How do I save the values from every iteration of a for-loop? - matlab

I have a for-loop, but every iteration overwrites the variable and I have only the final data left.
How can I save the other values from every iteration of the for-loop?
Here is the code I tried:
p = [1:1:20]';
for x = 0.1:0.1:1
q = x.*p
Here is the result I got:
q =

You can make q a two-dimensional matrix or a cell.
Two-dimensional matrix:
q=zeros(numel(p),10); %better to pre-allocate if you know the dimensions beforehand.
for x=.1:.1:1
q=cell(10); %better to pre-allocate if you know the dimensions beforehand.
for x=.1:.1:1

Here is an alternative solution use bsxfun() It multiplies each x index with p' in just one line
p = [1:1:20]';
x = 0.1:0.1:1;
q = bsxfun(#times,x,p)


Repeat row vector as matrix with different offsets in each row

I want to repeat a row vector to create a matrix, in which every row is a slightly modified version of the original vector.
For example, if I have a vector v = [10 20 30 40 50], I want every row of my matrix to be that vector, but with a random number added to every element of the vector to add some fluctuations.
My matrix should look like this:
M = [10+a 20+a 30+a 40+a 50+a;
10+b 20+b 30+b 40+b 50+b;
... ]
Where a, b, ... are random numbers between 0 and 2, for an arbitrary number of matrix rows.
Any ideas?
In Matlab, you can add a column vector to a matrix. This will add the vector elements to each of the row values accordingly.
>> M = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];
>> v = [1; 2; 3];
>> v + M
ans =
2 3 4
6 7 8
10 11 12
Note that in your case v is a row vector, so you should transpose it first (using v.').
As Sardar Usama and Wolfie note, this method of adding is only possible since MATLAB version R2016b, for earlier versions you will need to use bsxfun:
>> % instead of `v + M`
>> bsxfun(#plus, v, M)
ans =
2 4 6
5 7 9
8 10 12
If you have a MATLAB version earlier than 2016b (when implicit expansion was introduced, as demonstrated in Daan's answer) then you should use bsxfun.
v = [10 20 30 40 50]; % initial row vector
offsets = rand(3,1); % random values, add one per row (this should be a column vector)
output = bsxfun(#plus,offsets,v);
>> output =
10.643 20.643 30.643 40.643 50.643
10.704 20.704 30.704 40.704 50.704
10.393 20.393 30.393 40.393 50.393
This can be more easily understood with less random inputs!
v = [10 20 30 40 50];
offsets = [1; 2; 3];
output = bsxfun(#plus,offsets,v);
>> output =
11 21 31 41 51
12 22 32 42 52
13 23 33 43 53
Side note: to get an nx1 vector of random numbers between 0 and 2, use
offsets = rand(n,1)*2

Search particular matrix in cell array

So, I have this cell array contains n x 2 matrix in each cell. Here is the sample data :
[16 17;17 17]
<6x2 double>
<52x2 double>
[17 17;17 18]
[17 18;17 17]
What I am going to do is eliminate the duplicated matrix (matrices with same values or reversed values). in this case is [17 18; 17 17] (5th row), because we already have [17 17; 17 18] (4th row)
I tried using unique function but it says that the function just worked for strings. I also tried to find it with cellfun like this
cellfun(#(x) x==whatToSearch, lineTraced, 'UniformOutput', false)
but it says 'Matrix dimension must agree'
Thanks in advance.
Here is a solution. Given a m x 1 column cell array C of matrices, this code deletes the equivalent duplicates. (Here it will delete the 4th and 5th matrices, which are equivalent to the 1st).
C{1} = magic(3);
C{2} = magic(4);
C{3} = magic(5);
C{4} = C{1};
C{5} = flipud(C{1});
myEq = #(A,B) isequal(A,B) | isequal(A,flipud(B)); %// equivalence operator tests for same or up-down flipped matrix
C = C(:); %// ensure the cell array is a column
Crep = repmat(C,1,size(C,1)); %// repeat cell array along rows to get a square
comp = cellfun(myEq,Crep,Crep'); %'//get a comparison matrix by comparing with transpose
comp = tril(comp) - eye(size(comp)); %// ignore upper triangle and diagonal
idx = find( sum(comp,2)==0 ); %// get index of matrices we want to keep
result = C(idx); %// get result
The output is deletes the 4th and 5th matrices, leaving the first three magic matrices:
>> result
result =
[3x3 double] [4x4 double] [5x5 double]
>> result{1}, result{2}, result{3}
ans =
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
ans =
16 2 3 13
5 11 10 8
9 7 6 12
4 14 15 1
ans =
17 24 1 8 15
23 5 7 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
Here's code that does what you want.
mydup = rand(5,2);
mycell = {mydup;mydup;rand(7,2);rand(3,2);rand(5,2)}
myNewCell = trimCell(mycell)
Where trimCell is the function below:
function myNewCell = trimCell(myCell)
exclude = false(size(myCell));
for iter = 1:size(myCell,1)
toCompare = myCell{iter};
comparisons = cellfun(#(x) all(size(x)==size(toCompare)) && myEquals(x, toCompare),myCell);
% comparisons has at least 1 true in it, because toCompare==toCompare
exclude(iter) = sum(comparisons)>1;
myNewCell = myCell(~exclude);
function boolValue = myEquals(x,y)
boolValue = true;
for iter = 1:size(x,1)
thisRow = all(sort(x(iter,:))==sort(y(iter,:)));
boolValue = boolValue && thisRow;
if ~boolValue
Basically, what this function does, is, for each matrix in the cell it checks first if the sizes are equal. If the sizes aren't equal, then we know the matrices aren't equal, even if we reorder the rows.
If they are the same size, then we need to check if they're equal after row reordering. That's accomplished by the function myEquals which goes through row by row and sorts the rows before comparing them. It exits with false on the first row it finds that is not equal after reordering.
Hope this helps,

MATLAB: Use a single row vector to specify which row element of a multiple row matrix to select

Given an mxn matrix e.g.
M= [ 10 20 30 40; 11 12 13 14; 19 18 17 16];
and a 1xn 'selector'
S = [1 2 3 1];
where all elements of S are in the range 1..m, I want the output vector O with size 1xn s.t. O[1, i] = M[ S[i], i]. In this example
O = [10 12 17 40];
Clearly I can do this using a loop. Is there a way to vectorize it which is more cost effective than a loop assuming that m and n are in the hundreds ?
You are looking for sub2ind. So the desired output could be achieved with -
O = M(sub2ind(size(M),S,1:numel(S)))
Or for performance, you can use a raw version of sub2ind -
O = M([0:numel(S)-1]*size(M,1) + S)

Matrix "Zigzag" Reordering

I have an NxM matrix in MATLAB that I would like to reorder in similar fashion to the way JPEG reorders its subblock pixels:
(image from Wikipedia)
I would like the algorithm to be generic such that I can pass in a 2D matrix with any dimensions. I am a C++ programmer by trade and am very tempted to write an old school loop to accomplish this, but I suspect there is a better way to do it in MATLAB.
I'd be rather want an algorithm that worked on an NxN matrix and go from there.
1 2 3
4 5 6 --> 1 2 4 7 5 3 6 8 9
7 8 9
Consider the code:
M = randi(100, [3 4]); %# input matrix
ind = reshape(1:numel(M), size(M)); %# indices of elements
ind = fliplr( spdiags( fliplr(ind) ) ); %# get the anti-diagonals
ind(:,1:2:end) = flipud( ind(:,1:2:end) ); %# reverse order of odd columns
ind(ind==0) = []; %# keep non-zero indices
M(ind) %# get elements in zigzag order
An example with a 4x4 matrix:
» M
M =
17 35 26 96
12 59 51 55
50 23 70 14
96 76 90 15
» M(ind)
ans =
17 35 12 50 59 26 96 51 23 96 76 70 55 14 90 15
and an example with a non-square matrix:
M =
69 9 16 100
75 23 83 8
46 92 54 45
ans =
69 9 75 46 23 16 100 83 92 54 8 45
This approach is pretty fast:
X = randn(500,2000); %// example input matrix
[r, c] = size(X);
M = bsxfun(#plus, (1:r).', 0:c-1);
M = M + bsxfun(#times, (1:r).'/(r+c), (-1).^M);
[~, ind] = sort(M(:));
y = X(ind).'; %'// output row vector
The following code compares running time with that of Amro's excellent answer, using timeit. It tests different combinations of matrix size (number of entries) and matrix shape (number of rows to number of columns ratio).
%// Amro's approach
function y = zigzag_Amro(M)
ind = reshape(1:numel(M), size(M));
ind = fliplr( spdiags( fliplr(ind) ) );
ind(:,1:2:end) = flipud( ind(:,1:2:end) );
ind(ind==0) = [];
y = M(ind);
%// Luis' approach
function y = zigzag_Luis(X)
[r, c] = size(X);
M = bsxfun(#plus, (1:r).', 0:c-1);
M = M + bsxfun(#times, (1:r).'/(r+c), (-1).^M);
[~, ind] = sort(M(:));
y = X(ind).';
%// Benchmarking code:
S = [10 30 100 300 1000 3000]; %// reference to generate matrix size
f = [1 1]; %// number of cols is S*f(1); number of rows is S*f(2)
%// f = [0.5 2]; %// plotted with '--'
%// f = [2 0.5]; %// plotted with ':'
t_Amro = NaN(size(S));
t_Luis = NaN(size(S));
for n = 1:numel(S)
X = rand(f(1)*S(n), f(2)*S(n));
f_Amro = #() zigzag_Amro(X);
f_Luis = #() zigzag_Luis(X);
t_Amro(n) = timeit(f_Amro);
t_Luis(n) = timeit(f_Luis);
loglog(S.^2*prod(f), t_Amro, '.b-');
hold on
loglog(S.^2*prod(f), t_Luis, '.r-');
xlabel('number of matrix entries')
The figure below has been obtained with Matlab R2014b on Windows 7 64 bits. Results in R2010b are very similar. It is seen that the new approach reduces running time by a factor between 2.5 (for small matrices) and 1.4 (for large matrices). Results are seen to be almost insensitive to matrix shape, given a total number of entries.
Here's a non-loop solution zig_zag.m. It looks ugly but it works!:
function [M,index] = zig_zag(M)
[r,c] = size(M);
checker = rem(hankel(1:r,r-1+(1:c)),2);
[rEven,cEven] = find(checker);
[cOdd,rOdd] = find(~checker.'); %'#
rTotal = [rEven; rOdd];
cTotal = [cEven; cOdd];
[junk,sortIndex] = sort(rTotal+cTotal);
rSort = rTotal(sortIndex);
cSort = cTotal(sortIndex);
index = sub2ind([r c],rSort,cSort);
M = M(index);
And a test matrix:
>> M = [magic(4) zeros(4,1)];
M =
16 2 3 13 0
5 11 10 8 0
9 7 6 12 0
4 14 15 1 0
>> newM = zig_zag(M) %# Zig-zag sampled elements
newM =
Here's a way how to do this. Basically, your array is a hankel matrix plus vectors of 1:m, where m is the number of elements in each diagonal. Maybe someone else has a neat idea on how to create the diagonal arrays that have to be added to the flipped hankel array without a loop.
I think this should be generalizeable to a non-square array.
% for a 3x3 array
numElementsPerDiagonal = [1:n,n-1:-1:1];
hadaRC = cumsum([0,numElementsPerDiagonal(1:end-1)]);
array2add = fliplr(hankel(hadaRC(1:n),hadaRC(end-n+1:n)));
% loop through the hankel array and add numbers counting either up or down
% if they are even or odd
for d = 1:(2*n-1)
if floor(d/2)==d/2
% even, count down
array2add = array2add + diag(1:numElementsPerDiagonal(d),d-n);
% odd, count up
array2add = array2add + diag(numElementsPerDiagonal(d):-1:1,d-n);
% now flip to get the result
indexMatrix = fliplr(array2add)
result =
1 2 6
3 5 7
4 8 9
Afterward, you just call reshape(image(indexMatrix),[],1) to get the vector of reordered elements.
Ok, from your comment it looks like you need to use sort like Marc suggested.
indexMatrixT = indexMatrix'; % ' SO formatting
[dummy,sortedIdx] = sort(indexMatrixT(:));
sortedIdx =
1 2 4 7 5 3 6 8 9
Note that you'd need to transpose your input matrix first before you index, because Matlab counts first down, then right.
Assuming X to be the input 2D matrix and that is square or landscape-shaped, this seems to be pretty efficient -
[m,n] = size(X);
nlim = m*n;
n = n+mod(n-m,2);
mask = bsxfun(#le,[1:m]',[n:-1:1]);
start_vec = m:m-1:m*(m-1)+1;
a = bsxfun(#plus,start_vec',[0:n-1]*m);
offset_startcol = 2- mod(m+1,2);
[~,idx] = min(mask,[],1);
idx = idx - 1;
idx(idx==0) = m;
end_ind = a([0:n-1]*m + idx);
offsets = a(1,offset_startcol:2:end) + end_ind(offset_startcol:2:end);
a(:,offset_startcol:2:end) = bsxfun(#minus,offsets,a(:,offset_startcol:2:end));
out = a(mask);
out2 = m*n+1 - out(end:-1:1+m*(n-m+1));
result = X([out2 ; out(out<=nlim)]);
Quick runtime tests against Luis's approach -
Datasize: 500 x 2000
------------------------------------- With Proposed Approach
Elapsed time is 0.037145 seconds.
------------------------------------- With Luis Approach
Elapsed time is 0.045900 seconds.
Datasize: 5000 x 20000
------------------------------------- With Proposed Approach
Elapsed time is 3.947325 seconds.
------------------------------------- With Luis Approach
Elapsed time is 6.370463 seconds.
Let's assume for a moment that you have a 2-D matrix that's the same size as your image specifying the correct index. Call this array idx; then the matlab commands to reorder your image would be
[~,I] = sort (idx(:)); %sort the 1D indices of the image into ascending order according to idx
reorderedim = im(I);
I don't see an obvious solution to generate idx without using for loops or recursion, but I'll think some more.

How to replace a block matrix with a new one?

I have an image size 128*128, I divided into 32*32 non-overlapping blocks, the problem is that I want to change the values of a specific or choosing block (the first or the 3rd.. for example) and getting a block with new values then replace it in my image. Do you have any idea how to get an image with ONE block modified ( NOT all of them)?
Thank you
This is an example with a small matrix
A=magic(6) ; %%%%% matrix size 6*6
B=Block(A,2,2) ; % divide the matrix into 2*2 non-overlapping blocks
subblock=B{3} ; % Choose the 3rd block
new_block= 2*subblock; % change the block values by multipliying by 2
This is what I get
A = 35 1 6 26 19 24
3 32 7 21 23 25
31 9 2 22 27 20
8 28 33 17 10 15
30 5 34 12 14 16
4 36 29 13 18 11
I extract the 3rd block
sub_block=19 24
23 25
Now I multiplied by 2 :
new_block= 38 48
46 50
This is my Block function:
function A=Block(IM,p,q)
[m,n] = size(IM);
IJ = zeros(p,q);
z = 1;
for m1 = 1:m/p
for n1 = 1:n/q
if m1*p <= m;
if n1*q <= n;
for i = (m1-1)*p+1:m1*p
for j = (n1-1)*q+1:n1*q
IJ(i-(m1-1)*p,j-(n1-1)*q) = IM(i,j);
if (i-(m1-1)*p)==p&&(j-(n1-1)*q)==q;
A{1,z} = OUT;
z = z+1;
I want to replace these values in matrix A , but depending on block number. How can I do it?
Just type in the rows and cols you want to access, for your example
more generic, where n is the nth column block and m is the mth row block and c is the block width and r is the block height (in your example, n = 3, m = 1, r=c=2)
A(((m-1)*r+1):(m*r), ((n-1)*c+1):(n*c)) = any block of size(r,c)
I don't know about your Block function, you don't actually need to convert to a cell matrix but if you do want to then I would do this:
A = magic(6);
[m,n] = size(A);
r=2; %// Desired number rows of blocks, m must be a multiple of r
c=2; %// Desired number cols of blocks, n must be a multiple of c
%// Create blocks (but as a 2D grid rather than a list)
B = mat2cell(A,r*ones(m/r,1), c*ones(n/c,1))
%// Manipulate a block
B(1,3) = {2*B{1,3}};
%// Convert back to a matrix
I think that RobertStettler's answer is the better way to go though, if this is all you are trying to do