Disable colors and format to source code in Eclipse - eclipse

Is it possible to disable formatting and colors to source code in Eclipse.
I want my java code look like the poor notepad (black and white, etc). don't ask why, I just need answers. Thanks.

I don't think there is a quick way to do this as it is such an unusual thing to do. But you can change the syntax coloring options in the Preferences in 'Java > Editor > Syntax Coloring'.

Changing syntax coloring options as suggested earlier is a good way to achieve that.
You can also consider just not using the Java editor and using the plain text editor instead: to do so, either open your files with right-click > Open With > Other... and select the regular Text Editor. From the Editor Selection dialog, you should be able to override the default editor for your Java files to this Text Editor.
Note that the text editor doesn't provide completion, or documentation on hover, but you'll still get validation/problem reporting.


In Eclipse, how do you change the foreground and background color in the default text editor for plain text files with no file extension?

In Eclipse for C/C++, how do you change the foreground and background color in the default text editor for plain text files, that is, files with no file extension?
I tried going to window > preferences > general > editors > text editors > appearance color options.
Here it says foreground color and background color, and after hitting 'apply', the color of the text changes briefly, but returns to default as soon as you close the 'preferences' window.
The other thing I tried is to set file associations and try to set a different internal editor as the default for plain files. However it seems to only work for files that have an extension.
I often have to deal with existing files in a repository that are actually bash scripts, but the files have no extension. It is annoying then to not even be able to configure the settings of the editor. If I can't find a solution for this, it looks like I either have to 'embrace the suck' or use a different editor outside of Eclipse.
I'm working on Kubuntu 2020-04 with Eclipse 2020-06 and using the dark theme.
It looks like the same problem as here, but I couldn't find any satisfying solution. The problem was reported there on 2020-01-03, so it actually predates my Eclipse version.
Thanks to #howlger for suggesting to upgrade. After upgrading to Eclipse version 2020-12, the first method I mentioned in the question works, that is, going to window > preferences > general > editors > text editors > appearance color options. Here you can change the foreground color and background color and it will actually stay the color you selected.

How do I disable brace highlighting in JetBrains RubyMine?

I want to disable brace contents highlighting in RubyMine. It's very distracting. Instead of having the entire string highlighted I only want the braces themselves highlighted and if that is not possible I need it disabled. Is this possible?
Things I've done already to no success:
Enabled/disabled all highlight options under Settings/General to no
effect. I'm running RubyMine v8.0.3.
Read the documentation.
I've also read this document that states how to disable highlighting
of usages by simply pressing escape - it does not work.
current brace highlighting that I need disabled
Your file type seems to be HAML.
In Settings, go to Editor > Colors & Fonts > HAML. In the lower right area, you see demo code in HAML. Look for the right spot in the code and click on it.
You will probably click on the second line because there is some code in braces. In this case, RubyMine will select the entry Injected code in the list. The check box Use inherited attributes tells you that this settings is inherited.
Now you have to choose:
If you want to change the setting for Editor > Colors & Fonts > HAML - Injected code, switch off Use inherited settings, then switch off "Background".
If you want to the settings for injected code in all languages: Click on the link "General" (on the right). RubyMine will switch to Editor > Colors & Fonts > General - Injected language frament. Now switch off "Background"
Before modifing anything, you have to create a new scheme. The default scheme is read only. Click on Save As..., choose a name and press 'OK'.
Open the Settings/Preferences dialog.
In the Editor page of the IDE Settings, select the check box Highlight usages of element at caret to enable automatic usage highlighting.

disable syntax highlighting in eclipse

I want to turn off syntax highlighting in eclipse (CDT, if it mattes).
I tried Window->Preferences->C/C++->Editor->Syntax Coloring and unchecked "Enable semantic highlighting"
I also tried Window->Preferences->C/C++->Scalability->Disable syntax coloring in editor.
Neither is doing anything for me.
How do I get regular black on white text for .c and .h files in eclipse's text editor?
You can open the files with Eclipse text editor (no syntax highlighting no completion, etc...):
you can change default file association in Eclipse preferences (General ->Q Editiors -> File associations)
you can open a file with the text editor via the contextual menu on the file "Open with -> text editor". Eclipse will remember your choice, and will use the text editor the next time you'll open this file.
Scalability mode works for me (on Eclipse CDT Luna) when I follow these steps:
Select Window->Preferences->C/C++->Scalability->Disable syntax coloring in editor
Set Window->Preferences->C/C++->Scalability->"Enter scalability mode when the number of lines in the file is more than" to something low (e.g. 10)
Close the file and reopen it.

What are these weird boxes in Eclipse/Aptana Studio

Does anyone know what these really annoying boxes surrounding random code are in Eclipse? I've seen them come, go, grab the beginning and end of a word, I have no idea what they are supposed to mean. I'd really like to turn off the "feature" or figure out what they mean at least. Thanks!
This is for Aptana 3.2.1 on Mac, working with HTML.
To disable the boxes that encompass entire matching html tags:
preferences > general > editors > html tag pair occurrences; then uncheck "text as box."
Then, to disable the boxes around the matching angle brackets themselves:
preferences > aptana studio > editors; then uncheck "colorize matching character pairs.
If you are working in Windows with Aptana studio 3 you can turn it off this way:
Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations
Inside there you find a box and select HTML Tag Pair Occurrences. Uncheck the box Text as.
However you also loose the good thing you get when you select a tag and it shows the matching tag. That's why I don't uncheck the box. Instead I chose Text as Vertical bar. It is easier to look at. Maybe you will also have to fiddle with Occurrences in the Annotations menu.
I think this is very bad done when they developed Aptana Studio. Who wants those default boxes? But I really do want to have the matching tag selected when I select one of them.

Turn off tooltips in Eclipse / Aptana

I don't know if anyone has noticed that Eclipse has this annoying feature where it needs to show a useless tool-tip when hovering just about anything.
I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to completely kill all tool-tip behavior in Eclipse / Aptana?
I found mine in Window > Preferences > Pydev > Editor > Hovers
It looks like it's a module-level feature (Java, Pydev, C++), not platform-level (Eclipse itself).
Window > Preferences > Java > Editors > Hovers
Disable Combined Hover.
I agree, hints can be really annoying, but there are times when they can be a really useful quick reference - like finding var values during debugging, or required parameter types for a method etc.
So instead of disabling them altogether, or continually enbaling/disabling through the Preferences, I go to Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Hovers > Combined Hover, and add Alt to the Pressed key modifier while hovering field below.
This way if you want to quickly see hints just hold the Alt key down.
I was completely annoyed with Aptana's tip tool text over my code. I figured out how to disable it:
Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Content Assist > Show information on hover > Off
I'm using Aptana 3.
Another thing which really annoys me on Eclipse are the light bulbs in the left part which hide breakpoints, and which are really useless.
To suppress these, go to windows>preference>java>editor and then uncheck "Light bulb for quick assists".
If you dont have this on your eclipse version, try a help search with "light bulb".
This is the answer. Change the Windows regedit.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER ->Control Panel -> Mouse -> mouse -> MouseHoverTime
Change its value to be 400 (4 seconds delay)
Look for TweakUI settings, under Mouse > Hover. Minimize the sensitivity and increase the time and you will, in most cases, be fine.
Note that this is under windows. In any case, search for "hover" and you should be able to find the correct location. Good luck!