How can I use curly braces in Netbeans code templates for example for an slf4j template? - netbeans

Creating a Netbeans code template for creating an slf logger is described here:
However creating code templates for log statements, e.g.
logger.debug("Something: {}", var);
is harder than expected because the template language doesn't balance curly braces. This means it will end the capture at the first ending curly brace.
There exist some examples, like for example How to get current class name in Netbeans code template? but they do not touch into the curly brace issue.
I have tried to escape them in every way I could think of so farm including:
${LOGGER default="logger" editable=false}.debug("${logMessage}${: '{}'}", ${EXP instanceof="<any>" default="exp"});
${LOGGER default="logger" editable=false}.debug("${logMessage}${: \{\}}", ${EXP instanceof="<any>" default="exp"});
but no luck. Also my google skills have been failing me so far.

Turns out there is a simple solution. I didn't find it anywhere near anything about netbeans code templates, but under a question about freemarker:
How to output ${expression} in Freemarker without it being interpreted?
Basically the answer is to use r"..." around the code, like this:
${LOGGER default="logger" editable=false}.debug("${logMessage}${:r"{}"}", ${EXP instanceof="<any>" default="exp"});
Now this can be assigned to sld, so I can type slt, expand it to:
logger.debug("logMessage: {}", <last variable>);
Where "logMessage" is selected (so I can overwrite it with something useful, one tab selects ": {}" so I can delete it if I want to log without parameters and a last tab selects which is the last assigned value (in case I want to replace or remove it).


Add parentheses around C-expression in Eclipse

Is there a way to select a C/C++ expression in Eclipse and put a bracket around it with a single keyboard shortcut? IDEs usually have this but I couldn't find a way in Eclipse.
For Java Code, there is a more or less good workaround described in Parentheses over selected words in Eclipse, but this does not work for C-Code - after bringing up the template list for the selection, the suggested templates are empty.
As far as I know, exactly that is not possible. You might report it to Eclipse CDT as a feature request.
But as workaround a template like the following can be used:
If you hit Shift+Alt+Z the Surround With Quick Menu shows all templates containing ${line_selection} and with a number key a templated can be selected.
The key Shift+Alt+Z can be changed, but unfortunately no key can be defined to select the template directly. Also unfortunately, this does not work for multi-line selections because everything in the template in the line before ${line_selection} will be applied to each selected line.

Multiline regular expression search in Visual Studio Code

Multiline regular expression search doesn't work in VS Code version 1.27.2 .
Theoretically aaa(\n|.)*bbb should find string starting from aaa and ending bbb but it doesn't work.
The solution mentioned here Multi-line regular expressions in Visual Studio Code doesn't work as well.
Multiline search is added in v1.29 released in November 2018. See multi-line search.
VS Code now supports multiline search! Same as in the editor, a regex
search executes in multiline mode only if it contains a \n literal.
The Search view shows a hint next to each multiline match, with the
number of additional match lines.
This feature is possible thanks to the work done in the ripgrep tool
to implement multiline search.
Multiline search is coming to the Find Widget with v1.38. See multiline find "pre-release" notes.
Multi Line search in Find Widget
The Find Widget now supports multiple line text search and replace. By
pressing Ctrl+Enter, you can insert new lines into the input box.
Odd that it is Ctrl+Enter in the Find Widget but Shift+Enter in the Search Panel (see Deepu's answer below). Shift+Enter has other functionality when the Find Widget is focused.
yes, you could use regex for mutliple line search in VScode.
To find a multi-line text block starting from aaa and ending with the first bbb (lazy qualifier)
To find a multi-line text block starting from aaa and ending with the last bbb. (greedy qualifier)
I have been looking for a quick way to do this, and I have come to the following:
with start_text and end_text being the bounds of your multiline search.
breaking down the regex ".?(.|[\n])?":
".?" will match any characters from your start text to the end of the line. The "?" is there to ensure that if your end_text is on the same line the . wont just keep going to the end of the line regardless (greedy vs lazy matching)
"(.|[\n])" means either a character\whitespace or a new line
"*?" specifies to match 0 or more of the expression in the parentheses without being greedy.
<meta.*?(.|[\n])*?/> will match from the beginning of all meta tags to the end of the respective tags
<script.*?(.|[\n])*?</script> will match from the beginning of all script tags to the respective closing tags
Using .*?(.|[\n])*? with improperly or partially filled in start_text or end_text might crash VS Code. I suggest either writing the whole expression out (which doesn't cause a problem) or writing the start and end text before pasting in the regex. In any case, when I tried to delete parts of the starting and ending text VS Code froze and forced me to reload the file. That being said, I honestly could not find something that worked better in VS Code.
Without using regex.
Multi-line search is now possible in vs code version 1.30 and above without using regex.
Type Shift+Enter in the search box to insert a newline, and the search box will grow to show your full multiline query. You can also copy and paste a multiline selection from the editor into the search box.
You can find and replace in multiple lines by using this simple regex : StringStart\r\nStringEnd
For example
public string MethodA(int x)
var user;
public string MethodB(string y)
var user;
public string MethodC(int x)
var user;
public string MethodD(float x)
var user;
If you want to replace the name of user variable with customer along with method parameter name to user but only for the int ones.
Then the regex to find will be : int x)\r\nEnterBlankSpacesHereToReachTheString{\r\nEnterBlankSpacesHereToReachTheStringvar user
and regex to replace will be : int user)\r\nEnterBlankSpacesHereToReachTheString{\r\nEnterBlankSpacesHereToReachTheStringvar customer
See for reference
I had a similar issue, this works better for me:
This includes carriage return (\r), new line (\n), tab (\t), any whitespece (\s) and any non whitespace (\S). There seems to be some redundancy putting "." and "\S" together, but it doesn't work without both in my case.
No regex way: you can copy multiline text and paste it in "Find in files" form:
result of "Replace all":
(.|\n)+? or [\s\S\r]* or [.\n\r\t\S\s]* may be understandable when viewed in isolation, but in an already complex regex expression, they can add that extra layer of complexity that makes the whole thing unmanageable.
On Windows, for files on the local disk, I find the best solution is to switch to using Notepad++. Not only does it handle multi-line out of the box, it also has a pleasant interface for multi-file search and replace, handles macros gracefully, and is quite light-weight. You can switch back to VScode as soon you have finished your regex changes. Personally, I deleted Notepad++ when I found VScode, but reinstalled it later when I found some of what Notepad++ had to offer was missing in VScode. Both are free to use! I'm sure there's an equivalent on the Mac.
If you are willing to search JavaScript, TypeScript or JSON files I can recommend my VScode extension
It allows for formatting agnostic text search and structural code search
You can find it on or at VSCode Marketplace
Your query could look like this
where $$m means optional multiline set of any characters
Make sure to use text mode for this query
CodeQue can make much more than that!
The reason on this behavior is very simple.
Multiple line search isn't implemented yet.
see: Support multi-line search for Global search

How do I modify the EL opening template in Eclipse?

Whenever I am working in a JSP file and I type ${ to start an el (Expression Language) tag, Eclipse will automatically add } (with a space before the closing brace) after the cursor so that I get ${ } instead of ${}.
Is there a code template in Preferences that I can modify to change this behavior, or is it beyond user preference control?
I have checked in Preferences: Web: JSP Files: Editor: Templates, but none of those templates match. I've also looked in several other sections in Preferences but haven't found anything promising.
What #Mero provided (see comments on answer above) might not be an exact answer, but creating a JSP Template probably the closest thing that I've found.
A few notes for anyone that wants to go that route:
Create a new template through menu Window->Preferences, then in the drill down menu navigate to Web->JSP Files->Editor->Templates. Click New.
Name is a shortcut you can type (the same way typing sysout ctrl+space in Java is a shortcut for System.out.println()). I suggest something simple like el. This allows you to type e l ctrl-space instead of $ { ctrl-space to pull it up.
Context tells it when it should appear in intellisense. I suggest creating two of this template where one has a context of JSP Attribute value and the other has a context of All JSP.
Description is just informative. Put whatever you want. I put 'EL Script' myself.
Pattern is where you put what will be inserted. Put $${${cursor}} or $${${script}}, depending on preference. See below for explanation on the differences.
In Eclipse Templates ${} is how you put variables in the template, so to make it actually print ${} you have to escape the $ with a $$ leading to $${}.
The predefined variable ${cursor} defines where the cursor is after intellisense replaces the el, so to have the cursor appear in between the curly braces you want to do this: $${${cursor}}.
Using any variable that is not predefined (in this case, ${script}) will simply put in that variable with a box around it and allow you to type over it and press enter when you're done, allowing you to move to the end of the closing curly brace.
Note: I understand that this is not an actual answer, but rather is a workaround. I'm putting it here simply so that those who are fine with a workaround can know how to go about doing it.
For those that don't like having to type ctrl-space, a workaround could be to have the template name start with< since on JSP pages, the < opens the intellisense, so for instance, you could have the name be <el or <$.
A workaround but not an answer:
Disable auto-close of EL tags. You type ${expression} and get ${expression}|, rather than typing ${expression and getting ${expression| }. (| denotes the cursor location)
See this answer, from when this same question was asked of Eclipse Kepler:

Sublime Text 2 how to wrap selection with quotes/auto-pairing

I just switched from Textmate 2 to Sublime Text 2. I figured that typing single quotes or brackets would automatically generate a second quote or bracket with the cursor in between ("auto-pairing" is what they call it, Textmate2 does this by default) but this isn't happening.
I see that in the preferences->settings-Default there is some JSON configuration that would seem to be doing what I need but this is not the case. I haven't changed any of this default configuration.
Could someone help me add to my preferences->settings-User the configuration I need to enable auto-pairing for all the common tags, i.e., "'{[(?
Right now I'm working on a client's laptop and running Sublime Text 2 portable version from my flash drive. No additional packages installed, default settings. Everything works as expected:
When I type a single or double quote, brackets, square or curly brackets it adds a closing one and puts cursor in the middle.
When I select smth and press any of mentioned above keys it surrounds selection with pair of appropriate quotes or brackets.
Check your Settings>Default, look for this:
// Controls auto pairing of quotes, brackets etc
"auto_match_enabled": true,
It's near line 89 or so.
Not a direct answer to your question..but I have installed a few plugins in ST2 and auto-pairing works fine.
I am not sure which plugin is responsible for it. Let me know if you would like me to share the list of plugins.

Parentheses over selected words in Eclipse

A few days back I felt this question to be dumb and dint post it here, but after even after searching a lot I dint find a proper solution.
For those of you who used TextEdit (on Mac), they will perfectly know what I am talking about.
While coding I just want to put quotes or parentheses over a word or a line.To do this I'll have to move back to the starting of the word, open the quote and then go to the ending of the word and close it.
Is there a plugin or so in eclipse where I can just surround the current selection with quotes or parenthesis ?? I am not talking about quick fix (Ctrl + 1). It can be used for much complex templates.
You can do that with a custom template, so for example if you want to create this template for java, you can do :
Preferences ---> Java ---> Templates
Create a new template and call it quote, then type this as pattern :
Save it and Apply.
After that you can use that template selecting the text you want to quote then press CTRL + SPACE and then chose quote.
Same thing for parenthesis :