LibreOffice Base Form Error with PostgreSQL Autogenerated UUID Primary Key - postgresql

I have a PostgreSQL 9.5 back-end and with LibreOffice Base v (x64) I am trying to create some data entry forms for various tables all with 1:many relationships. These tables all have UUID auto generated primary-keys.
LibreOffice does not like these PostgreSQL auto generated primary keys. It keeps giving me errors when I try to create a new record, sometimes when I try to edit a new record and won't give me access to the sub-form after I try to create a new parent record. Its like it cannot commit the records and isn't getting an "update" from PSQL upon a new create record.
I have discovered on the net that this is a known problem with all PostgreSQL auto generated PKEYS (UUID, SERIAL, etc) and the LibreOffice native PostgreSQL drivers.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem?


Unable to create a table in new database

beginner at SQL here, specifically using PostgreSQL. I'm trying to do something for a class here, but I keep receiving an error message and I'm not sure why. I've created a new database called "games", and I'm trying to create a basic table. The code is below.
The error message I receive is, [0A000] ERROR: cross-database references are not implemented: "games.games_schema.player_data" Position: 14
I can make the table in the default DB with postgreSQL fine, but why am I having issues trying to specifically create this table within this new Database?
CREATE TABLE games.games_schema.Player_Data
(Player_ID int,
Player_Name VARCHAR(255),
Player_System VARCHAR(255));
I thought the way I have my create table statement set up, is telling the server to create a table at that location. (database --> DBschema --> table)
Thanks for any help.
You created the games database, but that does not create a games_schema within it. It'll only create the schema Public (unless the default template has been modified) The solution is to either create a "games_schema" in the "games" database, or create your DB objects in the public schema.
Option 1: Create a schema.
create schema games_schema;
create table games_schema.player_data( ... );
Option 2: Use the Public schema.
create table player_data( ... );
My choice would be option 1, as I never allow anything other than extensions and Postgres supplied objects in public.

Postgres: Error constraint "fk" of relation "tbl" does not exist (with Yii - PHP)

I searched for this problem. But my postgres user has enough grant and I do not think I have misspelling error. However I am newbie.
I have this error message:
21:38:03 set search_path='public'
21:38:03 ALTER TABLE public.tbl_user DROP CONSTRAINT "fk-user-access-user-id"
21:38:03 ERROR: constraint "fk-user-access-user-id" of relation "tbl_user" does not exist
I use the PhpStorm. I just open the database view, expanded the tbl_user table, right click and select "drop". And I got this error in the console.
So the above SQL command generated by the PhpStorm.
Then I tried with these commands manually on Ubuntu:
ALTER TABLE tbl_user DROP CONSTRAINT "fk-user-access-user-id"
ALTER TABLE "tbl_user" DROP CONSTRAINT "fk-user-access-user-id"
But I get the same error.
In the PhpStorm I see this definition:
"fk-user-access-user-id" FOREIGN KEY (access_id) REFERENCES tbl_access (id)
The tbl_access table exists with the primary id key.
I do not understand this error message, because the "fk-user-access-user-id" foreign key is at the tbl_user and so for me the 'relation "tbl_user" does not exist' strange. I do not understand.
I tried to find similar problem on StackOverflow, but I gave up after 20x question reading.
By the way, the postgres code was generated by the Yii framework.
$this->addColumn('{{%user}}', 'access_id', $this->integer()->notNull()->defaultValue(1)->after('status'));
$this->addForeignKey('fk-user-access-user-id', '{{%user}}', 'access_id', '{{%access}}', 'id');
first row mean add access_id column to the user table.
second row: create foreign key with 'fk-user...' name on tbl_user table's access_id column references to tbl_access table's id column.
So I used this PHP code to generate this SQL commands. I prefer this way because for me the migration files are very useful.
Most likely the definition and actual implementation in your underlying DB has changed from what the app has recorded. Depending on what the history is, either a change in the app for that foreign key relationship was not migrated to persist the change at the database level, or someone has executed some operation directly at the DB level to remove the relationship. You will need to sync up the app layer to the DB at this point I would think.

schema update with doctrine2 postgresql always DROPs and then ADDs CONSTRAINTs

When updating schema, doctrine always drops and add constraints. I think, it is something wrong...
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Updating database schema...
Database schema updated successfully! "112" queries were executed
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
ALTER TABLE table.managers DROP CONSTRAINT FK_677E81B7A76ED395;
php app/console doctrine:schema:validate
[Mapping] OK - The mapping files are correct.
[Database] FAIL - The database schema is not in sync with the current mapping file.
How can this may be fixed?
After some digging into doctrine update schema methods, I've finally found an issue. The problem was with table names - "table.order" and "table.user". When doctrine makes diff, this names become non equal, because of internal escaping (?). So, "user" != user, and foreign keys to those tables (order, user) always recreating.
Solution #1 - just rename tables to avoid name matching with postgresql keywords, like my_user, my_order.
Solution #2 - manually escape table names. This not worked for me, tried many different escaping ways.
I've applied solution #1 and now I see:
Nothing to update - your database is already in sync with the current
entity metadata
I have had the same issue on Postgres with a uniqueConstraint with a where clause.
* #ORM\Table(name="avatar",
* uniqueConstraints={
* #ORM\UniqueConstraint(name="const_name", columns={"id_user", "status"}, options={"where": "(status = 'pending')"})
Doctrine is comparing schemas from metadata and new generated schema, during indexes comparation where clauses are not matching.
string(34) "((status)::text = 'pending'::text)"
string(20) "(status = 'pending')"
You just have to change you where clause to match by
((avatar)::text = 'pending'::text)
PS: My issue was with Postgres database
I hope this will help someone.
I have come across this several times and it's because the php object was changed a few times and still does not match the mapping to the database. Basically a reboot will fix the issue but it can be ugly to implement.
If you drop the constraint in the database and php objects (remove the doctrine2 mappings), then update schema and confirm that nothing needs to be updated. Then add the doctrine mapping back to the php, update the schema using --dump-sql and review the changes that are shown. Confirm that this is exactly what you want and execute the update query. Now updating the schema should not show that anything else needs to be updated.

Existing Azure Database with Entity Framework 6 Alpha 2

I have a database on azure where clustered indices are required. I would like to use Entity-Framework 6 Alpha 2, because I would like to use the new async features. When I test it on my local machine with SQL Express 2012 everything is fine, but when I try it with my azure database I get the following error:
Tables without a clustered index are not supported in this version of SQL Server. Please create a clustered index and try again.
I have no idea what to do, because when I test it with an empty database every primary key is a clustered index.
Any ideas?
Would you add a bit clarification on your situation with "Existing Database on Windows Azure" and using with EF 6? First of all - are you using EF CodeFirst, ModelFirst, DatabaseFirst?
Then if you really have existing database, how did you create it? DB + Schema manually, using some wizard (SSMS, SQL Azure Migration Wizard, EF CodeFirst created it, etc?). How this existing DB ended being in Azure?
Then trace down the full error message, check for which table it happens and manually add the clustered index on that table. It is true that every primary key you create in SQL Server, by default is also a CLUSTERED. But if the table was created first, then the Primary Key was added as separate DDL statement (ALTER TABLE ....) it might not have been created as CLUSTERED.
So, the message is pretty clear - please create clustered index first. Find out which table is SQL Azure complaining about and create a clustered index on it. If it hasn't Primary Key, just add one as CLUSTERD:
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Individual]
ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Individual_CustomerID]
[CustomerID] ASC
If it has a primary key - check which columns are included, drop it, and recreate it as clustered.

On INSERT to a table INSERT data in connected tables

I have two tables that have a column named id_user in common. These two tables are created in my Drupal webpage at some point (that I don't know because I didn't created the Netbeans project).
I checked on the internet and found that probably by adding REFERENCES 1sttable (id_user) to the second table, it should copy the value of the 1sttable (that is always created when a new user arrives) to the id_user value of the 2ndtable (that I don't know at which point is created). Is it correct?
If it's not correct I would like to know a way in pgAdmin that could make me synchronize those tables, or at least create both of them in the same moment.
The problem I have is that the new user has a new row on 1sttable automatically as soon as he registers, while to get a new row on 2ndtable it needs some kind of "activation" like inserting all of the data. What I'm looking for is a way that as soon as there is a new row in the 1sttable, it automatically creates the new row on the other table too. I don't know how to make it more clear (English is not my native language).
The solution you gave me seems clear for the question, but the problem is a little bigger: the two tables presents different kinds of variables, and it should be that they are, one in mySQL, with the user data (drupal default for users), then i have 2 in postgresql, both with the same primary key (id_user):
the first has 118 columns, most of them real integer;
the second has 50 columns, with mixed types.
the web application i'm using needs both this column with all the values NOT EMPTY (otherwise i get a NullPointerException) to work, so what i'm searching for is (i think):
when the user register -inserting his email- in drupal, automatically it creates the two fulfilled columns, to make the web automatically works as soon as the email is stored in mysql. Is it possible? Is it well explained?
My environment is:
windows server 2008 enterprise edition
glassfish 2.1
netbeans 6.7.1
drupal 6.17
postgresql 8.4
mysql 5.1.48
pgAdmin is just the GUI. You mean PostgreSQL, the RDBMS.
A foreign key constraint, like you have only enforces that no value can be used, that isn't present in the referenced column. You can use ON UPDATE CASCADE or ON DELETE CASCADE to propagate changes from the referenced column, but you cannot create new rows with it like you describe. You got the wrong tool.
What you describe could be achieved with a trigger. Another, more complex way would be a RULE. Go with a trigger here.
In PostgreSQL you need a trigger function, mostly using plpgsql, and a trigger on a table that makes use of it.
Something like:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trg_insert_row_in_tbl2()
RETURNS trigger AS
INSERT INTO tbl2 (my_id, col1)
VALUES (NEW.my_id, NEW.col1) -- more columns?
RETURN NEW; -- doesn't matter much for AFTER trigger
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
And a trigger AFTER INSERT on tbl1:
FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trg_insert_row_in_tbl2();
You might want to read about using Drupal hooks to add extra code to be run when a user is registered. Once you know how to use hooks, you can write code (in a module) to insert a corresponding record in the 2nd table. A good candidate hook to use here would be hook_user for Drupal 6 or hook_user_insert for Drupal 7.
The REFERENCES you read about is part of an SQL command to define a foreign key constraint from the second table to the first. This is not strictly necessary to solve your problem, but it can help in keeping your database consistent. I suggest you read up on database structures and constraints if you want to learn more on this topic.