Disable Chrome Autofill creditcard - forms

I have two fields in my form which Chrome falsely identified as credit card numbers (one is for a phone number and one is for a fax number). There are also two fields for firstnames which Chrome thinks are fields for credit card names and want to autofill. Is there some attribute I can use on these elements to tell Chrome that they are in fact not related to a credit card?
I've tried setting autocomplete="false" on the inputs. This removed the autofill options for address/contact information, but the credit card option was still there.

I finally found a workaround! Set the autocomplete attribute as "cc-csc". That value is the CSC of a credit card and they are no allowed to store it! (for now...)

Have you tried:
At first glance this may look silly but ...
In some cases, the browser will keep suggesting autocompletion values
even if the autocomplete attribute is set to off. This unexpected
behavior can be quite puzzling for developers. The trick to really
forcing the no-autocompletion is to assign a random string to the
attribute --- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Securing_your_site/Turning_off_form_autocompletion

I had the same issue and solved the problem by changing:
<input type="text" ...>
<input type="email" ...>
This will add the "#" on the user keyboard, but no problem.
<input type="search" ...>
This will change the "confirm button" on the user keyboard to the "search button". It is less intuitive than the previous solution.

Chrome requires at least one input with autocomplete="on" attribute to use 'off' with others. So you can do a trick:
<input autocomplete="on" style="opacity: 0; position: absolute; pointer-events: none">
<input autocomplete="off" type="text">

I had the same issue and ended up going with this:
type="search" was the only one that seemed to work for me (taken from José's answer).
enterkeyhint="go" removes the search or magnifying glass from the "enter" button on virtual keyboards.


How does the lastpass icon determine when to appear on a form input?

The lastpass autofill icon appears on certain form fields, and on my site it has appeared unexpectedly on an input, with autocomplete="off", with no id and a name of CatName_autocomplete.
I understand I can add an attribute to disable it, but unless I do this for everything in my site, plus any other rival password managers, it could potentially crop up elsewhere. It interferes with my own custom javascript autocomplete functionality that I have on the control because it doesn't trigger the correct events to work properly.
Is there a way to find out the specific underlying logic it uses to decide whether to appear in an input? This would allow me to check I don't accidentally write misleading inputs that trigger it, or that I can know to put the attribute to disable it onto those I know would trigger.
I'm sure it's far more complicated than this, but in case it helps anyone: I disabled the icon in many fields on my page just by removing 'id' from the name attribute of the FIRST input element.
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Schedule ID"
name="scheduleId" [(ngModel)]="scheduleId" aria-label="Schedule ID"/>
triggers icons on the page, not just on this form.
<input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Schedule ID"
name="schedule" [(ngModel)]="scheduleId" aria-label="Schedule ID"/>
does not.

Google suggestion above algolia autocomplete

i've try to use Algolia today for my website, work perfectitly but the google suggestion always show in front of the input before the results of Algolia.
So if you have any idea (I already try do desactivate this but without any results )
In order to deactivate the chrome suggestion dropdown, you should add autocomplete="off" to your search input
<input type="text" autocomplete="off" />

Add MailChimp subscriber to group with signup form, not API

I know you can do this with the API, but not sure about the regular signup form.
Does anyone know if it is possible to add some code to the advanced signup form in MailChimp that would automatically add them to a specific group within my list?
I am only collecting the email address and I don't want the subscriber to have to select the group manually. If they are using that form, I want them added to that group.
I have asked MailChimp for help, but they tell me that their customer support doesn't code and that I should hire an expert.
Perhaps a segment of the relevant code may help:
<form action="http://lalala.us2.list-manage1.com/subscribe/post" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="u" value="345fc4974810ef65c8276c8">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="25c4d1b28">
<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">
<td align="right" class="formLabel"><strong>Email Address</strong> <span class="asterisk">*</span>:</td>
<td align="left">
<input type="email" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" name="MERGE0" id="MERGE0" size="25" value="*|MERGE0|*">
<br><span class="error">*|HTML:EMAILERROR|*</span></td>
Is there a hidden input type that I can add with a list grouping name that will auto add them to a group?
This is an old question, but I came across it looking for the answer myself and couldn't find a good answer anywhere (including the other answer here which is poor at best). When I couldn't find anything on this I was able to figure it out with a little experimentation.
It requires a couple steps. First, add your Group and the options you want the Group to contain (it can only be 1 if you want). Initially make sure the Group is not set to hidden. Go to your main default sign-up form in MailChimp under Sign Up Forms > General Forms. Verify the Group option(s) are visible and then use the Sign up form URL to visit your hosted sign-up form. Now, open the raw HTML in your browser using right-click > View Source. You need to find the INPUT element for the group / option you want. It will probably look something like this:
<input type="checkbox" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/CheckBox" id="group_8" name="group[13257][8]" value="1" class="av-checkbox">
The name parameter is the critical thing here. Copy and paste that entire input element inside your custom form. Now, use inline CSS to hide it and HTML to hard-code it to checked. You can also remove extra stuff too. The final version in your custom form should look something like this:
<input type="checkbox" id="group_8" name="group[13257][8]" value="1" checked="checked" style="display:none">
This will ensure that it is not visible to the user but it will automatically add them to the group defined by the name parameter that you grabbed from the form which showed it.
The final step is to go back and make sure you set that Group to Hidden to make sure it doesn't inadvertently show up on other forms.
Pretty simple!
All I did was delete the other checkboxes (as well as the unordered list and list item tags around them) and change the checkbox representing the default group I wanted into a hidden field. Literally just type="hidden" instead of type="checkbox" and that did the trick.
You should be able to add a hidden input field with the name of the MERGE TAG set for the specific group.
However, for this functionality it would be much easier to utilize the MailChimp API (even though your question suggests you'd rather not).

Browser won't prompt to save password

This is quite a common question but the solutions I found in other people posts are either related to a specific browser (mostly firefox) or incorrect usage of names (name="U12-678132-34")
My issues are with browsers other then Firefox (Firefox all ways works).
The form that I use is pretty standard HTML form but the submission of it is done with javascript (jQuery AJAX).
Firefox all ways asks to remember the password (if it is a new user) and refills the form if you land on that same page again. But when it comes to Chrome/Safari/IE8-9 then they never request to save a password if the form is submitted with javascript.
(By the way I did check if the browsers dont have the - never remember passwords turned on)
My submit happens when you click on the link inside the form or if you just click the "ENTER" button on your keyboard, then it initiates the $.submit() method.
Is there a specific way that the submit needs to occur so that the browser would request to save a password like firefox does? or is there a way to at least tell a specific browser like Chrome/IE to force that type of request?
Form example:
<form class="loginform" method="post" action="">
<div class="inputfield">
<input name="email" type="text" class="emailaddress inputclass" value="" title="Email Address" />
<div class="inputfield">
<input name="password" type="password" class="password inputclass" title="Password" value="" />
<div class="submit">
<div class="checking">
<img src="/preloaders/login-preloader.png"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" style="display:none"/>
This is browser behaviour and can't really be changed. Firefox might be "smart" enough to offer to save passwords without the form actually being submitted, but that risks having buttons in the form also trigger that option even if the button does something different. So in my opinion, it's a bad thing for Firefox to do (I've had many problems with Firefox submitting forms even though it shouldn't).
If you really want the save password option to show up, use an iframe and submit to the iframe, instead of using AJAX. You could then use AJAX from the iframe to keep the old behaviour.
attach click event to your submit button
$('#id_of_submit').click(function() {
/your ajax logic
return false;
and on link
$('#id_of_your_link').click(function() {
this will do the trick.
Looking at the answer accepted on here - How can I get browser to prompt to save password? - it seems that a valid action might help.
But i would suggest its down to browser behaviour and cannot be controlled by HTML and/or JavaScript. If you want to remember the values entered use a Cookie
As u r doing an AJAX post, then-
Remove the <form> tags
instead of <input type="submit", use button
take the field values & AJAX post- on button click event
it might do the trick.
One of the reason is that site should have a valid certificate. If it is not secured site, password save prompt will not appear after login.

PHP register form strange error

i have a image hosting website, and my register form seems to be not working, every time i click on The second field it seams to go back instantly to the first field, Its really a pain in the b*m because whats the point if people cant register, does anyone know whats going on, i would really appreciate the help, Thanks.
Oh also my register form is located here - http://www.hostaimage.com/register.php
you shold try to wrap all the table in your html file with
<form method="post" action="register.php" name="myForm">
just put it before the tag.
also change the username field to something else
<input type="text" maxlength=30 size=30 name="username"> // change name="username"
<input type="text" maxlength=30 size=30 name="_username_">
there is already field calld "username" in this page - the field of your hosting website