NodeRed Function Node Crashes - [red] Uncaught Exception: - ibm-cloud

I am having a hard time understanding why my Node-Red Flow keeps crashing with an [RED] Uncaught Exception. It almost seems like the function node is crashing and my code inside of the function node never has a chance to catch it.
I have a very simple Node-Red flow that executes a IBMDB node.js library to insert data into my database. In order to use the IBMDB library, I had to add the package to the list of packages in my packages.json file. I also had to setup a global context variable inside the Bluemix-setings.js file. I named this global context variable IBMDB, which is the equivalent to the require statement. Once that was done, I am able to make use of the library inside a function node.
** Here is the Node.js IBMDB library, I am using.
** Here is the Flow
** Here is the code inside the function.
try {"DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password;", function (err,conn) {
conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
if (err) {
//could not begin a transaction for some reason.
return conn.closeSync();
for (i = 0; i < msg.payload.Readings.length; i++)
var result = conn.querySync("INSERT INTO db2.table (" +
"I_ID," +
"D_ID," +
"field1," +
"field2," +
"field3," +
"field4," +
"field5," +
"field6," +
"field7," +
"field8," +
"field9," +
"field10)" +
"values (" +
"1A," +
"'"+ msg.payload.field1 + "',"+
"'" + JSON.stringify(msg.payload.Readings[i].field2) + "'," +
msg.payload.Readings[i].field3 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field4 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field5 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field6 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field7 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field8 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field9 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field10 + ","+
"'2016-05-31 22:28:51.000000'" +
conn.commitTransaction(function (err) {
if (err) {
//error during commit
console.log("****ERROR: " + err);
node.error("**** ERROR: ", err);
//return conn.closeSync();
//Close the connection
} catch (e) {
node.error("**** ERROR: ", err);
When I run this with a valid SQL statement and all the data types are correctly sent, I get no errors. Everything works!!
*** The issue: When I did some testing to force a SQL error, the Node-Red instance crashes. I forced the error by sending a valid SQL statement, but the data elements in one of the fields is a non-numeric value where the table definition is expecting numeric only. I see in the error logs (console out) two lines..
The error SQL error message displayed is exactly what I was expecting to catch in my application. Instead the application just crashes.
[red] Uncaught Exception: Error: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/LINUXX8664]
SQL0103N The numeric literal "1A" is not valid. SQLSTATE=42604
Any insight on what is really happening would be greatly appreciated. I am wondering if I put this code inside a custom built node would I be able to catch the error. Could this be a limitation of using the function node as a wrapper to my code. ????

Try wrapping the conn.querySync call in it's own try/catch block. The current block is out of scope because the call happens in another function (the one passed into beginTransaction).
try {"DATABASE=database;HOSTNAME=hostname;PORT=port;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID=username;PWD=password;", function (err,conn) {
conn.beginTransaction(function (err) {
if (err) {
//could not begin a transaction for some reason.
return conn.closeSync();
for (i = 0; i < msg.payload.Readings.length; i++)
try {
var result = conn.querySync("INSERT INTO db2.table (" +
"I_ID," +
"D_ID," +
"field1," +
"field2," +
"field3," +
"field4," +
"field5," +
"field6," +
"field7," +
"field8," +
"field9," +
"field10)" +
"values (" +
"1A," +
"'"+ msg.payload.field1 + "',"+
"'" + JSON.stringify(msg.payload.Readings[i].field2) + "'," +
msg.payload.Readings[i].field3 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field4 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field5 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field6 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field7 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field8 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field9 + ","+
msg.payload.Readings[i].field10 + ","+
"'2016-05-31 22:28:51.000000'" +
} catch (excp) {
//do stuff
conn.commitTransaction(function (err) {
if (err) {
//error during commit
console.log("****ERROR: " + err);
node.error("**** ERROR: ", err);
//return conn.closeSync();
//Close the connection
} catch (e) {
node.error("**** ERROR: ", e);


https // unexpectedly closed the connection

https// unexpectedly closed the connection
I need to hit https// for Mantra Rd service connection . but not able to hit Getting error connection closed (I am using IONIC for mobile application) The same thing is working on web with angular8.
please help...
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
let url = ""'DEVICEINFO', url);
const params = '<?xml version="1.0"?> <PidOptions ver="1.0"> <Opts fCount="' + 5 + '" fType="' + "FMR" + '" iCount="' + 1 + '" pCount="' + 1 + '" format="' + 0 + '" pidVer="' + 2.0 + '" timeout="' + 60000 + '" posh="UNKNOWN" env="' + 'P' + '" /> ' + 'this.DemoFinalString' + '<CustOpts><Param name="mantrakey" value="' + '' + '" /></CustOpts> </PidOptions>';
// set `Content-Type` header
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
xhr.onload = async () => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xml = parser.parseFromString(xhr.responseText, 'text/xml');
this.obj = await this.xmlToJsonfn(xml);;
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
console.log('eoor', e);
if (e.type == 'error') {
// alert('please download the Driver');

How to replace deprecated jQuery functions?

I am trying to display a map in my UI5 app using a formatter.js where I need to put the address with the map URL together.
In the old world the code should look like the following:
formatMapUrl: function(sStreet, sZIP, sCity, sCountry) {
return ""
+ + ", " + sZIP + " " + sCity + ", " + sCountry);
How should I replace the deprecated function? Where should I add the new code?
If you look at the API documentation for, you see it states to use the module sap/base/security/encodeURL now.
Usage example from documentation:
sap.ui.require(["sap/base/security/encodeURL"], function(encodeURL) {
var sEncoded = encodeURL("a/b?c=d&e");
console.log(sEncoded); // a%2fb%3fc%3dd%26e
Usage in the formatter.js:
], function (encodeURL) {
"use strict";
return {
formatMapUrl: function(sStreet, sZIP, sCity, sCountry) {
var sBaseUrl = "";
var sEncodedString = encodeURL(sStreet + ", " + sZIP + " " + sCity + ", " + sCountry);
return sBaseUrl + sEncodedString;

ngCordova watchPosition is not working in ionic framework

I 'm working on an app in ionic framework in which I want to get location of device.
It works fine for getCurrentPosition
But when I try to use watchPosition, so that I can get new position whenever there is a change in location of device. it does nothing.
I 'm not sure what I 'm missing
my controllers.js code
.controller('LocCtrl', function($scope,$cordovaGeolocation) {
var posOptions = {timeout: 10000, enableHighAccuracy: false};
.then(function (position) {
alert('Latitude: ' + position.coords.latitude + '\n' +
'Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude + '\n' +
'Altitude: ' + position.coords.altitude + '\n' +
'Accuracy: ' + position.coords.accuracy + '\n' +
'Altitude Accuracy: ' + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy + '\n' +
'Heading: ' + position.coords.heading + '\n' +
'Speed: ' + position.coords.speed + '\n' +
'Timestamp: ' + position.timestamp + '\n');
}, function(err) {
var watchOptions = {
timeout : 3000,
enableHighAccuracy: false // may cause errors if true
var watch = $cordovaGeolocation.watchPosition(watchOptions);
function(err) {
function(position) {
var lat = position.coords.latitude
var long = position.coords.longitude
alert("Lat in Watch:"+lat);
I used some alert messages to see whats happening,
In current setuation, it gives two alert messages giving getCurrentPosition, but noting happens on changing device Location.

How to control the flow of methods that don't return promise in protractor test

I've got a spec where I'm grabbing a screenshot that also requires a dynamic path be created. makeDir does not return a promise, so it fires at the same time (after) saveScreenshot. What's the best way to ensure makeDir is called first?
getPath().then(function(path) {
makeDir(baseUrl + '/' + path);
saveScreenshot(baseUrl + '/' + path + '/' + filename);
You should be able to just chain another then() and do the second operation in there.
getPath().then(function(path) {
makeDir(baseUrl + '/' + path);
var screenshotpath = baseUrl + '/' + path + '/' + filename;
return screenshotpath;
}).then(function(screenshotpath) {

Getting null value while displaying contacts in iphone phonegap application

I am working on Phonegap application and trying to get the contacts of the device.
What I have done from this reference is as follows :
function onDeviceReady() {
var options = new ContactFindOptions();
options.filter=""; // empty search string returns all contacts
options.multiple=true; // return multiple results
filter = ["displayName"];
navigator.contacts.find(filter, onSuccess, onError, options);
// contacts Methods
function onSuccess(contacts) {
for (var i=0; i<contacts.length; i++) {
for (var j=0; j<contacts[i].addresses.length; j++) {
alert("Pref: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].pref + "\n" +
"Type: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].type + "\n" +
"Formatted: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].formatted + "\n" +
"Street Address: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].streetAddress + "\n" +
"Locality: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].locality + "\n" +
"Region: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].region + "\n" +
"Postal Code: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].postalCode + "\n" +
"Country: " + contacts[i].addresses[j].country);
// onError: Failed to get the contacts
function onError(contactError){
In console while printing the contacts I am getting this error-
[INFO] Error in success callback: Contacts1 = TypeError: 'null' is not an object
There are contacts in my simulator and contact information is not null still I am getting null. Not sure about the reason.
Please help me.
EDIT : same thing is happening when I am playing audio files ..
Any one have idea why this is happening ??