Proforma Invoice for Sales Order - crystal-reports

I have to design the Proforma Invoice by using the Crystal Report SAP B1 and If there are multiple line items in the sales order and we wanted to get the Proforma Invoice copy for a particular line item means how to generate that?
Please assist me..

I'm assuming you're not sure where to even start with this since your question is very vague (this is why you're being downvoted).
A good starting point is obviously using the standard SO Crystal Report Layout in the system and checking off the "New Page After" option in the Details section of the Crystal Report (this will create a new page after every line item). Then modify the format of your Page Header and Footer to accommodate your "Proforma Invoice Copy" requirement.
Give us more detail of where you're stuck and maybe we can be more helpful.


How to use a report as subreport (with additional info) multiple times in a maintainable way?

So basically I have a report. I need this report to be printed as a 'set of reports'. Except that for each time the report is printed, there has to be a specific numbering at the bottom of the page. Where it would look something like this:
Page 1: Report + Page footer text 'Number 1'
Page 2: Conditions
Page 3: Report + Page footer text 'Number 2'
Page 4: Conditions
Page 5: Report + Page footer text 'Number 3'
Page 6: Conditions
And so on, for an undetermined amount of times..
In order to achieve this, I have created a main report, which currently contains 20 subreports, in order to achieve 20 pages (but I really I'd like this to be dynamical, maybe to be able to set the number of copies or something). Where each subreport consists of the single mentioned report (through the subreport 'Choose an existing report' option), with a custom text at the bottom.
The problem with this is that I can't maintain this. Every time an adjustment needs to be made to the original report, I will need to access 10 subreports and make the very same change or reload the report into this subreport.
What alternative ways of achieving my goal can you suggest, because this feels really 'dirty'. Thank you for reading.
I run Version of Crystal Reports 2011
To achieve this, you need to use group and detail section in main report. For making adjustments with paging, each section has his own
page before
page after
reset page
So to help you a bit, you need to have your data in one datasource, and group by
Report/Conditions. For each group you can have only 1 subreport which will have link for that specific subreport (e.g. where barcod of smth is 1234) and there show your subreport data. For page number i would advise you to use my approach (for grouping) and then for page number you display group number (and that solves you all formulas for calculating pages).
If you are not familiar with grouping in Crystal, you can group your records in report by some fields by following image below
To summarize, try to define by which fields your reports has 20 subreports (probably some keys from database) and then group by that fields, examine advances of section expert and paging and you should be done in few hours making your report readable and easy to maintain.
Hope it helps

In-report comments for other designers in Crystal Reports

What would be the best ways to comment/document a report in Crystal reports for other designers? I can think of the following ways:
File > Summary Info...
comments with // in Formulas
Suppressed sections with information only for designers
Comments in SQL commands
The more complex reports would be easier to read with this kind of commenting...
I use the techniques you mention. I also place a text box in a suppressed report header section detailing key aspects of the report e.g. Title & Purpose, then a list of amendment history entries to include date, who made change, version number and change comments.
Lastly, if I need to comment the selection criteria (where comments disappear after saving), i create a formula called SelectionCriteria and copy the actual selection criteria into this formula. I'll change the report selection formula to #SelectionCriteria and not only does everything work I can also add comments to the selection code.

How to use Details band to display multiple data sets

I have a JasperReports's report with 10 rows fetched from the main query..
When i run the report it will show 10 rows without a problem.
Now when i add another band with fields of a data set in a list item. It is repeated for every record in the main report!. :(
How can i avoid this situation and change the second details band to print when the main report data has finished printing on the first band?
I would want to achieve this without going for sub-reports as it's difficult to maintain many files for a single report.
I have learned a lot on jasper reports over time and I'm posting the answer for my very own question to help someone in future.
What you need to do is for complex, Multi-query reports you create the main report with a simple query like this.
What this means is that when it's run main report details band will have a single iteration. That means if we have used the SYSDATE field in the details band it will print once.
OK, now if you follow the following steps you should be able to achieve the above task successfully.
Add two details band to the report (you must be having one details band by default, to add another right click --> add another detail band)
Add two data-sets to the main report (right click on the report and select Add Dataset)
Now all you need to do is use those two data sets in the previously created details bands by using either a list item or table item (personally I would recommend table as you can do lot of advanced stuff in that)
Hope this will help someone in the future. let me know if you need more help!. Cheers!!

Crystal Reports: Showing only first record in each group

I searched to get the required answer but not found exactly what iam looking for - please help me.
Please follow the steps i made in crystal report:
Using crystal report command (i created a query to get the required business number)
--> which gets 5 Business numbers
Note: Every business is having many receipt numbers (1st installment receipt, 2nd installment receipts... like that....) - these receipt details are stored in table_receipts.
In table_business - i have all details about business number, customer, product details...
Please understand the links:
table_business - table_customer - table_product - table_receipts
Relationship between tables are:
After creating the crystal report command; i just drag the required table in crystal report (table_business, table_customer,table_product,table_receipts)
Now i created a group for Business Number "BNo"
I need to display all the required details about that selected Business Number using parameter - its coming fine except receipts.
I mean its showing all receipts (all installment receipts). I need to display only the first receipt only (i.e: receipt number starst with letter "F" )
Hope you understand my requirement - Please help me in this regard.
Expecting your valuable reply.
Here is what I tried for the same issue and it worked. It's a 2 step process involving using Running Total Fields and Suppressing in Section Expert.
First step is to create a Running Total Field (Right under Parameter Fields)
Right click on it and click New and name your field i.e. CountFirstOnly
On the left you will see the fields you can perform functions on.
Select the receipts field. Bring that over to field to summarize and select count.
Under Evaluate select For Each Record
Reset on Change of Group and select your grouping, in this case business number and click OK
Drag that field into your report.
Part 2: Section Expert
Bring up the section expert on details and click on the suppress X-2 button
Your formula should be: CountFirstOnly >1
Click OK
Refresh your report
Hopefully this did the trick.
You should be able to do this by creating a forumla for suppressing the field (table_receipts.Rno).
Right-click the {table_receipts.Rno} field and select Format Field...Common tab...Check the 'Suppress' box and then click the X-2 box to the right. When the new window appears paste this:
not ({table_receipts.Rno} startswith "F")
I might have a solution for you.
1)Open the ‘Report’ menu then select ‘Section Expert’
2)Select the ‘Details’ section from the left hand menu
3)Tick the ‘Suppress No Drill-Down’ option and click on the icon to the right of it and in the formula option put
4)RecordNumber > 1
This should suppress the whole ROW/Record and not just the field. I saw your problem from this thread, I needed the exact same solution and this worked.
show only in the first row in crystal reports details section
It sounds as though the simplest way to meet this requirement would be to add a selection condition to the report - something like:
Left({table_receipts.Rno},1) = "F"
This should ensure that only the associated products and customers for the first receipt for each business are reported.

Crystal Reports subreports

Here is the scenario where I need help
I ve got a report - XYZ Summary Report (with embedded sub-report) and the XYZ Details report (the sub-report)
The requirement is that the XYZ Details report be a sub-report to XYZ Summary Report and also be available as a Stand Alone report through a Parameter.
Report Information:
1) A Parameter allowing the user to select the report they would like to run, either the XYZ Summary Report or the Agreement Details Report.
2) The XYZ Details Report should also be a sub-report to XYZ Summary Report which would allow the user to launch the XYZ Details Report through the XYZ Summary Report by selecting the linked Document Number.
I dont know if I am clear here. Let me know if you need more informaion
The combination of being able to drill down to the agreement details interactively, and being able to specify whether to run the report at detail or summary level makes this quite tricky - the former is implemented in Crystal using Hide functionality, while the latter requires conditional Suppression.
I recommend not doing the detail report in a subreport if you can avoid it - I find them awkward to develop and maintain. Additionally, due to the need to drill down interactively or at initial run-time, you will need to link to the subreport twice - once for the drill down, and once for the parameterised selection of the detail report. Consider linking the Documents table to the Agreement Details table, instead.
If you have to go down the subreport route, then:
Set up your parameter with an appropriate name (eg ReportType).
Group the main report by Document Number (if it isn't already) and place the detail items in the group header section, with the group footer section suppressed.
Split the details section of the report into two subsections.
Set the first details sub-section to Hide (Drill-Down OK) and add the subreport to it, with appropriate links on Document Number.
Set the second sub-section to be conditionally suppressed (in the Section Expert dialog) based on the value of the parameter, and add the subreport to it, with appropriate links on Document Number.
Alternatively, consider the method suggested by PowerUer, in the comments.