Logstash and Jboss - jboss

I have newly setup a JBOSS JVM server and would like to use ELK to visualize the Server Host Usage Metrics. Though I can see there are server logs but seem are not showing the Host Usage Metrics, i.g. cpu usage, disk usage, heap usage, etc.
Would anyone can tell me how can I collect these metrics with logstash and any simple conf file to collect them?

You could set up a pipeline of server metrics directly into Elasticsearch using Topbeat. All you have to do is define your Elasticsearch instance as the output in the configuration file. Or, you could output to Logstash.
If you're using Docker, there is a nice image by Logz.io that uses collectl and RSYSLOG:
docker pull logzio/logzio-perfagent


Is possible for a container to send kafka event when finishes?

We just migrated to a kubernetes cluster, I was wondering if it is possible to send a kafka event when a container/pod finishes automatically with the stdout as message. Right now we are using fluentd with elastic search but the output of a pod is used as input for the next one, we need to poll constantly elastic search for when the output is ready and that causes performance issues on overall execution
I'm not sure of your current setup but my first thought would jump to:
Use something such as fluentd or Logstash on it's own pod per node
Configure volume access to Kubernetes log folder /var/log/containers/*
Use the Kafka output for either fluentd or Logstash with file input (tail) on the logging folder
This approach would require the configuration above on each node however but requires minimal configuration of logging locations etc..
It's not something I've personally configured but have considered it for the future.
More info here

Writing to neo4j pod takes much more time than writing to local neo4j

I have a python code where I process some data, write neo4j queries and then commit these queries to neo4j. When I run the code on my local machine and write the output to local neo4j it doesn't take more than 15 minutes. However, when I run my code locally and write the output to noe4j pod in k8s pod it takes double the time, and when I build my code and deploy it to k8s and run that pod and write the output to neo4j pod it takes a round 3 hours. since I'm new to k8s deployment it might something in the pod configurations or settings, so I appreciate if I can get some hints
There could be few reasons of that.
I would first check how much resources does your pod consume while you are processing data, you can do that using kubectl top pod.
Second I would check if there are any limits inside pod. You can read a great deal about them on Managing Compute Resources for Containers.
If you have a limit set then it might be too low and that's causing the extended time while processing data.
If limits are not set then it might be because of how you installed minik8s. I think as default it's being installed with 4G is memory, you can look at alternative methods of installing minik8s. With multipass you can specify more memory to allocate.
There also can be a issue with Page Cache Sizing, Heap Sizing or number of open files. Please read the Neo4j Performance Tuning.

How to enable systemd collector in docker-compose.yml file for node exporter

Hi I 'm new to prometheus I have a task to make prometheus show systemd services metrics (I use grafana for visualization) I' m using stefanprodan/dockprom example as my starting point however I couldn't find how to enable systemd collector for node exporter in the node exporter section of the docker-compose.yml and also leave all the enabled by default collectors. Also I need help with getting that info to be sent into grafana. I would appreciate the code in the example or a place where I could find an adequate explanation how to do it like for dummies because I'm not experienced. Thanks in advance.
In order to enable the systemd collector in node_exporter, the command line flag --collector.systemd needs to be passed to the exporter (reference). The default collectors will remain enabled, so you don't need to worry about that.
In order to pass that flag to the application, you need to add that flag to the command portion of the nodeexporter section of the Docker Compose file (here)
In regards to sending the data to Grafana, as long as you have your Prometheus data source configured in Grafana, those metrics will show up automatically -- you don't need to update your Prometheus->Grafana when or removing metrics (or really ever, after initial setup).

Logging Kubernetes with an external ELK stack

Is there any documentation out there on sending logs from containers in K8s to an external ELK cluster running on EC2 instances?
We're in the process of trying to Kubernetes set up and I'm trying to figure out how to get the logging to work correctly. We already have an ELK stack setup on EC2 for current versions of the application but most of the documentation out there seems to be referring to ELK as it's deployed to the K8s cluster.
I am also working on the same cause.
First you should know what driver is being used by your docker containers to manage the logs (json driver/ journald etc - read here).
After that you should use some log collector in your architecture to send the logs to the Logstash endpoint. You can use filebeat/fluent bit. They are light weight alternatives to logstash/fluentd respectively. You must use one of them and not directly send your logs to logstash via syslog since these log shippers have a special functionality of enriching your logs with kubernetes metadata of the respective containers.
There might be lot of challenges after that. Parsing log data (multiline logs for example) etc. For an efficient pipeline, it’s better to do most of the work (i.e. extracting the date object from the logs etc) at the log sender side, than using the common logstash for this purpose that might be a bottle-neck.
Note that in case the container logs are not sent to stdout/stderr but written else-where, you might need to run filebeat/fluent-bit as side-car with your containers.
As for the links for documentation are concerned, I myself didn’t find anything documented in a single place on this, but the keywords that I mentioned over, reading about them I got to know many things.
Hope this helps.

AWS EB should create new instance once my docker reached its maximum memory limit

I have deployed my dockerized micro services in AWS server using Elastic Beanstalk which is written using Akka-HTTP(https://github.com/theiterators/akka-http-microservice) and Scala.
I have allocated 512mb memory size for each docker and performance problems. I have noticed that the CPU usage increased when server getting more number of requests(like 20%, 23%, 45%...) & depends on load, then it automatically came down to the normal state (0.88%). But Memory usage keeps on increasing for every request and it failed to release unused memory even after CPU usage came to the normal stage and it reached 100% and docker killed by itself and restarted again.
I have also enabled auto scaling feature in EB to handle a huge number of requests. So it created another duplicate instance only after CPU usage of the running instance is reached its maximum.
How can I setup auto-scaling to create another instance once memory usage is reached its maximum limit(i.e 500mb out of 512mb)?
Please provide us a solution/way to resolve these problems as soon as possible as it is a very critical problem for us?
CloudWatch doesn't natively report memory statistics. But there are some scripts that Amazon provides (usually just referred to as the "CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts for Linux) that will get the statistics into CloudWatch so you can use those metrics to build a scaling policy.
The Elastic Beanstalk documentation provides some information on installing the scripts on the Linux platform at http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/customize-containers-cw.html.
However, this will come with another caveat in that you cannot use the native Docker deployment JSON as it won't pick up the .ebextensions folder (see Where to put ebextensions config in AWS Elastic Beanstalk Docker deploy with dockerrun source bundle?). The solution here would be to create a zip of your application that includes the JSON file and .ebextensions folder and use that as the deployment artifact.
There is also one thing I am unclear on and that is if these metrics will be available to choose from under the Configuration -> Scaling section of the application. You may need to create another .ebextensions config file to set the custom metric such as:
BreachDuration: 3
LowerBreachScaleIncrement: -1
MeasureName: MemoryUtilization
Period: 60
Statistic: Average
Threshold: 90
UpperBreachScaleIncrement: 2
Now, even if this works, if the application will not lower its memory usage after scaling and load goes down then the scaling policy would just continue to trigger and reach max instances eventually.
I'd first see if you can get some garbage collection statistics for the JVM and maybe tune the JVM to do garbage collection more often to help bring memory down faster after application load goes down.