Not receiving notification from XPeria running Android 4.1 - azure-notificationhub

Does notificationhubs have minimum requirement for Android OS? I'm testing my app on S6 Edge and Xperia, and Xperia is running 4.1(Api 16). I get test messages from S6 Edge but not from Xperia.

According to GitHub repository ([1], [2]) of the Android SDK for Notification Hubs the minimum supported Android API version is 8.
To make sure that Xperia gets registered you can use NotificationHubClient.GetAllRegistrationsAsync(100) method from .NET SDK or REST API ([3]) to get all registrations in the notification hub. If the GCM registration id for Xperia is there, then try to use some third-party tool to send notification directly to this device, for example cURL ([4]). If you are able to send a direct notification to Xperia using a third-party tool, then please send namespace and notification hub name to and I’ll take a look.
[3] _
[4] _

I had similar issue on Dell Android tablet. But after updating play service, the problem was solved. I didn't get to try that approach on Xperia phone though since it was taken away before I found that approach.


Questions about CTS/VTS and CDD for android 10

We are developing Head Unit for Automotive and using Android 10.
We won't integrate Google Play Services on this. I concern that we have to run and pass CTS/VTS or not? And, Do you have compliant all items in Android CDD?
Please help us to make clear.
Let's assume, you are not Integrating the GMS Package, which would be the case like OEMs - Zebra, who launches their product without GMS suite, in this case, you can avoid testing and certification for GTS but if you claim, your phone is android then you have to pass CTS, CTS on GSI, STS, VTS, CTS Verifier compulsory.

Ionic 5 + Capacitor with Huawei HMS

I've build an app using Ionic 5 (Angular) and Capacitor. I'm using the Capacitor plugin for Push Notifications. All is working fine on both iOS and Android. However on Huawai phones (P30 and later) things don't work properly.
No device id is obtained and Push Notifications don't work, even the PushNotifications.addListener('registration', async (token: PushNotificationToken) => {}) is not triggered.
Any ideas on what I need to do so that I can maintain one codebase and make it work on both Android "worlds" (Google & Huawei) ?
Thanks in advance,
Probably the Ionic plug-ins you used are provided for GMS and Firebase so that their capabilities can be directly called in Ionic. Therefore, apps developed by Ionic must directly call HMS capabilities when Google Play services are unavailable.
You are advised to use HMS Ionic plugin to integrate HMS Push Kit in Ionic App. You can get the Push Plugin from here. Please use 5.0.0 version.
Or you can get it from npmjs here.
If you look for a way which allows you to use both push notifications in the same application by detecting the device type and acting accordingly, you can use G+H solution. Using the G+H approach, you are able to maintain one codebase and decide whether to use GMS or HMS based on the availability of either one.

Can we use android phones as google home device

After creating private API.AI agent, I can test it using the simulator. But is it possible to test it in Android phones ?
Not yet. But you can use the "Agent Page" under Integration in API.AI to give you a web view you can use from the phone. Easy to share too!
As given in API.AI has provided support for many platforms and using it we can access our private agent.
i.e as given in , I created android app by providing access_token detail of my agent and now I can pass the request via my android phone; similarly i used node.js and can make request to my API.AI agent from Linux PC
You can do this now that Google has pushed the Assistant to the Google Pixel, Nexus 6p, and Nexus 5x. No other phone currently can use the assistant.
Edit 4/17/17: Upon successfully deploying my own agent I was expecting to be able to use it on my phone after being able to test and preview it on my phone. However it was not working so I contacted their support and got the following answer:
Sorry for the inconvenience, but Actions on Google are not currently
supported on any device other than Google home. The functionality you
are referring to was the result of a bug that allowed access across
multiple devices to a subset of users, that bug was patched and that
is why you lost the functionality. Google is planning to make Actions
on Google available across multiple devices, but as per policy, we
don't comment on timelines for releases in support.

Push notification mechanism used by other apps in Windows Phone

I want to know what push mechanism does gmail, facebook or other common apps use in Windows Phone? Are they using MPNS only or something else (like MQTT). For example, Facebook is available for all platforms so whether they are using different protocols for different platforms or using a common approach.
I want to implement push notification for my app. The same app is being developed for other platforms like Android and iPhone also. So I want to use a mechanism which can be used across platforms.
You can use Urban Airship, it provides support for Microsoft Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 push through MPNS and WNS, but doesn't support MPNS push to Windows Phone 7 devices
Docs for .net
Docs for iOS
Docs for Android
Or Amazon SNS which requires more work
API for .net
API for iOS
API for Android
You should think of Push Notifications as a transport channel, not more. Each mobile platform (Apple, Google, Microsoft) uses it's own cloud to reach your device, and that's could be enough. Once reached, your mobbile app may do whatever it need (for example, to grab extra details about the notification as size of Push message is usually limited).
Given that in mind, it's not a big deal to create one server app communicating to 3 different clouds if sending notifications.

Is there a way to test Android, iPhone push notification without having one?

I need to create a push notification webservice for Android & iPhone, but I actually own an Iphone only, I'd like to be able to test on my machine the push notification.
I don't know anything to mobile device or development.
In order to push messages to Android using the Google Cloud to Device messaging (C2DM) requires an application on the device which has registered to the C2DM servers to receive push notifications. AFAIK, you cannot do a generic push (using C2DM) which will be received by all applications.
For more info on C2DM you can look at the documentation here and a good article can be found here.
You could download the Android SDK. It gives you the basic stuff you need to get up and running.
If you want a virtual machine, you can set one up using this guide. I set this up and it was pretty painless. I don't know how current it is, but it will at least get you something to work with.