OAuth 2.0 Server Provider in Swift with Perfect - swift

How do I offer OAuth 2.0 provider services using swift? I would like to use swift as a rest API but missing this integral component. Would probably be able to build something from the spec but don't have budget on this particular project. Would be a great component to Perfect framework but I don't see it on the roadmap at present?

There are OAuth2 client libs: https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-OAuth2
OAuth2 demo: https://github.com/PerfectExamples/Perfect-Authentication-Demo
A work in progress OAuth2 Server: https://github.com/PerfectServers/AuthenticationServer

I cannot find any Swift based OAuth identity provider solutions yet. Found a few libraries that might either be ported or built into a Swift solution, but it seems like the simplest path at the moment would be to implement something like Auth0 or OAuth.io as the provider


How to manage jwt authentication on symfony 3

I'm making REST backend in symfony3. One of specification in my project is to use JWT authentication.
Is there a bundle that supports that? Or/how to do it by my own.
I need simple solution that generates me token and secure few of my controller actions.
I saw https://github.com/auth0/jwt-auth-bundle and https://github.com/lexik/LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle. Does anyone work with this? I understand that LexikJWT is for Symfony2, what does not solve the case.
I would be grateful for any ideas how to solve my problem.
We develop a REST API with authentication JWT in SF2.
We do not wish to use the bundle Lexik because it was overkill.
We used the library: https://github.com/lcobucci/jwt .
We have a controller that checks the token, which extends the functional controllers.
Update - 2k19, LexikJWTAuthBundle works in Symfony 3.x, 4.x, 5.x.
The official docs explain you very well on how to integrate it with Symfony.
Here are 2 resources/tutorials that explain the same in more detail.

What's today's standard protocols that use by SSO(single sign on)?

SAML 2.0?
OAuth 2.0?
And others?
I know they all can do SSO, but I want to find out what are all standard protocol nowadays we used for SSO that covers 80% of market?
Anyone knows how do I find the result?
There is no standard protocol because it depends on the use case e.g.
Microsoft Enterprise uses WS-Fed.
Java Enterprise uses SAML-P.
Native (mobile) uses OAuth2 for consent. If you want authentication on top of this, add OpenID Connect.
And it also depends on the STS - not every STS supports all the above.

ASP.NET Web API with DotNetOpenAuth

I am building RESTful web API for my ASP.NET MVC4 web application using ASP.NET WebAPI. I want to use OAuth 1.0 to provide authorization. I'm looking toward of DotNetOpenAuth library. Can anyone help me to understand how to use the service provider of this library with ASP.NET WebAPI?
I'm in a similar situation as you.
I would recommend you to take a look at Thinktecture's IdentityModel Authorization extensions for Web API (and MVC).
It's a open source project hosted on GitHub, with samples to take a look at as well.
You can also grab a lot of useful info from Dominick Baier's blog
Have you looked at the OAuthServiceProvider sample that comes with DotNetOpenAuth? It demonstrates a WCF service that is protected by OAuth 1.0.

Authorization in Google Tasks API with ClientLogin

Is it possible to authenticate with client service libraries via ClientLogin?
There are only OAuth2 examples in Google Code but it requires unneeded manipulations.
ClientLogin is deprecated and should not be used. It also doesn't work with newer APIs like the Tasks API.
Sorry but the answer is no. While it may seem more complicated at first, using OAuth 2.0 and NOT storing passwords yourself is ultimately a much simpler and safer solution.

OAuth 2.0 provider implementation for Scala/Lift

Does anyone know of a OAuth 2.0 provider (server side) implementation for Scala/Lift? I see Scala 2.0 client, but no provider.
It doesn't look like there is one readily available. So I think you have two options:
Implement one yourself.
Use a Java library in Scala. However this is probably not the optimal root due to the obvious impedance mismatch. But, I don't see much other choice. The project has both an OAuth client/server library and an example on how to use it.
Check this question:
OAuth2 provider for Scalatra or Play framework in Scala
So far, I have found https://github.com/nulab/scala-oauth2-provider and it works good for me. However, I have used it with Play Framework https://github.com/tuxdna/play-oauth2-server.
this library may help Scala-OAuth