how to use one table in two applications in GORM - rest

i have created two applications in grails under single database now i want to use single table in both applications
eg. from one application admin will create the user login credentials
and from other application user should login using the same table. How can i solve this problem??

Domain class must be shared in both applications to achieve that and be able to use GORM. You can create plugin with common domain classes and use it in both applications. We have it working in both Grails 2.x and 3.x

Just use the same database configuration for both applications.
And if you want to run both at the same time, just run them in different ports
For more information see this post


Suitecrm Database schema for multiple companies

How can I separate database using suitecrm.
In My application there is one source code and i want to company wise separate database.
Please help me.
You might need to use seperate installations for keeping them seperate.
Additionally, you can use $sugar_config['db'] variable to dynamically connect with a database of your choice.

How to synchronize odoo database with another odoo database?

I have two databases in my postgesql, one for the client and another one for the administration, we have these legal texts created in the administration database. What I need to do is to create a button "synchronize" in the client side to allow him to add new legal texts (if there is new legal texts) to his database. I don't know how to do it, or how to access another database from the current one.
you may want to take a look at this page Web service api odoo provid you with a couple of webservice allow you to performe search or read data or create or update almost everything you need in here so if you want to create some record in the other odoo instance use xml-rpc and you can create or update anything you want if you have acces rights.
read it carefully it's so easy to understand and the example works fine in the online version you need it

Multi tenant application in grails with shared DB Separate schema can any one provide any demo app or any good reference for that

I have to make a web application multi-tenant enabled using Shared database separate schema approach. Application is built using Grails and PostgreSQL .
I need to have one single app server using a shared database with multiple schema, each schema per client.
What is the best implementation approach to achieve this? - What needs to be done at the middle tier(app-server) level? - Do I need to have multiple host headers each per client? - How can I connect to the correct schema dynamically based on the client who is accessing the application?
Any links or pointers would be helpful.

Run multiple sites on the same GWT application

Can someone please point me to the right direction.
I need to be able to host my GWT application in a way that it allows multiple clients to use the same application which could be separated by url's but internally using the same application.
the different sites would probably be seperated by different configurations. eg. different database, different log path etc, etc,
any ideas.?
You could use the following way to arrange your projects :
- my.application.core.project : it holds all the business logic and views for the application except for the entry point
-my.application.customerX.project : it holds only the entry point and the property files used for having the connection to the db, probably customerX specific theme
-my.application.customerY.project : it holds only the entry point and the property files used for having the connection to the db, probably customerY specific theme
Such an organization of the projects would allow you to have a common core that is distributed to each of the customers and also the ability to build on top of the core customer-specific impelementations.
The url's per client can be done with URL rewriting. Be it with an apache server in front of your application and/or in combination with a Filter in your web application.
As for the configuration, logging, and/or database per client you want a solution that doesn't store a file per client on the file system next to your application. Preferable you store client specific settings in one database and have an admin interface to manage it. For the client's data you also don't want a separate database per client, because it doesn't scale well, and would be a maintenance mess if you need to upgrade your application and databases to a newer version. Look for a multitenant architecture.
I admit this is a vague answer, but without specific system and software descriptions it's kind of hard to give a concrete answer. Nevertheless I hope this answer does give you some direction.
I have successfully achieved this by setting up separate directories in tomcat for different clients and then creating soft-links to the main application within that folder. when it comes to database connection properties and other configuration properties, instead of pointing them to the main application I just created them separately.

PeopleSoft logins

I'm building a web application that will have access to PeopleSoft's database via jdbc.
Is it possible that I can use PeopleSoft's id/password for my custom application, so users accessing my website will not have to have another username/password?
Peoplesoft stores user details in the table PSOPRDEFN.
You will be able to verify the username against: PSOPRDEFN.OPRID.
The password field is: OPERPSWD.
Unfortunately the encryption function used for this field: hash() is available only from within peoplecode.
If you want to use a single sign on you should be able to do so by customizing the USERMAINT.gbl component perhaps in the saveprechange peoplecode, to save the password in a second field of your choice with an encryption algorithm that you can implement from JDBC as well.
If you want to reuse PeopleSoft security, you'd need to connect at a higher level than JDBC straight into the database. You could look at a component interface (codeable in Java) or send a SOAP message into PeopleSofts Integration Gateway - both methods would authenticate you against peopleSoft using its own security mechanisms.
The old way was to customize psuser.c to your needs and recompile as a new dll, used it your program, assuming you're on a Microsoft platform. As mentioned above, you could have a peoplesoft developer create a component interface ( or use the one that is delivered ). You can export wrapper Java or C/C++ code from a CI, a template. This code can then be used in an external program to call the CI. one way or the other, you have to interface with peopletools to call their decrypt for passwords.
Depending on how dynamic your business is, whether you add lots of employees each day, you could export psoprdefn using app messaging to another database. On the send, you could encrypt passwords however you like. But as you can surmise, this would not be real-time.
One thing I remember doing long ago was have a peoplesoft tech person develop a page the sole functionality of which was to call my java class and which obtained user/pswds as needed. Once I had them, I was good to go.
You can use the psjoa.jar , in that way you can signon via app.server using the same users and passwords in the psoprdefn table.
PeopleSoft has an LDAP integration ability but it has to be configured. If you are accessing via a Java wrapper around a component interface, a special account can be set up in PeopleSoft with access only to the underlying component, but the login/password would have to be passed into the component interface. This can be encrypted or sent over https.
PeopleSoft also has what it calls "row level" security - the ability to partition data sets so that for example your code could only access employee data within a specific business unit or accounting info for a particular line of business. This is all controlled within the PeopleSoft online security application.