Telerik date picker - datepicker

I am new to telerik UI control.I need some clarifications regarding datepicker title question is how to add title property to a telerik datepicker.I tried to add tittle using htmlAttributes function,but the title should not be applied for datepicker control instead of that the title has been applied to its(datepicker) div tag when we render the UI.kindly provide the solution to add title to datepicker controls.

Try this.
format: 'dd/MM/yyyy',
value: raportDate})


Select more than one form with easepick.js?

I have used a datepicker in several places on the website.
As it is now it doesn't work because document.getElementByID('datepicker') the first datepicker is selected.
Is there a way with document.querySelecotrAll or something like this?
easepick.js form selection

AEM - Classic UI - Can we implement tooltip on Classic UI dialogue CQ widgets? If possible, how can we do it?

I am working on AEM Classic UI and I want to add a checkbox widget inside dialouge and to add a tooltip on it. Is that possible to add a tooltip or on mouse hover text inside dialogue on cq widgets? If possible, how can we implement it?
I found the solution.
The answer is NO. We can't implement direct tooltip inside dialogue box.
But we can implement a short text that works like tooltip.
feildLabel = <p title="Trust me! I am tooltip!!">Hover over me</p>
Note: In the above example, the tooltip text will appear only if we place the mouse over the base text for more then 1 second. There is an delay for a second.
We can implement tooltip in classic UI. Here below I gave the node structure to implement that.
Node Structure:
=> nt:unstructured
=> tooltip
jcr:primaryType = nt:unstructured
autoHide = true(Boolean)
title = title for tooltip
text = text for tooltip

Magento2 add custom datepicker with ui component at grid listing with inline editing

How i add a custom jquery date picker in grid with inline editing. I have add in the form but in inline editing i am facing issues. data are not save for inline editing with datepicker and don't have any error in console

react date picker does not show up when clicked, takes certain space

I am having a problem to implement date picker in react js. I need a date picker such that user can navigate through different years easily.
For this, I am testing this A carefully crafted date picker for React date picker. The problem is that, it needs much space for a single date picker. I have to use several date pickers in the form. I want that date picker input will be like a text box input. When I click on the text box, date picker will appear, like this one.
I have included the following two css files in my project.
What you are looking for is DateField. Try this instead:

How can we display labels based on a locale in a CQ5 Component dialog?

I want to display the field Label using i18N values based on the page locale. How can we achieve this in CQ5?
Have you gone through this site