't think it's necessary to store the object in a session, because there will be no visible performance gain. Further you'll complicate your code unnecessarily.
What i had done was, created an app level component and used this component throughout the app, in any controller.
In your application's config, protected/config/main.php :
'fbHelper'=>array( // gave the component this name
'class'=>'ext.utils.FacebookHelper', // had stored the helper class in extensions/utils folder
// more parameters
// standard yii app components
This will allow you to use the component like this: Yii::app()->fbHelper->getFriends();
Take a look at the facebook-opengraph extension, which could help you, on the way.

$this->getInvokeArg('bootstrap')->getOptions(); fails when called from Zend Helper file - why?

using ...
.. to retrieve my config settings from application.ini (using Zend Framework 1.11). this is failing when called from a Zend Helper file but works when called in a controller
The getInvokeArg() method exists for controllers (classes extending Zend_Controller_Action), but is not available for action helpers (classes extending Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract - I suppose that is what you mean with "Zend Helper file"). You can confirm this in the Zend Framework API, which is a very useful reference when developing with the Zend Framework.
To call getInvokeArg() within an action helper, you must first get the current action controller, which you can do within action helpers by calling the getActionController() method. Concluding, within an action helper, the following code will do what you want:
The $this keyword refers to the current class; as such, within an action helper, $this refers to the action helper, and not the controller.

how to load models from another module in zend framework?

i am developing an application using zend framework.
i have two modules, admin and default, and each of them has their specific model directory.
i want to know, if i can instantiate a model in admin module from within default module and if this approach has problem regarding to the MVC model.
thx in advance.
So long as youve set up the Zend_Application_Resource_Modules or something pretty equivalent all you models should be registerd with the autoloader via the Zend_Application_Module_Autoloader that the modules resources registers. In short, if you follow the default way of doing things, then Models from all modules will be set up for Autoloading in the bootstrap phase.
About Zend Application and Resources
You can call get_class():
There's possibly a more zend like way to do it, but I don't know. Check the docs.
What about call via object?
Like inter-connect two model functions in controller.
$contacts = new Model_DbTable_Contactsmdl(); // Model file in contact module
$update_id = $contacts->updateContacts($cn_id', $responsearray);
This code inside my syncController.
So you can handle admin / model function in default / controller.

Zend Framework and switching view script paths

I have a problem. Basically, depending on whether a user goes to /es or /br or /cn etc on our website, we have different language template files. So far, we were using a custom templating engine to make this work, but are making a switch over to ZF. I can't seem to figure out how to get ZF to look for a view script in say cn/about-us if the language varuable is cn.
I can't (don't want to) use Zend_Translate for this because we have way too many translated template files and it's just not feasible using Zend_Translate for bazillion different files with multi-paragraphs of Chinese/Korean/Japanese, forgetting for a second that I don't speak those languages.
Can anybody help me?
You can write a controller plugin and use it's routeStartup() method to alter Zend_View settings (path to where your view scripts are located) and change the request uri before routing starts.
class My_Controller_Plugin_LanguageSwitcher extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function routeStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
// examine the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] and look for your language identifier
// fetch the View and set appropriate view scripts path using setScriptPath() method
// strip the language identifier from your REQUEST_URI
// change the request uri using $request->setRequestUri('your-new-uri-without-the-language- identifier');