Check if word is part of contextfree language - perl

Good evening to all!
As a fan of regular expressions in Perl, I came up with a question, which I could not answer by googling and searching for myself.
So let me give you a minimal example of my problem:
I have two text-files:
I want to check each file-content if it is a word, generated by a specific contextfree language. For example in this case:
L={a^nb^n | n > 0}.
Now I have the problem, that the regex from Perl won't work, since it isn't a regular language.
For sure I could script a little PDA and check if it terminates.
But is there another way in Perl to solve this problem? Maybe a way to pass a context-free-grammar or sth.?


Io language user input

I recently started messing around with the Io programming language and think it's pretty fun and simple to learn. But I also hate that there is so little documentation and support for it. Normally I come to SO for help, but even on here the topic is sparse.
I am learning from the 7 languages in 7 weeks book, which I like, but there he mainly talks about the deeper uses of Io.
My question is probably extremely simple but I can't find an answer anywhere... How do you actually ask a user for input? I've found ways to pass along set strings, read in strings from files, but I can't find a way to ask a user for input.
What I'm working on now is writing a function that accepts 2 parameters: a string and a substring to find in that string. The function finds the substring in the string and prints the index. I don't even know if I should be asking the user for input or doing this another way...
I'm trying to get some keyboard time in on Io but it's frustrating :/
Also, does anyone know of any IRC channels that are friendly to beginners? Not necessarily just Io, but in general?
Thanks guys.
On the topic of IRC, there's and the #io channel. We're not always active, but if you hang around, I usually poke in at least once a day.
On the topic of user input however, You can do this:
x := File standardInput readLine
This will get a single line of input, up to where the user hit the enter/return key, and capture that in x.

Execute Commands in the Linux Commandline [Lazarus / Free Pascal]

I have a problem. I want to execute some commands in the Commandline of linux. I tested TProcess (So i am using Lazarus) but now when i am starting the programm, there is nothing, wich the Program do.
Here is my Code:
uses [...], unix, process;
var LE_Path: TLabeledEdit;
Pro1.CommandLine:=(('sudo open'+LE_Path.Text));
Pro1.Options := Pro1.Options; //Here i used Options before
With this Program, i want to open Files with sudo (The Programm is running on the User Interface)
->Sorry for my Bad English; Sorry for fails in the Question: I am using StackOverflow the first time.
I guess the solution was a missing space char?
Pro1.CommandLine:=(('sudo open'+LE_Path.Text));
Pro1.CommandLine:=(('sudo open '+LE_Path.Text));
# ----------------------------^--- added this space char.
But if you're a beginner programmer, my other comments are still worth considering:
trying to use sudo in your first bit of code may be adding a whole extra set of problems. SO... Get something easier to work first, maybe
/bin/ls -l /path/to/some/dir/that/has/only/a/few/files.
find out how to print a statement that will be executed. This is the most basic form of debugging and any language should support that.
Your english communicated your problem well enough, and by including sample code and reasonable (not perfect) problem description "we" were able to help you. In general, a good question contains the fewest number of steps to re-create the problem. OR, if you're trying to manipulate data,
a. small sample input,
b. sample output from that same input
c. your "best" code you have tried
d. your current output
e. your thoughts about why it is not working
AND comments to indicate generally other things you have tried.

Porting Visual Basic staements to Perl Win32::OLE ones

I read all the standard Win32::OLE texts such as Jan Dubois' classic and of course the official package doc, Microsoft's terse article and many others.
What I miss are rules to convert a captured VBA Excel macro statement into a Perl Win32::OLE one.
Say I have a captured VBA macro:
Sub cntrl_arrow_down()
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
End Sub
Assuming I already obtained an application (Excel) object, a "book" object, a "sheet" object and activated the sheet. Further, I selected a cell and I am looking to find the extent down of the column in which the cell is. I would like to get a 'Range' object that I can next read the range into a 2D Perl array.
Please, I need the rules, not just the answer to this particular line.
OK, I still don't know the answer to my original question (and that a good answer to it is still going to be useful to many), but I found an alternative set of tools, see jimtut comments and my response above.
Copying my original comment here into a full Answer, since it seemed to help the op (and maybe it will be Accepted as the Answer):
If you're using Perl, why do you have to use Win32::OLE, and not one of the Excel modules? Of course, if you're really after how to run VBA macros, that's one thing. But if you just need to interface with Excel file, there are modules for doing that in Perl (without OLE).

What's a Good package for Phonetic Representation for Various Human Languages?

I'm currently working on a project for which I think being able to come up with phonetic representations of words in various languages would be really helpful. I know Aspell does this pretty well, but I don't think there's a very easy way to get at their phonetic representations, so I ask: is there some other good package for getting the phonetic representation of a word given the word and the language/dialect/accent/whatever it's coming from?
This doesn't need to be in any particular language, but if it were Perl, that would be best.
I've already tried Soundex, Metaphone, DoubleMetaphone, and everything else in Text::Phonetic, and none of that stuff was very good – definitely nowhere near as good as the stuff in Aspell.
The first thing that springs to mind is Soundex. Of course, there is a Perl module Soundex, too. While this is designed to generate a soundex "key" from input it might be useful in mapping different variants to a common key.
There is a package Text::Aspell in CPAN. Might be useful.
I you are trying to make a google style suggestion/correction system, it's not based on just phonetics or AI, but on a massive amount of user input. When a user makes a search, and doesn't click in any link but corrects the input and searches again, it gives google a lot of data about "correct" writing than a phonetics test or dictionary matching.
The main problem is in human language itself, it's not that people speak or write in a deterministic way, let alone in multiple languages.
Of course , i might be wrong, but if you need a library that let's you do this:
I want to see that working, really.

Where can I find a formal grammar for the Perl programming language?

I understand that the Perl syntax is ambiguous and that its disambiguation is non-trivial (sometimes involving execution of code during the compile phase). Regardless, does Perl have a formal grammar (albeit ambiguous and/or context-sensitive)?
From perlfaq7
Can I get a BNF/yacc/RE for the Perl language?
There is no BNF, but you can paw your
way through the yacc grammar in
perly.y in the source distribution if
you're particularly brave. The grammar
relies on very smart tokenizing code,
so be prepared to venture into toke.c
as well.
In the words of Chaim Frenkel: "Perl's
grammar can not be reduced to BNF. The
work of parsing perl is distributed
between yacc, the lexer, smoke and
To see the wonderful set of examples of WHY it's pretty much near impossible to parse Perl due to context influences, please look into Randal Schwartz's post: On Parsing Perl
In addition, please see the discussion in "Perl 5 Internals (Chapter 5. The Lexer and the Parser)" by Simon Cozens.
Please note that the answer is different for Perl6:
There exists a grammar for Perl6
Rakudo Perl has its own version of the grammar
Other people have posted this link before on similar questions, but I think it is fun and has a great case example: Perl Cannot Be Parsed (A Formal Proof).
From that link:
[Consider] the following devilish
snippet of code, concocted by Randal
Schwartz, and determine the correct
parse for it:
whatever / 25 ; # / ; die "this dies!";
Schwartz's Snippet can parse two different ways: if whatever is nullary
(that is, takes no arguments), the
first statement is a division in void
context, and the rest of the line is a
comment. If whatever takes an
argument, Schwartz's Snippet parses as
a call to the whatever function with
the result of a match operator, then a
call to the die() function.
This means that, in order to statically parse Perl, it must be
possible to determine from a string of
Perl 5 code whether it establishes a
nullary prototype for the whatever
I just post this part to show that it gets really hard really quickly.
Alternatively, many code/text editors can do a decent (though never great) job of syntax highlighting so you may start at those specs to see what they do. In fact you have inspired me, I think I will post a related question asking what editor best highlights Perl.
There is no formal grammar in the sense "this is the specification of Perl 5" (The Perl 6 effort is trying to fix that, though). But there is a formal grammar in the Perl 5 source code. Of course, understanding the code is most likely not a trivial undertaking.
Jeffrey Kegler has written some good articles about the perl grammar as well on his blog. In particular see, this post and this one. The rest of the blog has some quite interesting thoughts on parsing in general as well.